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You took too long with Warzone Brackets


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Since you're someone who doesn't really seem to care about PvP much, your post seems pretty one sided and ignorant. What happens when he gets to 50 and has no PvP gear against fully decked out player's who've been 50 for two months, who farmed all their gear on easy mode against lower level players and are still killing him with ease?


"Waiting will you're 50" is not the solution for casual players.






If I were making a Star Wars MMO, I'd have at least learned this lesson from SWG. Sadly they didn't seem to heed that warning.


I wish I could give you kudos or something. I share your sentiment exactly.

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Pointless point is pointless.


I didn't say that low levels ARE casual, howerver, casuals are the ones who this problem effects the most. Do I realy have to explain why?


Yes you did. Read your own quote.


PvP is a competitive feature. If you compete casually you will fall behind. While I am with the whole 50s should have their own bracket, the whole gear arguement is moot.


People will get ahead of you in gear. Get over it.

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Yes you did. Read your own quote.


You read it. I didn't say that at all. Try some honesty.


PvP is a competitive feature.


And it can't be based on skill?

People will get ahead of you in gear. Get over it.


No. People have a right to state their issues with the game, whether YOU like it or not. How about you get over that?

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Couple of options...settle down or move along if you aren't having any fun.


Expertise gear is the only thing (currently) that pvp'ers are able to improve their characters with. I still prefer being able to queue relatively quickly and grab my comms, even if we get hammered by the premades. I somehow manage to have fun.


They're aware of the problem and have indicated that it will be changed. For some people, nothing but "right now" will do, just as for some, "more" is never enough. You get to decide what you'll accept and won't, but all the braying and angry mooing is getting a tad silly, here 30 days after launch.


At the end of the day, I'm finding it a quite fun game. If I have to roll a second toon because WZ's get boring or the unbalancing problem persists, I might do that. Our guild is big enough to dabble in the end game PvE, and we have seen 5 people hit 50 this past week. Yup, I'm here for the PvP, but I can dabble in other stuff while they polish/complete it.

Edited by OldSwab
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You read it. I didn't say that at all. Try some honesty.




And it can't be based on skill?



No. People have a right to state their issues with the game, whether YOU like it or not. How about you get over that?


Competitive usually means skill. Since you're still arguing for gear handouts like you were before launch I will still be here to argue against it.


If you had any skill, none of this would matter. You would PvP, get your comms/tokens and gear and just keep pvping. The system you want is free gear. Free gear is not an issue. Get over it.

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When are people going to realise that you do not get defender points for defending Bioware even though it seems to be your objective. What you people need to do it stop saying the same thing "Its only been out X weeks" , "Hit 50 stop being lazy". Don't you think these "comebacks" are just dire the game was released at this day in age it should have a DECENT pvp. The fact is the pvp seems to be added in on the last few days and it not even focussed on by Bioware. I think this game would been able to hang onto their Subs more if they didn't even implement this sorry excuse for a pvp system.
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Competitive usually means skill.


And yet by your logic gear score is what matters. :confused:


Since you're still arguing for gear handouts like you were before launch I will still be here to argue against it.


Your inability to understand people's points really should stop you from posting. I never said ONE thing about gear LoL... I'm talking about brackets that kerep lower level players from facing higher level players. You're the one whining about gear, I don't even know where you came up with that.


And pre launch I never asked for gear handouts either. If you're going to carry this weird grudge about me into each new there you see me in, you might want to understand what I asked for.


Gear handouts? *** are you talking about?

Edited by Spymaster
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What I always giggle the most about is people defending the 10-50 bracket "There's not enough 50's duuuhhh" Yeah well what about the other 150.000 mmo's that use max level brackets and nobody seems to suffer from it? Are you people telling me that this game out of all the mmo's in the world is the only game EVER that would NOT work with 50 brackets from release?


If you have time to grind a 50 in a few days after the release then you surely have time to wait a week or two for others to catch up, try enjoying the storyline instead of hurrying.

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I'm just happy people like you are quitting.


I just hope you stay away and don't come back to ask for dumb changes and nerfs.


Bye now.


I agree, go back to that other game and cry on the forums and get your buffs/nerfs

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Bioware showed utter contempt for their casual players by leaving out brackets at launch and then not putting them in for a month.


I doubt it was "contempt". My guess was poor design judgement - along with the problems they are having in Open World PvP.


They need to focus a little more on their PvP design concepts - and need to add more PvP expertise to their PvP dev team IMO. It's not as much as the actual combat mechanics - visuals and sound which I think are not bad - but in regards to PvP game balance - and appropriate game system matching that allow balanced play - which is really poor right now. (Not the warzones themselves - which IMO are not bad - especially Hutt - but rather the balance mechanics etc.)


Although I do wonder if they will just ignore the problems and allow the PvP to die - and focus on PvE - like many MMOs have done - rather then throwing more resources at it - even though I think that is a huge mistake to make in the long run.

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And yet by your logic gear score is what matters. :confused:




Your inability to understand people's points really should stop you from posting. I never said ONE thing about gear LoL... I'm talking about brackets that kerep lower level players from facing higher level players. You're the one whining about gear, I don't even know where you came up with that.


And pre launch I never asked for gear handouts either. If you're going to carry this weird grudge about me into each new there you see me in, you might want to understand what I asked for.


Gear handouts? *** are you talking about?


Redundant. What youre known for. Im not going to go back and quote you just so you can ignore that too.


