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I just noticed that some of the servers are already showing FULL, including the server my guild was assigned, after only two rounds of invites. I sure hope these servers have more capacity than they currently indicate. If not, it appears that long queue's are in our future. Nothing more frustrating that waiting over 30 minutes to log into a game when some of us have limited playing time to begin with. If that becomes a constant problem, the frustration alone will push some people away.


I have confidence in BW so hopefully this will not be an issue.

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I just noticed that some of the servers are already showing FULL, including the server my guild was assigned, after only two rounds of invites. I sure hope these servers have more capacity than they currently indicate. If not, it appears that long queue's are in our future. Nothing more frustrating that waiting over 30 minutes to log into a game when some of us have limited playing time to begin with. If that becomes a constant problem, the frustration alone will push some people away.


I have confidence in BW so hopefully this will not be an issue.


^^ Why Ill get a guild once Im in

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I just noticed that some of the servers are already showing FULL, including the server my guild was assigned, after only two rounds of invites. I sure hope these servers have more capacity than they currently indicate. If not, it appears that long queue's are in our future. Nothing more frustrating that waiting over 30 minutes to log into a game when some of us have limited playing time to begin with. If that becomes a constant problem, the frustration alone will push some people away.


I have confidence in BW so hopefully this will not be an issue.


What server?



http://www.swtor.com/server-status Here is a way to see server loads.

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BioWare will open up as many servers as they need--they've proven that during the beta when they had like 50+ servers. ALL of which were full the entire duration. Don't worry you will not be waiting long, if you have to wait at all.
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Most here are missing the entire point of the OP. If a server is full already after only two waves how exactly are his guild members in later waves going to get in? Opening new servers is not going to matter in that case. Just like rift there are going to be servers with long lines because people want on that specific server for whatever reason.
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They open more servers.


use your reading skills friend.


if someone's guild is on the server that is full , how does more servers help with this ?


there are some who come in last that is already clear , yet you want those to be penalized once more and loose the opportunity to play with their friends/guild ?


get a clue.

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the bad thing is people don't want to start over, so are forced to wait for the queue which is really bad.


Hopefully, players can balance out the servers soon, or Bioware have to do something about this.


Like one of the player said: Some people including myself have limit time to play. So, hopefully this problem will be sort out soon.


Great game, btw

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