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When will there be an advanced class respec?


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There is no argument. There is nothing to refute. I think A is fine. You hate A.


Disagreeing on something does not make it an argument.


Lol wow dude...the semantic sleight of hand you are trying to pull isn't fooling anyone.


You said:


Why do you insist on dictating to other people what they should and shouldn't be able to do. Who the hell do you think you are?


Anyone with half a brain can see what is wrong with what you just said...because what you said is just as directly applicable to you as you think it is to me. Since you in such a better place to say (and to borrow what you just said)...Why do you insist on dictating to other people what they should and shouldn't be able to do. Who the hell do you think you are?


And that is why you argument SELF REFUTING

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There is no argument. There is nothing to refute. I think A is fine. You hate A.


Disagreeing on something does not make it an argument.


You should look up "argument." It has multiple meanings, and the other guy's using it correctly.


"Argument" does not mean "fight."

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No you can turn the warlock in destruction tree and have more boom and less dots


just like you can change a healadin to tankadin. Your logic is FAIL.



So a Lock can change to a mage?? A warrior to a priest?? Who's logic is failing here?? You want to change your talents.. No problem.. See the vendors on your capital planets.. Want to change your class?? Not going to happen and doesn't happen in WOW..


Destro, Affliction, and Demonology are not classes.. They are specs.. Your AC is your class..


Your logic is more than failing..


Your AC is your class.. Sorry this fact is lost to you.. Each AC has their own talents and their own style of play.. A warrior and a paladin both wear plate and use swords and shields.. Are they the same class??


Seriously dude.. Talk about failed logic..

Edited by MajikMyst
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I could pick a Vanguard and read all about it and still end up not liking it. Reading a description and actaully experiencing a class are two different things. There is no reason whatsoever that I shouldn't be able to try out commando. If you don't personally like the idea of a 1 time switch - fine. You simply don't use the option. I will never understand this idea people have that because they don't want something nobody should be able to do it. I'm saying this in the most non-agressive way: Who the heck do you think you are?


No one is keeping you from playing a commando your argument is invalid.

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Except that doesn't matter one iota. BW, at least for now, sees it differently. Their game, their definition. You can spin the semantics all you want, but they are considered different classes.


P.S. If AC = WoW spec, shouldn't each class in WoW have two paths with three trees each?


You can call a dog a cat all you want, doesn't mean it's still not a dog. I think you are missing the point here. Either Advanced Classes are a fancy term for what thee MMO industry has established as 'Spec', or they are an extremely poor attempt at diversity. Can you name any other MMO where separate Classes share 50-60% of the same abilities, as well as share one talent tree?

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I really hope this never happens and here is why:


1. AC is a class and most play very differently to each other for example, sniper and operative. One is more focused on melee and stealth the other is long range.


2. You learn to play your class on the way to 50, being able to change ac would render this useless.


3. Leveling a new character is not exactly the same, make different choices see what the other way to complete things


4. Lvl 1-10 is an introduction to your character, you choose your class at 10 (or whenever you choose your ac)


If it was implemented the only way I could be happy with ac change would be if it is pre level 20.

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Basicly if they add dual specc within the AC for free you can actually almost use the same arguments for switching the AC ,


Personally i am against both but can play the devils lawyer and use the most used DS pro comment .


If you dont want it do not use it.


It will create more Tanks and Healers


Don't tell me how to play the game.


it wont affect you at all.

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How about this? For all the people who do not what the ability to change the advanced class what if instead of a description of what the classes are you get like a "training simulation". The session would be like the begining of Dragon Age II where you were at max level with temp gear. Basically the missions would have you talk to a droid and say "I want to try this" and then you would get like 5 basic missions in this training area with the 5th one being in a group setting. So if you said "I want to try Guardian tank" you would get some temp armor, set your talents and then do the missions and then on mission 5 you get a healer and two dps and try it out. Then after you could say "I want to simulate Sentinal DPS" and then the same thing with the 5th mission having a tank, healer and a dps. That way people could get a really good idea of what your class will be and you can make an informed descision.
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The only thing is, is that if I could change Adv Class then I could DPS, Heal, or Tank. Does it really matter though? Druids in WoW can do that. I don't hear anybody whine about it.



They should allow someone to change their Adv Class once a month. At least let them change it 1 time only. What's a 1 time only change gonna hurt? Not me, not you.

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The only thing is, is that if I could change Adv Class then I could DPS, Heal, or Tank. Does it really matter though? Druids in WoW can do that. I don't hear anybody whine about it.



They should allow someone to change their Adv Class once a month. At least let them change it 1 time only. What's a 1 time only change gonna hurt? Not me, not you.


I would want at least twice. Once to and once back if the other was a worse choice.

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If this ever happens I will unsub. This would be a joke and cater to the give me everything now terrible generation that America is currently under attack from.


This^ MMO's are easy enough as it is if this happens I may just stop playing them all together knowing that this new generation of kiddies has basically ruined the genre.

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This^ MMO's are easy enough as it is if this happens I may just stop playing them all together knowing that this new generation of kiddies has basically ruined the genre.


Go ahead and quit grandpa. An AC switch aint gonna harm you any, nor make the game any easier.




Oh by the way... 36 years young here.

