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No patch on 1/17/2011


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In regard of release: It's still one of the most bug-free MMOs that's just one month old, sound dumb, but sadly is reality. Some MMO's take months to get to this state.


  1. Kira patch to placate those affected.
  2. Seperate PvP bracket patch which would have probably let the people crying over end-game at LEAST play PvP
  3. And fix guild listings (For real this time)
  4. And non-responsive UI bug (have to CTRL+Ux2 to fix)
  5. Or ability lag
  6. or patcher issues
  7. Or dying for no reason in ops
  8. or randomly respawning ops bosses
  9. or randomly NOT spawning ops bosses
  10. or not getting credit for daily pvp wins
  11. Add in fix unharvestable nodes (for real this time)
  12. Companions dropping dead for no reason when exiting a shuttle
  13. enemies getting stuck in the wall and you not being able to kill them but they can kill you
  14. Or companions randomly falling down and getting back up continually
  15. Or the fact they don't auto repawn after you exit a vehicle OR the fact you can't summon them once in a fight your in because you get blown off a vehicle
  16. OR the fact they have massive green random instances
  17. Only the group that gets the killing blow getting credit for mission completion in Ops
  18. Defend the shipment Imperial quest, still bugged
  19. When dead, and need/greed items are being rolled on, get rezzed, can't pick need/greed anymore
  20. People randomly crashing when zoning
  21. Foundry Last boss going immune, and not rping, and ****** the group for fun!
  22. Random Escape pod deaths in EV
  23. Item mods dissapearing
  24. Not able to Abandon bonus quests filling up your log
  25. Not getting social points in HM Flashpoints
  26. Not getting Dark/Light side points in HM Flashpoints
  27. Enter warzone? nope goto char select screen!
  28. Companions making you glow green...forever
  29. Companion says "I SUCKED @ Mission" yet bring back great rewards
  30. Companion says " I ROCK " and mission failure
  31. Diplomacy missions giving you tons of decimal spots for Dark/Light side points
  32. Security key issues
  33. Rakata items worse than columi


there's more im sure.


Yep pretty bug free. And these are moslty minor, ill keep adding to the list as they are posted :D

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Rift had a better launch, better customer service and fixed bugs as they were brought to their attention....this game was rushed out to stores too early and now the delay of the patch is the straw that broke the camels back for a lot of people.


Rift is also a significant smaller Game, and in regards to bugs and fixes in Rift, I think a lot of people would greatly disagree with you there.



So far I also can't complain about customer Service on here, I had a fast response to my support ticket I wrote some days ago.


And support in the forums? What do you expect, it's hard to keep track of proper threats that actually suggest good stuff or ask questions, between all the whiny threads.


I also have to say, I rather have them working on code, instead of answering to questions on the forum 8 hours a day. Sure communication is quiet not here right now, but it will have it's reasons.


But a guy crying cause a dev didn't answer within an hour (or at all) to a question in the Forum.... Well okay, I know such things already from other MMO's like SWG and WoW...

Edited by KiznaCat
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  1. Kira patch to placate those affected.
  2. Seperate PvP bracket patch which would have probably let the people crying over end-game at LEAST play PvP
  3. And fix guild listings (For real this time)
  4. And non-responsive UI bug (have to CTRL+Ux2 to fix)
  5. Or ability lag
  6. or patcher issues
  7. Or dying for no reason in ops
  8. or randomly respawning ops bosses
  9. or randomly NOT spawning ops bosses
  10. or not getting credit for daily pvp wins
  11. Add in fix unharvestable nodes (for real this time)
  12. Companions dropping dead for no reason when exiting a shuttle
  13. enemies getting stuck in the wall and you not being able to kill them but they can kill you
  14. Or companions randomly falling down and getting back up continually
  15. Or the fact they don't auto repawn after you exit a vehicle OR the fact you can't summon them once in a fight your in because you get blown off a vehicle
  16. OR the fact they have massive green random instances
  17. Only the group that gets the killing blow getting credit for mission completion in Ops
  18. Defend the shipment Imperial quest, still bugged
  19. When dead, and need/greed items are being rolled on, get rezzed, can't pick need/greed anymore
  20. People randomly crashing when zoning
  21. Foundry Last boss going immune, and not rping, and ****** the group for fun!
  22. Random Escape pod deaths in EV
  23. Item mods dissapearing
  24. Not able to Abandon bonus quests filling up your log
  25. Not getting social points in HM Flashpoints
  26. Not getting Dark/Light side points in HM Flashpoints
  27. Enter warzone? nope goto char select screen!
  28. Companions making you glow green...forever
  29. Companion says "I SUCKED @ Mission" yet bring back great rewards
  30. Companion says " I ROCK " and mission failure
  31. Diplomacy missions giving you tons of decimal spots for Dark/Light side points
  32. Security key issues
  33. Rakata items worse than columi


there's more im sure.


