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How do you feel about Swtor


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They can use your money to beta test it then not mine lol ...... most of these bug90% were known issues in beta and they are not fixed !!!! thats my problem beta bugs not new bugs... sloppy engine and I also hear that its suspected that this engine fries hi end systems....not proven just heard it .


Totally agreed.

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Graphics are usually only one part of the picture. I feel graphically a game should impress me, however its game play needs to be good as well, along with content etc. I'm just talking in general btw.


True, unfortunately not only does swtor look mediocre, it plays mediocre.


Its not bad, but its just bog standard mmo (actually bog standard 5 years ago MMO) coasting on its IP.

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Rift is terrible tho. Swtor is far better than Rift imo.


I suggest to not take drugs before posting... Rift is a good game - every game has its merits. Rift's merit is the graphics engine - the graphics are amazing and up to par with the technology today. This game's graphics are apalling at very best. That is what happens when you cut corners and go the cheap route. I guess they spent $3mil on the voice acting and decided to neglect the rest of the game...

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I agree, forgot to add that to my post. It really didn't give me that epic mmo feel either. The sharding, and instancing isn't good for that, although I suppose you do a bit of player interaction in the fleet, and when your finding groups for flashpoints.


With all the loading, going from planet to planet , and from spaceport to questing hubs .. it just seemed really instanced, alot of loading screens in between.


That's because it is. BW is using that outdated piece of crap Hero Engine. This is made specifically to create instanced games - BW took the easy way out.

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I enjoyed the game quite a lot from 1-50. Fun leveling experience and I liked my class story a lot. However once I hit 50 my enjoyment for this game plummeted to the floor sadly. I'm the type of player that doesn't like alts much and would rather focus on 1 character. After 1 week of being 50 there was nothing worth doing anymore to better my character except for raiding 1 night out of the week or farming 3 warzones, which is not worth a subscription.
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I enjoyed the game quite a lot from 1-50. Fun leveling experience and I liked my class story a lot. However once I hit 50 my enjoyment for this game plummeted to the floor sadly. I'm the type of player that doesn't like alts much and would rather focus on 1 character. After 1 week of being 50 there was nothing worth doing anymore to better my character except for raiding 1 night out of the week or farming 3 warzones, which is not worth a subscription.


What!?! No Datacron and Lore hunting?


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I quit due to ability delay mainly, and sharding as a side reason. What I don't get is how all the swtor fans that are arguing on this forum think. I mean each game has fanboys, but in every MMO I ve played from what I ve seen the argument between fanboys and haters is usually about either ingame balance or lack/excess of features. Somehow bioware fans are managing to defend lack of AA and high textures, ability delay, fps issues and bugs. Things that any normal person should agree are a problem.


There are mindless sheep being led to the slaughter found everywhere...

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swtor made me resub to wow. that's how i feel. I haven't even logged in to the game in 4 days. i am utterly bored. wow is boring too but it's better than this joke of a game. i spent 5 hours reading about gw2 the other and if bioware had had the balls to try and innovate like arenanet is doing, then swtor would have been a great game but instead they went and copied every other mmo that came before it.


bioware you failed miserably. and i hope you all enjoy this game. i sincerely do, we don't all have the same tastes in everything so i'm glad you have found your mmo home, but imo this game is headed for the discount bin and F2P land very soon.

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They can use your money to beta test it then not mine lol ...... most of these bug90% were known issues in beta and they are not fixed !!!! thats my problem beta bugs not new bugs... sloppy engine and I also hear that its suspected that this engine fries hi end systems....not proven just heard it .


I believe there is truth in this. I've noticed that when I play, my computer does get warmer - this is the ONLY time it occurs. I have 2 internal liquid cooling systems inside so something is really off here...

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SWTOR has given me an appreciation for other studios though. You don't know how good you have it until you go to a new game and find the studio behind it is woefully behind the curve. White Knights can try to defend ability delay, lack of macros, custom UI and LFD, no AA, etc. Ridiculous that Bioware thinks this skeleton of a game is worth the same sub as AAA MMOs on the market.
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Sad but true. The critical thinkers get Routed by the torch and pitchfork crowd from both sides.


It makes me sad and upset at the same time when I see this. People will defend BW or Blizzard even though there are probs with the game. "Oh, BW/Blizz can do no wrong." "Your'e just all a bunch of whiners."


Hello ppl, there ARE legitimate probs with the game otherwise we wouldn't have ALL THESE PPL posting the same things over and over and over again. I love star wars and KOTOR I & II. I was excited when I heard that BW was coming out with this game. I came and played, experienced bugs, apathy from BW and the CS, and a myriad of other issues. What, I should say, "It's ok, BW will fix it, nothing's wrong..." I DON'T THINK SO. IF I buy something, I want it to work. I don't go to a store and buy a broken stereo or a broken tv so why should I buy a broken game?