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Go ahead and quit grandpa. An AC switch aint gonna harm you any, nor make the game any easier.




Oh by the way... 36 years young here.


and your first MMO was probably wait lemme guess WoW?, while were at it lets just allow you to switch to any class you want I mean its all the same right? its not gonna hurt the game at all and also lets just give you all the gear you want when you hit 50, actually lets just remove the lvling system completely and everyone can start at lvl 50 I mean really its not hurting the game right?

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and your first MMO was probably wait lemme guess WoW?, while were at it lets just allow you to switch to any class you want I mean its all the same right? its not gonna hurt the game at all and also lets just give you all the gear you want when you hit 50, actually lets just remove the lvling system completely and everyone can start at lvl 50 I mean really its not hurting the game right?


While we're at it we should make every little decision matter and make it irreversible. You put a point into a spec? ITS FINAL. NO RESPECS. RESPECS ARE KILLING AMERICA. HANNITY SAID SO. DAMN ENTITLEMENT GENERATION. I mean an MMO should be so incredibly difficult and grindy that actually succeeding at it makes you feel like living in mom's basement is paying off. And what's with the lack of death penalty in this game? Why not subtract a level from a character who dies? Hell, why not just reset them to level 1? This game is WAY too easy as it is.


Strawman says Hai :)

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While we're at it we should make every little decision matter and make it irreversible. You put a point into a spec? ITS FINAL. NO RESPECS. RESPECS ARE KILLING AMERICA. HANNITY SAID SO. DAMN ENTITLEMENT GENERATION. I mean an MMO should be so incredibly difficult and grindy that actually succeeding at it makes you feel like living in mom's basement is paying off. And what's with the lack of death penalty in this game? Why not subtract a level from a character who dies? Hell, why not just reset them to level 1? This game is WAY too easy as it is.


Strawman says Hai :)


Hit the nail on the head right there even with your sarcasm, this game is stupidly easy and so is lvling and don't give me crap about not having enough "time" if you are playing an MMORPG expect there to be a time sink involved, plenty of other games out there that don't require it MMORPG's are not one of them.

Edited by Savish
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Hit the nail on the head right there even with your sarcasm, this game is stupidly easy and so is lvling and don't give me crap about not having enough "time" if you are playing an MMORPG expect there to be a time sink involved, plenty of other games out there that don't require it MMORPG's are not one of them.


Mmos that draw in casuals have been by far the most successful. Sorry to disappoint you but it's not going to go back to tabletop or text based MUDs anytime soon. If BW catered to people like you they most definitely would fail.

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My main is a Guardian, but like some of you, I always fancied seeing what the other side of my base class was like - so I re-rolled a Sentinel as an alt. Tbh though, I did this when my Guardian had just hit 20, and I've been leveling both toons up side by side.


This would probably be pretty boring if I just played the same dialogue run as the first time, so I've decided to make the Sent a bit of a bad boy.


The result? Completely different story for a completely different class. Much more fun too. lol.



Now if I'd just decided to lvl my Guardian to 50 and then respec him to Sent, then I would have a completely different toon to learn with loads of different skills. It would be fair to say that I had a slightly better understanding of my toon than someone who has just ebay'd theirs, but no more than that.


If they're going to allow AC respecs then there is no reason why they shouldn't allow full class respecs as well. While they're at it, they should just add a /level50 command to the game as well.


Because come on, guys, restricting a players options is never a good idea!



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I don't see the validity of any of the reasons you guys show up for allowing the change. You whine that you didn't know what it would be like. You get a short description when you choose, and it also warns you that it's final. If you don't like healing then don't choose the trees that have healing, go for the other one.


It is an informed decision, just like in any other mmo when you create your toon. The only difference is it is done at level 10 instead of 0. Also while in your archetype (e.g.:Sith inquisitor) you experience the aspects of both sides. When i had to chose AC on it it said: if you like hacking stuff with lightsaber and tanking choose assassin, if you prefer standing back and shooting pillars of lightning or heal go for sorcerer. It's a huge difference between the two AC-s because they are two different classes.


The other thing you whine abut is that you have to redo the story. Last time i checked there were more than one archetypes that could heal later. Lemme see... for empire we have Sith inquisitor, Imperial agent and the BH. That means if you rolled a sniper, but weeks after you make a sudden realization: you want to heal for some reason; you don't HAVE to roll another agent and redo the whole storyline. You can roll an inquisitor or a BH. Problem solved.


If you want to have the flexibility of having three different playing styles at your disposal at any given time run three toons. That is what im doing. Ill have a healing operative a tanking assassin and i have my merc for dps. I won't even need a dual-spec option.


If you don't have the time to roll alts i don't really see why you started playing an MMO of all games. Go and shoot birds at brick houses.

Edited by Rynra
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I don't see the validity of any of the reasons you guys show up for allowing the change. You whine that you didn't know what it would be like. You get a short description when you choose, and it also warns you that it's final. If you don't like healing then don't choose the trees that have healing, go for the other one.



There is no validity in any of the arguments because the argument is simply "i don't want to have to re-level in order to play a different class.". That is all it will ever be. it is sheer laziness. The problem is they are trying to associate the advanced class as just another specialization when that is not the case. being able to switch your advanced class would be akin to switching a warrior to a mage in any other MMO.

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