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Artifice - Magenta Monopolization?


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So, there's apparently finally been a magenta pattern drop on Shii-Cho, the crit variant.


I whisper the guy who has it posted asking who can craft it, and he asks "why?"


I respond "...so I can get it made with my mats to use?"


His response was, "That kind of defeats the purpose of us making money."


Really, idiots? Because me GIVING you the mats and paying a combine fee equal to your price minus the cost of my mats is somehow losing money? How do I get around this without wishing for someone more reasonable to see the pattern drop (or getting it myself)?


It's like these guys have never played an MMO before. I don't get it. Needless to say, he refused to tell me who could craft it. :mad:

Edited by TheCheatz
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Well, I can help you with that particular one. Go to youtube, and look for videos of it.

Short story: get the water buff from hoth, combine with frost buff from Ilum. Use near the depleted crystal. Kill boss. Collect crystal!


EDIT: In a lot of cases, the information is available online. This crystal is a new discovery, as in, less than a week old. Often, Youtube, Google and Wiki are your best friends.




The people, well, that's their right to be completely honest. It sucks to be the end user, but knowledge is power, and people are quite free to use and abuse it.

Edited by JoyProtocol
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Well, I can help you with that particular one. Go to youtube, and look for videos of it.

Short story: get the water buff from hoth, combine with frost buff from Ilum. Use near the depleted crystal. Kill boss. Collect crystal!


EDIT: In a lot of cases, the information is available online. This crystal is a new discovery, as in, less than a week old. Often, Youtube, Google and Wiki are your best friends.




It's like you didn't even read my post man. I have the materials, including the Magenta Adegan Crystal.


EDIT: To further clarify, I've had the Magenta Adegan Crystal since day 1 of the method being discovered. It was easy to do. We just haven't had any luck seeing Destroyer or Gargath drop the patterns, nor had anyone else I had seen until today.

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I think you missed the point, he has all the materials, just the person with the Crafting Pattern is being a *******.


I would just have some patience. I've also been trying to get the pattern on my server and just not getting drops. I don't even care about the color, just want to get it for the stats and of course the power version seeing as how artifice has no other power crystal versions available to it currently.

Edited by Blev
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It's like you didn't even read my post man. I have the materials, including the Magenta Adegan Crystal.


You know what, I did miss that part. Pardon skim reading. Trying to be helpful :)


People are people, though. Money-making in MMO's is a long-honoured annoyance tradition.


EDIT: Another edit :) If it helps you at all, I've been seeing the pattern itself drop rarely from world bosses on end-game planets. The er... whatever is the frosty one. Ilum?

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You don't really need a neon pink lightsaber do you? It's not very manly. :p


It's kinda funny you say this. Yes, I actually did plan on using it instead of selling it, which is what I think the guy was assuming. I even told him that, but he just stopped responding to me. I'd also planned to get one made for Kira's doublesaber as well.

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He controls the combine. You don't get around it. Either you play by his rules or you wait for it to drop for someone else.


Supply and Demand. He has a monopoly on supply.


Editing to add: He probably has played an MMO before. And he understands basic economics. If he wanted, he could charge people 5 mil credits for a combine using his mats or 6 million for a combine using their mats. Does it make sense? Yes, it makes perfect sense because his is the only game in town. And the next guy to get it could be ten times worse.


That's what you get in a system where supply is incredibly low but demand is amazingly high.

Edited by DiLune
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It's kinda funny you say this. Yes, I actually did plan on using it instead of selling it, which is what I think the guy was assuming. I even told him that, but he just stopped responding to me. I'd also planned to get one made for Kira's doublesaber as well.


Once more, sorry for misreading :) Have you read the related thread on here?



Secondly, don't let the *** get you down. Consider asking in Trade/Fleet regularly for the crafter. Also, consider grinding some world bosses with an Artificier friend.

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I feel better now. Caught the crafter in Fleet General posting that the crystal was on the GTN, but it wasn't the same guy that actually had it posted. Slandered his practice in front of everyone, most agreed with me and said they wouldn't buy from him for 600k. Kind of amusing.


Yeah, I realize how economics works. Being a dick, however, is entirely why the WoW community went down the hole. This guy is just helping feed that type of fire for this community.

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He controls the combine. You don't get around it. Either you play by his rules or you wait for it to drop for someone else.


Supply and Demand. He has a monopoly on supply.


Editing to add: He probably has played an MMO before. And he understands basic economics. If he wanted, he could charge people 5 mil credits for a combine using his mats or 6 million for a combine using their mats. Does it make sense? Yes, it makes perfect sense because his is the only game in town. And the next guy to get it could be ten times worse.


That's what you get in a system where supply is incredibly low but demand is amazingly high.


Indeed. I find it hard to fathom this needs to be explained.


TLDR answer to OP is yes, you need to wait for someone else to get the pattern unless you want to buy from the GTN.

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Indeed. I find it hard to fathom this needs to be explained.


TLDR answer to OP is yes, you need to wait for someone else to get the pattern unless you want to buy from the GTN.


Read my earlier posts. What can't be fathomed is why they have to be such large ***** about it. Get it?


Also, the demand is obviously not very high on the server given most people don't even know what it is and were laughing at the cost they posted it for.

