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Buff awards for WZ Healing!


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One part of the issue is that you dont get assist kill by healing. Also the healing cap for medal are to high and wide spread.


Add a medal for dispelling and other healer feats and pure healing numbers too


Healing is already not a so desirable job as it is. Give us healer some love :D

Edited by Vindor
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If your incentive for doing great as a healer only comes from farming medals, then you clearly have missed the point of playing warzones as a healer. Your goal is to keep people alive and make a difference, but in this game you got more tools than just healing abilities. Your damage is not that gimped either, plus most healers have some excellent crowdcontrol abilities. But oh wait, you wont use them either, since they dont give medals, right?


I regularly save our team from getting scored on in huttball matches by grappling the flagcarriers off ledges back into the pit, or into fires etc. Situations like this can be mvp moments if there was some jury who had to decide on how important some "moves" were over the course of a warzone match. Yet those things give no recognition at all, not in form of medals, not in the form of objective points and more often than not, not even from teammates when they are just deathmatching in midfield. Yet those things still save the day and make YOU feel better, when you pulled that off. Less drastic moments could be putting cc on enemies trying to kill the flagcarrier, snare people who are on your healers etc. Those will all not give medals or any other recognition, but they WIN GAMES! And thats what this is about.


thanks for reading! (you missed the point of the post entirely)

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Healing in WZ's needs a buff to medals. Its currently not worth being an awsome healer. I Win my WZ's because of my healers im my premades. Both happen healers I happen to run with are Sorc's. they average 500-700k healing per WZ, earning average 2-4 meadals a game? As a dps/tank I average about 150-250k damage, I average 10 medals a game. The problem with this is that i have less then 1/2 the influence on the game as they do and im being rewarded more then double the bonus points. I dont think that the Medal system is bad i just think it needs a small buff for healers that really do pull there own weight. I also noticed that taunt gives me medeals for reducing incoming damage but the Sorc Bubbles do not, i would just add that into the mix asap.


I see healers get 9-10 medals every WZ, so what are you crying about?

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It's fine the way is it, I'm fed up of people crying about healers not getting enough medals.


They don't give any more medals for healers because they are trying to encourage people from doing more than just heal. All healing classes in swtor can do a decent amount of damage (enough to get 75k damage and 25 kills easily)


There are a few healers on our server that finish top almost every game because they do more than just heal.


Try beating a team of just healers in Voidstar, it's impossible and makes the game very boring.


If you want to purely heal and be rewarded for it, do pve!

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Funny thing is that they kinda do...

Especially when there's OPs and Snipers about.


I'm not saying there's never going to be a moment when you need to lay on some heavy heals, but healing is not the only thing your ever need to be doing.

Edited by Amp_
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I play Immortal spec SW, and I luv u healers!. I have nothing but respect for u guys, as it is style that I cannot play.


Always vote for the top healer for MvP. If it wasn't for healing I get then it would be pretty pointless being a tank in PvP. But top dps always get voted MvP by nubs.


I mostly run in a pre-made and our healer is generally around 400-600k.


If I do run solo, I always ask if we have healers, whack guard on them and stay with them as long as possible.


Buff Healing Medals...they deserve it!

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That guy did 700k healing and still lost the game 5:3


As i said in my previous post, spamming heal everywhere is nowhere close to be effective as inteligent game play.


Because the other medals you get doing dps are all awarded for effective and intelligent gameplay. Yeah right.


Truth is facerolling your keyboard dpsing everything you see will get you twice the medals you get healing everyone you see

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It's fine the way is it, I'm fed up of people crying about healers not getting enough medals.


They don't give any more medals for healers because they are trying to encourage people from doing more than just heal. All healing classes in swtor can do a decent amount of damage (enough to get 75k damage and 25 kills easily)


There are a few healers on our server that finish top almost every game because they do more than just heal.


Try beating a team of just healers in Voidstar, it's impossible and makes the game very boring.


If you want to purely heal and be rewarded for it, do pve!


I'm sure it isn't boring for them as they are winning.... If you're playing a decent team, you do not have time to be pumping off minute bits of damage. Also as someone else said most of those 'healers' are dps that are medpacking on CD and getting a crit, our tank gets 2 healer medals alone from medpacks every game.


In respones to the 'how to reward the real healers without giving the dps freebie medals'. Simple add an abosorb one for starters, yes I know dps can absorb, but make is a pretty high ammount, one that couldnt come from shielding just themselves or a few players, 100k + maybe? Also maybe say 30/60k to 3/5/7 players, or 20k to every teammate. These are not easily done for dps or tanks often, and easy for a healer who is actually keeping their team alive.


In response to the 'healing doesn't get you MVP, I grapple people into fire'. No one here has said that because we heal we DESERVE MVP all the time, but very often we get no MVP's, this is also due to a lot of players not even voting, but even when they do it's usually for dps (ZOMG DOOD CHECK HIS DMGZ). Who kept you alive so you were able to get that clutch grapple? Who healed you through getting stunned in the fire? Who kept you up through the 2 snipers blowing your face off. No one here is wanting anything outlandish, we just want some appreciation.


I can speak for all PvP healers when I say this, for those of you who DO vote the healers for MVP's, the people who put guard on us, peel for us, stun the ops that are destroying our rectums, we thank you.


