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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Operatives: Most broken garbage balance ever.


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How to survive a op/scoundrel gank.

Trinket (if up) pop a def cool down. Medpack.(5k heal) WZ medpack.(Oh look you just instantly healed all but the most geared OPS opener as ANY CLASS) Stun. Deeps.

If they are stem stacking you are fukkered, this goes for any class not just us.

If they arn't then you will live if you are not BADLY out geared/leveled.


Then there is this.... stealth isn't perfect. If you have a aoe or knockback and you know we are around.... you have a damn good chance of getting us out of stealth. Keep tapping target nearest and when you catch us creeping up use any attack.... *GASP* no opener.


From there the op/scoundrel has a choice Vanish if up.... or stun and attempt to deeps from outside stealth. Most of the time this ends REALLY badly for us.... unless you for some ******* reason decide to let me stay behind you.


If I can survive though another Scoundrel or OPS opening burst as a scoundrel you really have no excuse other than you arn't doing something right.


In full champ gear against evenly geared folks I hit for around 4-5k with my opener.

Stem stacking I hit for around 6-7k on a crit against evenly geared folks.


The ONLY thing that makes this deadly without stem stacking is the ability to vanish and double tap the opener. If I do that outside of a 1v1 I am going to die if anyone taps me and keeps me from insta restealthing.


Go ahead and cry though. I hope they fix the stem stacking before they make a final decision on how to tweak the scrapper tree. If they don't I'll just blow people up under a waterfall of dots ticking for over 1k damage.


When you have to use a ton of stuff not directly given to your character just to survive not being one shotted, then you know the opposing class is broken.

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How to survive a op/scoundrel gank.

Trinket (if up) pop a def cool down. Medpack.(5k heal) WZ medpack.(Oh look you just instantly healed all but the most geared OPS opener as ANY CLASS) Stun. Deeps.

If they are stem stacking you are fukkered, this goes for any class not just us.

If they arn't then you will live if you are not BADLY out geared/leveled.


Then there is this.... stealth isn't perfect. If you have a aoe or knockback and you know we are around.... you have a damn good chance of getting us out of stealth. Keep tapping target nearest and when you catch us creeping up use any attack.... *GASP* no opener.


From there the op/scoundrel has a choice Vanish if up.... or stun and attempt to deeps from outside stealth. Most of the time this ends REALLY badly for us.... unless you for some ******* reason decide to let me stay behind you.


If I can survive though another Scoundrel or OPS opening burst as a scoundrel you really have no excuse other than you arn't doing something right.


In full champ gear against evenly geared folks I hit for around 4-5k with my opener.

Stem stacking I hit for around 6-7k on a crit against evenly geared folks.


The ONLY thing that makes this deadly without stem stacking is the ability to vanish and double tap the opener. If I do that outside of a 1v1 I am going to die if anyone taps me and keeps me from insta restealthing.


Go ahead and cry though. I hope they fix the stem stacking before they make a final decision on how to tweak the scrapper tree. If they don't I'll just blow people up under a waterfall of dots ticking for over 1k damage.


Same bull over and over.


Ok I used trinket, medpack (in before I must have chosen bio and farmed hardmode/ops for biometric alloy for 5 k heal), I used wz medpack (wich i must buy instead of merc comms for bags).


I survived initial burst.


Operative/scoundrel now has his trinket ready, his rakata medpack ready, his wz medpack ready and combat stealth ready for repeating. And he knows I do not have mine trinket.



Edited by BambulaGTS
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Hey remember, according to all the people protecting Ops, they are underplayed. After all, nothing like this is happening. I got in on the tail end of that match there with only 100 points left on a node, and I capped one in the process, so that's why I only have 4 badges. So evidently people were getting tired of the ganking they can't control or stop. So yea, Operatives are so underplayed and such an under performing class. We have to take their word for it. Names of course are covered up because it's against the forum rules to name and shame.