Yep pretty bug free. And these are moslty minor, ill keep adding to the list as they are posted :D


Hey QQ'er WoW is over there ------------------------------------>

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Hey QQ'er WoW is over there ------------------------------------>


All isee is firefox's scroll bar over there? :confused::confused:


also, I havnt played wow in over a year, nice try though


so your saying these bugs are perfectly fine to live with?

Edited by Yewdee
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  1. Kira patch to placate those affected.
  2. Seperate PvP bracket patch which would have probably let the people crying over end-game at LEAST play PvP
  3. And fix guild listings (For real this time)
  4. And non-responsive UI bug (have to CTRL+Ux2 to fix)
  5. Or ability lag
  6. or patcher issues
  7. Or dying for no reason in ops
  8. or randomly respawning ops bosses
  9. or randomly NOT spawning ops bosses
  10. or not getting credit for daily pvp wins
  11. Add in fix unharvestable nodes (for real this time)
  12. Companions dropping dead for no reason when exiting a shuttle
  13. enemies getting stuck in the wall and you not being able to kill them but they can kill you
  14. Or companions randomly falling down and getting back up continually
  15. Or the fact they don't auto repawn after you exit a vehicle OR the fact you can't summon them once in a fight your in because you get blown off a vehicle
  16. OR the fact they have massive green random instances
  17. Only the group that gets the killing blow getting credit for mission completion in Ops
  18. Defend the shipment Imperial quest, still bugged
  19. When dead, and need/greed items are being rolled on, get rezzed, can't pick need/greed anymore
  20. People randomly crashing when zoning
  21. Foundry Last boss going immune, and not rping, and ****** the group for fun!
  22. Random Escape pod deaths in EV
  23. Item mods dissapearing
  24. Not able to Abandon bonus quests filling up your log
  25. Not getting social points in HM Flashpoints
  26. Not getting Dark/Light side points in HM Flashpoints
  27. Enter warzone? nope goto char select screen!
  28. Companions making you glow green...forever
  29. Companion says "I SUCKED @ Mission" yet bring back great rewards
  30. Companion says " I ROCK " and mission failure
  31. Diplomacy missions giving you tons of decimal spots for Dark/Light side points
  32. Security key issues
  33. Rakata items worse than columi


there's more im sure.


Yep pretty bug free. And these are moslty minor, ill keep adding to the list as they are posted :D


I didn't have a security key issue at all so far, so no idear what you are talking about.


Also, I haven't seen a single unharvestable node since the fix, only nodes that some players started harvesting but didn't loot, and therefore making them useless for others for x minutes.



Non-responsive UI bug seems to be a more deeper issue then you might think. I haven't had the problem since 1.0.1something. same for a few others of my friends. Then one always gets it after having been in a group, or while being in a group.


Enemies getting stuck in a wall, yeah I know that stuff from many other games, I guess I'm just to used to it as that it really would bother me. :p



Never heard of the launcher bug though, so no idear again like on the Security Key issue.


Companions sometimes also die on lifts btw.



Also, i really didn't encounter most problems you describe yet, which surely means that they aren't present. Just means I'm quiet lucky. xD



But yet: It's quiet not as bugged as many MMO's I played at lunch.



Also: I can life with those bugs for some time, max 2 months though, then I would start getting worried. :p

Edited by KiznaCat
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Geez, never seen so much QQ'ing in my life!


But you know what? It's because you people care about this game, you really do.


I think that if you really want to unsubscribe then do it. They won't notice the loss in revenue. I'm sure that WoW would love to have the people back that THEY lost when this game came online a month ago. Oh, you didn't think about how much people are fed up with THAT POS game?


