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So what's the OP flavor of the month so far?


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What happened to all the crying about sorcerers topping healing and damage charts at the same time in WZs? Did everyone reroll a sorcerer so now no one wants to cry about them anymore, or what?


People got to 50 and realized that we aren't nearly as menacing as joe level 30 makes us out to be.

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Take your pick... ops/scoundrel has a cc-into-burst from stealth, merc/whatever the mirror is has a high dps turretmode using tracer missile that people are mad about, sorc/sage has extremely high utility so it's really good at Huttball, there's lots of whining about healing in general... and the only reason people haven't started complaining about the insanely high sustained damage of sent/mara is that there are very few good sents out there right now.


Did I miss anything?


Nope you nailed it. You even got the Sent/Mara part right, which according to most people is a broken class. In reality its OP in capable hands.

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For sure n o t operative/scoundrel ...at least on my pvp server, on of the least played classes. If Agent , then Snipers are more played than melee for sure.



Most played classes are Mercenary/Commando and Sorcer/Sage, aswell Shadow/Assassin so far...

Edited by BobaFurz
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I think that the fact that you see so many of them might explain why you don't see as much crying about them anymore. People don't cry and beg for nerfs to their own class. :p


I know when I see a class that's not doing as strong as others, I certainly go out of my way to level them up to 50 and gear them out.


What loony toon world do you live in where tons of people rolling a class=obviously means it's not overpowered?


I hope that was sarcasm =/

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From rolling a new sniper alt all I see around my level are mercs, sorcs and ops.



I honestly don't think sorcs or mercs are really OP, maybe need some small changes but nothing big. Ops there are TONS of people who have re-rolled as one now. The funny thing is they are mostly bad and I kill them on my sniper.




The thing about this game is there is a huge disparity in how hard classes are to play properly. Sorcs, ops and mercs are all really easy to get big impressive numbers without using many keybinds or much of a thought process.


Most of the other classes require a lot more skill and require the usage of many more abilities to be played to their maximum effectiveness. My assassin, for instance, has about 12 abilities I use on a regular basis that all have CDs of less than 30s. On top of that I have another 5-7 abilities (mostly CC/defensive) with 45s+ CDs that are also used regularly.


When a merc/sorc/op can use 5-10 abilities and do just as well or better I can understand why people re-roll.

Edited by Karandor
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I know when I see a class that's not doing as strong as others, I certainly go out of my way to level them up to 50 and gear them out.


What loony toon world do you live in where tons of people rolling a class=obviously means it's not overpowered?


I hope that was sarcasm =/

But you see, I am talking about the current FLAVOR OF THE MONTH. I don't know how you get that I am saying that popular=OP, unless you are deliberately trying to be obtuse.


"Flavor of the Month" implies popularity as well as PvP viability. Operatives certainly have good opening burst, and with buffs stacked, it's too good. However, I disagree with anyone who calls operative/scoundrel the current flavor of the month.


Sorcerers, on the other hand, are both powerful and extremely popular, making them a better candidate for the title, in my opinion. Bounty hunters could probably also fit the bill.


Am I asking for nerfs? No. I'm not even saying that these classes are OP, necessarily. I am only saying that, if we are talking about the current "flavor of the month", sorcerers would be a better candidate than some other classes, due to their popularity and PvP viability.

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I want to laugh at all the people on this post haha you have pretty much named all the classes in the game so every one is an op class sweet good job all


Was Jugg, marauder, sential, guardian, sniper, gunslinger, powertech and vanguard listed?

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Sorry, it's not an easy answer. Even just for PvP:


World Solo PvP: Operative


Pug Huttball PvP sub-50: Merc, Assassin, Powertech


Pug Huttball PvP 50: Powertech, Sorc


Pug other BGs: Assassin


Premade Huttball PvP: Sorc, Jugg, Powertech, Assassin


Premade other BG PvP: Sorc, Merc, Marauder, Operative, Assassin


Any PvP paired with a healbot: Marauder



*Note, sub-50, getting badges is ranked higher than ability to get wins. At 50, pug wins for daily/weekly are more important than farming badges.


If you play Imperial, give a lot of consideration to Huttball rankings

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The thing about this game is there is a huge disparity in how hard classes are to play properly. Sorcs, ops and mercs are all really easy to get big impressive numbers without using many keybinds or much of a thought process.


