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Tracer Missile spammers


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You have no idea do you? The ability is the trademark for the Arsenal Mercenary. That whole tree is specced to make that skill stronger and less costly. So no, there is no game-breaking bug that BioWare missed. They purposely put it into the game for that class.


Now as to why they get such an OP attack which seems to kill you so easily? Here is why:



  • Mobility: Zero
  • Survivability: Little to None


This game isn't going to be super-balanced on play types. Your best bet is to learn the play style of each class and THEN PvP. This class type is a glass cannon. They cannot move. They have to charge up the attack. And they really cannot survive many hits. If a melee character can get into range and stay there, then they will destroy the class. If another class stuns the skill for four seconds, they are done for.


Learn about a class before you start screaming bug, seriously.


Thank you.

As a 50 merc with T1 and T2 PVP gear I find the tracer missle effective in pvp as the arsenal tree is definately based around tracer missle... it allows heatseeking missles and rail shot (per heat signature on the target) to do more damage. Also, it allows unload to do more damage and reduces targets armor. We have no choice but to get AT LEAST 3 tracer missles off in order to do proper damage using tracer missle dependent abilities.


Tracer missle does produce very little heat, but once you start spamming past 5 or 6 missles the heat generated from each shot seems to increase, and you become a mindless mercenary.


As far as Huttball goes, we dont have alot in our 'arsenal' to make a huge difference in the outcome of a round. We can sit there and damage people so thats all you should really expect from us.


Though it is true, if some melee gets on us we're dead for the most part... This is when learning the class comes into play. A good mercenary knows what he can do when theres a melee that beating on you. A good mercenary knows what to do when tracer missle gets interrupted... I would love to see the look on peoples face when they interrupt my tracer missle and think their job is done. We have instant abilities that can be cast on the run, though they generate alot of heat, they are very useful if theres a melee on you and vent heat is available for use.


So we do have options... we can sacrifice DPS for mobility and survivability. Once you start moving you can see the question marks above peoples heads, slap a couple of instacast missles on them, create some space with jet boost and rocket punch and go back to the tracer missle. They might think twice before attacking you again.


Well stated Darth Nofu

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While were here id like to jump on this "nerf the core mechanics that people have no clue about" band wagon ... i have a list


1) OP/Assassin and republic counter parts should no longer have stealth or if they use stealth a big glowing red and or green arrow should start flashing over there head in case people can no longer see them


2)Jugs/Mara's and republic counterpart force jump now makes the character jump in a random direction including vertically


3)Sorc's and there republic counter parts are no longer allowed to spam force lightning as this may cause there opponent to take damage


4) Tracer missile should be on a 1 min cool down


Also all interrupt ability's have been taken off peoples action bars as some people have been exploiting this ability and using it to interrupt there opponents while they were casting

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Interrupt and and well timed CC.


Skilled players destroy Tracer spammers.






The only issue is when you have a group combat between several players I.E Alderaans central turret, which makes selective targetting abit sketchy given that you should decided to target either the healer or the Mercs/Commandos, but 1 on 1 Mercs and Commandos are easy to kill

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Are there soon being taking action to stop that overheat glitch?

It is totally unacceptable this are not being addressed.

If you dont have the expertise to fix such a gamebreaking bug atleast make it even so Republic can do something simular.



LOL i don't understand the class therefore its a bug and must be fixed!


bad trolls are bad.

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I get confused why people complain so much about this type of Spam for Commandos/Mercs.


I play a Powertech (Mainly Shieldtech). I don't have a lot of "Burst", more so survivability and some AOE Damage.


I have ZERO issues killing a Mercenary or Commando ( that isn't spec'd heals). While their damage is high, they are pretty much the truest glass cannon, in my opinion, in SWTOR right now.


They got nothing to protect them properly, and their self heals are garbage in a DPS Spec.


People that "constantly get killed" by them are playing their class beyond horrible. Like, please just leave the warzone at queue horrible because you won't be helping your team.

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Tracer missile spam + alacrity mods & talent & trinklet for ~1 second cast is crazy, but I like unload and railshot so I don't sit there spamming it endlessly like many do. I ran across a merc that was only using that one ability in the entire round (had him targeted and can see the "tracer missile" cast bar above his name) and quite sadly he was second in damage dealt at the end of the match.


IMO tracer should be much higher in the talent tree, I'd be laughing if assassin's voltaic strike was lower in the tree.

Maybe someone should have tried killing him.

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Trooper vs. Mercenary.


Merc is a healer, easy to smash, right?


Wrong. Really wrong. He spams tracer missile until you fall on your face, over and over. Then he turns around, heals and ally and tracer missiles a fully champion geared jedi knight to the floor. And people tell me that Bioware isn't biased.

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Uh yeah, if you see an Arsenal Merc spamming Tracer Missile, how about you go and kill him? And people here are correct, if that's all they're doing they're not playing the class right. Go kill them and stop that spam, you know it has an activation time and they can't move while launching a Tracer?
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lolwut. That would utterly destroy the class. Further elaboration of this #4 rule is required to continue.




This made me giggle. I don't pvp but I stalk these forums and as my favorite class right now is my BH this thread caught my eye.


I think the guy was being rather tongue in cheek with the whole tracer missile on 1 min CD. He also suggested taking everyone's interupts off of action bars as it prevents others from effectively casting abilities.

