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Hard Mode Is To Hard

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The combination of bugs, my foundry last boss bugged to use a one hit lightning spell to the entire group, makes this end game content way to hard. It's possible, but when you find random people it's really not. Nerf hard mode please it's way to hard and fix the bug so it's playable.
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The combination of bugs, my foundry last boss bugged to use a one hit lightning spell to the entire group, makes this end game content way to hard. It's possible, but when you find random people it's really not. Nerf hard mode please it's way to hard and fix the bug so it's playable.


possible solution: dont play with random guys

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I did three HM runs last night


Taral V is very very easy


Mael also was very easy


FE was just very buggy but was very easy


did them all in about 3 hrs max.

For so called hard modes its a joke how easy they are.


For hard modes i found them very easy but the drops were rubbish and all three drop Smug gear from last boss and ofc we had no smug in are group. Everything else that droped was vendored .

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It all depends on the role of hard modes, if they are thought to gear new 50's with a mix of blues and maybe some purples they are too hard, if they are made to give ops people something else to do they are OK.


I hope they tune them down a little some of them, since i have had tough times helping some new 50's with them in the last days. And i hope thats not the idea

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You allready get everything handed too you on a platter, please dont nurf hard modes. So far it's the only thing in this game that needs a little practice and understanding.


It's doable, even with PUG, did esseles last night with some randoms and after several wipes and explaining tactics we got past iron fist, sadly after that it's all free "epix"


Oh, and gief smuggler epix ^_^

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They are not easy if you are doing them in green/blue questing gear for level 47 or something. The problem is that you overgear them and when you have full tionese/columi gear they just become faceroll.


So what's the solution to this? Just make gear scale and do same thing as Blizzard is introducing in MoP - gear automatic scaling + some global rankings that allow you to lower your item level even further to compete with other hardcore players.


But as for nerfs - just no. Just get some gear upgrades and try them again. Make sure you understand all boss mechanics, they are not that complex. :rolleyes:



As for HM Revan, here are some facts about this encounter:



- You need tank with decent gear that can pop his cooldowns to survive one tick of force lightning. Force lightning is casted somewhere between 35% and 30% of Revan's heath. If your tank dies, instant CR him.

- You need instant interrupt on the above mentioned ability so it only ticks once.

- You need very strong DPS that can burn him down from 35% - save your cooldowns for this time, with weak DPS you can't beat Revan.

- That being said, FIGHT IS BUGGED.

- When you "kill" Revan and he pops his shield that makes him immune to all incoming DMG, he still attacks players and one shots them. This should be the end of fight. If this happens to you, just wipe, try again and hope for the best.

- Not sure if the DMG done by force lightning is intended. It is possible that this hard mode encounter just requires good gear (seems unlikely, probably will get nerfed/fixed soon).

- Another minor bug I noticed is that beating him does not award player with codex entry in achievements: epic enemies tab. Conspiracy theory: BioWare intentionally made this fight impossible so people cry less about Revan being roflstomp easy boss?

Edited by Deviss
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I have cleared all 6 hardmodes. Some of the hardmode runs like directive 7, battle for Ilum etc now only take us 30 minutes to clear since we skip as much trash and the bonus boss as we can.


I am not going to be like other people here and say hardmodes are too easy and don't need to be nerfed at all. The fact is, alot of people here have cleared them and think that just because they have cleared them then they must be not too hard. At the same time, they are proud of the fact that they have cleared them and don't want their achievement to be made meaningless.


What alot of people don't realize is the gear level and their group make up for clearing alot of these hardmodes. If you are a fresh 50 running with pugs, these hardmodes can be very diffcult. Alot of these fights require a higher level of coordination (i.e. knockbacks in False Emperor, cooldowns/interrupts in Revan fight in Foundry to name a few) than what you can achive with your average PUG.


Fresh 50s should not treat these hardmodes as something that can be cleared as soon they reach 50. There is a gradual gearing up via doing the easier flashpoints and then moving up to the tougher ones. Some additional gearing up via PVPing and doing Ilum/Belsavis dailies will also aid in your process. Since these flashpoints drop same gear as normal/hardmode operations (sans the Rakata stuff), they are not meant to be easy.


What is interesting about these HM flashpoints is that not only they require your healers/tanks to be solid, DPS need also to be solid to beat the enrage timers. This may be hard to achieve in a PUG group and may bring an additional level of frustration (or challenge/enjoyment for others).


Also keep in mind that somes fights are not melee DPS friendly and having ranged DPS do tend to make fights easier (i.e. Krel Thak in Ilum, Bulwark in D7, Jorland in Boarding Party).


As someone who is not pretty much in full Columi gear, these hardmode flashpoints are no longer a challenge when done with people in similar gears. They are rather relatively easy now. Some boss fights do needs to be tuned down a bit as they are quite ridiculous and can be a roadblock for even good PuGs (i.e. Revan in Foundry, Krel Thak in Ilum, Jorland in Boarding Party). Other fights do need some bug fixes (i.e. HK-47 in Foundry).

Edited by Iwipe
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Sorry OP, but my opinion is that the Hard Mode difficulty is about right for Hard Mode (the clue is in the name).

By contrast, the leveling race to 50 is far too easy, with only a small handful of problematic missions. Granted, the HM flashpoints and Operations do represent a significant step up from there.


