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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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Sadly, no. :( Those are the people who feel this is a single player game btw.


It's a little presumptuous to speak for people on the forums with a blanket statement like that.


For instance, I have done everything described in the quote you are responding to and I feel the game is much more single-player oriented than most MMOs, about on the same level as GW1 (an online coop RPG).

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Personally I don't see how anyone can be leveling alts until the endgame is fixed. I've got one character at 50 and another at 41 and I don't feel like finishing the lower one. Since the classes are mirrored I also don't really see why I should start playing Reps.


I started by leveling 6 characters in progression. I am enjoying it a lot, and I did this by design.


This was intentional on my part as I wanted to develop a long term economic and crafting base (not for now, but for when crafting becomes more integral to end game in later patches), AND because this being a new MMO I knew for a fact that end game would be limited for some months to come (based on every prior MMO I have played, and I have played most of them).


People that think they can take a brand new MMO and level cap quickly and find lots and lots fo end game to keep them busy are simply ignoring all prior data on new MMOs. If you want to cap quickly and then enjoy the endgame, you do it on a game that has been out at least a year, NOT A BRAND NEW GAME.

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Unfortunately no.


While I haven't hit 50 (only lvl 31 on my main, early-mid 20s on my alts) I feel like I've already seen all I need to see in game for the time being.


I don't like the closed in feeling of the planets and I don't really have much of a choice in terms of where I go to level; it's a bit too linear for an MMO for my tastes in its current state. I'm the type that, should I get bored of questing, to just wander off the beaten path and explore nooks and crannies to find hidden caves etc. But I can't really do that in TOR, even on Tatooine which isn't as open as people claim it to be.


That and I can't stomach going on my alts any more due to the filler quests/levelling path being exactly the same for each one on the same faction with just a few different due to class quests. And I hate to say it but I'm no longer having fun playing- too much time spent solo despite trying to get groups/playing with friends who've already raced ahead. Not fun at all when you can't really get involved in quests with them since they've already gotten planets ahead :(


I'll wait and see what future patches bring to the table but for now I'll hang back and return to playing FFXI :)

Edited by Katsaurs
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It definitely is another wow clone thats for sure. I bought a two month subscription so i will keep playing it until it expires and by that time i hope Bioware makes the game less boring.


Hit level 50 about a week ago and full epics.........why..........why..........why


PVP is a joke. Ilum is just a win trading planet. There is no actual pvp on it.


Dont even get me started on Hutt Ball..........horrible game.

Edited by AluminumMonster
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Yes, because I like the story, and will make alts. I haven't even got to the end game yet. As the population gets to cap the game will be a bit better and finally, I'm exciting about what they have coming in the future.


But, things that might change that. Kingdoms of Amulaur, Mass Effect 3 and Guild Wars 2. Then there is just life that you have to live. We'll just have to wait and see.

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Seriously, though. Getting to 50 isn't THAT HARD. It's like getting to 85 in WoW, you can do it in 3 weeks without loosing sleep, etc.


Some people have lives, jobs ETC. Not all of us live in moms basement and play games 12 hours per day.

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Sadly, no. :( Those are the people who feel this is a single player game btw.


You really have no idea what you are talking about do you? I have been level 50 for a little over a week now playing very, very casually. To add to this I'm social rank 4 how about you? I didn't play this as a single player game at all, in fact the only thing I ever did alone was pvp and that was rare. Don't make statements that make you look dumb like the person that made the comment about "if people had ever played an mmo before"; oh wait

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I've been thinking about unsubbing lately. I have 2 Empire 50s and 2 Republic 30s.


The first run through of everything was a blast with the story and voiceovers. But as time went on the voiceovers and story lose their luster when replay/repetition kicks in and you start to see just how little choice affects anything and with very little to no follow-up with decisions in cutscenes (usually where you'd expect them the most there ends up being a black screen pause--even in class quests). On top of this is that it seems for every class quest you're basically visiting the same phases as other classes even if the story is slightly different (maybe this is for grouping's sake, but every class quest is designed for solo anyway), but even then it still feels a little too obvious that you're going in circles through recycled content. At first I didn't mind phasing/instancing, but it seems to make the game feel too clinical when the shortcomings of the SP-game Online emerge.


