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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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I'm most of the way convinced that a large portion of the anti-lfd crowd have memories of themselves at the pinnacle of some vaguely perceived hierarchy where they could dictate who got groups and who didn't. At best, its entirely delusional - this goes well beyond rose colored glasses.


That's a good point... Maybe what pisses them off so much about LFD is that it took the power of control over others away from them. It's like record companies complaining that mp3's and internet put power over an artist's music back into the artists hands, who now don't need the record labels lol. They are pissed that people are able to find teams whether they want them to or not. Like I said before, they want fascist control over others.


I think we're starting to make some psychoanalytical breakthroughs here people. The more they speak up and express their views, the more data they're giving us to see the kind of truly antisocial, paranoid, controlling, elitist and fascist people we're dealing with, who preach about "community" while acting more antisocial than anyone... wow... WoW lol


I'm starting to become truly fascinated with this group of players I'm encountering coming from the WoW world. I could write a psychological case study about "WoW elitist anti-LFG syndrome" or something lol. I was playing other MMOs and never played WoW, so this is my first lengthy interaction with them, and this is just amazing, a sort of mass psychosis developed in the environment of WoW server "communities" lol.

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Aeon, you've given me very good insight to an opinion that is different than my own. I think this is a difficult discussion because of how valid everything you said is. I still stick to my opinion, because I feel as an RPG you're supposed to assume the role of the character, and it seems as though (And I could be wrong with this) that too many people are playing without considering the RPG elements that are so important to these games. I've known plenty of people who shun RPG's but flock to MMO's; it's a killing/numbers game for them, whereas to RP/G fans such as myself it's about more than that. Not saying the LFD would take away from the RPG elements of the game, but it does take away from the immersion a little bit in my opinion.


I respect your opinion about this entire thing, and I'd certainly hope that you are equally as open-minded towards the things that I have had to say. I won't be saying any more on this topic (as I'm wildly outnumbered), but I still support the exclusion of a LFD/LFG tool.

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..You're trying to do hard modes with daily gear? Isn't it meeant to go

daily gear>levle 50 FP gear > Heroic FP gear > Raid gear > HM raid gear?


If that's the case, I find it impossible to find anyone doing the level 50 FPs... I shout in general forever "looking for battle of ilum, false emperor, kaon, palace" whatever and I get no response, and I never see people getting teams together for those. As far as I can see, as soon as people reach 50 all they do is get daily mission gear from ilum and belsavis then start running hard modes, starting with BT.

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You don't think that it's a bad thing, that the person who was trying to warn people of a ninja/jerk is the one that is "blacklisted"? How does that make ANY sense? You're empowering the people who turn good games into bad games by turning a blind eye.


Honestly "Online Marshling" in these communities doesn't work in 2012 with this new consumer MMORPG's have attracted unless someone really screws up. I've noticed a couple ***** in the /fleet already calling people out on stuff they probably shouldn't have. Funny part is they are still getting groups and clearing content. One of the only infractions that would pose any server penatly that I can think of atm is /afking in a warzone on purpose.

If you were on Smolderthorn as I was, it started dying when NA, Dies Irae and the only good alliance guild fell apart and the rest of their players bailed. Lag was an issue, yes, but it was certainly not the only reason people left the server. I didn't leave smolderthorn until this past xpac was released, and it was still awful. LFD did not help Smolderthorn, what helped Smolderthorn was free xfers. What guilds were you in? (This is not important in the conversation, I'm just curious)

I went from doing nothing to running dungeons and pugging raids, I wouldn't call that awful. Maybe the alliance sucked the big one but if there was a LFR feature back then it would of helped. I was in mostly "The Bad & The Ugly" and a few others.


I want to hear your rationale for NOT server transferring to make things easier for yourself, instead of complaining. Or, in fact, I want to hear about why you started a character on a server, knowing that you won't be able to play on that server during peak times. I'm not saying YOU did this specifically, but there has to be some sort of justification to it if there are many people complaining about it.