Most of the other classes require a lot more skill and require the usage of many more abilities to be played to their maximum effectiveness. My assassin, for instance, has about 12 abilities I use on a regular basis that all have CDs of less than 30s. On top of that I have another 5-7 abilities (mostly CC/defensive) with 45s+ CDs that are also used regularly.


When a merc/sorc/op can use 5-10 abilities and do just as well or better I can understand why people re-roll.


Yeah. There's a ton of crap to watch on my Assassin. Between multiple abilities coming off cooldown and watching for buffs and debuffs to get maximum effectiveness..then having to be on your toes for interrupts and what not..it's deffinately not for the faint of heart if you want to play it to its max potential.


Maybe that's why I like it. But I still like to have my OP faceroll classes for those days you just wanna mop the floor with people and make little kids cry :-).

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The thing about this game is there is a huge disparity in how hard classes are to play properly. Sorcs, ops and mercs are all really easy to get big impressive numbers without using many keybinds or much of a thought process.


Most of the other classes require a lot more skill and require the usage of many more abilities to be played to their maximum effectiveness. My assassin, for instance, has about 12 abilities I use on a regular basis that all have CDs of less than 30s. On top of that I have another 5-7 abilities (mostly CC/defensive) with 45s+ CDs that are also used regularly.


When a merc/sorc/op can use 5-10 abilities and do just as well or better I can understand why people re-roll.


I use about 30 keybinds on my commando. Playing Assault or Gunnery uses pretty much the same amount of keybinds and you need the same abilities when you play either spec.


Really, people need to stop talking out of their back ends. It's just that range classes can drop people much faster in this game, from range, than most games let you get away with. Especially since melee don't have a slew of ranged cc's and a million gap closers/auto snares and so forth like some other MMO's have.


It has very little to do with this class vs this class and more to do with the fact that range DPS is INCREDIBLY easier than melee DPS in PVP. You have to be WAY more situationally aware as melee or you'll get dropped in about 2-3 seconds when delayed damage/dots finally kick in and half your health is suddenly missing with almost no warning.


However, melee don't worry about clutch healing/dispelling. So tally one up for the brainless melee amirite?

Edited by Vlaid
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From rolling a new sniper alt all I see around my level are mercs, sorcs and ops.



I honestly don't think sorcs or mercs are really OP, maybe need some small changes but nothing big. Ops there are TONS of people who have re-rolled as one now. The funny thing is they are mostly bad and I kill them on my sniper.




The thing about this game is there is a huge disparity in how hard classes are to play properly. Sorcs, ops and mercs are all really easy to get big impressive numbers without using many keybinds or much of a thought process.


Most of the other classes require a lot more skill and require the usage of many more abilities to be played to their maximum effectiveness. My assassin, for instance, has about 12 abilities I use on a regular basis that all have CDs of less than 30s. On top of that I have another 5-7 abilities (mostly CC/defensive) with 45s+ CDs that are also used regularly.


When a merc/sorc/op can use 5-10 abilities and do just as well or better I can understand why people re-roll.


hurray go you lol you realise half the assassin moves are the sorc moves as well, so if you have 30 moves that you have to watch that would most likely mean the sorc has about 15 atleast......

your logic sucks


fyi the only reason people think sorc have no moves is cause THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME imagine that they look like lightning (this just in sorc shoot lightning from there fingers).


Another thing for all people who think all we do is spam lightning........

Lightning procs every one of my other abilities so yes im going to put it on you all the time think of it as a dot that comes from my fingers not an attack that when it crits it proc other thing, i can use about 10 moves with out you even knowing ive used them.


So before you think you know what your talking about try reading up on them first.

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Grav round/tracer missile spamming. Operative/scoundrel takes too long to level up.


really? then why have I only spent about 30-40 hours on my scoundrel and he's level 25 already? Leveling is not hard to do. It's one the easiest things to do in this game.


Imperial Operatives or Bounty hunters it seems on my server.

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I think one of the main reasons Smugglers/Agents get so much 'nerfbat/overpowered' attention is because of how our burst works and our perception of that said burst.


For instance, a bounty hunter/sniper can unload hell on you from a great distance without ever being noticed. Couple them with any decent Shadow/Assassin and you're in for a treat. They're putting out just as much damage on you, but you're not aware due to the firefight going on. Hell, you want proof? Take a look at this (and this is from a guardian mind you):




Now let's take a look at the Scoundrel. We pop out of stealth with shotguns blazing at your face as you're looking up from the floor. It's going to look pretty bad. Especially when you're there for three seconds watching our crits stack up on you. In this instance, we become aware. Another class that is constantly aware -- that gets just as much attention as Smugglers/Agent for the nerfbat -- is the Sorcerer. When you're stun-locked from lightning... it's going to look pretty bad. And believe you me, a well played Sorcerer can halve your life just as much as my guns can.


