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Marauder pvp questions


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I'm watching pvp video's and reading peoples spec's to try to figure out how to pvp as a marauder and it isn't helping. I just respec'd to the Rage tree and have been getting smash crits up in the 2700 range but still find myself getting dumped by even the lowest level caster classes. Is anyone else having as much grief playing this character class as I am? I'm wondering if I should level a new class or even bother wasting my time playing this game.
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I'm watching pvp video's and reading peoples spec's to try to figure out how to pvp as a marauder and it isn't helping. I just respec'd to the Rage tree and have been getting smash crits up in the 2700 range but still find myself getting dumped by even the lowest level caster classes. Is anyone else having as much grief playing this character class as I am? I'm wondering if I should level a new class or even bother wasting my time playing this game.


Roll a new class.

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I'm level 50. I guess my stat stack is str/endurance because that was what most of the gear I had was. I have some expertise/power/accuracy gear.


None of my gear is 50 pvp quality. I'm just wondering if the Marauder class will be worth while for me to grind out the epic quality pvp gear, or if I should spend that time leveling a different character. So far I haven't seen anything that would make me want to continue playing this class where as we are a melee heavy dependent class.


I rolled this class to destroy stuff with lightsabers, but it seems like I can't get close enough to my enemy to do so, and when I do I have a hard time building the rage points to use all my best moves before I get owned.

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maybe you crit that 2.7k dmg on a pvp gear caster?


This. Unless you're used to PvP and being to distinguish if you're up against an opponent with PvP gear or not, you might be caught up thinking your damage sucks. Easy way to test your crit damage out is to pick out an under-50 enemy and see how much you hit for. But yeah, 2.7k crit off Smash in PvP is really low.

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I'm watching pvp video's and reading peoples spec's to try to figure out how to pvp as a marauder and it isn't helping. I just respec'd to the Rage tree and have been getting smash crits up in the 2700 range but still find myself getting dumped by even the lowest level caster classes. Is anyone else having as much grief playing this character class as I am? I'm wondering if I should level a new class or even bother wasting my time playing this game.


If you actually want to survive, respec to Annihilation. If you want the "cool dude" 6k crit and fall over stay with rage.

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maybe you crit that 2.7k dmg on a pvp gear caster?


actually even with a full set of expertise gear, i havent seen a smash crit higher than 3.2k. This was of course without trinket popping or stims.


so it sounds about right if he has no expertise.



Marauders suck at pvp. just hope bioware does something soon or go pve, since were decent there.

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I'm guessing that applies to you only? Lolz.


you must be playing with some morons on your server cause if you think we're not underpowered you're obviously retarded. oh and not everyone plays with a guild and has everyone healing them either making you the leetest marauder

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oh and not everyone plays with a guild and has everyone healing them either making you the leetest marauder


yeah playing with friends does help, especially if they are healers but marauders can do fine on their own


make use of the power ups and heals on each map if you are alone - they are there for a reason!


pop predation and force camo then b-line to a heal thingy if you are caught with your robe down. works wonders :D

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you must be playing with some morons on your server cause if you think we're not underpowered you're obviously retarded. oh and not everyone plays with a guild and has everyone healing them either making you the leetest marauder


I was simply replying to what Hoseman said about Marauders sucking in PvP. I said nothing about us being or not being under powered. Should really watch your tongue :p.


If I had to say, it's smart to play with a guild and a healer if possible. I see no reason why not too. Puts yourself at an advantage over others being in a pre-made. And no, this game is not a solo game, PvE or PvP aspect of it.


As what diet-water said, make use of what you have. You have a pocket healer? Use it.

Edited by BarcodeX
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There is a lot of good feed back on this forum. Thank you for you responses. I am looking forward to some of the changes they will make to the class with the patch today. I will give it another shot.


*also I got my champion main hand in a bag last night :D that seems to be helping a lot!

Edited by Quidus
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actually even with a full set of expertise gear, i havent seen a smash crit higher than 3.2k. This was of course without trinket popping or stims.


so it sounds about right if he has no expertise.



Marauders suck at pvp. just hope bioware does something soon or go pve, since were decent there.


Cuz you are keeping your accuracy enhacements in your gear arent you? accuracy is **** in PvP, try switching it out for Surge enhancements and see if you end up doing more damage...

Edited by AcaciaDragon
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There is a lot of good feed back on this forum. Thank you for you responses. I am looking forward to some of the changes they will make to the class with the patch today. I will give it another shot.


*also I got my champion main hand in a bag last night :D that seems to be helping a lot!


Nothing is changing for Mara's in this patch, which was delayed for a few days.



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Cuz you are keeping your accuracy enhacements in your gear arent you? accuracy is **** in PvP, try switching it out for Surge enhancements and see if you end up doing more damage...


YES, someone I agree with on accuracy! Thank God. I'm seriously tired of people saying "get 110% accuracy FIRST or you fail."

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I was simply replying to what Hoseman said about Marauders sucking in PvP. I said nothing about us being or not being under powered. Should really watch your tongue :p.


If I had to say, it's smart to play with a guild and a healer if possible. I see no reason why not too. Puts yourself at an advantage over others being in a pre-made. And no, this game is not a solo game, PvE or PvP aspect of it.


As what diet-water said, make use of what you have. You have a pocket healer? Use it.


They suck BECAUSE We are underpowered. Not in Damage but in survivability. I cant always get a guildie to pocket heal me but when i do i can definitely hold my own. But any other class can do it better.


Also someone suggested getting rid of the accuracy mods and putting surge in. thats a brilliant idea and i think ill try that next time, thanks for the heads up.

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yeah surge helps a bit hehe i definitely used my duplicate helms and gloves champion enhancements to improve the chest pants and boots - however surge does have a pretty immediate soft cap at like 96% any surge on-use consumables like the biochem adrenal or the cubes seem to be a waste imho


if you are 75% and use one you waste almost half of the gained stat - it seems like power is a better stat to gear for


in terms of dps id rather have more damage on everything than only more damage on crits anyway - even in pvp as it can take a while to wear down healers with guard on 'em O.o

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