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No patch on 1/17/2011


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Good way to get people to resub...


The early acessers can either resub to see 1.1, or quit..


All they need to do is cancel, wait for patch, then Google the results. They will know whether or not to sub.


I could care less about the patch. The game is fine, for single player. I like the Star Wars IP a great deal, anyway. However, to be honest...without the IP, the game would be a mediocre offering at best.

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That argument only works if you have insight into their teams. If they hire 50 more people to do ME3, how are they spread thin? If EA buys Bioware to turn it into the next CSI by slapping that name on a dozen new studios (that all have nothing to do with the "original" Bioware), how are they spread thin?


Common sense tells me that they wouldn't have all brand new employees working on ME3. In fact, we know they don't as it's lead by Casey Hudson who has been with Bioware since Baldur's Gate. I'm sure a large number of veteran Bioware employees are working on ME3 (I'd be disappointed and expect ME3 to suck if it's all a bunch of new hires). Same goes for DA3. So it would have been nice if those very talented people who have many years of experience with Bioware game design were available to work on SWTOR, especially in these early difficult days.

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There is winning and it's called communicating with your customers. You keep your customers in the loop and make them feel that they are listened to, that their constant reporting and feedback has some bearing on the quality of the product.


You mean by noting that their tested patch has some problems and letting everyone know that because they found issues thanks to customers helping them test that they're going to hold up?


Is that the kind of "bearing on the quality of the product" you had in mind?

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I'm starting to get the feeling that Bioware can't handle this type of game. I love their games (except for Dragon Age 2) but an MMO is a completely different animal. Most companies that make MMOs are built from the ground-up as an MMO company. Even Blizzard had to totally reinvent itself when they made WoW -- they threw their whole company behind it, and they didn't make another game (not counting WoW expansions) for six years until they finally came out with Starcraft 2. Bioware meanwhile is spread very thin, trying to manage an MMO on top of producing Mass Effect 3, a new Dragon Age game in the works, a Command & Conquer game and who knows what else. I know it's all different teams, but it's still one company juggling all of these balls and certain important people, such as Ray and Greg and a lot of the most talented people in the company, are not available to devote their attention to this major project.


I think they may have underestimated the work-load that goes into an MMO, and therefore have a team that is much too small to manage the game. Considering how many bugs the game has, the patch notes on 1.1 should be much longer. Stupid bugs like invisible weapons in cutscenes, companions wigging out on elevators, dialogue scenes with no dialogue options, etc. should have been stomped out by now. The patch notes for the first major WoW update was three times as long as SWTOR's 1.1, and IMO WoW had fewer problems to be fixed when it was released than SWTOR. My conclusion is that there just aren't enough people working on SWTOR because Bioware is spread too thin.


Oh come on dude use your head. You're nearly there. If you were in charge of this particular game, half-assed and full of bugs, you've just sold 3 million units, the public is slowly becoming aware that they've been sold a lemon... are you gonna spend money to fix the game, or are you gonna try to hire and maintain as few engineers as possible, who can put out a little bit of content as cheaply as possible, just enough to keep a few sorry fanbois subscribed... Face it this game is past it's peak and the developers know that, and they've known this would happen before the game was released. It's already more than made it's money back, it's been a financial success to them.

Edited by Taurusaud
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You mean by noting that their tested patch has some problems and letting everyone know that because they found issues thanks to customers helping them test that they're going to hold up?


Is that the kind of "bearing on the quality of the product" you had in mind?


Literal much?


There would be no need to fix the issues they're trying to fix right now if they had listened and acknowledged their customers, potential at a time, during the beta. What makes you think anything has changed?


All of these issues people are complaining about have been brought up multiple times over, just like now, during the beta. Did anyone listen? Alas, here we are now waiting for them to fix what could have been avoided in the first place.


Just making a blanket statement that there was an issue with patch when they tested it and are deciding to hold back on it doesn't speak anything. We already know what is in the patch. We also know that a lot of people were waiting for this patch to make their decision whether or not to commit to the game in the form of subscription.