Maybe this is a limitation of the genre or of resources, but it sure makes the game feel more and frequently disposable than many older MMOs P2P or otherwise.


I guess I was looking for that KOTOR magic, but it had to be compromised in the making of a large-scale MMO? Maybe they're doing the best they can with it, but now it makes me wish for a different stand-alone KOTOR game when originally I was largely indifferent to the whole "gief KOTOR 3".


I guess I also thought there'd be more obvious diversity or a fresher experience per class/faction or light/dark-side like in KOTOR. But it feels kind of bland due to having to optimize everything--it feels spread too thin. In TOR, it's like reducing the qualitative to merely its quantitative elements. KOTOR felt more organic, and even if it was equally on rails, the rails felt wider apart. It's to the point that you might as well just PVP to level cap and run through class quests only. But at least the different voice-acting and styles of attitude and personality for each class story are fun. Though it does feel like Empire gets more polish than Republic on that front.


Even though you were doing the same relative things over and again in KOTOR, the dialogue was more substantive, compelling, lasting and varied like every sentence had a philosopher's eye to it. Light vs Dark felt like 2 completely separate games notwithstanding the same missions, characters, locations. And while KOTOR had its moments too, in TOR it feels more overtly like: Socially Awkward Religious Zealot (Light) vs Emo Elite Intellectual Douchebag (Dark) given the few and limited dialogue options--though BH and IA seem to have more (and more entertaining) flexibility. Most of the responses are generic (for optimization's sake) and you can predict what you'll say because you'll say it over and over again rather than actually get to choose a dialogue that responds and not merely knee-jerk reacts.


The companion social dynamic feels lacking and anticlimactic as well. Though it is nice to have them out in the field as an assist-bot.


Black Talon/Esseles were a great change of pace, but I don't think the nature of replay in MMOs does those kind of mechanics justice. I never wished I could spacebar through dialogue more than I do in TOR (flashpoint or regular questing). At least they try to change up things with mini-games and puzzles in flashpoints, but they feel lifeless too quickly.


Maybe I keep looking for something in MMOs that can't be there?


But I do have to say I rather enjoy the Juggernaut, Assassin, Consular, Sentinel toolsets. The class playstyles and abilities are the one lasting thing for me. It does a very good job of engaging my altoholism, however the actual content diminishes it more than it rekindles.



I do not blame you, 2 50's and several characters in their 30's? You must have not left your house since the release of the game and low on sleep.


Time to get out side put down your keyboard...there is more to life than games....


Trying playing the game maybe 1-2 hours per day, I guarantee you will be singing a different tune about burn out.


Peeps need to learn the word "moderation". I know if i stuffed myself with burgers day and night for a month...well you get the idea.

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People that think they can take a brand new MMO and level cap quickly and find lots and lots fo end game to keep them busy are simply ignoring all prior data on new MMOs. If you want to cap quickly and then enjoy the endgame, you do it on a game that has been out at least a year, NOT A BRAND NEW GAME.


But that's the thing: I didn't even mean to make it to 50 quickly. I forced myself to get there so I could be "done" with that character because I couldn't stand... well almost everything anymore.

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It's a little presumptuous to speak for people on the forums with a blanket statement like that.


For instance, I have done everything described in the quote you are responding to and I feel the game is much more single-player oriented than most MMOs, about on the same level as GW1 (an online coop RPG).


Apparently I presumed correctly though, as your post just validated it. Obviously not EVERYBODY falls into one group. But I bet a majority of the people who think it's a single player game fall into that group, yourself included.

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I do not blame you, 2 50's and several characters in their 30's? You must have not left your house since the release of the game and low on sleep.


