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''Fraternising'' with the enemy


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Today something unexpected happened. I was grouped with someone to go look for imperial gankers on Tattooine (Server: Ajunta Pall RPPVP) when all of a sudden I came across an imperial level 30. I was 33 at the time and she kept her distance behind some beefy looking destroyers guarding the swoops. Then instead of the usual conversation with an imperial ie. killed then /spit we all acted civilly and chatted in /say. It was incredible, even after a while she came out of the swoop spot and joined us on the sandy hill. She commented how chill we were compared to other republic who seem to have a shoot everything that is red mentality. It seems we were both an exception to that rule! More incredible yet some others joined us in our conversation (I won't name names in case there are some people here who would give them hell for being 'traitors') during the hour we had friendly duels, companion duels and just about anything we could think up.


Unfortunately others didn't share our view and 1 of them came over and killed us both. But amazingly they didn't leave and facepalmed at what the person had done. It was like meeting up with friends out of the blue. Needless to say most of our little party had to depart and it was just me and the original imperial we met. She gave me a tour around the imperial zone but we had to stop once we came face to face with destroyers again. I then myself had to go but before we did we met yet ANOTHER imperial, this time a sith warrior who was hesitant at first but then came over and ended hostilities. He commented how strange it was to find an imperial next to the enemy without being engaged in battle =P.


All in all it was really, really enjoyable. The most fun I've ever had in SWTOR yet. And we didn't just chat we also engaged in PVP, I was impressed because no matter what the level distance everyone was really close in the end and in some cases, like in my duel, we both dropped dead at the end :D. If the people I met are reading this, which I doubt, I would appreciate it if you send me a PM so we could do this again. Save the hostilities for warzones and gankers guys, if you meet a lower level outside minding their own business ignore them or if you're confident talk to them instead of killing them and in some cases (dear god..) camping their corpse. RP reasons, I'm a smuggler gunslinger and I don't necessarily belong to any faction so I reckon that justified me.


I hope this post was a nice change from the usual stuff we get around here :o

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Good read, and I to enjoy encounters like this. I've had a few. One I was on Voss and encountered an Empire player of my level out questing. We were both going up the same ramp, but at the top of the ramp there was a group of mobs. We both hesitated for a bit and finally I broke the ice by saying. "I don't kill people who are attacking monsters, if were going to do this lets do it now."


Instead we actually sat there and chatted for a bit, he seemed a lot more relaxed knowing that if he pulled something I wasn't going to be a cheap Nerf herder and use his disadvantaged state to pull out a win. Sadly while we were talking Another sith ran up and force pushed me into the group of mobs and used the same tactic I refused to use against me and killed me. He then proceeded to /lol and when the other Empire guy I was talking too said ***? He called him a foul name and left.


Even with the horrible ending of it, the fun we had was enjoyable, during the time we did some mock duels and stuff, talked about how the communities on each side were.

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We have a similiar thing on my server over at llum. We're pretty imperial heavy so it's almost always 1 republic for every 5 imperials, we never actively attack anyone unless attacked first. In fact we usually end up having a chat or emote war lol


There was one occasions where I was sat at the republic base solo and had just left a warfront, 2 seconds later 4 republic players from the same warfront were right beside me. I kinda expected them to rip me a new one but it was pretty cool, just chilled out and flew around llum together.

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Apparently you are missing the point of open PvP..... see the enemy they die. If you wanted civil interaction you should have rolled on a PvE server.



Or in other words...



You are part of a Rebel Alliance and a traitor...


Oh I get it now. So apparently its not allowed to actually talk to the "other side" on occasion. How foolish if me to think that a PvP server with this game could be more than pathetic gank squads beating eachother with their flashlights while grunting suggestively!


Seriously, open PvP can be fun but there's no harm in the occasional chat. Heck, I've had some great RP cross faction already, which did end up in a fight, but it was far more fun than just beating on them without saying a word.


P.S. Its the Republic, by the way. The Rebels won't exist for a few thousand more years.

Edited by Xontier
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Apparently you are missing the point of open PvP..... see the enemy they die. If you wanted civil interaction you should have rolled on a PvE server.



Or in other words...



You are part of a Rebel Alliance and a traitor...


These are the kind of people I wanted the imperials I met to avoid. And I enjoy PVP a lot, I chose a server like this cause I was sick of PVE in previous MMOs. I love killing imperials as long as its fair and tbh if anyone is dumb enough to provoke a higher level they deserve to be killed. But anyway I just play like that, I'd only have the if its red its dead mentality on warzones and stuff. Also strategically I prefer to let the enemy shoot first, which is odd since I'm a smuggler :p

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I once met a dirty, red Empire player at the jump point to the Tatooine balloon. We stared at each other tensely as the balloon approached. We had a decision to make -- fight to the death, both of us potentially missing the ride to the datacrons we needed OR set aside our petty differences for mutual gain. Hesitantly, we both put away our weapons and boarded the balloon. Sitting on opposite ends of the carriage, we silently and peacefully shared a scenic journey to the downed sand crawler. It was a special moment. I rare respite in an otherwise violent war. As we approached our destination, both thankfull we had avoided the 25minute bug out point, I hugged my new empire friend and shockstriked him off the side.


Because I am not a weak, pansy carebear PvE'r that accidentally rolled on a PvP server.

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