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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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I am looking forward to when they add lfd! It is just a matter of time the devs have already said they have one in development! Once that goes in i know its just a matter of time before they have to make it cross server!


On this topic of loot ninja.. Man all you act as if losing out on a peice of gear is the end of the world.. It will drop again! Its not like youll never see that item ever drop again.

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Absolutely. This archaic LFG system frustrates me to no end. Finding a group for flashpoints is such a monumental task that it makes me want to punch myself in the face and insofar I am thinking about just skipping the content just so I don't have to spam "DPS LFG For X, X, or X" for an hour and a half just to get in a group that can't get going and dissipates.



Yes, cross-realm flashpoint finder please, and I needed it two days ago.




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The world becomes empty and everyone stands around hubs running in circles queuing for small group content. I don't want to pay for an MMO that is actually a multiplayer game with a neat lobby. Mission departures is there for a reason. Go there.


I've played other MMOs before and after the LFG function. They go from MMO to lobby multiplayer games.

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The world becomes empty and everyone stands around hubs running in circles queuing for small group content. I don't want to pay for an MMO that is actually a multiplayer game with a neat lobby. Mission departures is there for a reason. Go there.


I've played other MMOs before and after the LFG function. They go from MMO to lobby multiplayer games.


Odd since a lfd system actually frees players from having to stand around in one spot spamming or watching chat. Your logic is fail!


LFD tools allows players to go out exploring and questing instead of standing around the fleet spamming chat.

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The world becomes empty and everyone stands around hubs running in circles queuing for small group content. I don't want to pay for an MMO that is actually a multiplayer game with a neat lobby. Mission departures is there for a reason. Go there.


Isn't standing around in Fleet spamming general the definition of a lobby game?

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I won't lie, I'm against it. I can see the appeal, easier to get groups, etc... But I was there at the implementation of LFD in WoW and saw the last nail in the coffin for me. He server I was on died rather quickly, sure I had some pre-LFD friends for that character but had I tried an alt I would lose that. Tried making groups the usual way a few months after implementation and it took way longer than before.


In addition, ninjaing became a nonstop problem. Pre LFD I would run into a ninja a month, post I was running into at least one every other run. Sure you can alter the need/greed system but taking away accountability from the server further removes social aspects from the game.


Furthermore, finding a group took far longer with the implementation. Queuing as a healer was rather quick, tank wasn't TOO bad, but finding a group as DPS could take up to 2hrsfor me. Often I'd play forgetting I was que'd.


I dont understand the complaints about taking too long to find a group w/o LFD. Is "(role) LFG "flashpoint X"" really not working for others? The longest I've had to wait even as a dps is 30min and that was unusual.


Again, it was the last nail in the coffin for me in WoW similar nail for me in Rift and most probably the same nail in SWTOR... Gl hf


I find it upsetting that people would lie to further there agenda that have an honest conversation.


1) Ninja'ing!


You CANNOT ninja in LFD, it's impossible. Look up what the word means, stop using it as a buzz word cause you heard DevanSlice use it. There are loot restrictions that make it impossible for a melee plate class to take a healing piece of cloth gear. What you are referring to is off spec rolling, let me educate you on it. If you join a dungeon with people who share your loot table, ask them politely what their loot intentions are for the run and what you after. I've almost never had an issue with loot after discussing loot, maybe, umm you should be social?


2) Longer group queues?


Are you insane? You think sitting around is shorter then being in an automated queue? Why on earth would they implement if it made the process take longer?? What's the matter, do you not have any friends at all? Maybe if you socialized you've have friends to play with. Also the queues are a maximum of like 30 minutes for relevant content, I dont' think you even played when LFD were up judding from some of your comments



3) The "huh" moment of the post ...


So your saying putting yourself into a automated feature to find you a group takes too long but sitting around the fleet with no gaurantee of finding a group is much quicker and easier by basically your own words. So why don't you CONTINUE to group that way and let us have the features that we want?


4) The 'entitled baby' part of the post that's classic


So you don't adhere to logic, then say if we don't adhere to your point of view it's the nail in the coffin as it was for largely successful games. My god.

Edited by Touchbass
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Odd since a lfd system actually frees players from having to stand around in one spot spamming or watching chat. Your logic is fail!


LFD tools allows players to go out exploring and questing instead of standing around the fleet spamming chat.