The only thing I can say about Scoundrels/Operatives that's 'unfair' is how we can stack stims for massive burst. But.. they're taking that out in the next patch. So that's fine.


tl;dr Scoundrels/Operatives aren't anymore of a threat than other classes. And to the OP, there isn't one. The only thing overpowered is the player. So, play what's fun for you.

Edited by Westinftw
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If they are going to nerf grav round by putting a cooldown I hope they also nerf the scoundrel opener at the same time to appease forum QQers. These are the two most complained about overpowered elements in pvp.


Just kill two birds with one stone, nerf grav rounds by putting a cooldown and scoundrels opener. EVERY ONE is happy other than scoundrels and commandos, now lets move on.

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I think one of the main reasons Smugglers/Agents get so much 'nerfbat/overpowered' attention is because of how our burst works and our perception of that said burst.


For instance, a bounty hunter/sniper can unload hell on you from a great distance without ever being noticed. Couple them with any decent Shadow/Assassin and you're in for a treat. They're putting out just as much damage on you, but you're not aware due to the firefight going on. Hell, you want proof? Take a look at this (and this is from a guardian mind you):




Now let's take a look at the Scoundrel. We pop out of stealth with shotguns blazing at your face as you're looking up from the floor. It's going to look pretty bad. Especially when you're there for three seconds watching our crits stack up on you. In this instance, we become aware. Another class that is constantly aware -- that gets just as much attention as Smugglers/Agent for the nerfbat -- is the Sorcerer. When you're stun-locked from lightning... it's going to look pretty bad. And believe you me, a well played Sorcerer can halve your life just as much as my guns can.


The only thing I can say about Scoundrels/Operatives that's 'unfair' is how we can stack stims for massive burst. But.. they're taking that out in the next patch. So that's fine.


tl;dr Scoundrels/Operatives aren't anymore of a threat than other classes. And to the OP, there isn't one. The only thing overpowered is the player. So, play what's fun for you.



The difference being Sorc and merc just have regular 4 second stun. Just as you say the scoundrel burst is done with the player on the ground, you're stunned the whole time you eat this huge burst, that's what's OP and every single non Op (and a lot of Ops agree) seems to realize this why do Ops not think so?

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Basically, *not* Jedi Knights/Sith Warriors.


When you put it that way, BW actually did a good job right off the bat. They just need to do some tweaking. IE: Ops opening burst needs to be tuned down, and I'm waiting for a Bounty Hunter video that removes every button from his bar except Tracer Missile and basic attack. Tracer Missile needs to be nerfed, but other skills buffed so they have a reason to hit another button. Where they are now is okay, just stupid.


On the plus side, you kick Tracer Missile, 95% of Bounty Hunters have no freaking idea what to do.

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Once this whole GCD bug thing gets fixed, and people start to get some gear, marauders and sentinels will be the most cried about classes in the game


marauders are beast`s in PvP with gear and skill, seen many skilled marauders rip opratives, sages you name it- apart, not just 1v1, but 3 vs 1 to..

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Take your pick... ops/scoundrel has a cc-into-burst from stealth, merc/whatever the mirror is has a high dps turretmode using tracer missile that people are mad about, sorc/sage has extremely high utility so it's really good at Huttball, there's lots of whining about healing in general... and the only reason people haven't started complaining about the insanely high sustained damage of sent/mara is that there are very few good sents out there right now.


Did I miss anything?



You just hit the nail on the head!!! i play a sentinel, and a maurauder, and since launch have lol'd about the OP claime on sorcerer and agents and ****. I literally as a lvl 30 feel op, but i know how to play. you can get on some serious kill spree's, and still tank a bit if you have skill. i would say that these classes are the most skill intensive ones, but if you play them right you can take anyone. i never lose a 1v1 with anybody, and have like 1 50/50 hot on most 2v1 scenarios, and im only lvl 30. there are so many noobs that play this game, you cant judge what is a strong class by what is at the top of the leaderboard.

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Once this whole GCD bug thing gets fixed, and people start to get some gear, marauders and sentinels will be the most cried about classes in the game


This, they're already ridiculous hard hitting and absolute tanks when they're geared.


3 jug's and a healer = unbeatable

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