If the difficulty level of the main game was raised a bit so things are not just handed to you in return for accepting a mission, then the HM would both present a stiff challenge (which it should), and represent an incremental increase in difficulty over the main storyline.

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I seriously fear "This raid/dungeon is too hard" threads. It's because of threads like this that Firelands heroics were nerfed to hell and Dragon Soul was an absolute faceroll walk in the park. Please, if you don't have the skill to do a raid A: Practice until you do B: Find another way to spend your time. I'm not interested in *another* game's difficulty being purged like a disease. Bugs are bugs and should always be fixed. If it's hard because it's bugged, fix the bug. If it's hard because it requires you not to suck, keep it as it is.


Sorry if this sounded a little harsh but because of Cataclysm my vomit reflex kicks in when I see "this is too hard" when it comes to raids.

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The problem is just that this is a very gear centric game without a clear on-ramp for new 50s.


The mechanics of hardmodes don't seem overly difficult, just the standard "kill the adds", "interupt an ability", "dont stand in the fire" stuff.


The only difficulty seems to come in beating the enrage timer and healing through the high damage. Both these things become easier and easier the more gear you get. However, there doesn't seem to be much of an on-ramp for pve gear. You're only option, realisitically, is grinding Ilum and Belsavis dailies until you are decked out in rating 126 gear. (before you say it, yes, pvp gear is better and easier to get, but not everyone pvps).


What would have been better is to have level 50 normalmodes of each flashpoint that drops tionesse gear. This would give people the on-ramp they need, allowing them to get used to grouping up at 50 whilst gaining the tier 1 gear. It doesn't make sense that you get tier 1 gear from getting unlucky on tier 2 instance loot.

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It is not so fun when you need to outgear the FP to have a remote chance of even killing first boss in Esseles.

Basically when you got gear to make it somewhat easy everything in there is useless and it turn into a badge hunting contest...



But the problem is that you DONT need to outgear the FP to beat the first boss, you just need to interupt and position right. A group of decently geared 50's can do it, you dont even need to have purple stuff.

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The problem is just that this is a very gear centric game without a clear on-ramp for new 50s.


The mechanics of hardmodes don't seem overly difficult, just the standard "kill the adds", "interupt an ability", "dont stand in the fire" stuff.


The only difficulty seems to come in beating the enrage timer and healing through the high damage. Both these things become easier and easier the more gear you get. However, there doesn't seem to be much of an on-ramp for pve gear. You're only option, realisitically, is grinding Ilum and Belsavis dailies until you are decked out in rating 126 gear. (before you say it, yes, pvp gear is better and easier to get, but not everyone pvps).


What would have been better is to have level 50 normalmodes of each flashpoint that drops tionesse gear. This would give people the on-ramp they need, allowing them to get used to grouping up at 50 whilst gaining the tier 1 gear. It doesn't make sense that you get tier 1 gear from getting unlucky on tier 2 instance loot.


Makes sense. No really, that's a good post, sir. /agree

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But the problem is that you DONT need to outgear the FP to beat the first boss, you just need to interupt and position right. A group of decently geared 50's can do it, you dont even need to have purple stuff.


QFT...If you're talking that miniboss it's easy. If you're talking ironfist:


Stack and interrupt headshots, spread for missile AoE, have your hearler use his AoE healer when you restack, try to control DPS so you hit 50% outside of a missile phase so adds get AoE'd by the stacked party...


You need to interrupt every headshot, and as a sage healer I roll dots and throw some damage at him during the spread/missile phase. Just spread stay still and eat it, it's unavoidable but you don't want to train damage onto other team members.


He usually dies before the enrage even with pugs in this, and if you keep interrupts up even his enrage is relatively soft.

Edited by Battyone
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Even Isric kick our asses since dps have problems with adds spawn rate and healer got problem with the high damage even though he is turned away from group etc :)


Your healer is doing something horribly wrong. Outgoing damage on that fight is miniscule compared to Ironfist. I healed this instance in quest greens the day I dinged 50, with other people fully in quest greens/no epic mods/etc.


If you're dps is eating swipes they need to hit a medpac, healer should be almost 100% tank healing that fight, dropping an AoE for the add phase.

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I see what the OP is saying and there are some hard modes that are really not hard at all Taral V and Maelstrom Prison being part of that group but that being said some of the enrage timers on bosses seem to be arriving a lot quicker than others which I found was mainly in the Esseles now this could just be the group I was with was fail. I have tried False Emperor on Hard mode and it seemed pretty reasonable what I would like to see is a pop-up message saying when the boss has enraged so that players have a gauge of how long it should take to down a certain boss if they wipe.
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I see what the OP is saying and there are some hard modes that are really not hard at all Taral V and Maelstrom Prison being part of that group but that being said some of the enrage timers on bosses seem to be arriving a lot quicker than others which I found was mainly in the Esseles now this could just be the group I was with was fail. I have tried False Emperor on Hard mode and it seemed pretty reasonable what I would like to see is a pop-up message saying when the boss has enraged so that players have a gauge of how long it should take to down a certain boss if they wipe.


Yeah an emote would be a nice extra, but they do turn bright red and gain an Enrage buff. As a healer I can tell when the tank starts taking 6k melee hits. (time to hit those CD's and dump as much mana into his hitpool and pray DPS finishes the job)

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