I love that this is a free country and we're allowed to rip on something that is so much better than EVERYTHING else, even with it's little flaws or bugs. Love it.

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Geez, never seen so much QQ'ing in my life!


But you know what? It's because you people care about this game, you really do.


I think that if you really want to unsubscribe then do it. They won't notice the loss in revenue. I'm sure that WoW would love to have the people back that THEY lost when this game came online a month ago. Oh, you didn't think about how much people are fed up with THAT POS game?


I love that this is a free country and we're allowed to rip on something that is so much better than EVERYTHING else, even with it's little flaws or bugs. Love it.


I'm pretty sure that when I login today after work the same people who have logged in since day one will be there and I will tell them to login to this forum just for the laughs.


Ultimately the bottom line is you either


1) accept what is currently on the table and continue.

2) Un-sub

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Geez, never seen so much QQ'ing in my life!


But you know what? It's because you people care about this game, you really do.


I think that if you really want to unsubscribe then do it. They won't notice the loss in revenue. I'm sure that WoW would love to have the people back that THEY lost when this game came online a month ago. Oh, you didn't think about how much people are fed up with THAT POS game?


I love that this is a free country and we're allowed to rip on something that is so much better than EVERYTHING else, even with it's little flaws or bugs. Love it.



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Also, I haven't seen a single unharvestable node since the fix, only nodes that some players started harvesting but didn't loot, and therefore making them useless for others for x minutes.


I think this is only prevalent on low level planets. For example, I've still seen un-harvestable on Coruscant, but I haven't seen any on Taris or Tatooine etc.



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I apologize if this has already been asked but, did this patch also include the forum changes that were stated? In other words are the forum changes delayed as well?




Not sure I saw any mention of Forum changes set in the explination of what this patch had in it unless i'm blind so probably no it doesn't

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The only thing that I want is to get level 50's out of my Warzones, which never happens because content updates/various fixes get delayed, every single time.


You would figure that a multi-million dollar company could get their stuff together, but whatever. I'm not going anywhere.


Don't worry, we don't want you lowbies in ours.

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Don't worry, we don't want you lowbies in ours.




Bioware intended all levels to be grouped. If you're losing, I doubt it's because of lowbies. I win all the time with lowbies in my groups PULLING their weight.


Guess that means it's just you.

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Not sure I saw any mention of Forum changes set in the explination of what this patch had in it unless i'm blind so probably no it doesn't


I guess I was referring to this, I just assumed this would happen during the patch downtime.



Next week, we’re going to implement some changes to the Forums based on feedback we’ve received from the community. These changes are meant to help address some of the concerns the community has and to make Forums organization a little easier to use overall.


In the layout we have now, things like Guild Recruitment and Server Events are spread out and can be difficult to locate. We’ve also seen some requests for places on the forums where players can go to discuss things more closely with others on their particular server, and for a place for suggestions for the game. To start addressing some of these concerns, we will introduce a new forum section: Server Group Forums, and will place the Suggestion Box back in its rightful place under General Discussion.


The Server Group Forums will be divided by server type (PvE, PvP, RP, and RP-PvP), and then alphabetically by the server listing. We have grouped several servers of the same types together to provide areas where players can more easily talk with others on their server (and other players on the same types of servers) – about crafting items, grouping up, hosting events, and more. Each Server Group Forum hosts several servers. If your server’s name falls in the alphabetical range in the forum title, that’s where you’ll post!


Each Server Group Forum has a Guild Recruitment subforum, where players can recruit others into their guilds and look for a guild. There are many more subforums for recruitment in this organization than previously, so it will be much easier to find a guild on your server!


We ask that you please use a [server Name] tag in front of your threads in these forums when they open to make it easy to see when you make a thread that is specifically intended for other members of your server, and to make sure everyone can see relevant threads easily.


As a side effect of opening these new forums, we will close the Guild Hall and Server Events sections of the forum, as the content for those forums now belongs under our Server Group Forums. We’ll leave those forums visible for a time (but not open for posts) so that you can grab the text of your recruitment posts (or any other posts you’d like to keep from those forums) and post in the new Server Group Forums.


We will also add the Suggestion Box forum to create a place for constructive suggestion threads to live. We encourage you to share your ideas!


