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Thank you! As a Battlemaster on Shien and a Merc i find this QQ over it so annoying. All because you die in 3 tracermissles doesnt mean we only spam it. In fact after 3 Tracer missile and the full debuff he becomes worthless compared to other skills.



Don't hear us qqing oh god hes spamming me with lightning. Or oh god hes spamming me with slashes! Its what we do, and if u let us actually get all 3 tracer missile off for the 20% debuff and you cant interrupt us, you're the idiot who can't use his skills.



Any true merc will tell you we don't spam tracer missles, 3 of them and you're armor is gone. Then unload, railshot, HSM, power shot, and one more tracer missile to keep the debuff up.


Thank you. Glad to know im not the only one getting tired of ppl calling me a spammer.

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i see no problem with mercs/commandos spaming w/e they want. people with half a brain interupt it and then destroy you guys so... who cares.


No, they destroy any merc who only uses it. And they deserve it for spamming :)


people need to stop generalizing the newbie mercs/commandos with the ones who actually use the term "arsenal"


Bebop - r60 Merc

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I think the OP and everyone else in here misses the point about BH criticism entirely.


Firstly, the fact that you DPS is reliant on Tracer Missile spam is a bad thing and in no way a vindication of the class mechanics. On ALL other classes there is a "default" ability clearly designed to bridge the gap that auto-attack fills in other MMOs. With BHs/Troopers is is Tracer Missile/Grav Round. The problem isn't that this is the way those classes work. It's the comparably high amount of TM/GR casts Vs other "default" attacks and the comparably high amount of damage those attacks do Vs other classes "default" attacks, as well as the overall survivability BHs and Troopers have in general.


That's it. Everyone understand how Tracer Missile works and WHY Tracer Missile works that way.


You would have a point if rapid shots were not the auto-attack replacement you speak of.

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Mercs and Sorc DPS are like 3 buttons class. and they are hybrid . which makes the sniper class that uses 6-8 abilities to get the same DPS as a 2-3 button class, completely ridiculous.


and to top it off they can heal themselves.


thats complete ********.


Sorcs aren't 3 button, we've just got the exact same lightning animation for most of our abilities.



our general dps rotation has 7 frequently used abilities.

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tracer missile(grav round) is cool, but a lot of players just spam it alone. a good merc/commando will use more abilities then tracer missile, unload, Heat seeking missile and rail shot. i play a merc and i never ever see a another merc/commando use anything other then tracer/grav round. if they spam one ability interuppt it, also close in the range. mercs/commando don't like close range combat. it should be fairly easy to kill a spammer. if 1vs1 doesn't work get a teammate to help you and watch that merc/commando die in no time.
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People may lol at Tracer-spam derp-mercs because it looks funny and incredibly easy. However, there is a fundamental development-derp by tying so many procs and debuffs to a single skill which I think that's what people would really like to see changed.


We can see the call to change the double effect of Hidden Strike so that the CC or high damage stealth-opener be a choice rather than an auto combination. It's the same type of thing, I personally think it's bad developing to tie so many things to a single skill and I also believe it makes balancing said classes incredibly difficult because the overall equation is intensely complex with so much riding on that one skill.

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Let me tell you a story.


A lone Jedi Seer runs through the forlorn halls of the Voidstar, getting back to battle from spawn point, looking for teammates to heal. Properly bubbled and everything, like her Master taught her. Suddenly... BAM!!!


Instantly recognising the dreaded, all-too-familiar sound of a Tracer Missile, the Jedi immediately casts Rejuvenate on herself (the bubble being already gone, and health bar being at about 90%), and starts channeling Healing Trance, while looking around for the source of this attack.


BAM!!! Ah, there he is. Target acquired. Meanwhile, Healing Trance finishes channeling. The Jedi quickly notes that her health bar is at 70%. Knowing that the only opportunity for her to attack her opponent is when she's at high health, she immediately fires off Weaken Mind, followed by the awesome pebble storm, known as Telekine-BAM!!!-tic Wave.


The Jedi notes that the last BAM took her own health down to 30%, meanwhile her opponent's health bar is at 90%.


She becomes aware that the next missile might kill her, and that she won't even have the time to heal herself before that happens. And she's already seeing one being prepped, so she picks her only option: an interrupt. THAT'S RIGHT, TAKE MIND SNAP TO THE FACE BASTARD!!!


She smiles noting her perfect timing, and the fact that her opponent is apparently being played by a monkey, just standing there bewildered, probably mashing '1' and wondering why nothing is happening.


Right. Time to heal up and get back in action.


Rejuvenate! Healing Trance! And for good measure, Deliver-BAM!-oh-for-GOODNESS-SAKE!!!-ance!


Right. Health bar at 70%, definitely less than she hoped for, but, high enough that it's time for another pebble storm. Dang, cooldown. Cursing heavens that put cooldowns on her only high(-ish)-damage skill (but apparently spared her opponent from the same treatment) she goes with Mind Crush instead.


BAM! 30% again!


Knowing that the next shot is going to kill her, she chooses to stun her opponent. Perfect timing! Right in time to prevent another missile from launching. Rejuvenate! And Heali..., no, cooldown. Dang. That leaves us with only Deli- no wait. Of course. He had his "get out of stun" thingy off cooldown, and is already prepping another Tracer Missile for launch. Deliverance won't even finish casting.


Thankful for her Jedi mental conditioning, which allowed her to do all that thinking before the GCD from Rejuvenate finished, she picks her only option: RUN!


