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What were they thinking?


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So, a while back I hit level 50 and decided that since I dont have time to be in a regular raiding scheme again as i had been in WoW i would move into PvP,


I love my marauder and i have enjoyed leveling it, even the snag at level 40 to 41 - but what is going on with out PvP qualities?

It feels like every other class has knock backs, stuns, snares and all the other kind of CC you can imagine, but what do we have?


We have one little CC that also stuns ourself because its has a ******* cast on it, that 90% of the times it will run the animation without actually doing the spell. A flaw it shared all to much with Ravage...


I hope Bioware is aware of this problem, I have defended swtor against the haters i played with but with a huge new content patch coming and no changed being made, I am quite worried.


How do the rest of you guys feel about this?

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So, a while back I hit level 50 and decided that since I dont have time to be in a regular raiding scheme again as i had been in WoW i would move into PvP,


I love my marauder and i have enjoyed leveling it, even the snag at level 40 to 41 - but what is going on with out PvP qualities?

It feels like every other class has knock backs, stuns, snares and all the other kind of CC you can imagine, but what do we have?


We have one little CC that also stuns ourself because its has a ******* cast on it, that 90% of the times it will run the animation without actually doing the spell. A flaw it shared all to much with Ravage...


I hope Bioware is aware of this problem, I have defended swtor against the haters i played with but with a huge new content patch coming and no changed being made, I am quite worried.


How do the rest of you guys feel about this?


trust me you are not alone.

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trust me you are not alone.


That is good to know,

I am quite addicted to the force charge so I am pretty stuck with Mara for the moment, but unless PvP for us gets better then I dont know if I will keep playing.


I just dont get how they could decide to give all other classes so much, and its not like 1 thing either! They ALL have at least 2, most more..


Sad to want to leave, since I have been enjoying myself - perhaps come back at the next story chapter in a year or so and hope they changed it if nothing else.

Edited by Nighthunteer
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I have had the same view for a long while after hitting 50 and doing PVP, but realize that marauders have very high and sustainable dps in PVP compared to some other classes. Force choke is extremely broken and I dont even think the resolve bar does anything, but proper use of cooldowns (that aoe disable thingie, 4sec invis, unleash, charge) will make you very difficult to kite. You have a slow that has no cooldown and lasts a ridiculous amount of time as well as undying rage (take damage from fire in huttball? nahh).


tldr: don't open with charge unless you absolutely have to and use cooldowns appropriately and you will not be cc-ed easily.

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That is good to know,

I am quite addicted to the force charge so I am pretty stuck with Mara for the moment, but unless PvP for us gets better then I dont know if I will keep playing.


I just dont get how they could decide to give all other classes so much, and its not like 1 thing either! They ALL have at least 2, most more..


Sad to want to leave, since I have been enjoying myself - perhaps come back at the next story chapter in a year or so and hope they changed it if nothing else.


im a jugg tank myself and compared to other tanks we are like the skinny 120pound guy entering a sumo match with 400 pound sumo wrestlers.


i said it in another thread what were they thinking i mean the only conclusion that i can come to is we were op early in beta and they nerfed us into the ground. becaus i mean when you compair us to other classes in every aspect it honestly seems like we are some sort of joke class.


look at slicing it was op they nerfed it now its not even worth having did the same thing happen to us somewhere along the road?

Edited by Wickedwood
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what spec are you? Pvping as a marauder, especially before you hit 50 is hell.


If you want to control your opponent more try Carnage, its a little low on the damage side, but you get a root and the ability to get out of one.

Edited by AcaciaDragon
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what spec are you? Pvping as a marauder, especially before you hit 50 is hell.


If you want to control your opponent more try Carnage, its a little low on the damage side, but you get a root and the ability to get out of one.


I've tried carnage and it is no bueno. You think force choke is broken? Ravage is also broken and broken by pretty much anything. Half the time, it channels and no attacks happen because the target was sprinting at the start of channel and is now out of range.

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I've tried carnage and it is no bueno. You think force choke is broken? Ravage is also broken and broken by pretty much anything. Half the time, it channels and no attacks happen because the target was sprinting at the start of channel and is now out of range.


The Ravage bug happens even if they are in range, and its the worst of all the game breaking PvP bugs we have imo since it actually stun us for the duration and if you try to press ravage again and again it will keep doing the bugged animation.

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I've tried carnage and it is no bueno. You think force choke is broken? Ravage is also broken and broken by pretty much anything. Half the time, it channels and no attacks happen because the target was sprinting at the start of channel and is now out of range.


I play Carnage and i do very well. It is very gear dependent and you ahve to time things properly.


We do lack PvP utility.


The fact taht every class has a knockdown/pull/stun and we have nothign is very telling.

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Actually im pretty much killing every one in 1v1 and some 2v1 in open world with my

anni mara.

yesterday it was epic in tatoine, im lvl 30 atm and killed a 36 guardian + a 32 sniper,

i just slowed the sniper and doted him, got the healing from him while he was diying and the direct damage combos i did to the guardian, then a heal debuff to sniper again, doted him again, he died, then the guard was piece of cake.used a medpack though.

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Actually im pretty much killing every one in 1v1 and some 2v1 in open world with my

anni mara.

yesterday it was epic in tatoine, im lvl 30 atm and killed a 36 guardian + a 32 sniper,

i just slowed the sniper and doted him, got the healing from him while he was diying and the direct damage combos i did to the guardian, then a heal debuff to sniper again, doted him again, he died, then the guard was piece of cake.used a medpack though.


I am not talking about low level 1 on 1 pvp in some low level zone,

This is both the high level Ilum and all the of the Warzones.

