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No patch on 1/17/2011


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The writers can also be told they will be fired for a bad review.


Oh yeah, and why exactly would they be told that? You're seriously telling me that you believe that any major publisher would go to a site and threaten them with the *very realistic* risk of being exposed publicly, thing that would bring that site a ton of visibility and revenue in turn and would destroy the public reputation of said publisher?


Come on, this is ludicrous. :rolleyes:


let us be facetious and simulate how that conversation would go,


Publisher: "Hello, we just sent the review copy of XXXX: XXXXX XXXX. Your writer should have it by tomorrow. We expect a score of 9+, or we'll pull all the ads from your site"

Editor in Chief: "very well sir. Just so you know, this conversation has been recorded. It will be on the front page of our site by tomorrow morning"

Publisher: "Oh shi..."

Edited by Abriael
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Oh yeah, and why exactly would they be told that? You're seriously telling me that you believe that any major publisher would go to a site and threaten them with the *very realistic* risk of being exposed publicly, thing that would bring that site a ton of visibility and revenue in turn and would destroy the public reputation of said publisher?


Come on, this is ludicrous. :rolleyes:


let us be facetious and simulate how that conversation would go,


Publisher: "Hello, we just sent the review copy of XXXX: XXXXX XXXX. Your writer should have it by tomorrow. We expect a score of 9+, or we'll pull all the ads from your site"

Editor in Chief: "very well sir. Just so you know, this conversation has been recorded. It will be on the front page of our site by tomorrow morning"

Publisher: "Oh shi..."




Have a nice day.

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Totally agree. It was delay for good reason to fix bugs in it.


Guess the OP would rather see a bad patch than one that is delayed to make it better.


I don't think it matters... if it was a bad patch he would complain it had bugs... it was delayed so now he complains about that... and when it does go live he will be on here complaining it didn't include everything he wanted




so your stance now is that all reviewers are on the take and not to be trusted but some guy's random blog (who is so random it didn't even receive one reply or comment) is totally trustworthy when his only evidence is an anecdote about what he remembers and a random forum post?



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They cant win. If they release it tomorrow people will yell "We told you about these bugs and you did not fix them but put them out anyways!!". If they postpone it you say "I cant believe you postponed this update!!". Better postponed than giving us a bunch of new bugs or another economy ruining exploit I say.


Then they should have played the winning game and made KOTOR 3 (game basically is KOTOR 3 anyways). :cool:

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I don't think it matters... if it was a bad patch he would complain it had bugs... it was delayed so now he complains about that... and when it does go live he will be on here complaining it didn't include everything he wanted






how am I supposed to have a nice day with that broken link?


Actually I cancelled before I even found out the patch was delayed, has nothing to do with that.

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Runnin' out of days bioware. If this patch isn't out and useful before the end of the "free" month expect to lose a large chunk of players.


I think you are right, I see more and more people talking about quitting in general chat.


Even if the game was flawless it would lose people after the first month, but in it`s current state the main thing keeping people subscribed is the Star Wars theme...


I hope they release the patch soon and manage to fix a chunk of all the bugs, I do want to like the game and it has it`s moments but right now it`s like paying to betatest an old mmo

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Do explain how a completely random blog making completely ineducated guesses about the reasons why a piece was pulled proves anything?


I see plenty articles pulled every year for quality reasons, either the writer didn't do his research properly, or maybe he talked out of his rear without really knowing what he was talking about, or the article was deemed inappropriate or unprofessional. That has nothing to do with anyone being paid. It has to do with editors and editors in chief vigilating on the quality of the articles appearing on their outlets.


Looks like you're grasping at straws without providing the slightest factual evidence.



An article from an unknown site? Wow, you are getting desperate to find links.



That's pretty much it. He could easily just open a new wordpress blog and write on the front page "The press is paid!" And he would be just as credible (not one bit).

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I am pretty disappoint that BioWare have decided last minute not to release patch 1.1 tomorrow as scheduled. I realize that issues arise within development that can delay this sort of thing, but I was looking forward to not having to deal with the stupid green glow from companion healing. Not to mention that it would be really nice if we Jedi Knights who have been with you since launch could progress our storylines with Kira Carsen. She's been bugged from the beginning for me.


Fricken whiner. Geez, it's not like they are never gonna release it you moron. Grow up already.

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Seems a bit fishy that they would pull this 1 day from the free month ending.. I had already cancelled and was lookin forward to this patch to see if they were gonna get serious about addressing the major issues in this game...On top of everything else, I couldn't even continue with my class story past 44 because it got bugged..


Sounds like they're just tryin to string along all the fence sitters to me.. I'd like to see people put their money where their mouths are.. but the sad fact is most will resub neway and continue to complain here for another month+...

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Seems a bit fishy that they would pull this 1 day from the free month ending.. I had already cancelled and was lookin forward to this patch to see if they were gonna get serious about addressing the major issues in this game...On top of everything else, I couldn't even continue with my class story past 44 because it got bugged..


Sounds like they're just tryin to string along all the fence sitters to me.. I'd like to see people put their money where their mouths are.. but the sad fact is most will resub neway and continue to complain here for another month+...


You do realize that they're releasing the patch tonight, right? Sounds like you wear a tinfoil hat and you're grasping at straws :rolleyes:


It's funny how some people WANT this game to fail and are "sad because people will resub". Pure essence of trolling.

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Does no one see the new sticky? It's being released in 9 hours. Was confirmed on twitter too.


they all have seen it. Its just this thread is so much fun. The fighting, the drama, the sexy time, and tauntauns. Its the best ever!

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You do realize that they're releasing the patch tonight, right? Sounds like you wear a tinfoil hat and you're grasping at straws :rolleyes:


It's funny how some people WANT this game to fail and are "sad because people will resub". Pure essence of trolling.


how are they wearing tinfoil hats when "tinfoil" has been replaced with aluminum foil since around 1910?


maybe that's why their hats aren't working?

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how are they wearing tinfoil hats when "tinfoil" has been replaced with aluminum foil since around 1910?


maybe that's why their hats aren't working?


Or maybe they're wearing aluminium foil hats and just repeating themselves over and over that it's tinfoil. Just like they're repeating themselves over and over that Bioware is evil and is eating our souls. :rolleyes:

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Yeah not the least bit biased in that video, said you can't download things when you can, all DS systems have a stylus.......yeah.


So because some dude at CNN (that isn't even a gaming related media outlet, but mainstream media) says something *ignorant* it means that he's paid off?


Want some more straws to grasp at?

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so your stance now is that all reviewers are on the take and not to be trusted but some guy's random blog (who is so random it didn't even receive one reply or comment) is totally trustworthy when his only evidence is an anecdote about what he remembers and a random forum post?




Don't be so naive pal.. Over the last while I started wondering why almost all AAA titles have been getting such good reviews from the big sites I used to frequent.. Their good points exaggerated.. the bad points often not even mentioned.. Also the growing discrepancy between the reviews of those big guys and indie sites as well as user reviews. You only have to look as far as an inch to the side to see the banners and to understand the answer.


I'm not tryin to ring the conspiracy alarms.. but hell open yer eyes.. its just plain politics..


"The game companies are the proverbial golden goose, and the magazines are really at the game companies mercies and must keep good relations. This isn't a Bioware is evil, but more of along the lines if you are a big developer, and you are helping make them money via sneak peeks, content, whispers, rumors, and interviews, along with pre-release screenshots and what have you, they aren't going to lose that by trashing you before shipping and costing your company money and (slightly or more) damaging it's reputation."

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