When I joined Smolderthorn it was a bustling hardcore server. 2 expansions later it's dead with all my toons on there, how is that my fault? My other sever Warsong turned into BRsong, i'm not spending 400+ dollars to move toons around.


In regard to peak times, peoples life changes. When I started this game I was in college and didn't have obligations, peak times were always good for whenever. That was over 5 years ago, I've grown up now, I have a lot of responsibilities and I can't play now when the majority of other players play and for their length of time. the additional of X-LFD and LFR fixed all those problems for me and many other games whose lives have changed.

Again, it's how I experienced the game vs how you have experienced the game. And in the end, it's how we want THIS game to be, which is up to neither your or me but the devs. The obvious comparison of this game is to WoW, which I have done. Argue my points, not me.

The devs aren't in control, EA is in control. As soon as subscriptions drop you won't be able to say "sell out" as fast as the devs make changes that accommodate as many players as possible.

If playing a game takes too much time from your life, then don't play it, it's that easy. Saying "Hey, change this, so that it takes ME less time, regardless of the effects on overall game health", is incredibly selfish.

This game doesn't take too much time of my life, trying to form groups for dungeons do. You say that about time but almost everyone is asking for at least an improved LFD tool, people tend to agree it takes too long and would like some change implemented, not my change per say but some change is a consenus.

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Thank you for taking the time to respond to my response Psychode. Ok I believe I understand what you are trying to say, that it retracts a lot of players from the pool of eligible players to grab from. At first it only grabs those who have no desire to be patient and wait and then a chain reaction occurs where more inclined to wait players have less people to grab them and eventually nobody could be bothered to wait around for hours on end to form a pug since everyone is using a more efficient tool.


Here's my issue with that, you're complaining that it takes too long to form a group internally cause the majority of eligible players aren't available to you anymore. It's not impossible to find a group, I've witnessed groups being formed and done so myself, the issue is the length of time it takes to form them. Well that feeling is EXACTLY how the rest of us have felt when trying to form a group under current conditions, so how can hinge your argument on against the X-LFD on the basis of the exact same reasons we need a X-LFD?


What I think personally we need is a dual tool, an X-LFD plus an advanced intergrated internal tool. I'll have to ponder on it.

You meet the most polite people on here <3


I'm sorry if my meaning is a bit confusing at times, i'd like to use the excuse that English isn't my first language (which it isn't), but it's a simple fact i'm horrid at explaining what and how i think, in any language :)


Admittedly, my current experience with group forming is from The Red Eclipse, which is one of the biggest EU servers, and on top of that i'm Empire side. Though i also havent really bothered looking for a group either, after my past experiences i'm hesitant to pug until content can be done blindfolded, but i'll get around to it soon enough, especially since now, i'll be the tank... (<insert maniacal laughter>)

Most common seems to be that im playing warzones, and inbetween them i see somebody still looking for 1 person, jsut as they were doing 4 warzones ago.

I don't like the current system, but i don't believe cross-server will make a positive difference for anyone except maybe low population servers and non-peak hour players.


I would be perfectly fine with a mix where you could opt out of the cross-server, but not the local server.

Though the system could be quite messy to fix up (prioritising local or cross? And more i cant think of right now since its 2h30 in the morning, had them an hour ago though), it could be an option so that everybody will have what they desire.

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If that's the case, I find it impossible to find anyone doing the level 50 FPs... I should in general forever "looking for battle of ilum, false emperor, kaon, palace" whatever and I get no response, and I never see people getting teams together for those. As far as I can see, as soon as people reach 50 all they do is get daily mission gear from ilum and belsavis then start running hard modes, starting with BT.


I don't know, I just know thats how it is on every other game I played. The gear you get from "regular" sources is immediately outclassed by regular, at level dungeon(FP) gear, which is in itself outclassed my hardmode gear, which si then outmatched by raid, which is then outmatched by Hm raid.


I can't speak for SWTOR, but thats how it SHOULD go.