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I've tried carnage and it is no bueno. You think force choke is broken? Ravage is also broken and broken by pretty much anything. Half the time, it channels and no attacks happen because the target was sprinting at the start of channel and is now out of range.


oh ppl ppl ppl..... carnage for one is not broken pluss you get another cc/snare... mara's are not supposed to be stunning ppl and then kiting them... that is what a RANGE class does. we are melee. melee find a way around the kite. instead of thinking this is wow and asking mr robot for a spec and deciding eh we r broken or not, take a look at your tree's.... heck i only use force choke when its me and a buddy on 1 guy or im waiting on my deadly throw to come off cd so i can root and recharge or get away... the rage tree has a second jump to get back on target as well as its final point is a slow... and before anyone harks on me for saying "boohoo its only 10 meters"... what do u think when they stun u they are going to clear the whole entire map? oh and on the topic of ravage... unless u get stunned the dammage is still hitting them regardless if they move away. i know this because i tilt my camera and watch it.... on top of all this you have 2 def cd's that rock you have a vanish and obfuscate which means they wont hit you in lamen terms... i repeat melee dont stun we lock down and beat up.. you guys really gota get off this wagon that we are broken when we are not. you are just confusing us with range classes

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Intimidating Roar - AoE Mez for 6 seconds

Crippling Slash - 50% slow for 12 seconds

Force Leap - Closer / Root, can spec into it for +1 second on the root

Obsfucate - 90% accuracy reduction for 6 seconds

Undying Rage - 50% of current health for 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds

Deadly Throw - Ranged 20% healing debuff, AFAIK Marauder and Sentinels are the only class to have a healing debuff.

Saber Ward - Increases melee and ranged defense by 50%, reduces tech and force damage taken by 25% for 12 seconds

Cloak of Pain - 20% damage reduction for 6~30 seconds, and reciprocates damage to the attacker. Can spec into it for further goodies.


You should really read your skills, Marauders have a lot of tools at their disposal and some really amazing cooldowns. I'm not advocating them as fine, but to say they have nothing is just down right ignorant and wrong.



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It feels like every other class has knock backs, stuns, snares and all the other kind of CC you can imagine, but what do we have?


I can just imagine what the PvP forums would look like if they gave Mara's the CC that others classes have.


We have one little CC that also stuns ourself because its has a ******* cast on it, that 90% of the times it will run the animation without actually doing the spell. A flaw it shared all to much with Ravage...


...Resolve, learn it, love it, hate it. And, really?...really?...really?...who really uses ravage during anytime that someone can run away from you in PvP?

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I can just imagine what the PvP forums would look like if they gave Mara's the CC that others classes have.




...Resolve, learn it, love it, hate it. And, really?...really?...really?...who really uses ravage during anytime that someone can run away from you in PvP?


I'm fairly certain that everyone hates it. Buggy little POS.

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Intimidating Roar - AoE Mez for 6 seconds

Crippling Slash - 50% slow for 12 seconds

Force Leap - Closer / Root, can spec into it for +1 second on the root

Obsfucate - 90% accuracy reduction for 6 seconds

Undying Rage - 50% of current health for 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds

Deadly Throw - Ranged 20% healing debuff, AFAIK Marauder and Sentinels are the only class to have a healing debuff.

Saber Ward - Increases melee and ranged defense by 50%, reduces tech and force damage taken by 25% for 12 seconds

Cloak of Pain - 20% damage reduction for 6~30 seconds, and reciprocates damage to the attacker. Can spec into it for further goodies.


You should really read your skills, Marauders have a lot of tools at their disposal and some really amazing cooldowns. I'm not advocating them as fine, but to say they have nothing is just down right ignorant and wrong.




tyvm sir couldnt agree more just to top it off. something you forgot was you can spec into deadley throw to make it root ppl but otherwise very well said oh and dont forget vanish :)

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I'm fairly certain that everyone hates it. Buggy little POS.


I use Ravage to get off the first two hits of it then cancel it and use another skill. Despite the animation being being bugged, the first 1.5 secs or so gets the first 2 hits/damage off Ravage can simply move to cancel the animation; however, the 3rd hit in Ravage is what does the most damage I believe.

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I don't really think we need more CC abilities, but I think we need better ways of dealing with it. If we got the jugg ability that makes you immune to cc for a few seconds after charge I think this class would be fine, as it is you end up just getting tossed around via knockbacks upon charge, then stunned/rooted. Even just an immunity to knockbacks on charge would probably be a big deal without being overpowered, they would just have to think about when they use it versus just punting you away instantly, and it would give you a chance to position in a way that the KB would not screw you over as much. I still think a non channeled stun would be a bit overpowering, and if they fix the ability delay/desync issues that would be a large buff to us itself.
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It feels like every other class has knock backs, stuns, snares and all the other kind of CC you can imagine, but what do we have?


I can just imagine what the PvP forums would look like if they gave Mara's the CC that others classes have.


We have one little CC that also stuns ourself because its has a ******* cast on it, that 90% of the times it will run the animation without actually doing the spell. A flaw it shared all to much with Ravage...


...Resolve, learn it, love it, hate it. And, really?...really?...really?...who really uses ravage during anytime that someone can run away from you in PvP?

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tyvm sir couldnt agree more just to top it off. something you forgot was you can spec into deadley throw to make it root ppl but otherwise very well said oh and dont forget vanish :)


LOL! Oh man, I listed all of those and forgot the one I probably use the most. Force Camo. Thanks for pointing that out.

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carnage spec--->ravage immobilizes the target

if your opponent's disrupt skill is still on cd then ravage from carnage is sweet


now u may ask me why would someone use his interrupt skill on something else and not on ravage...and u would be right but it happens when there are multiple players fighting


if we had one more skill that would tempt our opponents to interrupt us it would be great :p

(someone interrupted my force choke once...)

Edited by tadro
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