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Is TOR done growing?


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WAR sold about 800k boxes in the first month - totally failed. Conan about 700k, same thing. They both basically totally failed within 3 months. Same order of magnitude, but TOR is definitely bigger, for sure. And this big difference is that there are a lot more devoted fans of the IP (star wars fans/bioware fans) that will keep this game well afloat.


I'd say 700k to 1 mil subs are not going ANYWHERE in the first 6 months. They will stick through it no matter what, even if the game was cursing at them and calling their mother names. But as for the other 1 mil, those people just want a great game, and I think they'll find it elsewhere.


just curious as to where your numbers are coming from? or are they just complete guesses without a real merit? not criticizing, just curious

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Probably a good idea, I'm an IT infra architect, not an entrepeneur.


We're talking about games here, however, from a gamers perspective so I fail to see the point of that remark.


You fail to see how 3 AAA titles going free to play in a short time has nothing to do with the topic at hand. :confused:

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AoC adn Warhammer forum Fanboys said that only small minority was complaining on forums and rest were playing and enjoying the awesome game.


Why don't you try changing it to


"every game that isn't wow" instead of listing a few failed MMO's.


Realistically, and comparatively speaking, EVERY MMO IS A FAILURE when compared to wow based on that logic.

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Funny thing is the Age of Conan, Warhammer online, Star Trek online and Champions online fanboi's said the exact same thing :)


Yeah but they didn't gross over a million subs in the first week. I think we have enough subs to go for a long time. It's completely my opinion and anecdotal but I think plenty of those will be sticking around even after the whiners leave.

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I don't hang on their every word, but use them as a utility to describe the current condition of the game.


If you actually read any of those reviews, you won't find FALSE information in them, just their opinions, based often on 20-50 levels of gameplay.


Ignoring all of that is just silly and giving a blanket term to the condition of the game rather than accepting what is truth.


Almost every AAA MMo game has gotten praising reviews and very high scores no mater how bad or good those games were. Just like TOR winning MMORPG of the year before launch.

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Age of Conan



For starters. Want me to think of more?



if you think about it, EVERY mmo has failed...only one to hit the gold is wow and eve



what makes you thin kany future MMO is gonna do better?

Edited by windzro
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Because an MMO only gets one shot to attract and keep subscribers and SWTOR has done a pretty bad job of doing that going by these forums and other 3rd party ones.


Dreadful system performance on high end PC's

No high res graphic options (an MMO first) due to Hero engine not being able to handle it

Pointless crafting

Boring PvP

Laggy and very basic combat

Dull and uninspired missions.

Broken high end raids


Yeah SWTOR has had a great launch. :rolleyes:


All of that was only on a MINORITY of players.

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Will this game make the 20 to 30 somethings who like PVP happy? No, not sure what, will but this is not the game for them. I am not even sure that they where the ones that EA was targeting.


If they close the gank gap on PVE servers and market to the gray or over 50s market I think that many would be shocked at the growth. In spite of what you think the gray market is huge and they are not as computer stupid as you think.


Forget how it was, the market is in flux. Help it with the change or sit on the porch and whine about how it used to be.

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Well comon census is that RIFt had smoothest launch but everything is based on oppinions. My oppinion is that waiting 4-6 hours in queue for first 5 days wasnt smooth.


You should have picked a different server. This is definitely the best launch I have seen, I had no issues getting logged in at all...

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I had to read this once or twice before it made sense.


I get that, and I cannot wait for the 20th, when those who are not up for productive conversations leave, and we can get the game moving in a productive flow, other than predicting end of game scenario's.


Trust me, I am NOT the minority.


I want this game to succeed, just like countless others.



Wanting it to succeed and it actually doing so in the coming months are totally different things.


Every new game out there is the same way people post problems and they get flamed by die hard fans who claim the poster is a minority and everyone else not posting is perfectly happy with the game and they should just leave.


Well then a month or two down the road server mergers are coming and the game is dropping subs like crazy.


So reality is not that everyone not posting is enjoying the game persay its just they dont come here or dont care enough to post anything before quiting.

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WAR sold about 800k boxes in the first month - totally failed. Conan about 700k, same thing. They both basically totally failed within 3 months. Same order of magnitude, but TOR is definitely bigger, for sure. And this big difference is that there are a lot more devoted fans of the IP (star wars fans/bioware fans) that will keep this game well afloat.


I'd say 700k to 1 mil subs are not going ANYWHERE in the first 6 months. They will stick through it no matter what, even if the game was cursing at them and calling their mother names. But as for the other 1 mil, those people just want a great game, and I think they'll find it elsewhere.

Basically, though I'd gauge the SW fanboi cushion at 500k or less; branding also inflated the size of the "gamer wave," and that same wave of ~1M users which played AoC and/or WAR for 1-3 months before migrating to the next big release probably came here ~1.5M strong.
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if you think about it, EVERY mmo has failed...only one to hit the gold is wow and eve



what makes you thin kany future MMO is gonna do better?


I doubt any MMO will, especially with most jumping on the F2P bandwagon. WoW destroyed the genre and sadly I doubt it will recover.

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Wanting it to succeed and it actually doing so in the coming months are totally different things.


Every new game out there is the same way people post problems and they get flamed by die hard fans who claim the poster is a minority and everyone else not posting is perfectly happy with the game and they should just leave.


Well then a month or two down the road server mergers are coming and the game is dropping subs like crazy.


So reality is not that everyone not posting is enjoying the game persay its just they dont come here or dont care enough to post anything before quiting.


Yes, reject reality and substitute your own, thats the way to go :D

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All of that was only on a MINORITY of players.


It wasn't a minority of players saying that lol.


Those are almost all issues bioware has said ya they are broken.


You sir are a fanyboy with your head in the cloud's blindly defending the game you like.


The only things on there that are just opinions really are the dull pvp and stuff about questing.


But raids were/are broken

combat is unresponsive or did you miss the 700 pages on that lol

graphics are bad and run like crap even on highend pc's or did you miss the 400+ pages about all that as well?


I mean seriously.

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Someone posted Aion went F2P. Is that true, if so I'd maybe reinstall, twinked rifting was fun.

Also had a lil hands on with TERA and everyone who thinks that game is gonna bring it, is going to be as dissappointed as those who thought SWTOR would be anything other than a story driven MMO which acts and plays pretty much like any before it.

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