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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Worst thing about SWTOR?


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1) I don't play anymore.


2) It's called constructive criticism. Do you realize 'haters' like us are actually more beneficial to the SWTOR future, than fan boys like yourself?


Agreed on that one. I'd rather take hammerhead criticism than the fanboy defence squad, simply because it helps improve the game more.


Fanboys who 'love' the game and defend it from everything are very quick to leave once a game shows signs of 'decay'.

Edited by BrainSplatter
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horrible UI

horrible decisions - no dual spec, no lfg, WF in general, no legacy at launch etc.

auction house

clunky combat


edit - o and the reason why i quit the game is i couldnt bare to walk to an elevator - loading screen - walk - shuttle ship - loading screen - walk - elevator - loading screen - walk - ship - loading screen - fly to new planet - get off ship - loading screen - walk - elevator - loading screen - walk - shuttle ship - loading screen - planet!

Edited by Nanomancer
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It's not rocket science, my CPU is bottleneck as the game engine is garbage.

No matter what graphic settings i set there is no fps improvement, which proves my theory.

no your graphics card is where the bottleneck is "expert". or your parts are all crap and you are using an unstable overclock.


im using a 3.6 ghz oc with a 580 and my fps in fleet never drop below 30 with 200 people, with everything on high including shadows and bloom and 1080p res.


it apparently is rocket science. garbage video card.

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1) I don't play anymore.


2) It's called constructive criticism. Do you realize 'haters' like us are actually more beneficial to the SWTOR future, than fan boys like yourself?


If it is truly constructive criticism, then no, there is no problem with it.

A lot of the 'constructive critics' however believe that the game sucks, and since they cannot fathom the mere idea of other people having different opinions, so everybody that enjoys the game despite their arguments must suck as well...

People like that put me off when I see a post like this.


I like this game, I like it a lot even.

But some things that can use improvement?


Crew skill balancing.

UI Should be improved.

General bugs in quests should be resolved.


I believe they will get this right in time though.

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I play on everything max (including optimal quality set in amd control center), 1920x1080 resolution.


This game is very lacking for graphics.


And then you posted this:


Agree. Engine optimization is terrible in this game.


I thought the game was running smooth for you? Opps, you messed up again.


lol. Ok. :rolleyes:


lol indeed.

Edited by Gohlar
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You can't even quote me. I did get a new computer recently. SSD helps.


um...I edited the broken quote. Reach more.

And you're just so full of it.

First off a ssd won't fix the horrible coding.


Low res textures are gorgeous? houw bout the tiling. and the foliage draw distance.

Dood so gorgeous.

Edited by Your_dominus
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And then you posted this/;




I thought the game was running smooth for you? Opps, you messed up again.


A game can run relatively smooth and yet with substandard graphics which don't match the expected performance ratio. SWTOR has some really low textures (cutscenes excluded), and some very blocky shadows that halve the performance on some systems.


I like the game myself; I was in the beta and bought the Collector's Edition, so I'm not a 'hater'.

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Agreed on that one. I'd rather take hammerhead criticism than the fanboy defence squad, simply because it helps improve the game more.


Fanboys who 'love' the game and defend it from everything are very quick to leave once a game shows signs of 'decay'.


Like the TS?


See, I refuse to take anyone serious who has been announcing for days he's going back to WoW and cancelled his sub and then graces us with his predictions/comparison threads ad nauseam.

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Are you honestly suggesting the game can't run at 60 fps?





On the fleet is the part of your claim i took objection to. The fleet is terrible. Awful.

Try and keep up at least, while you're busy trying to be a wise azz?


LOL indeed.

Edited by Your_dominus
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1) I don't play anymore.


2) It's called constructive criticism. Do you realize 'haters' like us are actually more beneficial to the SWTOR future, than fan boys like yourself?


No, they're not. People who can remain objective and impartial are more beneficial to the SWTOR future. Either end of an extreme contains major bias that influences your observations and sways your opinions. Don't be a fanboy and don't be a hater. Just be a gamer and objectively observe both the good and the bad parts of the game.

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Onthe fleet is the part of your claim i took objection to.

Try and keep up at least, while you're busy trying to be a wise azz?


Try to keep up? You aren't even explaining yourself properly....


I'm republic, the fleet runs fine. Not sure what's wrong on your end..

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no your graphics card is where the bottleneck is "expert". or your parts are all crap and you are using an unstable overclock.


im using a 3.6 ghz oc with a 580 and my fps in fleet never drop below 30 with 200 people, with everything on high including shadows and bloom and 1080p res.


it apparently is rocket science. garbage video card.



That is interesting, cause I have a 580 too, and I sometimes DO get choppiness in the imperial fleet.


And yes, TOR is the only game I really experienced 'performance issues' in, so maybe the coding in the game isn't as flawless as some people think.


So maybe people should stop thinking in absolutes that just because they haven't seen something then it means it can't happen? Logic like that is what lead people to believe the earth was flat once.

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Because combat clunky-ness is an opinion?


You do understand ability delay has been proven, yes?


I've never experienced the ability delay that many other have complained of, maybe I'm lucky, maybe I just dont notice it, maybe i'm high on crack, but either way listing known bugs does not really qualify as constructive critisism either.


You're still not offering anything.

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No, they're not. People who can remain objective and impartial are more beneficial to the SWTOR future. Either end of an extreme contains major bias that influences your observations and sways your opinions. Don't be a fanboy and don't be a hater. Just be a gamer and objectively observe both the good and the bad parts of the game.


Exactly. I continue to play for the parts of it I like.

While hoping they change the bugs, clunky UI, bad textures, and bad foliage draw distance.


I bring up the parts I hate, and the fan boys troll, and LOL their blind heads off. It's funny :cool:

Edited by Your_dominus
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Exactly. I continue to play for the parts of it I like.

While hoping they change the bugs, clunky UI, bad textures, and bad foliage draw distance.


I bring up the parts I hate, and the fan boys LOL their blind heads off. It's funny :cool:


It's funny because you are the one who got all mad and over defensive.

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Try to keep up? You aren't even explaining yourself properly....


I'm republic, the fleet runs fine. Not sure what's wrong on your end..

If you say so wise guy.

Guess the rest of us are imagining things.


I should not be getting jutteryness and dips to 15. Yes, 15fps with a quad core @4ghz, a 69502gb, and 8gb of ram.


Stop it with the fan boy crap.


I'm still smiling at you calling TOR gorgeous. Low res textures, and chia pet foliage are gorgeous I guess.......

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