Where's your backbone people?! Honestly. I didn't resub, I went back to WoW for the simple reason that even though they have issues, CS responds to you and the game functions and I still have friends there. I like to play games, I find them relaxing and enjoyable but not at the expense of something not working and then being ignored by the GM's or CS.

Edited by DarthSublimitas
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It makes me sad and upset at the same time when I see this. People will defend BW or Blizzard even though there are probs with the game. "Oh, BW/Blizz can do no wrong." "Your'e just all a bunch of whiners."


Hello ppl, there ARE legitimate probs with the game otherwise we wouldn't have ALL THESE PPL posting the same things over and over and over again. I love star wars and KOTOR I & II. I was excited when I heard that BW was coming out with this game. I came and played, experienced bugs, apathy from BW and the CS, and a myriad of other issues. What, I should say, "It's ok, BW will fix it, nothing's wrong..." I DON'T THINK SO. IF I buy something, I want it to work. I don't go to a store and buy a broken stereo or a broken tv so why should I buy a broken game?


because don't you know, it's a new game, it'll get better, you're just being impatient, blah blah blah. i guess some people are happy to keep paying for dog food because the company that makes it keeps telling them that it will shortly be selling them filet mignon instead.

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Hmm, how do I feel about SWTOR...


Pretty disapointed. In fact very disapointed !


And before any short-minded idiots start flaming me, Ive already subbed for the next 3 months, I fully intend to support SWTOR for at least that long.


But nobody can deny the amount of faults and bugs with the game is beyond a joke. Now with the none release of 1.1 its getting kinda embarrasing.

The guys at Blizzard must be wetting themselves laughing at the moment and that really p*sses me off cause I wanted this game to be great !




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because don't you know, it's a new game, it'll get better, you're just being impatient, blah blah blah. i guess some people are happy to keep paying for dog food because the company that makes it keeps telling them that it will shortly be selling them filet mignon instead.


And let me add - we're in the 21st century ppl. WE HAVE MODERN GAMING TECHNOLGY THAT WORKS!! If Rift can make a very visually pleasing game, why can't BW??? I'm sure they could have allocated part of that 3 mil for visuals... they could've right??? right??? yeah???

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The number one pain in my but is the unbalanced solo quests. You can end up getting hamstrung, stuck at the end of a guantlet to go into an instance that has overpowered mobs. You die 10 times or so, and realize you have to come back when it is 'gray' and worthless. I don't get it. That will chase away the casual gamers, mark my words.
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I am liking:


The story quests, the voice acting for quests, removal of needless quest npc's for kill x collect y quests, they are added automatically enroute and turned in at one central location, multiple pets regardless of class, pet storylines, having pets do your skill grinding, my very own ship, with a neat minigame tucked inside and with storage locker on said ship, being able to do skills with mats in the storage locker, modable and interchangeable mods for gear, a better hearth system (goodbye binding to one location, hello to any binding location I find).


I am disliking:


Daily quest story modes, loading screens, the long walk and transitions from ship to orbital station to space port, healing in battlegrounds and 99.99% of that is the raid UI in battlegrounds, repeatedly getting huttball, 10 minute matches. Do wish they were shorter.


I am neutral/accepting/dealing with:


Character responsiveness on select abilities, various graphical glitches, quest and pet bugs.

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In general, I love the game. Love it.


However, I'm a casual gamer, so really I'm getting everything out of Swtor that I'm hoping for.


The things that most people seem to hate, I find really weird. Graphics. They look great to me. Sure they aren't as great as Game X but they are the best I recall seeing in a Star Wars game.



I love the voice acting. Others seem to hate it. Some people even think that the story is meh. I'm surprised. Like truly. I cannot stand going into a game and reading a block of text about a mission. I mean, let's be honest, all missions tend to boill down to Kill X number of baddies. In this case, the Voice acting allows me to care and make some reactions. It's not true decisions but whatever. It makes me feel invested in the storylines.


I actually love the space combat. Sorry, I know so many peope hate it. But not me.





Movement: I think that the movement is a bit slow. Speeder bikes are great but they could be faster still.


Load Screens: Too many. But we all knew that one.



Nothing. I hate nothing in this game. Sorry, but it's true.


Would like to see:

Story paths would be nice. I would like to have a Dark Jedi have a different fate than a Light Jedi.


Duel Spec - It would be neat if only to try out different Skill Trees. I don't think it's necessary.


Space Combat - How to explain this...I like the space combat as it is. But it would be nice if you could affect the situation a little more. For example, in certain rescue missions, you can disable the capital ships but you cannot eliminate them. It would be neat if you could do enough damage so they would be removed from the screen. Thus ships could added or removed on the fly.

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Alot of nice posts in this thread. I imagine a lot of the bugs, and such will be fixed within the next few patches hopefully. I might end up giving this game another shot later on down the road, the pvp aspect is what turns me away from this game the most :(
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