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No patch on 1/17/2011


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My theory on how the most recent gathering of execs went over at BW:


Bawssman: "So we're good to go on 1.1, right? Anyone have anything ready we can toss into the patch?"


Guy 1: "nope."


Guy 2: "Should be good to go."


Head Dev: "As underwhelming as the patch is considering the state of the game, we think it'll satisfy the needs of a pretty large part of the player base."


Bawssman: "Well, whatever keeps them paying."


Bawssman's secretary: "Um, sir? Most people's free 30 days of game time ends a couple days after the scheduled release date for the current patch, giving them a generous window in which to cancel before they're charged if they don't appreciate the new content."




Bawssman: *expletive*


Bawssman's Secretary: "Very good sir, we'll pass the word to postpone."


Bawssman (with sweat upon the brow): "Good boy."

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Horrible PR move. First content release and you push it back. Not really surprised though I must say. The bugs that have been plaguing end game are still not fixed, so i'm sure thats why they're postponing. (Sarcasm just in case someone didn't get that)
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Honestly, my guess is that it was postponed because they took a holiday today and it's not ready tonight.


I'm really irritated that BioWare seems to shut down on holidays and weekends. It's a 24/7 game and there should be people working and responding to the community all of the time. 2 days with little to no posts on the dev tracker each week bothers me somehow.

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They cant win. If they release it tomorrow people will yell "We told you about these bugs and you did not fix them but put them out anyways!!". If they postpone it you say "I cant believe you postponed this update!!". Better postponed than giving us a bunch of new bugs or another economy ruining exploit I say.



^ this,the new generation of wowbabies continue to amaze me


damed if they do ,damed if they dont


i too prefer things to be ironed out and delayed if they must instead of getting half assed stuff to please a few OCD suffering teens

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Runnin' out of days bioware. If this patch isn't out and useful before the end of the "free" month expect to lose a large chunk of players.


this. honestly im stunned, with the amount of heat they are getting and their ASTRONOMICAL budget they decide to pull a last second delay? it was a ***** move forcing ppl to sub to take advantage of their free month, now we know why.

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wait, let me get this straight. We bash BW for rushing SW out the door early with bugs, and then we bash them again for delaying a patch to make sure the patch is good and ready?




This CONTENT update wasn't adressing many bugs currently ingame. So I guess it's about the CONTENT adding more bugs to it. Current bugs should have been adressed longtime ago. There are bugs in that I submitted in early beta's and still they are ingame.

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this. honestly im stunned, with the amount of heat they are getting and their ASTRONOMICAL budget they decide to pull a last second delay? it was a ***** move forcing ppl to sub to take advantage of their free month, now we know why.


What if the reason they delayed it was because they encuntered a bug the patch caused. Would you really want that going live, a patch breaking more things?


At least, thats what i got when i read and didnt OMG RAGE QUIT.

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They have more busg to be fixed they said.


Good, then let them delay it. Let them take a reasonable amout of time to fix the buggs then when the patch comes and it's buggy then no one is gonna blame you if you tell them to go eff themselves and quit, except of course the enraged fanboiz.

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This CONTENT update wasn't adressing many bugs currently ingame. So I guess it's about the CONTENT adding more bugs to it. Current bugs should have been adressed longtime ago. There are bugs in that I submitted in early beta's and still they are ingame.


Yuo're right, but according to the delay messagem they are trying to prevent an issue they just found with the patch. So, you want them introducing another bug?

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Perhaps they're giving Republic players a reason to visit ilum and subject themselves to the empire zergfest.


Lol just kidding, Bioware said they play Empire characters and they've done nothing to incentivize the Republic faction.

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Honestly, my guess is that it was postponed because they took a holiday today and it's not ready tonight.


I'm really irritated that BioWare seems to shut down on holidays and weekends. It's a 24/7 game and there should be people working and responding to the community all of the time. 2 days with little to no posts on the dev tracker each week bothers me somehow.



son until you run at least your own business, let alone your own multimillion dollar company, you will have ZERO idea just how friggin hard it is to hire more people, nevermind the holiday season wich makes it ten times as hard..


they didnt know if the game was gonna be this big, now they do, stop having unrealistic expectations and for godsakes man, everyone deserves a friggin holiday, these are people working, not your slavebots so you can sit at home playing

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No, we don't have to be patient. We don't have to "give them a chance." We don't have to "Compare to WoW *at release*." We can set whatever the hell standard we feel like and vote with our wallets.


That's some real common sense for you.


you also don't have to be so insulting and hostile :)

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Yeah, it's 3:20 am GMT. On a U.S. holiday.


These are not low-traffic hours. This is prime time.


I'm sorry if you're somehow inexplicably offended by that, but it is 100% true.


Nah not offended, but it's hardly prime time for the world.


Many players are probably off line, and the forums aren't recieving as many posts as during prime day time in the rest of the world comapared to the US.

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They "blame" the postponement on issues brought up by the public test realm testers... who have no idea what Bioware is talking about...


Isn't the PTR forums the only place for testers to post bugs? Are there any glaring new bugs just reported to cause this delay? I don't really see anything that hasn't been talked about for weeks.

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Yuo're right, but according to the delay messagem they are trying to prevent an issue they just found with the patch. So, you want them introducing another bug?


Seems BW could have known this 2 weeks earlier from the feedback the testserver gave. Just sayin.

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