We understand that some players would still prefer individual server forums. If volume in the Server Group Forums dictates and it is still too difficult to locate information important to you that relates to your server, we will continue to consider additional changes. We believe this organization will allow us to have a thriving area for per-server discussion, and we’ll remain flexible and receptive to feedback from these changes. As always, if you have any other suggestions for the forums (new forums you’d like to see, changes that would be helpful), we’re glad to hear them. Thank you for providing your constructive feedback!

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Honestly, I think those that are willing to give this game a chance will be okay with a patch delay. I would rather a patch be delayed if it isnt ready to be released. This likely means they missed something that needed to be added or testing revealed the patch broke something else. If you can't wait you cant wait and time to unsubscribe. However, threatening to quit because you want them to release a patch that could cause enough issues so you would then again threaten to quit is really quite shortsighted and silly.
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I guess I was referring to this, I just assumed this would happen during the patch downtime.


Well I have yet to discover any new information about that specific post of forum changes. And then can only assume this is for the patch itself and has nothing to do with the forum's up coming changes

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Honestly, I think those that are willing to give this game a chance will be okay with a patch delay. I would rather a patch be delayed if it isnt ready to be released. This likely means they missed something that needed to be added or testing revealed the patch broke something else. If you can't wait you cant wait and time to unsubscribe. However, threatening to quit because you want them to release a patch that could cause enough issues so you would then again threaten to quit is really quite shortsighted and silly.


Like I mentioned before. People have only 2 options


1) Accept whats on the table now and continue

2) Un-sub


The people who are threatining to un-sub because of this delay or whatever the case will ALWAYS find reasons to threaten with un-subbing no matter what.


So again


1) Accept whats on the table and continue



that's it

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I feel like this is a conspiracy by BioWare. A number of people have been threatening to quit for multiple reasons, or have already canceled subs.


This patch was basically arriving right on the cusp of the Month One subscription end. So now people who were waiting for the patch to give the game "one more try" will either have to unsub without knowing if it addressed some of their concerns, or be curious enough about it to pay another $15.


It's just too convenient of a last minute delay, so I'm betting BW is hedging that this will keep a few more subs current for Month Two.

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I want to say I'm thankful that Bioware delayed the patch, in order to get it right, and I commend them for their honesty on the subject.


Being a veteran of both AoC and STO, I have seen first hand what occurs when developers push out a bad patch, only to spend weeks and months trying to fix the patch on live, putting all other new content and fixes on the back burner.


Way to go Bioware! Keep up the good work, and the level of quality that you are obviously committed to.


As for the petulant children on here throwing tantrums and cursing Bioware's name for delaying the patch, my advice would be to grow up. Or at the very least, go load up Age of Conan and tell me how great it is to rush out patches when they aren't ready. AoC's last patch has brought their servers to a grinding halt for over a month now. Be thankful that Bioware thinks more of it's customers than that.

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Like I mentioned before. People have only 2 options


1) Accept whats on the table now and continue

2) Un-sub


The people who are threatining to un-sub because of this delay or whatever the case will ALWAYS find reasons to threaten with un-subbing no matter what.


So again


1) Accept whats on the table and continue



that's it


So spot on!

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I feel like this is a conspiracy by BioWare. A number of people have been threatening to quit for multiple reasons, or have already canceled subs.


This patch was basically arriving right on the cusp of the Month One subscription end. So now people who were waiting for the patch to give the game "one more try" will either have to unsub without knowing if it addressed some of their concerns, or be curious enough about it to pay another $15.


It's just too convenient of a last minute delay, so I'm betting BW is hedging that this will keep a few more subs current for Month Two.


That's exactly what I think is behind this.


"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth".
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I feel like this is a conspiracy by BioWare. A number of people have been threatening to quit for multiple reasons, or have already canceled subs.


This patch was basically arriving right on the cusp of the Month One subscription end. So now people who were waiting for the patch to give the game "one more try" will either have to unsub without knowing if it addressed some of their concerns, or be curious enough about it to pay another $15.


It's just too convenient of a last minute delay, so I'm betting BW is hedging that this will keep a few more subs current for Month Two.


The people who are un-subbing already don't need to sub to know if it addressed anything, they could just troll the forums and see if it did or did not.


The people who are unsubbing now would likley have done so either by right at this moment now or already have

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