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Who cares about EGA lets discuss this galactic imbalance


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no the will not as BW has take alot of things from wow

so wil FOR THE HORDE shine in now from of FOR THE SITH the only way the can fix it to force player in the republic or u going to get a even bigger mess then ega


Alliance outnumbers horde 55% to 45% in WoW




Of those 45% who are Horde, 14% are Blood Elf, who aren't really Horde anyway.


Meaning that Alliance-types outnumber Horde types 70% to 30%, give or take a percentage.



Your analogy just poofed.

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Bounty Hunters = Win

People like to win.

Therefore, people are going to want to be on the Bounty Hunter side. It's simple


funny in the 2 beta trials i did bh got completly rocked by gunslinger and sage.. but.. funny i actually loled at this.

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meh, so what. Even if that is the case you'll still likely find servers where the opposite happens to be true. Roll what you want and see how it pans out on your server. If it bothers you that much, if the game's as successful as WoW you'll have plenty of time to pick up an alt if you want to be on the underdogs side, and if it's not as successful then it doesn't really matter either way.
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It's simple really.


This is a Bioware game. Everyone who has played as the evil side of one of their games knows you get to have some of the best responses as the bad guys.


Shocking people, doing the durty with their wives, outright killing them. One of my favoirte responses to some of the talking is (YAAAAWWWWWN). I laugh every time.


I can go on, but it's just more fun to be evil.

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Yes, its a rather sad condition that has begun afflicting the worlds Bee population. Ever since 'Batman Begins' came out, millions of Bees worldwide have wanted to be Christian Bale. Since cosmetic surgery is obviously unaffordable in a honey-based economy, they have opted to play videogames that feature character customisation in order to live out their dreams.


Insectologists are very concerned about this issue, as they are spending more time online and less time pollenating flowers. There is also the cruel irony that Christian Bale is actually allergic to bees, and now has wear a complete bubble wrap bodysuit to avoid inadvertent stings from Bee-Fans.


Ok. You just made my day.

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Republic stories boring? Check.


Democratic stalemates and ineffective partisan bickering in a gridlocked Senate boring? Check.


Rust colors, robes, and earth tones boring? Check.


Jedi and their completely non-nonsensical philosophy that emotions are bad and that you should probably get a lobotomy. Check.

Self-righteous speeches of Freedom, Justice, and Liberty, while murdering billions, developing super weapons that put the Death Star to shame, performing experiments on unwilling subjects, brokering political deals with street gangs, etc. Check.


Far more aliens speaking gibberish, forcing you to read subtitles. Check.


Far more aliens that are annoying. Check.


Why in the world would you play Republic? :D


You see, the Republic is like that young college kid. Who apes all the things he/she just read from their textbooks about Freedom, Democracy, Equality, yadda yadda. All the while, he/she is wearing clothes made in sweat shops and paying taxes to a government involved in atrocities the galaxy over. This young person is completely naive and lives in a fantasy land courtesy of the security blanket laid out by their previous generation. Adults tend to find these individuals annoying in their bright-eyed naivete.


In contrast, the Empire is the middle aged adult who's been through the crucible of life. Naive-eyed idealism has faded to lay bare a strong sense of pragmatism. This person also wears clothes made in sweatshops. Pays even more taxes to a government involved in atrocities the galaxy over.


The difference is that the middle aged adult representing the Empire knows full well what is going on, and doesn't pretend otherwise. He/she accepts it as the price to bear for their lifestyle. The college student hasn't had to pay their own mortgage or lease a car yet. He/she tries to pretend not to be the exact person he/she thinks it's cool to rebel against, while their parents pay 100k+ to put them through institutionalized baby-sitting.


Of course, there's also the subset who simply like to shoot lightning at people. I can't imagine there's a whole lot of people who saw a JC throwing pebbles at people that went, 'Woa! That's *********** awesome!'. :p

Edited by revial
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Yes, its a rather sad condition that has begun afflicting the worlds Bee population. Ever since 'Batman Begins' came out, millions of Bees worldwide have wanted to be Christian Bale. Since cosmetic surgery is obviously unaffordable in a honey-based economy, they have opted to play videogames that feature character customisation in order to live out their dreams.


Insectologists are very concerned about this issue, as they are spending more time online and less time pollenating flowers. There is also the cruel irony that Christian Bale is actually allergic to bees, and now has wear a complete bubble wrap bodysuit to avoid inadvertent stings from Bee-Fans.


well that explains a lot of things...

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Thanks OP!


This report and others are actually a good reason to prefer joining game "late" in the EGA! (Dec. 2nd redeemer, so saturday for me maybe).


Don´t know about others, but the first character I play usually ends up being my main, planned or not ;) Tried 4 classes in beta, and loved them all, 2 each faction.


I see this as another good reason to roll Republic, guess JK Guardian tank it is...


(no pvp wait-time, more tight-knit community on faction, kids will leave side/ server and more, but Im "guesstimating").

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Don't panic OP. Once Christmass hits and all the 13/14 year olds get there game The Republic will fill up fast.


There, I said it


I think most MMO vets are afraid of the "Alliance" stigma and the type players the "good guys" usually attract. I'm playing Sith just because I'm a Sith kind of person.


Hopefully BW will be more proactive with population balance on servers then other companies have been.

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Republic stories boring? Check.