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I swear to god, if tracer missile didnt have such an obnoxious animation (and railshot/unload/explosive dart had a more obnoxious animation) people wouldnt complain.


When people get blown up by a 'tracer sapmmer" what they are really hit by it.




Explosive dart


heat seeking missile





The explosive dart, tracer and HSM will all hit near the same time, giving the illusion of massive damage.


But after that rotation, unless we get a full auto proc, we have NO real damage dealer except tracer missile.


If i see one more person cite our 'heals' as being OP, i will explode. In combat, my healings can MIGHT heal for 1800, closer to 1000 if it doesnt crit. Rapid scan (2.45 seconds with my alacrity) heals for maybe 2k-2.2k crit.


That is the extent of our heals, in the time we cast those heals, EVERY class can out dps them.

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> Tracer Missile is the trademark of the Arsenal tree.

> You have to put a lot of points into the tree to get it to the sweet spot.

> Tracer Missile sets up many of our other skills to do more damage, etc, so it's a must cast.

> Tracer Missile has a cast time which is easy to interrupt.

> It's damage is no more powerful to other class defining abilities.


The grass is definitely not greener over here, get off my lawn !!! ;)

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If i see one more person cite our 'heals' as being OP, i will explode. In combat, my healings can MIGHT heal for 1800, closer to 1000 if it doesnt crit. Rapid scan (2.45 seconds with my alacrity) heals for maybe 2k-2.2k crit.


That is the extent of our heals, in the time we cast those heals, EVERY class can out dps them.

I think this will be an issue for at least a few months, hopefully not years. People don't get the idea that the multiple spec skill trees don't allow you to be good at everything. While it is true that people can hybrid for some moderate level of efficacy with DPS and heals no one is wtfDPSpwning you while self-healing themselves. At least not a mercenary or commando. Whenever I play my Jedi Guardian or Sith Marauder I seriously look for Commandos/Mercenaries standing at the back of the fight spamming as they're basically free kills.


I don't know if people are shaken by the fancy appearance of BH/Soldier or what but they play in large part like ranged (wizard-type) DPS in any game. You see them standing in place doing something... it is safe to assume its not good for you. Go kill them.

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If there is to be a CD on it, set it to 6 seconds with no cast time. Much like jugg/guardian's sundering.


except jugg/guardian have over skills to use while sundering strike is on CD.


Basically, with a 6 sec cd the class would be less than worthless.


None of our skills are worth using until we have 5 stacks of heat signature, and one skill isnt worth using with 5 stacks of tracer lock.


So 18 seconds to use one other skill, and 30 seconds to use another skill. in the mean time, during that 6 second CD we have ONE skill to cast (power shot) which shouldnt be used by an arsenal merc. And FYI, power shot actually hits harder than tracer (marginally) so all you would be doing is destroying the merc class and you would be wondering *** is hitting you so hard since they cant be spamming tracer now.

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true, still the gameplay highly lacks complexity. i consider it a part of balance that every class is ROUGHLY as hard to play as others.


i dont mind loosing to an enemy who shows strong gameplay. he might just have been better than me. but i mind dying to one-button spamming kids who literally showed nothing that would justify a win over me. this is what bothers me.

Agreed. It's not losing a battle that bothers me, but rather that a terrible player who's obviously keyboard turning and clicking can achieve crazy sustained damage output with his one-button-wonder class. That same player on almost any other class/spec would be laughable.


As it stands right now it's almost impossible to tell the good Mercs from the mediocre ones, and the only ways to recognize the really awful ones are either to interrupt their missile spam, or watch them move around during the rare times that they're not clicking their one ability over and over and over again. I'm annoyed when I interrupt a missile spammer and then watch him stand there like he has no idea what to do next, yet still end up #1-3 on damage at the end of the match.

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You have no idea do you? The ability is the trademark for the Arsenal Mercenary. That whole tree is specced to make that skill stronger and less costly. So no, there is no game-breaking bug that BioWare missed. They purposely put it into the game for that class.


Now as to why they get such an OP attack which seems to kill you so easily? Here is why:



  • Mobility: Zero
  • Survivability: Little to None


This game isn't going to be super-balanced on play types. Your best bet is to learn the play style of each class and THEN PvP. This class type is a glass cannon. They cannot move. They have to charge up the attack. And they really cannot survive many hits. If a melee character can get into range and stay there, then they will destroy the class. If another class stuns the skill for four seconds, they are done for.


Learn about a class before you start screaming bug, seriously.


Survivability little to none? lies

Edited by Dirtydurst
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Survivability little to none? lies


c'mon now.. I think theres alot more to complain about than a spamming merc that can be shut down in a flash by any class... hell, I have seen tracer spamming mercs get shutdown by other tracer spamming mercs.

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If there is to be a CD on it, set it to 6 seconds with no cast time. Much like jugg/guardian's sundering.



this wont work as this skill casts a debuff for armor. can stack up to 5 times for a total of 20% armor reduction. so yeah, your going to see it spammed till we hit the highest mark for debuff, then we hit you with the heat seeker missiles. there is even a buff for us to use heat seeker missiles after tracer that does more damage.


so its a rotation, just sometimes we dont finish the rotation as people die..

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