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Is TOR done growing?


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The game will continue to sell units, of course, but in order to grow it has to sell those units faster than existing players unsubscribe. I doubt that will be the case. MMO's don't keep selling huge volumes of units after the first month, but they do start losing tens-of-thousands of subscribers.


(WoW being the ONE exception to that rule.)


Most MMOs before WoW were also an exception to that rule. UO, EQ, DAOC, even SWG, all peaked in subs years after release.

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You know, I think the forums will get better to a degree, but I really believe that most of the vocal dissenters (the mature and immature alike) will be replaced by the next round of people who are fed up with the game.


Maybe, I personally have never seen an MMO forum without them at least. And the answer is always the same as well.

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I think after three months we will have a pretty good picture of where we are and where the game will go. It is FAR to early to tell right now.

Now that I can 100% agree with.


And you're right, too. If BW knocks all their issues out of the park: fixes the ability delay, takes care of high res textures (though that doesn't seem to have any traction), broaden and smooth out the endgame, fix the AH, fix crew skills, fix Ilum, fix the WZ bugs, fix PvP rewards, etc, then yea, this game could definitely draw more people.


But the thing about an MMO is that there are always bugs no matter what. This launch really wasn't THAT bad, but it looked like a train wreck compared to what other established MMOs are like right this second.


It sucks to launch an MMO.

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Just because you didn't like it, I know for a fact that it is listed as one of the smoothest launches in MMO history. I'd gather a lot of people agree with that notion.


Outside the .01% complainers that are these forums until the 20th.


You have any data or links to back that up. Paid reviews don't count.

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This game is going to be Warhammer 2 in terms of failure. Another game where the PVP fails to deliver.


Watch and see. :)


Ignore the pvpers and your game dies.


I would love to hear some logic behind that. Or perhaps some sources that actually back up what your boasting.

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They will retain their star wars fan base and maybe even sci fi fans that are desperate for a sci fi mmo. It will be reduced to a niche game and recorded as the biggest flop in mmo history that even Vanguard couldn't rival.



Bigger flop than SWG, doubtful

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They will retain their star wars fan base and maybe even sci fi fans that are desperate for a sci fi mmo. It will be reduced to a niche game and recorded as the biggest flop in mmo history that even Vanguard couldn't rival.


the biggest flop in MMO history is firmly in Hellgate London in my belief

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Just because you didn't like it, I know for a fact that it is listed as one of the smoothest launches in MMO history. I'd gather a lot of people agree with that notion.


Outside the .01% complainers that are these forums until the 20th.



Well comon census is that RIFt had smoothest launch but everything is based on oppinions. My oppinion is that waiting 4-6 hours in queue for first 5 days wasnt smooth.

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Swtor had a GREAT launch.


So that doesn't make ANY SENSE.


This game blew those out of the water in every aspect.


How are they the same???


Because an MMO only gets one shot to attract and keep subscribers and SWTOR has done a pretty bad job of doing that going by these forums and other 3rd party ones.


Dreadful system performance on high end PC's

No high res graphic options (an MMO first) due to Hero engine not being able to handle it

Pointless crafting

Boring PvP

Laggy and very basic combat

Dull and uninspired missions.

Broken high end raids


Yeah SWTOR has had a great launch. :rolleyes:

Edited by Jounar
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know for a fact that it is listed as one of the smoothest launches in MMO history.


Uh, let's be fair.


The FREE MONEY exploit?


The widespread performance/hardware issues?


These are serious, serious issues that are not really normal for MMO launches. Bugs are one thing, and in terms of bugs the launch has been middle of the road, totally acceptable. But let's not go calling it the smoothest of all time when I could go farm world bosses, sitting on a stack of infinite creds, while my buddy gets crashed to his desktop trying to shoot a wampa.

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That was me purely making up numbers. Just a prediction. Sorry didn't make that clear!



I agree that there will be a drop off of players come each month...but lets make this clear.



1.people leave an MMO every month...its normal but will Bioware update the game that will bring people back...


2. most people that leave an MMO because they finished their content....SWTOR is a little different in the way that a lot of people like having their alts..


3. Its impossible for an MMO to stay at one sub count.... its goes up,down,side to side


4. again the current SWTOR we are playing now wont be the same SWTOR we are playing 6 months from now...anyone that says SWTOR will never be updated or have major bugs fixes is just plain wrong..


5. this isnt WAR, conan, STO


6. at the end of the say EA and bioware has the name star wars on their MMO which we can all agree is the most known IP on this planet...

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Just because you didn't like it, I know for a fact that it is listed as one of the smoothest launches in MMO history. I'd gather a lot of people agree with that notion.


Outside the .01% complainers that are these forums until the 20th.



AoC adn Warhammer forum Fanboys said that only small minority was complaining on forums and rest were playing and enjoying the awesome game.

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An overwhelming amount of threads feature negative but salient criticism of this game. It seems as if people like you are in the minority.


I had to read this once or twice before it made sense.


I get that, and I cannot wait for the 20th, when those who are not up for productive conversations leave, and we can get the game moving in a productive flow, other than predicting end of game scenario's.


Trust me, I am NOT the minority.


I want this game to succeed, just like countless others.

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Ah, you know my post in the other thread...



So you have already said this before but felt it needed to be stated again, why?


As for my point, it is simple, as someone else already tried to explain. The game was just released and keeps growing. For the long haul, the game has significant potential not just from traditional mmo, but also star wars and star wars game fans. Thereby, the "population" that the game pulls from is not a finite, limited pool. Further, we here are the early adopters. Most people aren't as impatient as us and wait until the game has been out for a little bit before picking it up. Heck, there's probably more then a couple of people waiting for the end of the current expansion for WoW before moving here.


But everything aside, it is impossible (and frankly, down right idiotic) to attempt to determine the future success based on 3 weeks of forum browsing. Frankly, the numbers speak for themselves, and if the people posting are right, that 2 million people have purchased and subscribed to the game, then logic would answer your post with a resounding NO.

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