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You took too long with Warzone Brackets


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Bioware showed utter contempt for their casual players by leaving out brackets at launch and then not putting them in for a month.


You showed a total disregard for your player base, opting to allow them to be farmed by level 50s in far superior gear while you sat on your hands and did nothing.


The excuse that there weren't enough level 50s was not good enough. You had other options, you could have disabled Expertise in PvP and told those at 50 it will be reinstated in a month along with brackets, but you didn't.


You did nothing.


This is why I will not resub.


The rest of the game, it can be fixed, eventually, should you get around to it.


Your attitude towards your paying customers is much harder to fix.

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Problem... there's not enough 50s to make a game. How was the 50 at the beginning of the game's release (and even on some smaller servers now) going to be able to grind to rank 60 if there is no activity? Make a new character, grind BGs from 10 through 49 and hope they hit rank 60 before they hit level cap? Edited by Knifewrench
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Problem... there's not enough 50s to make a game. How was the 50 at the beginning of the game's release (and even on some smaller servers now) going to be able to grind to rank 60 if there is no activity? Make a new character, grind BGs from 10 through 49 and hope they hit rank 60 before they hit level cap?


This is the logic that fails.


There are so few level 50s that they won't be able to do warzones.


So, by implication, there were more people sub 50.


So what is the better choice?


Allow the larger majority of your playerbase to be farmed by the minority, or have the minority wait longer for Warzones?


To me the answer is obvious.


To Bioware it was let the majority of your playerbase be farmed.


That is why I will not resub, even if everything was fixed tomorrow. Simply cannot face dealing with a company that would treat their customers like that in the long term, and MMORPGs, for me at least, are usually for the long term.

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This is the logic that fails.


There are so few level 50s that they won't be able to do warzones.


So, by implication, there were more people sub 50.


So what is the better choice?


Allow the larger majority of your playerbase to be farmed by the minority, or have the minority wait longer for Warzones?


To me the answer is obvious.


To Bioware it was let the majority of your playerbase be farmed.


That is why I will not resub, even if everything was fixed tomorrow. Simply cannot face dealing with a company that would treat their customers like that in the long term, and MMORPGs, for me at least, are usually for the long term.



I'm just happy people like you are quitting.


I just hope you stay away and don't come back to ask for dumb changes and nerfs.


Bye now.

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Easier solution.


Cancel sub and move on. Only hear cause I paid for the forum, might as well use it.


Simpler Solution: Be a productive member on the forum and offer suggestions and solutions to help assist the issues at hand. Positive insight goes a lot farther then negative demands and self righteous spoiled acts.

Edited by RangKer
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Problem... there's not enough 50s to make a game. How was the 50 at the beginning of the game's release (and even on some smaller servers now) going to be able to grind to rank 60 if there is no activity? Make a new character, grind BGs from 10 through 49 and hope they hit rank 60 before they hit level cap?


you cant outrank your actual level.

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So, if I'm right, the free month is up on the 22nd- so we should stop seeing whine threads then?


Oh lord I sure hope these people threatening to quit aren't lying.


Nah I will be gone.


I wonder just how many will quit.


I wonder how many of you saying good riddance will regret it if queue times jump massively due to a drop in population.


I hope those that said they will quit will be like me and stick to it. I think Bioware needs the kick up the behind to pull their finger out and realise that PvP is actually a massive part of the game and you can't just ignore it.

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Simpler Solution: Be a productive member on the forum and offer suggestions and solutions to help assist the issues at hand. Positive insight goes a lot farther then negative demands and self righteous spoiled acts.


Like what? The bracket hits this week. Unless someone here has a time machine, there is absolutely nothing that can be done to change what has happened. As of this week, the bracket will be in place.


Honestly, this complaint is silly. We know you can't get more valor than your level. We know that even doing 50% of your leveling will keep you at the valor cap if you stagger it right. We know that will max your commendation while maxing level 20 and 40 gear. You have every possible reward. The only downside is that a level 50 mows you over every couple of minutes. Big whoop. That'll happen at 50 too. My level 23 alt does just fine. The OP is complaining about his dead horse. I'm sure it will change what the horse did in the past.

Edited by Dosvidaniya
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Like what? The bracket hits this week. Unless someone here has a time machine, there is absolutely nothing that can be done to change what has happened. As of this week, the bracket will be in place.


Honestly, this complaint is silly. We know you can't get more valor than your rank. We know that even doing 50% of your leveling will keep you at the valor cap if you stagger it right. We know that will max your commendation while maxing level 20 and 40 gear. You have every possible reward. The only downside is that a level 50 mows you over every couple of minutes. Big whoop. That'll happen at 50 too. My level 23 alt does just fine. The OP is complaining about his dead horse. I'm sure it will change what the horse did in the past.


It isn't about changing what was done.


It is about highlighting the treatment that Bioware gave to their customers.


That is more important than valor ranks and the rest of that nonsense you were spouting.


MMORPGs are usually long term, I think I played EQ for 7 years and WoW for 6, I played most of the others but they were not that good.


If you are going to be spending the next few years ploughing hundreds of pounds into the pockets of a company, it is good to know that the company will not take a big dump on you from a great height unless it has to.


Bioware proved they were more than happy to dump on the playerbase, simply because they couldn't be bothered to do anything.


Not good enough.

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This ^


Yeah or just disabled expertise til they were ready. Said, sorry this stat will mean nothing until we introduce brackets, but as soon as we do we will activate it.


Not exactly difficult to do.


Allowing a small minority of players to roflstomp over everyone else is a sure indication that the company does not give a hoot about you. All they want is your money, they don't care about your playtime or whether you are having fun.


Just give us your money, hey come on, its star wars!

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i am quitting too after my free month is finished and all my friends we are 15 people playing and warzoning at a medium traffic server where queues are already long.


good luck finding people to pvp with, haters


You know i might come back to the forum if I knew that was happening.


Just to see all those people saying good riddance, QQ more, blah blah blah.


Posting up threads.


Warzone times are too long!!


That would be karma at its best.

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Casual Gamers: Ruining MMOGs since 2004.


You know the odd thing, I am not usually a casual gamer.


I am usually pretty hardcore. Was in THE top raiding guild in Everquest (they were top for awhile), doing Game wide firsts, was in raiding guilds in WoW that were best on server.


With a game with 300 hours of gameplay, every quest voiced.


I made the decision not to rush it.


Didn't realise Bioware was about to make my gameplay rubbish simply because they couldn't be bothered to do anything.

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This is the logic that fails.


There are so few level 50s that they won't be able to do warzones.


So, by implication, there were more people sub 50.


So what is the better choice?


Allow the larger majority of your playerbase to be farmed by the minority, or have the minority wait longer for Warzones?


To me the answer is obvious.


To Bioware it was let the majority of your playerbase be farmed.


That is why I will not resub, even if everything was fixed tomorrow. Simply cannot face dealing with a company that would treat their customers like that in the long term, and MMORPGs, for me at least, are usually for the long term.


You nailed it bro.


Back to farming.

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