While I am Sniper, which is the least played in whole game, I rarely see any IA in Warzone, and I grouped only 2 times with Operative healer in pve

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When you have to use a ton of stuff not directly given to your character just to survive not being one shotted, then you know the opposing class is broken.





Sadly he will never be able to see what problem is because obviously operatives are all superior pvp beings and everyone else needs to L2P.

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How to survive a op/scoundrel gank.

Trinket (if up) pop a def cool down. Medpack.(5k heal) WZ medpack.(Oh look you just instantly healed all but the most geared OPS opener as ANY CLASS) Stun. Deeps.

If they are stem stacking you are fukkered, this goes for any class not just us.

If they arn't then you will live if you are not BADLY out geared/leveled.


Then there is this.... stealth isn't perfect. If you have a aoe or knockback and you know we are around.... you have a damn good chance of getting us out of stealth. Keep tapping target nearest and when you catch us creeping up use any attack.... *GASP* no opener.


From there the op/scoundrel has a choice Vanish if up.... or stun and attempt to deeps from outside stealth. Most of the time this ends REALLY badly for us.... unless you for some ******* reason decide to let me stay behind you.


If I can survive though another Scoundrel or OPS opening burst as a scoundrel you really have no excuse other than you arn't doing something right.


In full champ gear against evenly geared folks I hit for around 4-5k with my opener.

Stem stacking I hit for around 6-7k on a crit against evenly geared folks.


The ONLY thing that makes this deadly without stem stacking is the ability to vanish and double tap the opener. If I do that outside of a 1v1 I am going to die if anyone taps me and keeps me from insta restealthing.


Go ahead and cry though. I hope they fix the stem stacking before they make a final decision on how to tweak the scrapper tree. If they don't I'll just blow people up under a waterfall of dots ticking for over 1k damage.


this is just situations that dont suite you

... practicaly we dont get operative from stealth by aoe incase he is noob, cos operative choose time and fight

... practicaly we let operative stay behind us, cos we liying on ground, be in stun or engaging another player


and if we actually turn think against operative in 1v1 he have no problem to run off

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Even pyromancers in rift and fire wizards in warhammer didn't have stealth, just got out of a super fun game where an operative decided to camp me in spawn in huttball so I couldn't even get a single medal, he just sat outside my spawn and waited for me. I didn't even know the guy, but I could literally do nothing to him before I was killed in his 5 second knockdown out of stealth.


Good balance bioware, you made rift and warhammer look good.


L2P, I can rip operatives apart. They knock me down, it tickles, they stab me, it feels like a pinch, they vanish and knock me down again, I think they are hitting on me and want to ask me out.


Operatives are not OP at all, l2p and get better gear.

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Operatives seem to be huge problem for anything under heavy armor , however while they dont bother me much as Juggernaut i do see them bursting sorcs and other soft targets in 5 seconds like others say. And that imo is not right , in mass pvp if healers are good they should not go down if they are not focused , if 1 single class can take them out alone , then something is deffinatly working wrong. My 5 cents imo and yes i dont have any problems with operatives as jugger , but i am heavy armor class...


We can burn marauders, assassins, snipers and other operatives, but we are fairly useless against mercenaries, powertechs, juggernauts and ESPECIALLY sorcerers. Sorcerers are the true gods of PVP and worst of all, almost 25% of the entire playerbase rolled a Sorc.

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When you have to use a ton of stuff not directly given to your character just to survive not being one shotted, then you know the opposing class is broken.


When you are not using all the tools available to you and someone else is, that is your fault.


My opening combo is F round, shoot first, pistol whip, sucker punch, f round, b blast, sucker punch. Not exactly a one shot, but not much reaction time for folks on the recieving end either. With the knockdown you cannot react before the back blast without trinketing.

Also if you got any temps up before that starts you will live easily with just class abilities. The point of what I was saying above is a way almost anyone can live through our burst.


We can be countered as we are now.


