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Fresh 50's screwed after bracket?


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It will be a better fight having a new L50 vs having a L10 against 8 premade L50s!



I think those are usually the funniest fights.


Does this mean I'm sick?


Anywhos on topic, it's inevitable. Even without the brackets, those geared 50s will still be doing warzones. They will still be in their premades. BUT, those premades can still only have four people in the group.


So it all comes down to like any other game, where pray you have a geared premade on your side too.

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Actually a fresh 50 can get a ton of bags at 50:

  • 1000 merc and 1000 warzone comms = 5 bags
  • daily warzone 3 wins = 1 bag
  • daily ilum = 1 bag
  • weekly ilum = 3 bags
  • weekly warzones = 3 bags


Total Bags a Fresh 50 Can Obtain:

13 Bags

13 Pieces of Champion Gear



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Total Bags a Fresh 50 Can Obtain:

13 Bags

13 Pieces of Champion Gear[/center]





Yeah... I'm sure they'll get 13 tokens, all of which won't be duplicates or anything.


Everything beyond the 6 you mentioned are pretty moot, they'll still be getting carried instead of actually helping since there's no level 50 commendation set. You coulda made a case for the Ilum bags since most people just trade points there, but that's not gonna be the case soon.


So at best you have 6 bags for when you hit 50. Maybe one piece of gear, two if your lucky.


Just give em a level 50 set with a bare minimum of expertise they can get ahold of before hand.

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I'm not sure why this worries the OP. everyone knows there is no joy in a pvp experience without having some widget to work towards. I mean look at counter-strike that game hardly lasted at all. No one played team fortress 2 until they added the extra weapons.


Why even add the 50's bracket? Hey if those lower level losers don't want to sacrifice the most amount of their free-time to compete that's their problem. Those maxed out players EARNED that gear, and the RIGHT to mop the floor with everyone.


I don't want a rewarding experience I want a reward. Because I'm just a consumer like everyone else and I'm not able to transition out of that mentality when I'm on my free-time. I'd much rather spend that free time working for Widgets and grinding away for gear in an ironic microcosm akin to my real life where I grind away at ' new car ' or upgrading my green lawnmower to a purple one. Don't waste my time creating new maps with fantastic locations ( unless of course you create a new currency to go with it so I get to increase my grind ) and give me more *things*.


The last thing I want is a fight on equal terms unless its with people of the same class as I, because they earned it.



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right a pvp group of 8 people under level 40 facing a level 50 battlemaster fully geared out . they swarm that battlemaster who just laughs and bang your team is dead without even touching that 50 ... that isn't made up thanks , that's a fact . Nice try tho !


Next why should a casual pvper be forced to join a dedicated pvp guild on an rp server to just get dailies an weekls done . when the Sith faction on the server are the only dedicated pvp guilds . If I wanted to full time pvp , I'd a rolled on a pvp server . I choose not too , there are more things to do on swtor then strictly 24/7 no life pvp grinding .



Anyways I've had my rant , you've had yours . Is the system perfect , no . An bioware's stop gap solution doesn't make it better either .


At level 12 you still have about 12000 hp with somewhere between 10 and 30% damage redux. Name a single skill that even with stims and expertise can do an AoE crit for that much damage and I might believe you - only you're lying because it doesn't exist.

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So the fresh 50's that only have the ability to have 1 champions bag as soon as they hit 50, will they be screwed? Most likely they will have little to no expertise rating, and with all the farming that's already been going on...


What is your opinion on this situation?


Save up so you have 1 bag, +1000/1000 commendations... will help a bit.

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How is this worse than now?


After the patch you now have a few 50's getting wafflestomped instead of most of the entire population who do not even have access to expertise?


The issue is the expertise stat and Bioware not recognizing that it is a dated and obsolete concept. Pvp stats bound to gear only lead to grinds and exclusion. No lifers will grind to get their uber gear first AND also get the most of a stat that only further increases their power on top of the better gear's stats already.


It is the worst idea ever in the history of mmo pvp. The fact it has carried over for so long since Wow shows how blindly Bioware has copied their format.


It's fine. You just don't want to PvP for PvP gear. Silly raiders....


It takes all of a week or two to have enough expertise to be competitive.

Edited by Draemos
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What? Obviously the geared 50's wreck me. I do nothing but support a bracket, because I find no enjoyment in rolling lowbies all day. I'm saying I was competitive at 19 against 50's. I certainly wouldn't have any problem as an ungeared 50 against anything.


lol yes you will i would love to see u at 50 ungeared even try to take someone with just half the pvp gear on you would get face rolled in 3 sec

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Actually a fresh 50 can get a ton of bags at 50:

  • 1000 merc and 1000 warzone comms = 5 bags
  • daily warzone 3 wins = 1 bag
  • daily ilum = 1 bag
  • weekly ilum = 3 bags
  • weekly warzones = 3 bags


Total Bags a Fresh 50 Can Obtain:

13 Bags

13 Pieces of Champion Gear




actually its 14, you can buy one bag then get the 1000/1000.


Now, minus 6 of those because not everyone pvps alot while leveling. I for one, wasnt about to pvp when the enemy team was always a level 50 premade.


So that is 8 bags the first day (lets say 9, because of the comms from doing the warzone weekly) which is exactly what i got. And guess what? I got 27 cent comms. enough for one small upgraded off piece item.


Awesome right?

Edited by Durzaka
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So the fresh 50's that only have the ability to have 1 champions bag as soon as they hit 50, will they be screwed? Most likely they will have little to no expertise rating, and with all the farming that's already been going on...


What is your opinion on this situation?



nah it will be fast to get gear.

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Lemme preface this by telling you i think the rng on pvp does indeed suck.


That being said the only even half sane idea behind this that i can come up with is this:

In a pve raid. Loot drops. It isn't automatic that YOUR exact piece of gear will drop. It isnt guaranteed (in most cases at least) that even if it DOES drop, that you will win it. Drops are inately RNG and so they figured lets try to bridge the gap between pve and pvp by making pvp gear gained the same way. Luck of the draw.


They tried to implement a pve staple into a pvp aspect and that is simply a no brainer mistake. Also not having an easily attained starter pvp set for fresh 50s is a no brainer nono.


They screwed the pooch on this one for sure and half this forums threads wouldn't be here atm if they just did it smart.

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