BW please consider us in an upcoming patch. KTHX

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Healing in WZ's needs a buff to medals. Its currently not worth being an awsome healer. I Win my WZ's because of my healers im my premades. Both happen healers I happen to run with are Sorc's. they average 500-700k healing per WZ, earning average 2-4 meadals a game? As a dps/tank I average about 150-250k damage, I average 10 medals a game. The problem with this is that i have less then 1/2 the influence on the game as they do and im being rewarded more then double the bonus points. I dont think that the Medal system is bad i just think it needs a small buff for healers that really do pull there own weight. I also noticed that taunt gives me medeals for reducing incoming damage but the Sorc Bubbles do not, i would just add that into the mix asap.



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Also as someone else said most of those 'healers' are dps that are medpacking on CD and getting a crit.


Wrong, they are healers, but healers who know that this game isn't WoW. (unless you can get 300k healing in 1 game from medpacks?)


As I said before all healers can do good damage.


The medals are fine the way there are, you need to heal and do damage in pvp. Even if you just hit people once you still get the kills.



I only get 8-10 medals if I'm purely trying to get the most medals I can, if I focus on winning the game I only end up with 4 or 5. (Hutball for example)


In that sense the medal system is a bit poo but other than that it's fine.

Edited by baumgi
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I would like to see 1-2 more medals, maybe an interim at 150k healing, and one at 500k healing.


As people have said, you can split your time and DPS to get more medals, but that's not the point, healing should offer as many medals as DPS. A DPS class shouldn't get more medals for 1 role, than I do for 2 roles...


This could be fixed by simply giving credit for kills for the people you heal (who then subsequently kill enemies...) and giving protection medals for Barrier.

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Stop tunnel vision healing and get a 2.5k hit, killing blow and 75k dmg done. If you're going to farm valor then farm it O_O


I do the 2.5k heal medal on my concealment Op.


This person please never roll a healer.


When youre a pvp healer, there is very little time often to dps as that means the loss of a teammate being focused. To get 300k healing and 75k damage is not impossible, but doing so means alot of dead teammates as it takes awhile for a non dps class to dish our 75k worth of damage.


What we are asking is that, as healers, we get rewarded for doing our primary job excellent and not half healing half dpsing.


I rolled Madness DPS Sorc tree a few days in pvp and i got automatically more medals every game doing my main purpose, dps.


Why should this be any different that as a healer?



And to further add up about some dps'es narrowminded view of pvp healers. It is not easy for all of us to get the 2.5k damage hit medal. As a healing Sorcerer it is damn well impossible as you dont have the big hit abilities Thundering Blast or Death Field.


So as i have suggested before add the following to healer medals:


- 10 lifes saved from dying

- 25 lifes saved from dying


and perhaps a miror version of Quick Draw killing blow medal:


- Saved a teammate on the point of dying (healed up from 5% hp left fx.)

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Stop tunnel vision healing and get a 2.5k hit, killing blow and 75k dmg done. If you're going to farm valor then farm it O_O


I do the 2.5k heal medal on my concealment Op.


Healing sorcs don't have anything that hits that hard. We're using a 1.5 second cast base class spell as our "big hit", if it actually did that much damage we would be a touch overpowered.

Edited by rainbowunicorns
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they should indeed make some medals for healing , but what can they make that isnt obtainable for dps specced. theres no point introducing 1-2 extra medals to push healers to 7-9 medals'ish on a relatively "deccent" game if this means that dps will now get 11-12 medals on a relatively deccent game.


& btw other then the MPV vote being a "look at me they thought i was good" does it actually do anything? otherwise why r people complaining about not getting voted :p?


MVP votes reward a minimal additional amount of everything, but if a healer got everyone's vote (literally) it would make up for the medal imbalance. However, most people vote for top damage or top medals, of which a healer is neither.

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There are a few healers on our server that finish top almost every game because they do more than just heal.



Ye and they are usually jeopardizing their healing to get medals, letting people die, losing objectives just to get a bit more valor and commendations. That's pretty counter intuitive isn't it?


Sure, it doesn't matter when it's a match where you steamroll your enemy, but in close matches as a healer you'd be wasting resources and gcd by doing damage instead of keeping your team up.


so yes, we can get medals, but it encourages us to play bad.


Killing blow medal is a pain in the *** vs proper teams, 2,5k hit is only possible with double expertise or vs lvl 10s, 5k heal is only possible with double expertise, solo kill is just plain luck based and retarded to go for as a healer, because you'd be separating yourself from a group and not helping them.


Right now, it's just way more convenient to go dps, you get all the healing medals besides 300k healing without having to do anything but dps. As a healer I have to put ****loads of effort and bad play to get the dps ones and by doing that I probably won't get the 300k healing one anyways. On top of that you can get the 300k damage one blindfolded as dps.

Edited by thomasdr
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I give up lol. I guess you guys just wanna heal and nothing else. Fair enough I suppose, what right do I have to tell you how to play a game that you pay for.


In that case how about these?


Hero – Heal 8 different people in a single Warzone.

Last Stand - Heal someone on below 10% health.

Divine Protector - Heal a defender/ball carrier for 15k in 1 life.


Maybe I should be a dev :p

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