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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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Definitely resubscribing. This game is too much fun for me. Glad to see that there are plenty of people here who aren't completely jaded and plan to stick around. Those are the people who will make this community worthwhile, no matter how many total subscriptions this game may have.
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If everyone cancels it'll never be fixed. They'll cut losses and close servers eventually. Some investments are just worth it to ppl.


No no you got this all wrong. See, the game is perfect as it is and all the haters are bad people anyway and need to go away.

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I have a mmo resume a mile long like a lot of you neckbeards, and have gripes and nitpicking about some of the under-developed systems in this game, but two things have stood out to me:


1) It's a GREAT start. And a great start means a great platform from which to develop all the features a lot of you whiners took for granted in a game that had 7 additional years of development after launch.


2) I'm having FUN. That's right, the whole point of the exercise. I don't mmo to epeen, or play dress up doll with my avatar and purple gear, I play because it's video games. SWTOR is a fine video game.


So yeah, they get my money for another month, no problems with it.

Edited by XenonParsec
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I have put in a 2 month timecard, i know from experience how MMOs are tough at start, but i dont give forever to get sorted.


Warhammer Online, Age of Conan , Star Trek Online all these failed because major stuff that players wanted fixing wasnt even after a few months.


As much as i enjoy the gameplay, graphic texture issues (i dont want to play it looking like its from 2006) i would like to have options added so that people with a PC less than 2 years old, can feel like they are playing a game from 2012.

Edited by Urko
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Yes, no doubt... course I play much slower than you considering my highest level character is 25. I think it is self defeating to blow through the game as fast as possible then hit max level and complain about how the game is boring...


This game is extremely fun, unlike that other game the OP mentioned.

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Just unsubscribed.


What's the big deal?


Fanbois get all upset when someone says they are cancelling.


Really..? I don't get upset. Cancel away, be my guest. Then again I don't consider myself a 'fanboi'. I consider myself a person who's finding enjoyment in something and paying a subscription fee for it. Some people will find enjoyment in it, others won't. That's the joy of people being different, you see. There's lots of stuff out there for everyone.


Wouldn't you rather save $45-60 and get the full experience when:




I'd rather pay for a game I'm enjoying, enjoy it, and then enjoy it when all the improvements come through bit by bit - which is, in fact, what I'm doing.


No big deal. Just different opinions.

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Most frustrating game I have EVER played. And I've played a lot. I got my Sith Juggernaut to level 48; got stomped on the class quest on Correllia no matter the gear/companion/interrupts, etc. I bought this game primarily for the single player experience as I don't like playing with people I don't know. I bought into the elusion of the single player facet, but despite my best efforts (yes I know I suck, heap it on); as a level 48 faced with two silver Vs I just die repeatedly on what is supposed to be the bonus series for Voss. Words cannot describe my rage at having invested so much time progressing my character to be suddenly stomped (with the hefty repair penalty and/or ENDLESS trek back to the mission area). I played Warhammer online; no illusions as to what it was, got to level 40 had a good time and unsubscribed. ToR got me close to smashing my computer. Personal rage aside, the graphics...seriously. The storylines are so intermingled with grinding it doesn't even feel like a story. The 'side' quests and gameplay mechanics are carbon copy in Star Wars form. Latency raised its ugly head on many occasions. And for all those who will tell me how 'easy' the game is, good for you, you're awesome. Allowing me to bring more than one companion could have allowed me to overcome the incessant stomping I experienced near the endgame, but while one can invite other players to help, using your crew realistically in lieu of is not. The space combat was laughable, PvP was alright, but again not my main reason forn buying the game. I have, however, learned a valuable lesson. Never buy an MMO in the vain hope it will provide anything similar to a single player experience. I feel that I was duped, but that's on me. I will stick with Besthesda and Bohemia Interactive for my gaming experience from now on and replay KOTOR I and II, Dark Forces I, II, III for the 6th time if I feel like having a good Star Wars experience.
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Yes for now. But I cannot see myself playing this for years. But thats pretty much all current mmorpg.




I am sticking around, and will be for a few months at least, but I don't see it being for years like in the old days of MMOs. Right now, I want to see where they take the game between now and the 6-month mark. That will determine what I do at that point. It might be I stay, it might be that I leave and return at a later date. Shrug.


Fortunately, I don't have any particular gripe like Textures, Combat Lag, and so forth. So, my take on the future of the subscription is just a simple: where are they taking this game?

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Not re-subbing. Unfortunately, the pvp thing is too much like WoW's Wintergrasp situation where you got a buff when sides were not equal. Didn't work there, doesn't work here. Bracketed pvp is impossible because of the fragmented populations. I see more people not guilded than guilded. Guess it's a solo mmo. No real way to get a group together. Don't like not having an LFG tool when one is already in place for pvp queue. Huttball 7/10 times is NOT 39%. Too much needless walking. No real reason to care about my companion, it's just something that can be rezzed when it fails (which is often). MAJOR class quests like Janus LOS bugged (rookie issues like this). And CTD on weekends. Error 9000, or whatever. Unacceptable.


Not worth the price of the ride.

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Subbed it to my debit card, i'll keep it subbed to that aslong as I'm having fun and I can see that being for quite some time. I have confidence in BioWare to continue patching and updating this game and making good use of my sub money.


I was very hesitant in dropping the money for another mmo because I hated WoW but I'm glad I choose this one for it's story and casual friendliness.

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I had a 3-month and have changed it to 1 month.


So, to answer the question, yes I will be keeping it, but am not as positive as I was at the start - so keeping my options open.


I have become concerned about:


1) Customer Service. I have not been given quest rewards / light side points 4 times now. All of my tickets have been closed with a generic response.


2) Some of the nerfs of PvE abilities for PvP reasons.


3) Same old same old end game.


Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying the game which is why I have re-subbed.

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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions


I think you did a good job of exposing yourself. You play a game to get to 50, then do a 16 man raid, get all the gear and then go on to say you don't like the game. If you didn't like the game you would have come to this conclusion a lot faster. See you after the patch!

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