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All this OP talk reminds me of...


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Vanilla WoW Rogues...


It sounds like the exact same things all over again...


Person who is not OP - "EFF UR STUNZ!"

OP - "L2 PLAY N00B! All you have to do is trinket and you win!"


Judging by history, OP/Scoundrel will be nerfed, and the class that is closest to a Warlock should be buffed, right?


From personal experience, the only level 50 class that kills me THAT fast is an OP/Scoundrel. No other class destroys me in a few seconds, and I usually beat or put up a good fight with anyone else. It's no coincidence that a lot of people are noticing this and complaining.


If you are currently playing an OP/Scoundrel, enjoy it :) Like in every other MMO, things will change, and the threads will explode with cries for nerfs to another class...


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I just want merc/commando's nerfed by making gav/tracer spam more complex/skill sensitive. Ie, make charged rounds worth using and grav round/tracer becomes your debuff move, not your primary nuke.....as it's supposed to be.


Then remove the knockdown from the opener or reduce the damage on the opener on OP's.


Then change sorc/sage bubble so the cooldown of the ability is the same as the debuff it puts on people (with a healing talent to lower the cd back down for healing sorc/sages).


Pretty much balanced after that.

Edited by Vlaid
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its pretty clear that they will get nerfed, look at all the threads


bh is the next one


Couldn't be more wrong...they aren't nerfing the class anytime soon. They will def nerf the stim stacking (its in the notes)


Go find legit Scoun/OP videos where they don't use stims. The burst isn't as OP as everyone is crying about.


And before you say it no, I don't play a OP or Scoundrel.

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its pretty clear that they will get nerfed, look at all the threads


bh is the next one


You can't nerf a burst rogue class not to burst.


Things I see maybe would be a cooldown, but burst will always be there at level 50 with Battle Master Gear or less.


And people will still QQ.

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merc = rocket spamming, heavy armor, selfhealing fortress


this guys are even outdamaging my gunslinger and i am supposed to be the pure dd (something is seriously wrong here) and i dont come close to have this much survival tools as a merc has ...


Scoundrels/Operatives will just kill you if you have cooldown on your trinket and even if its ready your mostly dead anyways. Its just a bit over the top. Yes, they should have an advantage because they attack you out of stealth but this is to much

Edited by SwordoftheStars
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I dunno, everyone complains about ops/scoundrel damage and I always seem to see inquisitors and juggs on the top of leader boards... *shrugs* but who knows.


Killing a healer or solo defender at a point or door in 4 seconds wins more games than topping damage.


This is exactly like vanilla rogues, killing people inside of stuns and cc is never viable. Trinket and you win is a *********** retarded argument in a game with enough cc to hold a blue whale. Stealth is inherently dumb in mmo's.


Too bad bioware didn't get that.

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Killing a healer or solo defender at a point or door in 4 seconds wins more games than topping damage.


This is exactly like vanilla rogues, killing people inside of stuns and cc is never viable. Trinket and you win is a *********** retarded argument in a game with enough cc to hold a blue whale. Stealth is inherently dumb in mmo's.


Too bad bioware didn't get that.


You really are butt hurt huh.


Rogue classes have been around for a very long time.


Deal with it, or don't play mmo's.


Have a nice day watching your back.


-Signed the OP that kills people for breakfast.

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You really are butt hurt huh.


Rogue classes have been around for a very long time.


Deal with it, or don't play mmo's.


Have a nice day watching your back.


-Signed the OP that kills people for breakfast.


stop defending your op class, you will get nerfed, you can start counting the days

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merc = rocket spamming, heavy armor, selfhealing fortress


this guys are even outdamaging my gunslinger and i am supposed to be the pure dd (something is seriously wrong here) and i dont come close to have this much survival tools as a merc has ...


Scoundrels/Operatives will just kill you if you have cooldown on your trinket and even if its ready your mostly dead anyways. Its just a bit over the top. Yes, they should have an advantage because they attack you out of stealth but this is to much


Mercs big numbers come from AOE. Gunslinger does better ST dps than merc. Nerf gunslingers ST DPS immediately because it's better than BH.


