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Worst thing about SWTOR?


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It's the Wow Fan bois , that is the biggest problem with this game.


I highly doubt wow fanbois would spend 60$ on a game that they doesn't like.

Maybe they were one day a swtor fanbois but amount of issues with the game made them turn around?

Edited by Kelcior
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Worst thing about this game? The utter lack of truly alien playable races. No Rodians? No Togruta? No Mon Calamari? No Bothans? No Skakoans? No Bith? No Squibs? No Ortolans? No Duros? No Gamorreans? No Grans? No Lanniks? No Nautolans? No Sullustan?


Instead we get the same models with different skin colors, masks, some horns, and that's about it...Boring!

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#1) Lack of PVP quality


No separation of premades vs. PUGs.

No ability to opt out of queueing for a specific warzone.

Huttball in anything other than PUG vs. PUG.

Huttball lag that randomly has you hitting a key then waiting 5 seconds to actually perform the action.


#2) The nerfs.


Slicing was overdone from a mission perspective, but it was at least retained as a somewhat useful gathering profession.


Biochem tomorrow will be nerfed to be useless in Warzones (horrible when I picked it up because it was one of two Crew Skills that had PVP benefits).


I fear what will happen once they really start nerfing classes in earnest.


#3) "Space" flight


A space game with no real space flight and no real space combat. Pretty disappointing overall.



#4) BUGS Galore


Crew skills popping up on your list that you cannot use.


Nodes appearing that were the crew skill of the previous guy you had logged on.


Nodes you cannot farm.


Gray quests that cannot be dropped and prevent you from carrying more than half a dozen quests at Level 50.

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My top 10 for this sec.


1. Customize UI (seriously Rift came out with a UI that is fully customized and able to import and export to other Toons. )


2. Guild Banks (really, come on! This is a standard in all mmorpg's and its needed for guilds to grow and help each other. )


3. Guild Halls for allowing guild a place to group up and plan + social ( Add in a separate area to allow one to zone into a guild hall or house. Or create a Guild Hall + housing to allow guild members a place to feel like home)


4. Not everyone is here for PVP ( A lot of players are into the pve, crafting and social. )


5. Chat Bubbles


6. Jumping in the game ( This got be the worse I ever seen.......this subject can be a entire page)


7. Vehicles, swoops and speeders when you receive your ship. (Come on! I can fly a ship before I can learn to use a speeder...what a joke! )


8. Housing and decorating (There is something to be said when one can craft in there house, decorate there house with items from battles. Place to have social events and ect.. Anyone who has played UO, SWG and EQ2 understands. I don't leave work at night to go stand in the mall and sleep there over night, I go HOME to sleep and relax there. )


9. Lag, lag and more lag ( I don't have a crappy system and I know how to build computers)


10. Terrain rendering in the distance is terrible. They could just extended there terrain out further instead of creating the fake distance scenes. Sticking to corners, boxes and ect….

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I'd have to say the single most annoying thing about SWTOR is the community. It's filled with impatient cry babies who can't seem to recognize the single greatest thing about this game: BioWare. We have a developer who, despite what 99% of forum posters say, are very dedicated to the game and its community; they are working hard to fix the issues people are having and keep new content coming down the pipe. Yet the community continues to post threads filled with logical fallacies and unnecessary drama. That's what makes or breaks an MMO, having a good developer. Even in the face of sinister comments, empty threats, and a boat load of QQ they continue to be respectful and diligent. They keep us informed and so far they have remained calm in all situations.


I get that there are issues and I also get that you have a right to come here and bring them to BioWare's attention. However, most of you could do it with a lot more respect and a lot less sarcasm or whining. Point out the bad things about the game all you want. Just don't be such a jerk about it. Calm down and realize that BioWare is doing their best to get to all the issues and in time they will be fixed. Wording your posts to emphasize your victim mentality doesn't make BioWare read it any faster or with any more weight than any other post. Grow up and exercise some golden rule.


this but tbh i think most of the people who like the game don't really post i know i dont im to busy playing this amazing game ^^ let the haters cry all they want i know i find it funny they "quit" but they still come on the forums crying about the game

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What happend to all those SWTOR is amazing threads you used to post? I have gone back over your post history and I am not sure what to make of it. Especially all the contradictions.


I should just put in my sig, that I'm an ex swtor fanboy. I wouldn't care what anyone said about the game, I thought SWTOR was the best thing ever.


Thats all changed now that I've actually had time to play the damn game.

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You shouldn't boast about peoples inability to understand simple concepts. Especially when you've shown a keen lack of it yourself on several occassions.


You ignore posts that have valid points and troll the ones who appear like they are fanboys. I haven't seen this much bias since shadysketch or w/e that guys name is who got banned for his hate posts.


How was I boasting? I just keep telling him that he's not getting the point I'm trying to make.

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What do you think is the single worst thing about swtor?


I have a HUGE list, personally.. but if I had to name one:


Combat mechanics.. far too clunky.


Your turn :)


Being completely honest here, this is like the 5th or 6th thread I have personally seen you create just to rant/rage about the game. If you really hate it so badly, just quit, leave and never come back, quit clogging up the forums with your worthless cry sessions.

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Being completely honest here, this is like the 5th or 6th thread I have personally seen you create just to rant/rage about the game. If you really hate it so badly, just quit, leave and never come back, quit clogging up the forums with your worthless cry sessions.


He has full rights to express opinion about the game he paid for.

I though thats what are the forums for.

Edited by Kelcior
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I should just put in my sig, that I'm an ex swtor fanboy. I wouldn't care what anyone said about the game, I thought SWTOR was the best thing ever.


Thats all changed now that I've actually had time to play the damn game.


so you claim you got to level 50 before you hated the game yet you didn't have time to play it... im sorry but most of your posts are pretty bad

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so you claim you got to level 50 before you hated the game yet you didn't have time to play it... im sorry but most of your posts are pretty bad


uh, what?


Leveling was alright, fairly enjoyable. A ton of grindy quests, but it was fun.


Endgame is terrible, nothing to do, so many bugs become apparent.. leveling an alt is hell because this game is very linear.

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He has full rights to express opinion about the game he paid for.

I though thats what are the forums for.


No. You are wrong. If you were right then Bioware wouldnt keep closing each and every rage thread he starts. This place is to exchange information about the game in a CONSTRUCTIVE way. Saying "this game sucks what do you all hate the worst about it" is in no way constructive. This thread will be closed soon, just watch.

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No. You are wrong. If you were right then Bioware wouldnt keep closing each and every rage thread he starts. This place is to exchange information about the game in a CONSTRUCTIVE way. Saying "this game sucks what do you all hate the worst about it" is in no way constructive. This thread will be closed soon, just watch.


It's up to 39 pages. I think you're wrong. :)


Worse thing about SWTOR? Aside from the glaringly EVIL bugs / DCs? I'd say their end-game. It's not innovative AT ALL, it's just like (sorry to say it) WoW.


You reach max lvl and you have to do


1) PVP

2) PVE (raids, flashpoints)

3) Dailies


Can't do any of those? Go roll an alt!

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