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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Soooo You're buffing Jugernaught PvP mobility...


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Correct me if I'm wrong -- All they are doing is letting Force Push reset Force Charge/Jump's CD, yeah?


That's hardly a buff at all.. You realize that Force Push is a long-ish CD, and you have to be fairly close to use it -- Great, you can jump one more time than you could before, but you're still going to be kited because the sage/sorc can simply pump out more CC than you can remove.

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Correct me if I'm wrong -- All they are doing is letting Force Push reset Force Charge/Jump's CD, yeah?


That's hardly a buff at all.. You realize that Force Push is a long-ish CD, and you have to be fairly close to use it -- Great, you can jump one more time than you could before, but you're still going to be kited because the sage/sorc can simply pump out more CC than you can remove.


They wanted to increase their time on target. Which I agree it is odd the way they are doing it, they require you to push the target out of range in order to get more time on it. :eek:


However, in hutt ball, I can see juggs leaping to a target on a bridge, pushing him back across a fire pit, then leaping to that same target on the reset of charge. This seems to be more of a hutt ball carrying buff than what they intended.

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I understand that hutt ball is played on imperial side 95% of the time, but balancing the classes around hutt ball isn't something they should be trying to achieve.

While I agree that it would be silly to balance the whole game around Huttball, the fact remains that Huttball is still a part of the larger game....and if one class has tremendous advantages compared to other classes, something should be fixed.


Is that the case here? I don't know yet. I'm just saying. :]

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What's up with that? Three ways to Jump across obsticles isn't enough? I have an idea: Why not just change the rules in Huttball to "If a Jug grabs the ball, automatic point!" Oh wait. You just indirectly did that.


What's the third way?


Are you including Zealous Leap? The range on that is incredibly short.

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So.....we can't buff a PVP spec that's underperforming across the board because they do well on Huttball?


This change is perfectly acceptable. It's a longish cooldown and refreshes force leap. This lets you use it immediately after force push so you can get on the target you pushed, or use it as an ability to get a little more mobility.


Honestly, I don't think this change was needed. Mobility isn't the problem with guardian/jugs anyway. It's the clunkiness, resource system and lack of elegant/quick ways to deliver damage in PVP.


So while a bit unnecessary, the change will still do some good for the class and open up a little more in the ways of showing skill and proper timing with your class. The noobs will just spam force push on CD followed by force leaps. The pro's will use force leap+force push+intercede to bunny hop around the battlefield at will.

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i consider this more a nerf than a buff (playing rank 53 guardian)


force leap cooldown went from 15 to 30 seconds

force push now resets force leap cooldown (1 min cd)


so what does it mean? insane leaping once a minute and more getting kited in between. i want this change to disappear, no appeal in situational gameplay

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While I agree that it would be silly to balance the whole game around Huttball, the fact remains that Huttball is still a part of the larger game....and if one class has tremendous advantages compared to other classes, something should be fixed.


Is that the case here? I don't know yet. I'm just saying. :]


I wouldn't say they are out of line currently doing objectives in hutt ball unless you compared them to operatives.


Sages/sorcs seem to be the true stars of carrying and assisting in hutt ball. Pulls, sprints, heals, aoe knockbacks, and shields.

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i consider this more a nerf than a buff (playing rank 53 guardian)


force leap cooldown went from 15 to 30 seconds

force push now resets force leap cooldown (1 min cd)


so what does it mean? insane leaping once a minute and more getting kited in between. i want this change to disappear, no appeal in situational gameplay


Wait, what?


They increased the cooldown of leap? I didn't see any such thing.

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What's up with that? Three ways to Jump across obsticles isn't enough? I have an idea: Why not just change the rules in Huttball to "If a Jug grabs the ball, automatic point!" Oh wait. You just indirectly did that.


Today you learned that PvP isn't balanced around huttball.


Seriously, go play a Jugg/Guardian and then come back here and tell me our mobility didn't need a buff.

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They wanted to increase their time on target. Which I agree it is odd the way they are doing it, they require you to push the target out of range in order to get more time on it. :eek:


However, in hutt ball, I can see juggs leaping to a target on a bridge, pushing him back across a fire pit, then leaping to that same target on the reset of charge. This seems to be more of a hutt ball carrying buff than what they intended.


I *suppose* it helps... but just minorly. I mean.. Force Push has a 10m range. If you already expended your first jump, and then the enemy knocks you back/speeds away/snares you or whatever else CC they have, and they get outside of 10m range, how are you going to catch them then? It really just doesn't seem like a proper amount of help for them. Maybe if Force Push had better range, say 15m or 20m, you might be able to push them soon enough before they get out of range of force push.

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Can we please do something about Obliterate, the 10m force charge/jump? Besides the terribad range it has, it has a huge issue -- It does not snare the opponent like Charge does, so what ends up happening is that you leap to where they were when they cast it, not where they are currently. So, you jump to where they were.. and now they are again out of range because they moved during it's cast duration. All I really want is like a measly .5 sec snare or something to help the mobility out..

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Wait, what?


They increased the cooldown of leap? I didn't see any such thing.


ok i reviewed the patch notes, you are right its not in there. must have been a false rumor in the test server forum i did not read properly.


so its just a buff, a rather strong one then. dunno why this was implemented, there should be more present issues on the agenda

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Can we please do something about Obliterate, the 10m force charge/jump? Besides the terribad range it has, it has a huge issue -- It does not snare the opponent like Charge does, so what ends up happening is that you leap to where they were when they cast it, not where they are currently. So, you jump to where they were.. and now they are again out of range because they moved during it's cast duration. All I really want is like a measly .5 sec snare or something to help the mobility out..


Yes, it's quite annoying having that talent that is supposed to be an extra gap closer and it ends up sticking you 5 meters from where your target actually is.

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I actually re-spec'd out of it because it's almost completely useless. The facts that you can do nothing during the animation, it's weak damage, and you end up not gaining anymore distance to your target, the bad range that you can't jump up levels with it... too much to even try to justify taking it. I'd rather spend my talent/rage points on something else. The only use I can see for it is proc'ing the smash/sweep and force scream talents. Edited by Auhfel
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