What I was referring to more so than the current state of affairs is the issues not addressed in the patch. There is no telling when and if any of those issues will be resolved. I for one would very much like to know if some of the issues are even known to them, let alone if they will fix them, and there is not a single indication that devs. have any clue about any of the issues presented by people here. We only find out after they have decided which ones are priority.


Did you ever see any communication with customers here asking what the biggest pain points were outside of bracketing system, which by the way was requested countless times during beta.


Regardless, I still believe they should be more active on these forums and with their customers and at least defuse situation some, because there is nothing worse than a customer that feels they are not being heard, and not all of us are unified in the issues that are making the game unplayable or otherwise.

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Literal much?


There would be no need to fix the issues they're trying to fix right now if they had listened and acknowledged their customers, potential at a time, during the beta. What makes you think anything has changed?


All of these issues people are complaining about have been brought up multiple times over, just like now, during the beta. Did anyone listen? Alas, here we are now waiting for them to fix what could have been avoided in the first place.


Just making a blanket statement that there was an issue with patch when they tested it and are deciding to hold back on it doesn't speak anything. We already know what is in the patch. We also know that a lot of people were waiting for this patch to make their decision whether or not to commit to the game in the form of subscription.


What I was referring to more so than the current state of affairs is the issues not addressed in the patch. There is no telling when and if any of those issues will be resolved. I for one would very much like to know if some of the issues are even known to them, let alone if they will fix them, and there is not a single indication that devs. have any clue about any of the issues presented by people here. We only find out after they have decided which ones are priority.


Did you ever see any communication with customers here asking what the biggest pain points were outside of bracketing system, which by the way was requested countless times during beta.


Regardless, I still believe they should be more active on these forums and with their customers and at least defuse situation some, because there is nothing worse than a customer that feels they are not being heard, and not all of us are unified in the issues that are making the game unplayable or otherwise.


While I don't disagree with you this is Bioware's first MMO and it's still basically in Beta. Compared to say, WoW, DCUO or any other MMO this has been a pretty smooth launch.


I do wish that they would focus on fixes the bugs, class frustrations (Warrior says "hi" and "I need carpal tunnel surgery!") and imbalances, making all crew skills equally good as opposed to equally bad, cleaning up the horrible AH interface and fixing what we have rather than adding more stuff to fix.

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Well, this feels a lot like the way warhammer was handled around the time subs were up. Big patch announced, and got pushed back a few days past re-up time. I played a shadowwarrior then, and a sentinel now. . . . maybe Ive a thing for the classes people say suck.
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Its nice politics from Bioware because for many of players "free month" end 19th so they trying to force them to buy at least 1 month more if they want to see patch 1.1


Bad politics really, delaying the fixes and what not that would have come with 1.1 is pissing people off enough to quit.

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In beta you had survey's around every corner and most of us took those very serious. For bugs we were actively reporting them ingame way it was supposed to. Sure bugs were mentioned in forum too, but those are pointers. The bugreport was enough, it was linked to the info of hardware you were playing with, place you were on server , what happend and how. There is hardly a way to reproduce many bugs just by reading the posts on a forum.


aye i reported a few and had a Dev contact me in game a few times about them and also had emails going back and forth on another. So they did take reports and bug serious. Most of the ones i reported where with quest rewards items disapearing when you went to equip them or selected your reward. I know all the ones i reported where fixed during beta.

I agree about the forum reporting. I have seen people complaining about things such as I turned right and my FPS dropped. When asked they had not reported it right away in game. A issue like that is much easier to find and fix if reported right then as the devs can check the logs for right where you were standing and such to see where it was and what had caused it

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my friend and i were talking about 1.1 last week before we knew it was supposed to go live tomorrow.


he said no it will go live before subs have to repay after the free month


and i said no way man, its ea you know they are gonna be like oh snap we have to postpone it till after blah blah date


which just happens to be after the free month expires...


guess i won the bet

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*shrug* just gonna say that BW is leaving a bad first impression. Game feels more buggy than it should given how long it was in production, and I am disappointed in how much is being fixed per patch/update. Hope the effort to fix the game is being stepped up soon. Thanks for what you *have* accomplished, BW!
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