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I am a level 39 assassin and I've only done 3 FPs and 3 heroics in total. Absolutely no one on Krayist Obelisk wants to do them. On some worlds like Hoth I see 5-10 people max on that planet. Going to the fleet, I see 60+ people but still it could take 90 minutes to fill 3 of 4 slots and stll need a tank. I feel like I'm missing about 1/3 of the content because I can't find groups. I hate going to instances when I'm over leveled for it. Please make a dungeon finder a priority. Edited by SaulGood
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You meet the most polite people on here <3


I'm sorry if my meaning is a bit confusing at times, i'd like to use the excuse that English isn't my first language (which it isn't), but it's a simple fact i'm horrid at explaining what and how i think, in any language :)


Admittedly, my current experience with group forming is from The Red Eclipse, which is one of the biggest EU servers, and on top of that i'm Empire side. Though i also havent really bothered looking for a group either, after my past experiences i'm hesitant to pug until content can be done blindfolded, but i'll get around to it soon enough, especially since now, i'll be the tank... (<insert maniacal laughter>)

Most common seems to be that im playing warzones, and inbetween them i see somebody still looking for 1 person, jsut as they were doing 4 warzones ago.

I don't like the current system, but i don't believe cross-server will make a positive difference for anyone except maybe low population servers and non-peak hour players.


I would be perfectly fine with a mix where you could opt out of the cross-server, but not the local server.

Though the system could be quite messy to fix up (prioritising local or cross? And more i cant think of right now since its 2h30 in the morning, had them an hour ago though), it could be an option so that everybody will have what they desire.


Honestly for the life of me I can't think of anything that would allow people to opt out of a X-LFD without screwing over the players who need a X-LFD. I'll have to ponder some more. You'd need to charge some sort of a levy / time penatly for internal server.

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We already know Dungeon Finder IS coming. (for the "link a source" tards, the search button/dev tracker is right up there)


What is left to choose is wether or not it will be cross server.


And I say yes.

Edited by dargor-
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DF, needed? Give over!


The system now is perfectly fine, flag yourself for the dungeon you want or find players yourself. The console generation have really invaded


Its not needed, People are just too lazy and need that one magic button. This generation of MMO players (if you can call them that) are so *** **** lazy. Get social. This game promotes it in every corner. IF you wont, its your issue. But quit crying for another MMO to be turned into a lobby game.

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Honestly for the life of me I can't think of anything that would allow people to opt out of a X-LFD without screwing over the players who need a X-LFD. I'll have to ponder some more. You'd need to charge some sort of a levy / time penatly for internal server.


Check box: [] search LFG on server [] search LFG cross-servers

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DF, needed? Give over!


The system now is perfectly fine, flag yourself for the dungeon you want or find players yourself. The console generation have really invaded


Its not needed, People are just too lazy and need that one magic button. This generation of MMO players (if you can call them that) are so *** **** lazy. Get social. This game promotes it in every corner. IF you wont, its your issue. But quit crying for another MMO to be turned into a lobby game.


Not wanting to shout in general in an hour is not being lazy.


And shouting LFG LFG LFG in general is not being social.

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Check box: [] search LFG on server [] search LFG cross-servers

I'm afraid it's more problematic than that. Different queues, queue lengths, priorities... its not about how it looks, but the system behind it all

Could be interesting to see if they do take something like that though, to make that work well... I would be impressed.

Though there'd always be people who would complain, also probably call the "locals" selfish and all those names thrown here at people who don't want a LFD tool at all :)

Speaking of, shouldnt it be LFFP? :p

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Problem I see is that everyone on a high population server would click "on server" and everyone on low pop would click "cross-servers", so the low-pop would probably be screwed yet again.

Even if that would happen, low pop would at least still have each other.

I believe, however, that even a lot of people on high pop servers will go "meh, faster if we do cross" and not particularly care about wanting to group with people of their own server.

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I'm afraid it's more problematic than that. Different queues, queue lengths, priorities... its not about how it looks, but the system behind it all

Could be interesting to see if they do take something like that though, to make that work well... I would be impressed.