Why do people think otherwise Nitewolfe, baffles my mind

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Odd since a lfd system actually frees players from having to stand around in one spot spamming or watching chat. Your logic is fail!


LFD tools allows players to go out exploring and questing instead of standing around the fleet spamming chat.


It is not logic. It is an observation. Your understanding of what logic is and is not is flawed.

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The world becomes empty and everyone stands around hubs running in circles queuing for small group content.

No, that has nothing to do with LFD and everything to do with being a game where most of the players are at the level cap. Once they're at the level cap, they have nothing better to do than sit around in the cities.




I don't want to pay for an MMO that is actually a multiplayer game with a neat lobby.
Then you should be in favor of lfd, since it reduces the people sitting around in the lobby (fleet) and encourages them to get back out in the world


I've played other MMOs before and after the LFG function. They go from MMO to lobby multiplayer games.
In both wow and rift, a huge portion of the player base were sitting around at the level cap with nothing better to do.


In both games, people went from sitting in the cities, to going back out in the world to do dailies,

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No, that has nothing to do with LFD and everything to do with being a game where most of the players are at the level cap. Once they're at the level cap, they have nothing better to do than sit around in the cities.


Then you should be in favor of lfd, since it reduces the people sitting around in the lobby (fleet) and encourages them to get back out in the world


In both wow and rift, a huge portion of the player base were sitting around at the level cap with nothing better to do.


In both games, people went from sitting in the cities, to going back out in the world to do dailies,


Questing in WoW became the lowest priority for players and seeing people in the world was rare after LFG.


As someone who had leveled 10 characters to 85, I think I have a good perspective on what killed the world. It was the ability to play from nearly start to finish without stepping outside of a hub.


This isn't about logic, this is about human tendencies which are not logical. Make it easier to zone into an instanced pocket of the game, and the rest of the game is an afterthought.


We are lazy like water, we take the path of least resistance even when it goes against the greater good. Like water, this game will go down the drain with LFG.

Edited by Derilictus
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Questing in WoW became the lowest priority for players and seeing people in the world was rare after LFG.


As someone who had leveled 10 characters to 85, I think I have a good perspective on what killed the world. It was the ability to play from nearly start to finish without stepping outside of a hub.


Actually, that leveling 10 characters to 85 gives you a skewed perspective, as most people simply don't level that many alts to max level. Think a bit: As the game gets older, more and more of the playerbase concentrates on end-game, and fewer and fewer are leveling alts. I personally leveled one brand new character in Cataclsym to lvl 30 I think, and that was all the leveling I did. LFG had nothing to do with it. In fact when LFG first came out, I was leveling more alts and spending more time out in the world.

This isn't about logic, this is about human tendencies which are not logical. Make it easier to zone into an instanced pocket of the game, and the rest of the game is an afterthought.


You do realize that all of the instances thus far start in fleet, right? The system, as it is, coerces people to spending most of end-game sitting around in fleet. The lack of a better dungeon finder is keeping people from being out and about.

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Questing in WoW became the lowest priority for players and seeing people in the world was rare after LFG.


As someone who had leveled 10 characters to 85, I think I have a good perspective on what killed the world. It was the ability to play from nearly start to finish without stepping outside of a hub.


This isn't about logic, this is about human tendencies which are not logical. Make it easier to zone into an instanced pocket of the game, and the rest of the game is an afterthought.


We are lazy like water, we take the path of least resistance even when it goes against the greater good. Like water, this game will go down the drain with LFG.


Work a little harder. I have 15 level 85's with the majority of them fully raid geared. So i am very aware of how the world is in warcraft!

i also have 8 raid geared toons in rift

And till recently had 6 fully geared toons in eq2.


I been in this genre playing more than one at a time since the genre begin.

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Check this out, please give feedback, good, bad, indifferent.




Nice Post Zandog, I appreciate the effort you must of gone through to brain storm and implement a creative vision of your idea. As it stands now, I would like the feature added to the game, it's a better working version of our current tool we have.


The only issue I have with that tool Zandog is, again I don't mean to deminish your effort and say your wrong because I really like your idea specifically and when community members go out of their way to help the cause, is that it won't work for a chunk of the playerbase. Allow me to explain.