Does that mean we arn't op when we have adrenal/stim/pvp buff/pvp stim/trinket going all at once? No, that **** is broken as hell. Do I think scoundrel damage needs tweaking slightly? No, burst is a good thing or tanks with pocket heals would be ungoldy. I do think that the knockdown on shoot first is over the top. Without trinket being up it is currently STUPIDLY hard to live through the initial burst. In those 3 seconds you are face planted I can put some serious hurt on you.

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Does that mean we arn't op when we have adrenal/stim/pvp buff/pvp stim/trinket going all at once? No, that **** is broken as hell. Do I think scoundrel damage needs tweaking slightly? No, burst is a good thing or tanks with pocket heals would be ungoldy. I do think that the knockdown on shoot first is over the top. Without trinket being up it is currently STUPIDLY hard to live through the initial burst. In those 3 seconds you are face planted I can put some serious hurt on you.


Nice to see a post from a guy that is being realistic about his class. I do agree that Scoundrel/Operative are borderline OP classes, what makes them really OP is silly stacking of buffs. I as a tank, with almost full PVP gear, with my trinket on CD get up from the floor with maybe 15% health left after good geared, buff stacked Operative starts bursting me down.


They need to remove all stims and health pots from warzones that are not from PVP vendors, this would solve a lot of problems and would also make other crafting professions more viable. Atm I feel like a moron because I did not go for Biochem crafting. In my opinion having Biochem is at this moment equivalent of Synthweavers crafting gear for themselves with expertise on it...

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Not really sure what to tell you here. You're in Huttball with other players. When he jumps you, CC break and then stun/slow/whatever him and let your teammates help? How is it that you were repeatedly being 1v1'ed by this guy?


Hit the nail on the head. Yep Operatives are the kings of 1 vs 1. But PvP isnt 1 vs 1.


OP - Did your team think that you were so worthless that they didnt bother to save you?


Seems that way.

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Having an opener that burst that high, ignore armor and also stun you would only be balanced if they had very very low survivability, which they dont.


Even rogue in vanilla had to choose between a stun or a burst damage opener. And an OP with pvp gear got very decent resistance to damage compared to vanilla rogue.


Rework that opener, make them choose between that utterly annoying knockdown or high burst damage. That and stim stacking nerf would be good enough.

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Hit the nail on the head. Yep Operatives are the kings of 1 vs 1. But PvP isnt 1 vs 1.


OP - Did your team think that you were so worthless that they didnt bother to save you?


Seems that way.


Forum avatars should auto show last logged character... curious how many defenders play the class. I think the upcoming buff stacking nerf will help. On the other hand a great many Ops will still burn you down regardless... at this point as a heal spec heavy armor Merc my answer to this is to run like hell and plink plink on the run which results in reset...and the eventual now pissed off second third fourth and so on attempt at successfully ganking over the entire WZ. Oh joy.


OP/Scoundrel are partly responsible for their nerf calls.....it would seem everyone playing the class is wired the same..... if someone survives their burst dang near every single one will go vendetta and follow the survivor around the entire match..... this is what brings nerf cries....if it happens a time or two...bummer. once it happens five times plus in a short duration..... complaint inbound.

Edited by Soljin
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Operatives are the fotm class, everyone and their mother is rolling operative gosh darnit.


Proof right here: http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/8784/40031012.jpg


I aint using Acid Blade spec cuz it's gay and I aint gay.



All I see is lightsaber sausagefest in every warzone me being mostly the only operative there. Posting random screenshots doesn't prove anything.

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Forum avatars should auto show last logged character... curious how many defenders play the class. I think the upcoming buff stacking nerf will help. On the other hand a great many Ops will still burn you down regardless... at this point as a heal spec heavy armor Merc my answer to this is to run like hell and plink plink on the run which results in reset...and the eventual now pissed off second third fourth and so on attempt at successfully ganking over the entire WZ. Oh joy.


Only time i can burst someone down in a knockdown are if 1-2 ppl from my team help me. And iam not using any stim/buffs.




And if Oprative is so *********** OP, why arent there many opratives in WZ, i never meet one, realy rare. only classes i see id sorc/assassin in a huge lightsaber party...