Though there'd always be people who would complain, also probably call the "locals" selfish and all those names thrown here at people who don't want a LFD tool at all :)

Speaking of, shouldnt it be LFFP? :p


I don't think it really is more problematic, they already have an in-zone search tool. They already a global on server warzone queue, so we know they can do that sort of thing, now they just need to queue up FPs like WZs. Now if they come up with a cross-server tool, then all the tools would be in place, on server or cross server.

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This is a game, if I want to work then I'll go work.


Its a social game, which has been proven to be ruined by LFG systems in the past.


I will leave if they introduce LFG, as much as i love the game. Ill be one in minutes and so will a hell of a lot of others. Simply put, we cannot stand it.

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Its a social game, which has been proven to be ruined by LFG systems in the past.


I will leave if they introduce LFG, as much as i love the game. Ill be one in minutes and so will a hell of a lot of others. Simply put, we cannot stand it.


lol it won't stop or prevent you from socializing with people in your own server.

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Problem I see is that everyone on a high population server would click "on server" and everyone on low pop would click "cross-servers", so the low-pop would probably be screwed yet again.


Not really, because there's alot of low population servers, so all the people on all those servers could group up. And even high population servers will have their non-peak times, so people on those servers will want to team up cross server too. And in fact, I think the majority even on busy servers at peak hours would still use the cross server to get their team going faster, have shorter queues and everything.


It's really only a very vocal minority who wouldn't use the convenience of this tool... In fact I would go as far as to say that some of the same people who are preaching and calling us LFG tool supporters lazy would also secretly use the cross server tool lol, because they'll want to limit their gaming downtime too.


I have the feeling many of them are just trolling, just being contradictory because they like arguing lol. It's like those congressmen who vote to legislate against something they secretly do themselves, or judges who cast verdicts against people for crimes they are themselves guilty of.... think about that likely possibility lol. Maybe their guilty pleasure is that they use the LFG tool themselves. They sure seem to have experience with cross server groups since they have soooo many bad experiences with them.

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Its a social game, which has been proven to be ruined by LFG systems in the past.


I will leave if they introduce LFG, as much as i love the game. Ill be one in minutes and so will a hell of a lot of others. Simply put, we cannot stand it.


"Ruined" is so subjective.


I don't understand you people and your crazy opposition to letting people play how they want to play... If you don't like it, don't use it, and let those of us who do like it use it. If you only want to team on server, find your own group and queue up as a group... "problem" solved.


And if you plan on leaving if they add in the tool, you should start packing your bags now, because they already said they're working on adding it... so bye!


And, well alot of us will be leaving if people like you actually do talk BW into not giving us this tool and we have to keep standing around shouting forever to find a team.

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I don't think it really is more problematic, they already have an in-zone search tool. They already a global on server warzone queue, so we know they can do that sort of thing, now they just need to queue up FPs like WZs. Now if they come up with a cross-server tool, then all the tools would be in place, on server or cross server.


You're thinking of it being "either/or", i'm thinking of a system where i, as a local queuer, could end up in a team with you, who chose to opt in for cross server queue.

It's not because you select cross server that you actually have to end up with everybody from a different server.


But like i said, there would be queue merges, difficulties, priorities, etc to handle.

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Its a social game, which has been proven to be ruined by LFG systems in the past.


I will leave if they introduce LFG, as much as i love the game. Ill be one in minutes and so will a hell of a lot of others. Simply put, we cannot stand it.


Gotta love the sense of entitlement here followed by the "I'M QUIT POST". Only the elites will leave and the majority of us won't be sad if you go.

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@Aeon, Blue


Just like to thank the both of you keeping the good posts and keeping the discussion going and refraining from making our concerns come off as childish whims. Unfortunately though I believe we've lost a bunch of posters since we got moved to the suggestion forum, people both for and against. I'd enjoyed my daily rattlings from SavagePotato and DevianSlice, actually n/m he still posts just not often. Wish Forrez (spelling?) would come back


I'm going to make another mega post soon, I've had a lot of time to talk to some players and I understand more where they are coming from, so I can tweak it a bit. Also want to add some of those great links you added Blue for quick reference. I was reading the past page of the thread, Bioware make an announcement on the LFD interface or something? Looks like I gotta go diggin!

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