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You took too long with Warzone Brackets


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Bioware showed utter contempt for their casual players by leaving out brackets at launch and then not putting them in for a month.


You showed a total disregard for your player base, opting to allow them to be farmed by level 50s in far superior gear while you sat on your hands and did nothing.


The excuse that there weren't enough level 50s was not good enough. You had other options, you could have disabled Expertise in PvP and told those at 50 it will be reinstated in a month along with brackets, but you didn't.


You did nothing.


This is why I will not resub.


The rest of the game, it can be fixed, eventually, should you get around to it.


Your attitude towards your paying customers is much harder to fix.


Have fun going back to World of Pandas.

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Whats the complaint? Now all the sub 50s get ez mode route to rank 60+ while gaining same amount of commendations. All you have to do is buy champ+ bags, store em, then open em all if you ever hit 50.


Lets just say, after 10 pm; I will never get a game while sub 50s play non-stop.


Plan to cancel if there is over 30 min wait to PvP.....


In end, BW has no clue how to balance a game.


But they dont care, do they.

Edited by fixit
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Whats the complaint? Now all the sub 50s get ez mode route to rank 60+ while gaining same amount of commendations. All you have to do is buy champ+ bags, store em, then open em all if you ever hit 50.


Lets just say, after 10 pm; I will never get a game while sub 50s play non-stop.


Plan to cancel if there is over 30 min wait to PvP at 50 just to face the same couple pre-mades over and over.


In end, BW loses. But they dont care, do they.


The better choice would have been to turn off the bonus from expertise.


Leave it off for about 4-6 months, everyone would have been equal(ish) everyone would have enjoyed PvP and enjoyed the game at their own pace.


Instead they forced anyone that wanted to compete to rush to 50, bypassing all the great content they made and anyone that didn't want to rush got roflstomped.


Now they are introducing brackets far too early just to appease the vast number of unhappy customers they have created, and all the while the proper response is staring them in the face.


Deactivate the bonus from expertise.

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So you are only here to complain and troll? People like you ruin MMO's. Please leave the forums as well.


No i am here to tell Bioware why I will not be resubbing.


Not because of balance, not because of bugs.


Due to the way they treated their playerbase.




Because I want them to understand I won't be coming back when they fix those issues. I want them to understand that they have lost a customer, for good, because of the way they treated their playerbase.

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First can't wait for brackets, then once I hit about 20k xp from 50 stop and create and roll another 49 rinse and repeat and never have to deal with headaches. You 50's have yourself a ball, and please quit or stop complaining about brackets your attitude and ignorance shall fall on deaf ears to the non-psycho levelers.


Only thing that would make this even better would be /disablexp oh heaven forbid.

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Deactivate the bonus from expertise.




Instead, nerf the hell out of sub 50 valor/commendation gains and make lvl 50 PvP bags only purchasable by lvl 50s. They just handed the gear up game to the sub 50s on a silver platter. Ez mode bracket should NOT reward the same as the hard one that will have massive que times, period.

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Instead, nerf the hell out of sub 50 valor/commendation gains and make lvl 50 PvP bags only purchasable by lvl 50s. They just handed the gear up game to the sub 50s on a silver platter. Ez mode bracket should NOT reward the same as the hard one that will have massive que times, period.



Bro you can only buy 1 champion bag before 50 there unique, max out of the gate a new lvl50 can have of the champion bags is 1 stored and then purchase 5 more bags with stored up 1k wz and merc tokens. and nerfing the levels lower than 50 will just cause more disgust should be the other way around make the 50's work for there gear.

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Instead, nerf the hell out of sub 50 valor/commendation gains and make lvl 50 PvP bags only purchasable by lvl 50s. They just handed the gear up game to the sub 50s on a silver platter. Ez mode bracket should NOT reward the same as the hard one that will have massive que times, period.


This how warped this system has made the playerbase.


Even fighting has now become easy mode.


Since when was balanced fighting easy mode?


Facerolling your opponent with 400 expertise was easy mode, the rest of us will have to play the game against even opponents.