Just because someone puts out bigger numbers on the board doesn't mean the class is necessarily better than yours. People like you with agenda nerf calls cannot be trusted.

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stop defending your op class, you will get nerfed, you can start counting the days


Nerf me all you want.


Just like my rogue in Warcraft, and still was a champ in Arena.


I still will kill, and people will still die and QQ.


I will live in your nightmares you nerf paparazzi.


Watch your back, I am watching.


-Signed the neighborhood Hidden Strike and your dead guy.

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Nerf me all you want.


Just like my rogue in Warcraft, and still was a champ in Arena.


I still will kill, and people will still die and QQ.


I will live in your nightmares you nerf paparazzi.


Watch your back, I am watching.


-Signed the neighborhood Hidden Strike and your dead guy.


your trash talk and thinking your cool because you backstab people wont change the facts

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You really are butt hurt huh.


Rogue classes have been around for a very long time.


Deal with it, or don't play mmo's.


Have a nice day watching your back.


-Signed the OP that kills people for breakfast.


Lol this is why designers put stealth in, people with misguided delusions mixing reality with the game.


I've played a rogue and warrior since molten core, the rogue for over and warrior for pvp, not the other way around because stealth is silly.


I bring it up here because I like and enjoy this game and would rather not see the loss I saw in vanilla wow from people who couldn't deal with it.


Feel free to try and kill me, it doesn't work well.

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I'm not even sure a pure nerf in damage is needed for the OP. In wow, the rogue had 3 openers essentially from stealth. One that stunned and no damage, one that applied a dot, but also had a short silence, and one that did high damage. What the OP's in this game essentially get is one move from stealth that does high damage, silences (knockdown) stuns, and applies a dot. If OP's where given say 3 moves they could CHOOSE to open with, one to knockdown, one to dot and maybe add a snare to it, and then one to do the massive burst that they have now on their opener, and I think a lot of the complaints against them would go away. Edited by Stogan_Strongbow
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I agree with a lot of the things posted in this thread. I play as Merc, and I must admit, tracer missile is a little over the top. I spam it simply because it is one of the most viable abilities when taking heat use into account (due to talent that reduces heat by 9).
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Vanilla WoW Rogues...



To be fair, those rogues posted videos of themselves, totally naked, using gray level 1 daggers, taking out endgame-geared warriors. And that was easily reproducible with 90% success rate by anyone. Yeah, on occasion you got a bad miss or resist, but for the most part it worked.


So, your example? That's a good example of a thing that HAD to be nerfed.


But then again, WoW PvP at launch was even worse than SWTOR, by a long shot. You guys remember that there was no such thing as diminishing returns on CC in WoW at launch? Warlock fear, no CD, didn't break on damage, no diminishing returns. Weee! Leet skillz.

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Vanilla WoW Rogues...


It sounds like the exact same things all over again...


Person who is not OP - "EFF UR STUNZ!"

OP - "L2 PLAY N00B! All you have to do is trinket and you win!"


Judging by history, OP/Scoundrel will be nerfed, and the class that is closest to a Warlock should be buffed, right?


From personal experience, the only level 50 class that kills me THAT fast is an OP/Scoundrel. No other class destroys me in a few seconds, and I usually beat or put up a good fight with anyone else. It's no coincidence that a lot of people are noticing this and complaining.


If you are currently playing an OP/Scoundrel, enjoy it :) Like in every other MMO, things will change, and the threads will explode with cries for nerfs to another class...



You do realize that rogue got its first tune down at the end of tbc right... that was, how many years later?


By your comparison we would see OPs killing people in the opener for years to come.


In addition, rogues in WoW had to play a little differently if they either faced a warrior, pally, other rogue, mage etc*


The OPs in this game do the exact same thing, regardless if they fight a tank or a anything else

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