Gear score has nothing to do with anything I said. My logic is sound. Of course youre confused. You feign ignorance when it suits you.


I already agree low levels need their own brackets. Carry on.

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When are people going to realise that you do not get defender points for defending Bioware even though it seems to be your objective. What you people need to do it stop saying the same thing "Its only been out X weeks" , "Hit 50 stop being lazy". Don't you think these "comebacks" are just dire the game was released at this day in age it should have a DECENT pvp. The fact is the pvp seems to be added in on the last few days and it not even focussed on by Bioware. I think this game would been able to hang onto their Subs more if they didn't even implement this sorry excuse for a pvp system.


So PvP in TOR has unforgivable flaws ... what MMO do you suggest to play for PvP instead ? I played WoW for 3 years and PvP there is crap. 3v3 deathmatch = all there is in WoW. Rift I just couldn't get past lvl 20 with my char ... Aion maybe ? Or ... I got nothing.

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Redundant. What youre known for. Im not going to go back and quote you just so you can ignore that too.


Nice imagination you got there buddy.



Gear score has nothing to do with anything I said. My logic is sound. Of course youre confused. You feign ignorance when it suits you.


Ummm you said "casual players will fall behind"..... you weren't talking about skill deciding the winner... you were talking about gear score and levels. Now you're back tracking to cover your mistake.


I already agree low levels need their own brackets. Carry on.


So I was right all along? Thanks for your contribution. :rolleyes:

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So, I did not enjoy getting farmed pre-50, either. So, I leveled to 50. When I hit 50 (about a week ago), I was still getting blown up pretty quickly by more geared players. So, I spent time focusing on gear.


Now, I'm still below average PvP-gear wise, but I'm easily able to compete, and it's been ONE week. Hard for me to have much sympathy for you. I understand the frustration of losing a fight where you're out-leveled and out-geared. That still happens to me. I can play a fight perfectly and lose to some uber-geared guy who clicks three abilities and has been doing that for 12 hours a day since the frist day of pre-launch.


But I've also run into a few of the players that were farming me at level 35, and now that I have a tiny bit of gear, turns out many of them die pretty easily. Nothing is more satisfying than that. I suggest you try it.

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When are people going to realise that you do not get defender points for defending Bioware even though it seems to be your objective. What you people need to do it stop saying the same thing "Its only been out X weeks" , "Hit 50 stop being lazy". Don't you think these "comebacks" are just dire the game was released at this day in age it should have a DECENT pvp. The fact is the pvp seems to be added in on the last few days and it not even focussed on by Bioware. I think this game would been able to hang onto their Subs more if they didn't even implement this sorry excuse for a pvp system.


Personally, I find their failure to include a built in VoIP client for in-game voice communications a much more concerning omission.


On the other hand, they've said they're aware of the PvP imbalance, and have stated why it isn't bracketed YET. They know what the server player data looks like; I do not.


The boost mechanism from 10-49 works fairly well. They apparently know a little bit about how to balance things. Yup, it kinda' falls apart at lvl 10 versus lvl 50 who's been grinding WZ's every day for 5 weeks and has gotten their expertise pumped up. Imagine that!


The long and short of it is that they can flip a switch and fix the expertise problem with a bracket, as soon as their server data tells them they have enough 50's/lower level distribution to support it. And they've said they will. That's a solvable problem that they're being proactive about.


"Stamping feet/I want it now!" Is your "right" insofar as Tos/CoC allow it. Pointing out when it boils down to silly is, as well.

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So PvP in TOR has unforgivable flaws ... what MMO do you suggest to play for PvP instead ? I played WoW for 3 years and PvP there is crap. 3v3 deathmatch = all there is in WoW. Rift I just couldn't get past lvl 20 with my char ... Aion maybe ? Or ... I got nothing.


It's odd that for the MMO genre - PvP balance has been such a huge issue - even though there are quite a few none-mmo games out there that do quite well with PvP balance. IMO - I think the MMO companies get so focused on PvE content - that PvP ends up being the orphan child - which I think is a big mistake - because PvP does play a significant role for many MMO players - who only pay their subscription to PvP for the most part.


And didn't the SWTOR PvP lead dev say that already over a million Warzone matches have been played? That's not a tiny amount ...

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What I always giggle the most about is people defending the 10-50 bracket "There's not enough 50's duuuhhh" Yeah well what about the other 150.000 mmo's that use max level brackets and nobody seems to suffer from it? Are you people telling me that this game out of all the mmo's in the world is the only game EVER that would NOT work with 50 brackets from release?


If you have time to grind a 50 in a few days after the release then you surely have time to wait a week or two for others to catch up, try enjoying the storyline instead of hurrying.


What is rather funny is the assumption that everyone who PvP's is going to be a level 50 rusher.


There are a lot of casual players that would like to dip into PvP without being crushed by the PvP basement addicts.

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The soultion would be a simple change in how mm works. It should try to stack full team of 50s if possible, if not then fill with lower lvl players trying to fill spots using higest lvl players.

This way lowbies will be always stacked with other lowbies while players closing to 50 will have a chance to play in big league from time to time.

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The soultion would be a simple change in how mm works. It should try to stack full team of 50s if possible, if not then fill with lower lvl players trying to fill spots using higest lvl players.

This way lowbies will be always stacked with other lowbies while players closing to 50 will have a chance to play in big league from time to time.


That - or even doing some cross-server populating. After all - the warzones are instances.

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