Force Speed! Duck behind cover!


Huf huf! Phew! Okay, that bought her some time. Healing Trance off Conveyance! Healing Trance sure takes a long time to channel, but it was worth it! Back at 60%, wooho!




Okay, make that 10%. Was that a crit, or do they get more powerful the longer they get spammed? Now the Jedi starts to panic. Her big heals are on cooldown, she exhausted all the "get away or prevent him from doing anything" options. But! She notices that Force Imbalance debuff has finally worn off her, that means another bubble!


HA! Take that! It should be enough for at least 1 Tracer Missile, which should give her enough time for a Deliverance and then... ummm... errr... uhhhh... okay, we'll worry about 'then' later.


Bubble! YES! Her most powerful heal, with 20 seconds cooldown to pay for it, but by the Force, IS it worth it! Start casting Deliverance, noting the opponent is prepping another Tracer Missile. It will hit before the Deliverance, but, well, for goodness sake, a spammable ability can't punch through, I mean, ability with 20s cooldown, from someone trained from birth for healing and protection, he CAN'T POSSIBLY...




Oh. I suppose he can.


Respawn at Medical Center, while the 1-pressing monkey walks away with 85% health.



Yeah, the Jedi from this story is a total noob, right? Totally deserved to get facerolled?

Edited by Lelvannia
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The only time Tracer Missile spam is annoying is when there are 2 BH's doing it. But then again, any 2 AC's spamming the same attack would be equally annoying.


For those of you who get furious with Tracer Missile? Do this next time you're in Huttball:


Go to the sides of the map, and hang out near the small barricades near the Pits. Lure a BH over there. As he tries to apply Heat Signatures with his Tracer Missiles, just go to the other side of the barrier to LoS him. He will then run to your side, and start using it again.


Rinse and repeat. Did this for a solid minute earlier while killing a Sorc. Was probably the most fun I've had in a week on this game.

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It's annoying for me because i'm a Marauder.

I have 32 keys mapped and i use all of them constantly. I have 3 different defensive cooldowns, 3 "fury based" cooldowns, 2 rage builders, 1 offensive cooldown, 4 rage spenders and a lot of stuff to watch for.


Then i see that Merc spamming one single attack, and every single attack of those deals more damage than all of mine.




The other day fought an geared Merc he was hitting me for 3-4K each missile.. like ***? I can get 3-4K Annihilates but they have a long CD and a huge rage cost.

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Just like Op's and scoundrels, its pretty simple, if the developers are going to give a class a skill that is superior to every other one, or sets up most of your other skills, its a no brainer. yes, it makes the AC simple to play, but honestly, there isnt a difficult AC in SWTOR.


The only really difficult classes to play, are honestly the sith warrior classes, and there counterparts, and in reality its not that they are all difficult, its just that the rage mechanic that they use creates more issues in pvp. that said, they have significant advantages of there own, depending on what warzone they play.


that said, beating a merc 1 v 1 is simple, you force the merc to move. As soon as you have done that with an arsenal spec merc you win. If you stand and try to trade blows with him,you will lose. Most classes get a skill that acts as an interupt, use it. mercs do not get any interupts. the game has LOS, use it. TM and GR only follow a target if the target is in sight when the channel bar is full. Otherwise you lose LOS on the target.


That said, if your fighting a bodyguard hybrid merc, your pretty much ****ed. Unless your a madness specced sin/shadow, an Op or scoundrel, without burst dps you wont be able to take out a healer of any class 1v1.

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whatever. i think we can all agree that arsenal merc/gunnery comm have the lowest skillcap ever in an mmorpg.


the only way we can deal good burst is a 1.4 second cast.


I think YOU have a low skill cap for not understanding basic interrupt/LOS mechanics.

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There's more to the PVP meta game than just how "difficult" using your damage abilities are.


You can work on positioning, CCing and just overall helping your teammates. Commando/merc can toss out heals/cc and focus on good positioning so they don't get destroyed.


Let's not forget a lot of interrupts can be talented to 6-8 seconds with a 4 second lockout making it rather difficult for a commando/merc to get casts off if you're focusing him.

Edited by KhealThar
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Jedi Guardian/Sith Juggernuat


Sundering Strike/Sundering Assaslt


Range: 4m

Cooldown: 4 seconds

Strikes the target for 814 - 923 damage, and reduces the target's armor by 4% for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times. Builds 2 focus.




Bounty Hunter


Tracer Missile

1.5 seconds

Heat: 25

Range: 30m


Launches a missile at the target that deals 1328 - 1495 kinetic damage and applies a heat signature, reducing the armor rating by 4% for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times. Heat signatures leave the target vulnerable to Rail Shot.

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Other classes spam just as much but it goes unnoticed because the animations aren't as standout. No decent BH just spams tracer. If you lose to someone who just spams tracer you are a terrible player, and if I can beat you by spamming 1 button, i'm going to do it for the lulz to show everyone "hey look how bad this guy is"


What is it again exactly that Juggernauts and Guardians spam?


IIRC correctly the only ability I CAN spam without a CD is Assault, which is your level 1 ability that hits like a wet noodle. After that we come to Sundering Assault...4.5sec CD (still hits like a wet noodle) but applies a stack of armor reduction. This brings us to Force Scream which has a 12sec CD.


So yeah...can't really spam out on those Jugg/Guards

Edited by Roxiey
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