Edited by carbocat
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Having an opener that burst that high, ignore armor and also stun you would only be balanced if they had very very low survivability, which they dont.


Even rogue in vanilla had to choose between a stun or a burst damage opener. And an OP with pvp gear got very decent resistance to damage compared to vanilla rogue.


Rework that opener, make them choose between that utterly annoying knockdown or high burst damage. That and stim stacking nerf would be good enough.


I don't know who desigend this skill but it's absolutely retarded.


It's basically ambush + cheapshot + colossus smash all in 1, totally and completely retarded.

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Forum avatars should auto show last logged character... curious how many defenders play the class. I think the upcoming buff stacking nerf will help. On the other hand a great many Ops will still burn you down regardless... at this point as a heal spec heavy armor Merc my answer to this is to run like hell and plink plink on the run which results in reset...and the eventual now pissed off second third fourth and so on attempt at successfully ganking over the entire WZ. Oh joy.


Probably A LOT of the defenders play the class. Did you stop and think why that might be? The ones NOT playing an operative only see them as SUPER OP since they get killed while running around solo. The ones who actually play an operative knows that it isn't auto-win vs every class (equal gear/stims) and also knows that the utility OUTSIDE of 1v1 is utterly limited. I think Ops are afraid of the big Nerf-bat just because they feel they wouldn't be useful at all afterwards.



Non-operative: ****BBQWHINEWITHBREADZ! THeY kiLLZ mE So FASt!?

Operatives: Educated comments from people actually playing the class.

Edited by Lushbits
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meh they aren't unstoppable they just have huge burst. If you pop your cc break on that first stun you can negate most of that burst. Use a knockback and a dot and kite them and they are all yours. BTW this is coming from a tank speced sith jugg, you just need to get some distance till their crap wears off them rip them to peices.


i love your signature. so true. and this ^^^^ is correct. but yes ops burst is high. if you dont have purge up, youz ded.

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scoundrels need buff for sure, their stealth is so sensitive like a vrigin.

Very soon the sorcerers and mercenaries will be nerfed, they are a true OverPower classes of this game, basically its their whining you hear on the forums , they just want complete domination and own everything they see, they dont want no rogue opening on them.

Your captain :cool:

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Probably A LOT of the defenders play the class. Did you stop and think why that might be? The ones NOT playing an operative only see them as SUPER OP since they get killed while running around solo. The ones who actually play an operative knows that it isn't auto-win vs every class (equal gear/stims) and also knows that the utility OUTSIDE of 1v1 is utterly limited. I think Ops are afraid of the big Nerf-bat just because they feel they wouldn't be useful at all afterwards.



Non-operative: ****BBQWHINEWITHBREADZ! THeY kiLLZ mE So FASt!?

Operatives: Educated comments from people actually playing the class.


This post made me laugh, hard.


This has nothing to do with being an operative or not, only facts matters.


Fact is:


With 500+ expertise, you still drop to 30-40% hp during the knockdown (2s) vs average operative if you don't have your trinket up. This damage is completely unavoidable, no matter what you do.

You can be the best pgm in the world you will still lose more than half your life in 2s by any keyboard turner playing a decently geared operative.


There is nothing to argue, nothing to defend, this simple fact is enough to prove imbalance and anyone stating this is normal behavior has absolutely no idea what a good gameplay and a good balance class are.



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Only time i can burst someone down in a knockdown are if 1-2 ppl from my team help me. And iam not using any stim/buffs.




And if Oprative is so *********** OP, why arent there many opratives in WZ, i never meet one, realy rare. only classes i see id sorc/assassin in a huge lightsaber party...


I always survive the knock down..... have to immediately get on the treadmill after.... unfortunately at this point I eventually have to let them succeed so they will calm the F down and target someone else for awhile. All wired with some dominance issues.... I'm targetting flag carrier....I'm running the ball.....Ops over in the corner griefing someone....... although there are two ops on my server that do participate in the. Actual WZ and I consider them the best on the server by far. YAN, and Mars. Hat tip.

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