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Buff awards for WZ Healing!


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Healing in WZ's needs a buff to medals. Its currently not worth being an awsome healer. I Win my WZ's because of my healers im my premades. Both happen healers I happen to run with are Sorc's. they average 500-700k healing per WZ, earning average 2-4 meadals a game? As a dps/tank I average about 150-250k damage, I average 10 medals a game. The problem with this is that i have less then 1/2 the influence on the game as they do and im being rewarded more then double the bonus points. I dont think that the Medal system is bad i just think it needs a small buff for healers that really do pull there own weight. I also noticed that taunt gives me medeals for reducing incoming damage but the Sorc Bubbles do not, i would just add that into the mix asap.
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I'd be happy if people would notice me for MVP more often.


I just got out of a WZ in which I topped the healing charts by a mile, got 7 badges, and did a pretty respectable amount of damage, especially when you consider that all my damage was single target and that I was spending most of my time healing. I ran back and forth between nodes, healing my team through the waves of attacks, saving several of them from certain death many times over.....And in the end, who had the most MVP votes? Some level 11 who didn't really do much of anything other than wander around aimlessly in stealth and die a lot. I had zero votes.


I am starting to understand why healers have such bad attitudes so much of the time. :p What a thankless job. Maybe I should go back to being a tank so everyone can kiss my *** all the time again. :rolleyes:

Edited by belialle
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My premade buddies feed me MVP votes.


At the same time, it's odd that there is such a disparity in gain between DPS medals and Healing based ones.


Even with getting fed MVP votes by 2-3 other people, the disparity really adds up over time.


I wouldn't mind a buff to healing medals.


(I also have a Notepad file of people I have a gut feeling voted for me MVP in solo-queues. If they have the common sense to sort by top healing and the name attached to the green numbers that kept popping on their screen, they're probably worth pocket healing/premading with down the line. Atleast as far as personal disposition goes.)

Edited by Puzzlybox
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I would like to see more healer medals too. In a particularly nasty match up I barely have time to do anything other than spam heals and bubbles so I don't even sniff any dps medals. The fact the sorc bubble doesn't give a guardian medal has to be an oversight though, what makes our bubbles any less valuable? I've saved no end of people by throwing the bubble to buy time to get off the lifesaving heal, it's a tad frustrating to say the least.
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I don't want pity MVP votes just for being a healer. I want people to give their votes to someone who actually did something valuable, like sit alone on a node all match calling out incs, or a dps who kept 2-3 players busy the whole match and not contributing.


Just fix the system. Stop letting people cheese our healing medals with pots and gear removal, and reduce them by 30% to match the fact that healing is reduced by that much. Also, give us medals for kills if we heal someone within 10s of when they got a kill. It's simple stuff. The kills, imo, is where the divide really happens because dps and tanks get those as a matter of course.

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+1 to this


I tried going corruption on my sorc for a day, and the medal count just completely screws commendations. I don't see why you don't get kill credit for healing someone who is fighting someone else. I mean you get kill credit for doing even a tiny bit of dmg to a play who dies lol.


But I'm not sure that will really help considering I spent a fair amount of time running all over the map being chased while the rest of the team was to busy dueling to both to help out their only healer......then they moan when we lose.

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People that are saying that healers should both heal and dps are missing the point...


If we wanted to DPS, we could, but why should we have to stop healing so we can get a few medals and not contribute to the main objective?


Anyone specced healing is not going to deal enough burst damage to kill anyone anyway.

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Totaly agree.

As a sorc healer I could get 7 medal tops, and only if I do some dps myself. I'm usualy at the top of the table in heal with 5 medals and people on my server give MVPs to hiest DPS :/

so I swiched to DPS. Now I can get 10 medals easyly plus all (or almost all) MVPs. Healing needs a boost in warzone rewards. Mabey reward one medal for every 75k healed not for 75k and then 300k marks.

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Guys i somehow agree with you, but i play also sorc, mostly specced to heal ( now i did little more DPS spec )..


I heal everytime it is neccessary and i do DMG every time it's needed and i have average 8 medals per game, and i never had healing over 300k..


If they do 500-700k healing, they only spam AOE heal endlesly and i do not think it is the best they can do.. Focus more on what is needed, you will have lower numbers, more medals and bigger influence on the game outcome..


My 2 cents

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Guys i somehow agree with you, but i play also sorc, mostly specced to heal ( now i did little more DPS spec )..


I heal everytime it is neccessary and i do DMG every time it's needed and i have average 8 medals per game, and i never had healing over 300k..


If they do 500-700k healing, they only spam AOE heal endlesly and i do not think it is the best they can do.. Focus more on what is needed, you will have lower numbers, more medals and bigger influence on the game outcome..


My 2 cents



I agree 500-700k healing is a gross exageration.

