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10 Good
  1. Remove them from your hot bars. Useless skills. Never could understand the logic behind making some skills useless 90% of the time. All the time invested in creating the art (animations, icons, text, etc) for a skill to never be used....
  2. I got the exotech might stim last night and its invalid schematic as well. Submitted a bug report and of course got the canned robot answer.
  3. Umm actually, when you were in the military someone (actually lots of people lol) knew exactly how much damage you were doing in every variable you can possibly think of. You just chose not to activate that part of real life UI
  4. Since you removed any point in spending time and money leveling up biochem by nerfing rakata stuff down to cheap vendor grade and removed the biochem requirements I want to buy my rakata belt and bracer off the GTN now. Thank you.
  5. That reply George made did make me laugh a little. He says we are on par to everyone else and in the next few days we see nerfs to ops because they do to much damage. Makes me wonder if his 'metrics' are a little off I really don't think they know what they want us to do. As I sit there in a nightmare/hard mode ops group going "*** am I doing here when that merc can faceroll more damage, wears heavy armor and can heal in a pinch??" I realize that we don't really know what the output of each class is because we don't have a combat log, but man mercenaries can lay down some serious single target AND aoe damage. The only thing we really bring is DPS. We should be the only class (Marauder) leading that pack and I just don't see it when everyone around me has so much utility AND brings the damage.
  6. Besides fixing/reworking the resolve system for warriors there's something else I'd like to see changed. If I have an ability that just does damage when a certain condition is met, then damnit I want that skill to work on everything. Not just weak mobs that I never see now that I'm 50 and running hm's, ops and PvP. Yes I'm looking at you Savage Kick/Pummel! I absolutely despise these kinds of design decisions and it drives me nuts. Give me the chance to put these skills on my toolbar thx!
  7. The more I play against equally geared players the more I think marauders/sentinels just need a better resolve system. Maybe in making it doubly effective or make it work on all forms of CC with a longer duration. Something needs to be done but I really don't think we need MORE utility.
  8. Umm ***? You think they spent time on Marauder gear? LOL! Why don't you log on your imperial toon and check out the Marauder stuff. Not only does it not look ANYTHING like the videos posted for warrior progression, it makes you look like a retarded robot with rocket shoulder pads. I'm not interested in looking like a freakin robot. I want a medium armor robe. And btw the Marauder set bonuses are a complete joke compared to other classes.
  9. The only thing you have to really gauge DPS is the infernal council (spelling?) in EV. And even that is not the best way to see DPS differences between the classes. We run 2 mercs and myself as a marauder and one of them beats me to a kill and the other almost dies (lol) and is almost always last to finish. Until we get some kind of combat log, throwing around statements like I know melee do more dps than ranged because melee damage is sustained is just silly. Melee damage right now is so far from sustained because of the retarded movements we have to do just to stay on the mob and avoid all the **** that goes with an encounter. All I can say is right now, it FEELS like ranged blows us out of the water in terms of overall damage because they don't have to move. They can just faceroll through most encounters standing in one spot.
  10. You took my quote out of context gurugeorge. I was only replying to the guy that said no one knows what innovation means. I'm fine with the xyz quest model I was just making sure he was the one looking up the word innovation in the dictionary
  11. No. I already pay a monthly fee to play the game. If you want your micro transactions go play one of the hundreds of free to play (lol) mmo's.
  12. For the same reason you don't see marauder gear on the dark/light vendors. Not to mention we don't even have a weaponmaster champion weapon. And the vast majority of fights in the flash points / operations are tuned to ranged classes. They don't like us might users
  13. Ok.... how is go to x, pickup y, kill z ANY different or innovative than any other mmo? The story might be pretty cool but there isn't any innovation in the questing.
  14. If you actually want to survive, respec to Annihilation. If you want the "cool dude" 6k crit and fall over stay with rage.
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