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And here we go again with people trying to penalize those that put more time into the game than they did. If you're mad you didn't hit level cap fast enough and you want to cancel your subscription so you can freeze yourself at the same lack of progress, why did you subscribe in the first place?
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And here we go again with people trying to penalize those that put more time into the game than they did. If you're mad you didn't hit level cap fast enough and you want to cancel your subscription so you can freeze yourself at the same lack of progress, why did you subscribe in the first place?


How is it penalising those who have more time to allow them a massive advantage in the game that was never intended?


This is how screwy the system has made people.


booo hooo I can't play an extra couple of hours and face roll my opponent, it's not fair!!!


Bioware should NEVER have allowed level 10s to face off against level 50s in expertise, it has created an entitlement culture now where you think it is OK to face roll people, that this is what PvP actually is.

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Simpler Solution: Be a productive member on the forum and offer suggestions and solutions to help assist the issues at hand. Positive insight goes a lot farther then negative demands and self righteous spoiled acts.


One would hope that is the theory, but not so sure it is the actual practice.


I am sure that there were many productive and constructive posts in Beta, that were completely ignored by BW.


And as another poster has alluded to above, there is a problem with fanbois screaming down any criticism of the game, regardless of how productive it is.


Imo, BW will not really address the issues, unless they are seeing motivating subscription loss -- and I certainly do not think customers should just keep paying for a game if they do not feel it is worth the money.


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I doubt there were enough 50s with expertese gear to raise a loud enough voice.


And regardless they obviously created the short queues for a reason.


Nowadays /who shows 50s are about 50% so certainly it will be fine to have queues.


I win around 40% of my matches, currently level 33 because i rerolled, and while i hate getting slaughtered its not my biggest issue - the state of open world pvp is for me.

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No i am here to tell Bioware why I will not be resubbing.


Not because of balance, not because of bugs.


Due to the way they treated their playerbase.




Because I want them to understand I won't be coming back when they fix those issues. I want them to understand that they have lost a customer, for good, because of the way they treated their playerbase.



From my point of view they have done nothing wrong, but even if they did I understand they did not do anything to intentionally hurt me as a player. I also understand this game is in an infant stage.


From what I have seen they have treated their player base very well for a game that has just launched. They are patching something and fixing bugs every week, which in my opinion is an EXCELLENT way to provide customer service, not worry about people like you worried about getting farmed in a BG. Those fixes can come later.

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No i am here to tell Bioware why I will not be resubbing.


Not because of balance, not because of bugs.


Due to the way they treated their playerbase.




Because I want them to understand I won't be coming back when they fix those issues. I want them to understand that they have lost a customer, for good, because of the way they treated their playerbase.


This is real world feedback. A customer cites his reasons for cancelling the service, due to how the company treated him.


This is no different than someone canceling their cable tv, mobile phone, or even simply getting up and leaving a bad restaurant -- but in the forum world, it is somehow considered being a cry baby or an annoyance.



Some at BW will actually want to know why people are canceling their service -- which is why actually do just that when you click 'cancel'. Hopefully if enough people provide quality feedback when they cancel, and BW is open to improving their retention, there might be some positive change.


Until then, if you are not happy with the state of the game, cancel. You can always resub in a year if they improve the way the treat their customers (in your case), and/or the other issues canceling customers have.

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From my point of view they have done nothing wrong, but even if they did I understand they did not do anything to intentionally hurt me as a player. I also understand this game is in an infant stage.


From what I have seen they have treated their player base very well for a game that has just launched. They are patching something and fixing bugs every week, which in my opinion is an EXCELLENT way to provide customer service, not worry about people like you worried about getting farmed in a BG. Those fixes can come later.


I think this is more of an opinion by opinion base, rather than something that is defacto and beyond reproach.


While you see them as doing a great job, others do not.



While I do not think they intentionally went out of their way just to piss off customers, I do believe that they intentionally took needless short cuts and intentionally ignored constructive criticism that did not fit 'their vision'.