Democratic stalemates and ineffective partisan bickering in a gridlocked Senate boring? Check.


Rust colors, robes, and earth tones boring? Check.


Jedi and their completely non-nonsensical philosophy that emotions are bad and that you should probably get a lobotomy. Check.

Self-righteous speeches of Freedom, Justice, and Liberty, while murdering billions, developing super weapons that put the Death Star to shame, performing experiments on unwilling subjects, brokering political deals with street gangs, etc. Check.


Far more aliens speaking gibberish, forcing you to read subtitles. Check.


Far more aliens that are annoying. Check.


Why in the world would you play Republic? :D


You see, the Republic is like that young college kid. Who apes all the things he/she just read from their textbooks about Freedom, Democracy, Equality, yadda yadda. All the while, he/she is wearing clothes made in sweat shops and paying taxes to a government involved in atrocities the galaxy over. This young person is completely naive and lives in a fantasy land courtesy of the security blanket laid out by their previous generation. Adults tend to find these individuals annoying in their bright-eyed naivete.


In contrast, the Empire is the middle aged adult who's been through the crucible of life. Naive-eyed idealism has faded to lay bare a strong sense of pragmatism. This person also wears clothes made in sweatshops. Pays even more taxes to a government involved in atrocities the galaxy over.


The difference is that the middle aged adult representing the Empire knows full well what is going on, and doesn't pretend otherwise. He/she accepts it as the price to bear for their lifestyle.


Of course, there's also the subset who simply like to shoot lightning at people. I can't imagine there's a whole lot of people who saw a JC throwing pebbles at people that went, 'Woa! That's *********** awesome!'. :p


For me... It's not about throwing the pebbles... that's nice and all... But I enjoy throwing Droids and other large pieces of debris at peoples heads. I jsut wish I could pick up random droid 34 off the street and throw him at somebody too.

Edited by clastodix
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Don't panic OP. Once Christmass hits and all the 13/14 year olds get there game The Republic will fill up fast.


There, I said it


More likely they'll go Sith, because then they can play with their lightning and act like the normal snobs they are.... heck, the dialogue was catered to that group!

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Republic stories boring? Check.


Democratic stalemates and ineffective partisan bickering in a gridlocked Senate boring? Check.


Rust colors, robes, and earth tones boring? Check.


Jedi and their completely non-nonsensical philosophy that emotions are bad and that you should probably get a lobotomy. Check.

Self-righteous speeches of Freedom, Justice, and Liberty, while murdering billions, developing super weapons that put the Death Star to shame, performing experiments on unwilling subjects, brokering political deals with street gangs, etc. Check.


Far more aliens speaking gibberish, forcing you to read subtitles. Check.


Far more aliens that are annoying. Check.


Why in the world would you play Republic? :D


You see, the Republic is like that young college kid. Who apes all the things he/she just read from their textbooks about Freedom, Democracy, Equality, yadda yadda. All the while, he/she is wearing clothes made in sweat shops and paying taxes to a government involved in atrocities the galaxy over. This young person is completely naive and lives in a fantasy land courtesy of the security blanket laid out by their previous generation. Adults tend to find these individuals annoying in their bright-eyed naivete.


In contrast, the Empire is the middle aged adult who's been through the crucible of life. Naive-eyed idealism has faded to lay bare a strong sense of pragmatism. This person also wears clothes made in sweatshops. Pays even more taxes to a government involved in atrocities the galaxy over.


The difference is that the middle aged adult representing the Empire knows full well what is going on, and doesn't pretend otherwise. He/she accepts it as the price to bear for their lifestyle. The college student hasn't had to pay their own mortgage or lease a car yet. He/she tries to pretend not to be the exact person he/she thinks it's cool to rebel against, while their parents pay 100k+ to put them through institutionalized baby-setting.


Of course, there's also the subset who simply like to shoot lightning at people. I can't imagine there's a whole lot of people who saw a JC throwing pebbles at people that went, 'Woa! That's *********** awesome!'. :p



:Slow Clap:

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I think most MMO vets are afraid of the "Alliance" stigma and the type players the "good guys" usually attract. I'm playing Sith just because I'm a Sith kind of person.


In real life? That's hard to believe. You should be in jail if that's true.

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I am playing on both sides. I really wanted to play a Smuggler, but I also like the Bounty Hunter too. Plus, my guild is rolling Sith.


One thing I noticed was that the conversation on the Sith side on my server was a bit more "l33t" and the Republic side was a bit more friendly conversational. I also saw names that were kind of play on words names Sith side, stuff like "Obiwannacookie" and more "believable" names on the Republic side. However, there were more than 100 on Hutta and just 60 on the Republic starting planet (so total population numbers may come into play). Overall, I felt that the Republic side on my server was a little more mature, but really, it's too early to tell.


That said, this 30-something gamer finds it funny that people try to guess what server the "kids" will be on. My guess is "kids" are attracted to both sides because "kids" are all unique individuals and don't all the same and don't think the same. But I should also point out, in my book if you aren't out of college yet and not working a full time job, then you are still a kid to me ;)

Edited by Jilla
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More likely they'll go Sith, because then they can play with their lightning and act like the normal snobs they are.... heck, the dialogue was catered to that group!




I'm just going to link this one more time in this thread, in case it was missed.


Not saying it is 100% accurate, but it is one of the largest polls gathered on the subject so far.

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