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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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debating..may cancel it. fps down to 3 on an excellent comp is just bogus.

No it's carebear PvE game forced to go mass PvP. This game is not designed for mass PvP, even warhammer, which WAS designed for mass PvP, used to have terrible performance issues with mass PvP.


Mythic, get your sheet together, you can't make Ilum a warhammer PvP zone, just try to endorse SMALL SCALE PvP in Ilum, through daily/weekly/rewards.


Swtor's PvP mechanics + performance issues with multiples on screen make mass PvP horrible. So try to get the people to engage in small scale open world PvP.

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No I wont. Don't get me wrong, its a great game. But the thought of paying a monthly sub for a single player game with some coop features is putting me off. I already paid $150 for it.


Yeah, it must be a great game since you've spent $150 but don't want to play it any more.

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I'm not gonna say whether im still subbed or unsubbed. I have a 50, a 22, and a lvl 12. I dont have all the answers and psychic powers that know all the inner workings of bioware and ea, but from what ive read and heard about other bioware games is that they do a great job.


EA , imo, is the monster. Theyve eaten a few gaming companies over the yrs and turned out some crap for the sake of stock prices. There is a chance that Bioware was doing theyre usual "great job" and making a polished "finished" product when the monster came up from behind and said package what you got..or else.


I dont know im just speculating, ive never played a bioware game but i have friends and family that have. Also this game release was record breaking, no doubt about that. Really high anticipation. you wouldnt get that from some start up company. People expected a certain quality / content. Anyway, Cartman figured it out. EA's been making money off of slaves..i mean "student atheletes" for yrs now.

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I am subbing, As I am actually playing the game, a couple hours a day, not skipping anything. I am really enjoying the quests. All you guys that just did main story, and skipped most of it with space bar to boot, and then used PVP/flashpoints to cap 50 missed the whole game. No


additionally I am finding the all the datacrons and lore objects without the use of any guide, you know, actually figuring stuff out on my own, this way I actually feel rewarded when I acomplish something.


I am also staying because all the hardcore power gamers that care not for substance or community will leave soon enough as they have already "beat the entire game." They will return to thier other most beloved "content full" MMO' and we will be rid of them.


The only thing wrong with SW:TOR will be fixed as soon as the free month runs out IMO.

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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


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Not a good game , but then again , i dont have ANYTHING else to play ... cant wait till something from a company that actually knows what they are doing gets out.

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I have been dating this girl for a while now and i decided to spend my subscription fee on her inste- ha! Just kidding. Life is for suckers. After becoming unable to continue my class quest because the wonderful planet of lag central ( Alderaan ) and seeing how cooldowns are messed up, i decided to spend my money on X3 AP and Evochron Merc. Yay.
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Everyone who is complaining about this game being boring at max level.. Do you not do anything other than game?


Get a job or something seriously. 3 weeks into a new game and you have already got max level and maxed out the pvp gear.


No wonder it's boring for you.


Some people like myself are disabled... Just a little thought for you to chew on...

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u win


haha yeah ive no idea where that guy was going with his comment either. I dont know for sure but there sure is a trend of people who already have a half a year sub who also say "yeah im loving the game..just loving my butt off !!! ..i have a 6 month sub so..but yah i just love it"


Not leaning one way or the other about my situation but heh yeah i think id love it too if i already paid for half of a yr sub for a game. that , imo, is like people who were fooled into dedicating a year to wow. i still play the evil W after 6+ yrs but heh no way am i paying for anyones mmo more than 1 month ahead of time.


Feels like buying a years worth of gas at $5.00 a gallon because it'll never get below that again!! The TV said so.

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Absolutely keeping the subscription. Gotten my toon to level 47 and I've loved every second of it.


Even if end-game is total garbage (and I seriously doubt its anywhere near as bad as all the trolls are making it sound) I've still got 7 more classes to play, so I'll atleast stay long enough to see all of their stories.


Considering the number of hours of entertainment this game has provided, I've easily gotten my money's worth out of it already, and considering I haven't even finished an 8th of the content, the value of the game only grows since I only have to pay $15 per month, opposed to the relatively much larger initial purchase.





There's certainly plenty of room for improvement in this game, but for the most part, BW did a damn good job.

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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


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I'm going to keep playing. I haven't had any of the problems that others have had. I've got a level 50 Sith Warrior, Jedi Knight and I have a level 35 Trooper and I just started a Smuggler. I plan on leveling every class to 50 and I plan on having fun doing it.


I don't see why people are so freaked out about this game, but I guess they have a right to be upset about whatever. All I have to say is is if you don't like the game, then don't play. Now, if you want to play and you have concerns, then I can understand the criticism. But, why come here and post stupid bull **** about how you hate this game and you are unsubbing and every person who plays it is stupid, it just don't make sense.

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No I will not. It is frustrating as well, as I spent nearly $250 (Digital Deluxe, oh buyer's remorse) on copies for myself and my kids. I had hoped it was an investment that would occasionally be worth the cost. We had initially signed up for 6 month recurring subs. I was the last to continue playing, up until last week.


I'm going to cut my losses, and look for something else. It's a shame, as these were Christmas gifts for the kids, and we all were looking forward to it. I honestly thought this was a slam dunk for BW.


We just don't find it enjoyable at this stage. To the rest of you staying and are happy with the product, I'm glad you are enjoying it; maybe we will see you in about 6 months time.




sorry for your loss, honestly my GF bought me this game and i was so excited because thats some deep love to allow me to nerd rage, see her less and have mmo time all to myself.. now she will wonder why i never talk about sw anymore...

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I was about to cancel, but then I took a blaster shot to the buttock.


Well, actually I just enjoy storytelling so far.


Since I don't want to spend in game more then ten hours per week, most of the group content is unavailable to me. And PvP here is just lame.


I think, the storytelling will have my interest for a next month, after then I'll, most likely, unsub.

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I am staying. I hope they server merge though, i enjoy my Republic Char the most but 240+ on Sith Fleet, log over and 42 Rep Fleet... not comforting. And with the small numbers, raging on newbs in WZ really makes people dislike you, but everyone is pointing fingers and man, when people are newbs, it is too much to resist telling them to pull it together. So being a Good player, being upset with egotistical newbies, gives ME a bad rap... lol.


Whats with the Miraluka Sith Warrior in the Promo Video for future content? Faction Changes? Please for the love of god.

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