Imo, I see BW more like the stereotypical egocentric Chef, who dismisses criticism of his food, as 'they know nothing about cuisine' -- rather than a restaurant looking to build up and maintain a large and satisfied clientele. DE was extremely arrogant in some of his pre-release comments, regarding greater player race variety and less restrictive space combat, just for example.


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Expertise should have never made it into this game but it did and this is what happens.


The thing that bothers me the most is that coming from EVE a very PVP centric game and then playing this theme park with instanced pvp, and looking at the pvp community this game has, i was once told by friend that came from EQ then WoW that the PVP community in WoW was filled with nothing but spoiled brat, prima donna whining idiots that spent more whining about PVErs and more worried about gear ginds than PVP itself...


Its a first too me that these so called PVPrs act this way....

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I win around 40% of my matches, currently level 33 because i rerolled, and while i hate getting slaughtered its not my biggest issue - the state of open world pvp is for me.


I have won and lost matches (still pre-20s on my toons). The 50's definately make a large impact -- but there are enough 50's on both sides that it helps mitigate it most of the time.


However, just because I can 'slow the leak down with duct tape' doesn't mean the Plumbers (BW) did a good job installing the pipes, nor does it mean I am going to just be 'satisfied' with the job.



Imo, BW had the tools and benefit of previous PvP MMORPGs, to have easily avoided these issues. The 'patches' they are promising, should have been part of the original design -- because the issues were known flaws based upon previous MMORPGs.


Whats the phrase about '...doing the same thing and expecting a different result...'?
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The posters topic is quite true in my case. I posted that they have until the end of my time that came with the game to implement the 50 bracket so PVP isn't such a unbalanced turd and my time expires day after tomorrow.


Bye bye bioware! Hope you enjoy the five dollars you made off me because I'm keeping the rest.

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You showed a total disregard for your player base, opting to allow them to be farmed by level 50s in far superior gear while you sat on your hands and did nothing.



Not Bioware's fault you didn't get 50.


Not Bioware's fault your crying about geting beat up.


Not Bioware's fault you won't join a guild and grind like the rest of us.


Not Bioware's fault you won't make friends, and try to have a good time.


Not Bioware's fault you don't want to stay.


Not Bioware's fault that you have a complex problem.


Moral of my point, Bioware is not here to hold your hand.


Your not special and need attention more.


Here is what I predict, you will come back and forth crying on these forums for years.


You will never be happy, and will complain over and over.


Finally one day you will wake up and realize that this game when you complained was better than anything out there, and that SWTOR was brand new the day you posted this.


Then again you are probably in denial, and think Bioware is the one to blame for your L2P problem....

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Wow, im really surprised that so many people are really saying you should get owned by people that level faster then someone else? That is just silly. People that are 50 already put alot of work to get their and great for them but why would any level 50 want to play pvp against level 11s? There are what, 8 different story lines. I hope to play them all sooner or latter. Because I want to see all the content does that really mean I cant PvP?


We all pay to play this game or have paid to get the game. We should all have fun at the pace we choose to play. Honestly it was a bonehead move by BW to put level 11s against lv 50s. Will I quite over it? No, Ill make more alts and wait till they fix it. I will still play pvp when I can but I do hope that they segregate the 50s sooner rather then latter. I will say that if I can finish all storyline before they do Ill go do something else.

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All the people saying they should leave it the way it is are just people who -know- that serious level 50 PVPers are going to WIPE THE FLOOR with them when they try and randomly que for a casual match. The gear divide between a new 50 and a geared 50 will be great, between a PVP geared 50 and a ungeared 50 even greater. So after the patch it will be a forum full of "OMG nerf PVP gear" or "Make it easier to get PVP gear."


Admittedly, the system they have in place now with random rolls on loot bags is pretty freaking stupid, but the QQ is going to come down like a waterfall after the patch. It's going to be glorious!


It only takes me 8 or 9 shots to kill a 50 on my level 14 sniper. Fortunately I'm shooting them from the other side of the field. Once a 50 closes on me I die in 3.4 seconds.

Edited by Coyotecalls
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