Time to get out side put down your keyboard...there is more to life than games....


Trying playing the game maybe 1-2 hours per day, I guarantee you will be singing a different tune about burn out.


Peeps need to learn the word "moderation". I know if i stuffed myself with burgers day and night for a month...well you get the idea.


why do you assume I'm a basement dweller before you assume that the game isn't that easy?


this game holds your hand more than WoW does. playing at a mild pace in this game is like ultra leveling in any other.


I play efficiently therefore I r basemint dwellur?

Edited by justamemory
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Sub prolly ends and i resub back to WoW untill pandabears are invading.

Fingers crossed that GW2 is released before pandabears.


SWTOR aint a bad game, but wow is just better at what SWTOR is trying to copy.


For singleplayer quest game SWTOR is the bomb tough, i had massive fun and Huttball is awesome :)


Still this game is way to buggy to be paying a full sub for.


back to craptastic wow for the time being :p

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Some people have lives, jobs ETC. Not all of us live in moms basement and play games 12 hours per day.


I have a friend that plays maybe 5 hours a week total and he is level 35. It's not about playing 12 hours a day, it's just about being reasonably efficient in the time you have to play.


FWIW I hit 50 weeks ago without ever playing more than 5-6 hours in a day, without ever skipping quest dialogue, and being out of town/not playing many many days.


It's not that people 'powerlevel' to 50; it honestly just doesn't take very long at all compared to virtually any other MMO.

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I've only lvl'd to 25, so have a long way to go.


And I plan on getting a couple of alts to 50 as well.


The story-based MMO is an excellent development which is keeping my interest way more than the usual MMO fare.


I enjoy PvP and also the space missions - which are an interesting diversion.


My rig has no problems running the game, so I've not experienced any of the reported problems.


I'm looking forward to seeing more stuff getting added as the months go by, and want to have my main ready for any expansions that come out.


And really - the sub fee's just about equivalent to the price of a coffee and a sandwich, so it hardly breaks the bank.

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Some people have lives, jobs ETC. Not all of us live in moms basement and play games 12 hours per day.


This is also a dumb statement...it could be because not all of us are altaholics and we want to finish one story before we start 6 others. If you concentrate on one character you can easily be at level 50 playing on average 2 hours a day from early access to now...trust me


I seem to notice that the people are are really enjoying this game, or at least posting in this thread that enjoy it, are all under level cap...so really, none of you have any idea bout the real bugs and issues you will be facing once you hit cap


To each their own, I'm glad some of you enjoy the game, but to those of you making blanket statements like the one i quoted...just stop

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I have a friend that plays maybe 5 hours a week total and he is level 35. It's not about playing 12 hours a day, it's just about being reasonably efficient in the time you have to play.


FWIW I hit 50 weeks ago without ever playing more than 5-6 hours in a day, without ever skipping quest dialogue, and being out of town/not playing many many days.


It's not that people 'powerlevel' to 50; it honestly just doesn't take very long at all compared to virtually any other MMO.


Rift was faster. :p

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You really have no idea what you are talking about do you? I have been level 50 for a little over a week now playing very, very casually. To add to this I'm social rank 4 how about you? I didn't play this as a single player game at all, in fact the only thing I ever did alone was pvp and that was rare. Don't make statements that make you look dumb like the person that made the comment about "if people had ever played an mmo before"; oh wait


The amount of stupid in this comment is astronomical.


BTW did you know there was a bug that a lot of people had that prevented us from getting social points? Yea..I had about 2 full weeks of HM FP''s, full clears on every HM, that I didn't get a single social point from. Your stupid assumptions of that guy and the way you talk make you look like a child. Go back to school..seriously..



Oh and back on topic..I ended my sub last night.


And after seeing they postponed 1.1 I'm glad I did. I was hoping I could see 1.1 before the 19th but I doubt I will and even if it does come out it's not going to fix a lot of the issues the game needs work on. Oh well..adios. GW2 can't come any sooner.

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