That tool will only work if players are available in that level range and on that realm during that time and a lot of the concerns with the lack of a LFD is from issues that stem around the aforementioned problems. I can only see that tool as being a bandaid solution to a bullet wound, forcing people to re-roll on new servers cause of diminished experience is not a 2012 solution.That being said, I like how in incooperates zone specific heroics like 2+/4+ and would love to have it in-game in conjuction with a global LFD :)


Cheers Zandog

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Actually, that leveling 10 characters to 85 gives you a skewed perspective, as most people simply don't level that many alts to max level. Think a bit: As the game gets older, more and more of the playerbase concentrates on end-game, and fewer and fewer are leveling alts. I personally leveled one brand new character in Cataclsym to lvl 30 I think, and that was all the leveling I did. LFG had nothing to do with it. In fact when LFG first came out, I was leveling more alts and spending more time out in the world.



You do realize that all of the instances thus far start in fleet, right? The system, as it is, coerces people to spending most of end-game sitting around in fleet. The lack of a better dungeon finder is keeping people from being out and about.



Kurena, I couldn't agree more.

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Questing in WoW became the lowest priority for players and seeing people in the world was rare after LFG.


As someone who had leveled 10 characters to 85, I think I have a good perspective on what killed the world. It was the ability to play from nearly start to finish without stepping outside of a hub.


This isn't about logic, this is about human tendencies which are not logical. Make it easier to zone into an instanced pocket of the game, and the rest of the game is an afterthought.


We are lazy like water, we take the path of least resistance even when it goes against the greater good. Like water, this game will go down the drain with LFG.


Before Cataclysm, questing out in the world was one of the worst chores. Even after Cataclysm and the "newness" of the questing zones faded and when more info on how cool SWTOR's questing would be, all I ever did was run LFD groups in WoW. It actually made a part of that very old game fun again, especially since I never saw any of the old dungeons pre-LFD due to having such a hard time finding groups.

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The world becomes empty and everyone stands around hubs running in circles queuing for small group content. I don't want to pay for an MMO that is actually a multiplayer game with a neat lobby. Mission departures is there for a reason. Go there.


I've played other MMOs before and after the LFG function. They go from MMO to lobby multiplayer games.


1) All of the instance portals are in fleet, so we're basically stuck there already. You said it yourself, mission departures. So rather than a tool that works across zones and will take you to the instance and drop you back off where you were, people have to sit around in fleet waiting.


2) What exactly is there to do that would draw me out into the planets? Some grindable dailies for some obscure off-spec gear drop or silly cosmetic pet? No thanks.


3) What entitles you to have other characters standing around for your amusement/enjoyment? Takes a really big dose of self-importance to think that other players are just "extras" or "props" for you to feel more important. You can thank the developers for choosing a linear themepark model where once you finish a planet/zone there's basically no reason to go back. This happens in nearly ever game with similar design, once the leveling wave goes through, 90% of the world goes unused.

Edited by Syylara
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Yeah, I don't get how people think LFD makes it a lobby game where everyone stands in the fleet. News Flash, people stood in org cause they'd been playing the game for 5+ years so they tired of venturing out and questing. If we had the LFD in SWTOR we'd be out leveling in the worlds, not sitting in the fleet
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i have yet to have any trouble looking for a groupin chat it doesnt take much time


I dont want a wow type feature in here



It is nice YOU dont have any trouble


...and did you know most MMOs have a LFD tool, not just WoW

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Change title to: Need help making friends badly.


If you are too lazy or socially inept to make friends with people in an mmo then creating cross server dungeon finder so you can bare to play an mmo for a little while longer while ruining everyone elses community is not what I consider a good move for any game.


Try being social, talk to people, that guy you see questing beside you is not an npc you can talk to him and maybe even share some of the same interests and possibly even become friends, it even gets easier after the first time.


Really. Seriously it's a game.. I would think most people play for fun. Not to talk about life and shoot the breeze. This is why a cross server LFD will be implemented.


A same server LFD will fail.

Think of the long ques for republic or DPS it doesn't work.

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Flashpoint finder is badly needed. Besides the low level Flashpoints I haven't had much luck finding groups at higher levels, and I've tried the chat spam approach. It's a pretty lonely MMO at higher levels. :(


Heck, even at lower levels it can be a pain. I spent an hour spamming general earlier this evening (after work EST) looking to heal a hammer station group with zero bites. Ended up just pvp'ing instead.

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