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If they do 500-700k healing, they only spam AOE heal endlesly and i do not think it is the best they can do.. Focus more on what is needed, you will have lower numbers, more medals and bigger influence on the game outcome..



maybe its that high because its me + powertech + marauder mashing their whole team at points to force them to defend so we take other points?

Also AoE heal on sorc's is a 15sec CD that wont get us 500k healing yo

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Agree to OP.

Currently I am working at 150%, as I do not only need to keep my team alive, I also have to tab cycle DoT everybody in range for killing medals. I have to keep an eye out for low health targets so I can steal the killing blow, and come 50 bracket I can kiss that solo kill medal goodbye. (not whining, 50 bracket was desperately needed)


Point is that DPS/CC while healing isn't that hard most of the time, but in the evenly matched WZ where I am the only healer and _really_ need to shine I simply can not waste Force and/or gcd on anything but heals/bubble/interrupt harassing enemy healer. Doing so would make my team die.

....and I end up ~350-400k healing done with 2-4 medals. With ONE pity MVP vote from my tank.


If I go dps I can lol around being half afk and net 6-7 medals without any effort at all*. And probably get more MVP votes as well.

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It is not really hard to reach some dps medals aswell. The dps classes dont only get medals for dps either, some come from healing aswell, even if its just from using medpacks...


Also, why all the whining about medals? Do you really care that much for 1-2 medals who only give you the same amount of commendations? Stop complaining and instead just put up a few hits on some enemies every now and then, when you dont NEED to heal. There are more than enough situations in a warzone match where your team zergs one or just a small number of ppl while you can rather fall asleep and it wouldnt matter. Use that to get some damage in. Your teammates will survive as long as they do not reach 0% health, they dont need to stay topped at 100% in those situations...


If you dont WANT to do this for whatever reasons, then it is your choice. But you made that choice and the consequences of getting less medals are part of the deal in that case.

Edited by Sheduur
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500-700k is not an exaggeration, when your farming kids in huttball its easy, both our healers break 500. Normal Voidstar were usually both 3-400k+. This is not spamming aoe (as sorcs have 1 aoe, that isnt spammable and requires people to stand in). This is effective healing, dont get them confused.
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If they do 500-700k healing, they only spam AOE heal endlesly and i do not think it is the best they can do.. Focus more on what is needed, you will have lower numbers, more medals and bigger influence on the game outcome..


Actually, trinket buffed AoE healing crits pretty well and is very good to counter an AoE heavy enemy team as it'll help keep players alive while you single target heal them. I always drop an AoE on my team if they fight in a group. Usually AoE + HoT + bubble is enough to keep one alive while you focus heal another.

But yeh, seen way too many "healers" out there who do nothing but spam AoE heal as soon as the CD is off and spend the rest of their time doing subpar AoE dps while the rest of their team dies and then boast about scoreboard numbers/medals. Wasted spot is wasted.

Edited by Senefera
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they should indeed make some medals for healing , but what can they make that isnt obtainable for dps specced. theres no point introducing 1-2 extra medals to push healers to 7-9 medals'ish on a relatively "deccent" game if this means that dps will now get 11-12 medals on a relatively deccent game.


& btw other then the MPV vote being a "look at me they thought i was good" does it actually do anything? otherwise why r people complaining about not getting voted :p?

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I just recently switched to healing and can agree its a pain to get medals. I found it was easy to get some by tossing some damage on targets. You can easily get like the 10k Medal, and if you can time it right, the KB Medal. On top of the 75k healing and 2.5k heal, you're at 4. I can usually land a 2.5k hit too from Hidden Strike or a good Explosive Probe.
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totally agree, There isnt much incentive to be a great healer in a WZ. I mean i love healing, and i love helping the team out, but a little recognition of that reflected in the medal distribution would be nice


If your incentive for doing great as a healer only comes from farming medals, then you clearly have missed the point of playing warzones as a healer. Your goal is to keep people alive and make a difference, but in this game you got more tools than just healing abilities. Your damage is not that gimped either, plus most healers have some excellent crowdcontrol abilities. But oh wait, you wont use them either, since they dont give medals, right?


I regularly save our team from getting scored on in huttball matches by grappling the flagcarriers off ledges back into the pit, or into fires etc. Situations like this can be mvp moments if there was some jury who had to decide on how important some "moves" were over the course of a warzone match. Yet those things give no recognition at all, not in form of medals, not in the form of objective points and more often than not, not even from teammates when they are just deathmatching in midfield. Yet those things still save the day and make YOU feel better, when you pulled that off. Less drastic moments could be putting cc on enemies trying to kill the flagcarrier, snare people who are on your healers etc. Those will all not give medals or any other recognition, but they WIN GAMES! And thats what this is about.

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