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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What delaying the Patch says to me...


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I'd like to add a it of rational thinking to this discussion. (What am I, crazy?). OK, Here goes. When WoW came out, the majority of gamers at the time didn't really have any other MMO's to compare it to. I mean there was UO, EQ, DAoC, but it wasn't a fully realized genre as of then. WoW took it to the next level, supported it well, listened to its customers concerns (whether you personally agreed with them or not) and flourished.


Now, every game company attempts to jump on this cash cow and profit. Well, profit for a gaming company doesn't always mean the best products for gamers. Hence, SWTOR. Look, let's be realistic... MMOs have been out awhile now. People expect a certain level of polish on a game. I put forth Rift as an example. A game that I didn't personally enjoy that much, but, with it's bugs and faults definitely felt like a finished product upon release. Also, Rift was master of the HOTFIX. A term that Bioware needs to come to know and love. I mean the Defend the Shipment Daily on Ilum has been broken for weeks?? Really, that can't be HOTFIXED in. People inexplicably falling over dead while out of combat in raids. These are all things that make people feel like they are still Beta testing a “finished” product that they spent hard-earned money for.


And now, the coup de grace. Let’s postpone the patch. Why? Is it not ready..? Sure maybe. But a more likely reason is that Bioware knows that they have millions of Star Wars fans, who wanted nothing more than to love this game, (and will sometimes defend Bioware like a bullied child), and the opportunity to make them subscribe for at least another month if they delay the patch a few more days. Why? Because people want this game to be good, they want it to be fun, they want it to be polished, but goddamit I want it to be finished. And we should all, as customers, be upset by being treated like fanbois that will give every last dollar of our allowances to play their broken game. /rantoff

Edited by Xamota
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Rabble rabble rabble, the game should never have been released when it was, it obviously still needed polish and was pushed out early in time for Christmas, Biware and EA should be ashamed rabble rabble rabble.


Rabble rabble rabble, what do you mean thay're delaying the patch because there are problems with it? They should just release as it is then fix stuff later rabble rabble rabble.

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Rabble rabble rabble, the game should never have been released when it was, it obviously still needed polish and was pushed out early in time for Christmas, Biware and EA should be ashamed rabble rabble rabble.


Rabble rabble rabble, what do you mean thay're delaying the patch because there are problems with it? They should just release as it is then fix stuff later rabble rabble rabble.


I was thinking this EXACT thing.

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Rabble Rabble people shouldn't voice concerns they have over faulty products they've purchased in the very forum designed in which to do so. Welcome to the thread, fanboiS. Edited by Xamota
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Rabble rabble rabble, the game should never have been released when it was, it obviously still needed polish and was pushed out early in time for Christmas, Biware and EA should be ashamed rabble rabble rabble.


Rabble rabble rabble, what do you mean thay're delaying the patch because there are problems with it? They should just release as it is then fix stuff later rabble rabble rabble.


pretty much what I read from it too.

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Wow, I can't believe I actually read that crap.


Ok here's how the thread should have started.


What delaying the patch says to me...


is that the patch isn't ready.



That's it, nothing else. Anything else is just idle armchair developer speculation.

Edited by LexiCazam
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Or they thought it's better to try and get the first major patch right the first time, rather than push out more bugs. For as much as this game's quirks and deficiencies irritate me, I support any decision to delay a content push if issues have been identified in testing.
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Rabble Rabble people shouldn't voice concerns they have over faulty products they've purchased in the very forum designed in which to do so. Welcome to the thread, fanboiS.


I'm not saying you can't argue about the faults, there are plenty. But they can either do it fast or do it right, it's very rare those aren't mutually exclusive in the development business.

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Wow, I can't believe I actually read that crap.


Ok here's how the thread should have started.


What delaying the patch says to me...


is that the patch isn't ready.



That's it, nothing else. Anything else is just idle armchair developer speculation.



If this decision is saying something more to you than that I suggest you see a psychiatrist because the voices in your head are finally winning and it's a downward spiral from here.



Flag this crap, report the troll and move on.


Enjoy the Kool-Aid, this is financially motivated, guaranteed.

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Wow, I can't believe I actually read that crap.


Ok here's how the thread should have started.


What delaying the patch says to me...


is that the patch isn't ready.



That's it, nothing else. Anything else is just idle armchair developer speculation.



If this decision is saying something more to you than that I suggest you see a psychiatrist because the voices in your head are finally winning and it's a downward spiral from here.


Great the patch isnt ready, they delayed it, but what about his other points? What about the fact that people are experiencing the same bugs they experienced in open beta? 1 MONTH after physical release, and those bugs are still in?


Don't disregard the whole post for one part of it.

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Rabble rabble rabble, the game should never have been released when it was, it obviously still needed polish and was pushed out early in time for Christmas, Biware and EA should be ashamed rabble rabble rabble.


Rabble rabble rabble, what do you mean thay're delaying the patch because there are problems with it? They should just release as it is then fix stuff later rabble rabble rabble.


You nailed it mate, and this would work with 90% of whine posts (with the exception of "whaddya mean I can't hit all my attacks simultaneously liek in wow?!?!?!FAIL"

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Great the patch isnt ready, they delayed it, but what about his other points? What about the fact that people are experiencing the same bugs they experienced in open beta? 1 MONTH after physical release, and those bugs are still in?


Don't disregard the whole post for one part of it.


Very simple answer to be honest. Importance over convenience. Have you ever stopped to think that that one quest being bugged isn't an important factor? While there are other bugs to get fixed first. Like say, the performance issues?

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Great the patch isnt ready, they delayed it, but what about his other points? What about the fact that people are experiencing the same bugs they experienced in open beta? 1 MONTH after physical release, and those bugs are still in?


Don't disregard the whole post for one part of it.


You mean like in WoW at launch and after EVERY expansion o major content patch lol?

Because, maybe you weren't there, but at launch and for months after taht, we kept on seeing teh same bugs that had been reported in beta


truth is, coding a behemot of a project like a MMO is complex

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If patching, critical fixes and general customer service were handled similarly where I worked (Software developer/project in the financial sector) there'd trickle down some very "positively urging notes about waking the fck up" from the top.
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