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Read my earlier posts. What can't be fathomed is why they have to be such large ***** about it. Get it?


Also, the demand is obviously not very high on the server given most people don't even know what it is and were laughing at the cost they posted it for.


He's the first guy with the combine, how to figure out how much it's worth aside from picking a value and adjusting from there until it sells? Maybe most people think 600k is ridiculous, but that may not be true of everyone and if he's actually moving product at 600k, why care what the general chat channels think?


As for being a "*****"... the crafter, or the guy who posted the auction? Either way, it's because they're protecting a short-term advantage. I'd do the same. They won't be the only one with the pattern for long, might as well make it worth it. Not to mention, keeping your crafter's name hush-hush is only decent since the guy may not want to get flooded with whispers asking for pink crystals and is 5k tip enough?


*yes, I know your crafter in particular went public after your initial conversation from the OP. I'm speaking generally.

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Which I guess means you're saying he assumed I'd go telling everyone who could craft it. Honestly if I had a crafter willing to use my mats and accept price - cost of mats, I wouldn't be telling people either, because then my only source would either get too busy or get frustrated at losing money.
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Honestly, you make a post to whine about this?


Its called Supply and Demand, and yes he would be a idiot if he made it for you simply because you had the materials for it.


And theres no monopolization since the schematic is possible to get for anyone.


I highly doubt your combine fee offer was as "fair" as you try to convince us it was.

Edited by Munx
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I offered to do the combine for the Power crystal on my server and instantly got flamed by about 2-dozen level 20ish toons.


"OMG 300K?"

"Hah, dream on!"

blah, blah, blah..


I even had people switching to alts sending me flames in whispers about how much of an *** I was charging 300K for it - I assume so I wouldn't know who their main is or whatever.


For reference, 300K is about two days of farming daily quests at level 50. If that sounds like a lot to a level 20ish, it's supposed to.


So the end result is, I'm not doing any combines anymore for anyone for any price. Except guildmates and select customers. Maybe the person you talked to got the same reception from general chat.

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yeah, for a server first pattern this is fine.


as said before, if you are doing dailies at 50, its a few days wait - if the price bothers you, wait until the next time the pattern drops, and the price will plummet.


He pulled the hard yards in getting a server first pattern - even if it may have been luck with an RNG.


Rare patterns cost more.


Rare patterns with cool graphics cost even more.


Its a relatively trivial boss fight from what i hear - if it bothers you that much, farm it with your guild, or a bunch of like-minded friends.


I see no problem with the price at all, for a server first of a much-coveted item.


For a lvl 50, that price is easily reachable without any crafting/crew skill income.


The mats are from a lvl 50 zone - so it really is aimed at lvl 50s, even if you managed to get it before 50.

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Honestly, you make a post to whine about this?


Its called Supply and Demand, and yes he would be a idiot if he made it for you simply because you had the materials for it.


And theres no monopolization since the schematic is possible to get for anyone.


I highly doubt your combine fee offer was as "fair" as you try to convince us it was.


I was turned down before I could even make an offer. Try again.


EDIT: Obbu we were farming the boss whenever we saw it, had quite a few kills. Now their guild is camping it waiting on respawns. Republic-side on our server is still fairly weak in the 50 population, so there's no one to really contest them (outside taunt-resetting the boss constantly). Just a crappy situation, especially when our server is supposedly "Very Heavy" pop during peak hours. I also have this feeling that if my group camped the boss, they'd do the same in return (taunt-reset until we gave up) based on their actions.

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I was turned down before I could even make an offer. Try again.


EDIT: Obbu we were farming the boss whenever we saw it, had quite a few kills. Now their guild is camping it waiting on respawns. Republic-side on our server is still fairly weak in the 50 population, so there's no one to really contest them (outside taunt-resetting the boss constantly). Just a crappy situation, especially when our server is supposedly "Very Heavy" pop during peak hours.


Are they still camping the boss now that they have the pattern?


Thats kind of extreme :)


One would think they had better things to do!


Are you checking alternate instances of the planet too, by the way?

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Sigh. Sad to hear that your having trouble. But people are always trying to find a way to make the most money with the least amount of work. Remember when TOR launched, people were selling low level blue mats for mad credits on the GTN.


But now that the game is a few weeks old alot of the prices have dropped like a stone. Personally the only saber color I can stand is the orange one. Which I was able to get from commendations. But I know for a fact that Monopolization with get alot worse once more content comes out.


I remember how bad Jewelcrafting was when it was added to WoW. People were asking for insane prices for rare patterns that they only got through luck of the drop. I remember being in an instance where a nice pattern dropped and someone in our group ninja looted it instead of letting the one guy who was jewelcrafting get it. The guy then left the instance, group, and guild just so he could sell it for tons of gold.



I hope that your guild is able to get the pattern and you can get your magenta saber.

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So theyr camping 2 world bosses at once? sounds like it would be time consuming.


And tbh why shouldnt they? they got one schematic, you know damn well theres more then 1 version of the schematic ;)


This was what I figured. They got the crit one, but I'm sure they want the other two just to say they have them.


Also, our server doesn't have enough people on Belsavis/Hoth at one time for the planets to become instanced. That's why I don't get why it shows Very Heavy at peak when very few high-level planets get instanced.

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