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No patch on 1/17/2011


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I am pretty disappoint that BioWare have decided last minute not to release patch 1.1 tomorrow as scheduled. I realize that issues arise within development that can delay this sort of thing, but I was looking forward to not having to deal with the stupid green glow from companion healing. Not to mention that it would be really nice if we Jedi Knights who have been with you since launch could progress our storylines with Kira Carsen. She's been bugged from the beginning for me. Edited by Kryptale
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They cant win. If they release it tomorrow people will yell "We told you about these bugs and you did not fix them but put them out anyways!!". If they postpone it you say "I cant believe you postponed this update!!". Better postponed than giving us a bunch of new bugs or another economy ruining exploit I say.
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I like how they worded the message.



BECAUSE WE CARE.... to bad they didn't have that saying back during beta phase when these issues were already bugged and talked about lol w/e


When the game was released, that was an EA decision. But when it comes to patches and new content, that is more then likely a Bioware internal decision, with not much input from EA.

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Sorry everyone. I kind of feel responsible for this delay. It seems that Bioware got hold of my schedule for the week, and realizing that I'm only working my usual second shift on Monday this week, graciously decided to hold off on the patch until later on in the week. Since Monday is the only night this week I'll be playing during my usually time of 12:30 to around 3am, I appreciate Bioware putting off the patch until a time that is more convenient for me. Hate it for the rest of you, but thanks to Bioware for confirming that the universe does, indeed, revolve around me. :D Edited by Canarys
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When the game was released, that was an EA decision. But when it comes to patches and new content, that is more then likely a Bioware internal decision, with not much input from EA.


EA is Bioware. Bioware is not a separate company any more, it's just a department of EA.


And what does Bioware care if they postpone now, they are making profit and with the number of blind fanboyism Bioware can take as much time as they want doing whatever they want because there are enough people that will defend Bioware regardless of what they were doing.

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They cant win. If they release it tomorrow people will yell "We told you about these bugs and you did not fix them but put them out anyways!!". If they postpone it you say "I cant believe you postponed this update!!". Better postponed than giving us a bunch of new bugs or another economy ruining exploit I say.


well put

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EA is Bioware. Bioware is not a separate company any more, it's just a department of EA.


And what does Bioware care if they postpone now, they are making profit and with the number of blind fanboyism Bioware can take as much time as they want doing whatever they want because there are enough people that will defend Bioware regardless of what they were doing.


The patch was postponed because everyone who would be upset and unsub has logged off for the night.


It is an obviously dirty move.

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I know dont put a bad patch out there and so on....


but I was looking forward to this and thay MUST have it out before 20th or they really hurt themselfs, resub day is comming and a fail launch of patch 1.1 is not good imho.


couldnt timed this worse, hope u solve it BW. soon.. bracketts missing will NOT bring more subz

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Great. The last time they postponed maintenance they posted the updated time less than 8 hours (00:07 GMT - while I was asleep) before it went down. After I had made plans around playing that morning.


It would just be nice to be able to plan around all these maintenance downtimes.

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Any person who isnt blind understand that they had 2 weeks to test this patch, and yet they just realized it isnt ready 5 hours before downtime.


It was all to get people to resub tonight.


It was a lie.


Anybody who's ever done software development knows that sometimes you miss a deadline and things aren't ready when you hoped they would be.


And seriously, you think there plan is to keep subscribers by *not* fixing bugs? And announcing that a few days before the first month is up?


You think those patch notes were just an elaborate hoax?



Edited by imtrick
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honestly pulling a oh opps last minute postponement based off of feed back from the forums they have had access to for like 2 weeks makes me raise a redflag. most of the time if you need to delay a release you know about it a bit before its released not 5 hours before lol.


This almost feels like a carrot on a stick tactic to get a months worth of subs from people that were going to unsub if 1.1 was a let down.... now the only way to see is to actually resub and try it out.


Crafty crafty.


Tin foil hat on!

Edited by Barracudastr
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