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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hood On/Off Toggle?


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I bet if ewoks ever make an appearance in SWTOR, they'll ALL be hoodless. Just sayin'..


Also going on SEVEN months and this feature isn't in the game yet? I'm a patient person and all, but damn!


*Wags finger*

Edited by JediKnightJax
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I bet if ewoks ever make an appearance in SWTOR, they'll ALL be hoodless. Just sayin'..


Also going on SEVEN months and this feature isn't in the game yet? I'm a patient person and all, but damn!


*Wags finger*


That's a lot of my issue. I knew going in I'd have to be patient, which is ok. Patience is something people need. However after 7 months this is an issue that has gone on WAY too long. Especially since we got promised a fix in the next patch after 1.2. I have sated myself on that fact alone, and now it's "soon" rather than telling us when. If I didn't love my chest piece other than the hood, I'd have moved back to Trooper gear like I leveled in. As stands I just make my guild-mates sick of my tyrades about it.

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I realy hope that this hood toggle willsee the light int he future.


There are a lot kind of players. There is who like PVP, or PVE, or RP.

All but Rpers had something in this months.

This toggle is a service that rpers would like very much.

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What about the armor from the jedi knight character creation screen?


Easily one of the coolest looking armors for a JK (admitedly there's not really any competition), it has a hood down, it looks like an iconic jedi knight, they show it to you in character creation......


But of course, the only things wearing it are the nameless NPCs walking around the fleet.


What do i get to wear?


My BH helmet is a skin-tight swim-cap, which i suppose isa step up from the samurai helmet that was paired with the pvp form fitting body suit


I HATE looking at my own character. Thats not right.


But what makes it worse is that the NPCs have some simple, nice looking star wars looks, WITH THE HOODS DOWN.

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What about the armor from the jedi knight character creation screen?


Easily one of the coolest looking armors for a JK (admitedly there's not really any competition), it has a hood down, it looks like an iconic jedi knight, they show it to you in character creation......


But of course, the only things wearing it are the nameless NPCs walking around the fleet.


What do i get to wear?


My BH helmet is a skin-tight swim-cap, which i suppose isa step up from the samurai helmet that was paired with the pvp form fitting body suit


I HATE looking at my own character. Thats not right.


But what makes it worse is that the NPCs have some simple, nice looking star wars looks, WITH THE HOODS DOWN.


The armor at the start is the lv32 Legacy armor from Coruscant. (course it has the hood up on that one!)

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The armor at the start is the lv32 Legacy armor from Coruscant. (course it has the hood up on that one!)


Unfortunately, it's not. The character creation armor has the cool-looking shoulder armor. Essentially it is the Jedi Battlord armor, but instead of being green armor, it's white, which is more in-line with Star Wars coloring, a la Obi Wan in Clone Wars, Stormtroopers, Republic Clones, Republic Troopers.....


Also, it has its hood down....which is probably why it got cut from the game. whomever decided that they were going to withold hood-down armors from the players unfortunately resulted in many of the comeliest armors being witheld from their paying customers.


Don't you just love being jealous of the nameless NPCs meandering around the fleet?

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I just made a new Consular character so i'm back on Tython....ever single bloody NPC, every single one, with a hood down, which is damn near all of them, have the hood draped down their backs...



Bioware, come on now, really? :mad:



We will be in your *** about this until this matter is FIXED!

Edited by MiyagiHayabusa
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I've been wishing for a hood on/off toggle since launch. :p I like to see my character's faces. What's the point in being able to toggle off your head slot if the hood covers your face? Even if it just switches the model to the no-hood model you see when you have your helmet on, I'd be fine with that.
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That's a lot of my issue. I knew going in I'd have to be patient, which is ok. Patience is something people need. However after 7 months this is an issue that has gone on WAY too long. Especially since we got promised a fix in the next patch after 1.2. I have sated myself on that fact alone, and now it's "soon" rather than telling us when. If I didn't love my chest piece other than the hood, I'd have moved back to Trooper gear like I leveled in. As stands I just make my guild-mates sick of my tyrades about it.


I bet if/when a hood toggle is added to the game it'll get messed up some how and every Jedi Knight robe will give us even more junk in the trunk.. lol :jawa_tongue:

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I've found orange hats and robes that let me, effectively, toggle the hood. The dressing room item preview even shows me which robes & hats will work this way. Is there something I'm missing, given that this thread is so long?
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I've found orange hats and robes that let me, effectively, toggle the hood. The dressing room item preview even shows me which robes & hats will work this way. Is there something I'm missing, given that this thread is so long?


If by "effectively" toggle the hood you mean the hood disappears entirely and now you have a cyclops visor or weird headgear on, than a lot of people don't consider that very effective. If you have found a way to actually make the hood fall back to your shoulders and not have any headgear showing, then we would love to hear about it.

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So I just came up with an idea for the future... But it wouldn't help the current armors and hoods. Instead of stupid headbands, we could get headpieces that are actually hoods and chestpieces that have hoods lowered down. Just as some headbands do, the hood headpieces could override the lowered hood on our neck so it wouldn't be visible and upon hiding the head piece, the hood would appear on the neck again.
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They've been saying this was to go in for along time now. This should be a top priority imo. Something they said they would implement asap. Where is it?? I hope its with the next patch. but i really doubt it. Probably going to cost like 1k cartel coins or some crap.
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They've been saying this was to go in for along time now. This should be a top priority imo. Something they said they would implement asap. Where is it?? I hope its with the next patch. but i really doubt it. Probably going to cost like 1k cartel coins or some crap.


The first Dev Response was "It's in the next update!" Then that came and went with no toggle. The next Dev Response was considerably more Weaksauce: "We still plan on doing it." The next Dev Response was an MP3 loop of crickets in a field that is still on repeat.

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I play a Miraluka, as such all headgear is invisible to me, but it seems the 'Hide head slot' option still works and simply removes the hood. I rather like it.


The Hide Head Slot does not and never has removed hoods. Only helmets and hats that are equipped in the head slot. The hood is one the chest piece and is unaffected.

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Why make JKs look bad? It makes no sense. The people making the demos (and the trailers) knew very well that "hood down" is where it's at... Maybe the ppl that they outsourced the art to are getting paid more to mess the game up? Half of the MMO hook is about vanity. L2DEV!

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The Hide Head Slot does not and never has removed hoods. Only helmets and hats that are equipped in the head slot. The hood is one the chest piece and is unaffected.


Yeah, my mistake. Appearently there was one headpiece which still disabled the hood, but was invisible.

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We're going F2P, this game lost sales and subs, and they keep pumping new content without fixing old issues. I see a link there somewhere. Don't get me wrong, I love this game, but there are so many bugs that I'd honestly like BW to stop making new content for 2 months, all departments, and fix the bugs before moving forward. Big butts, hoods, companion weapons, dialog mix-ups, all of it is stuff we as a player base know about and report, but it's not as important as new stuff. Well why would you play new content when current content is infuriating? Knights are suppose to be an iconic Jedi, but Jedi made a point of putting their hoods down to fight. Simple isn't it?
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