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Is it too much to ask that MMO players act like decent human beings?


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Hostility. If I could only use one word to describe MMORPG communities that would be it.


These are games to be enjoyed. I know that fun is a subjective thing, but if you're getting bent out of shape and nerd-raging you are clearly not having a good time.


Most of you guys and gals have been conditioned to treat MMORPGs like some weird job that you have to grind out so that you can conquer the end game content to get better gear so you can conquer the next content addition.


If you aren't enjoying the journey then why are you playing? Some times all it takes is to step away for a bit and do other things. I know that you people are passionate about your hobby and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.


The problem is that you treat each other like crap. You get rude, you brow beat people who clearly just need some advice or a helping hand. You demand changes without really experiencing the game on the game's terms.


It's like being in a relationship and demanding that your significant other be more like your ex. I know that's a weird analogy but some of you are married to the MMORPG concept and you are abusive spouses. hahaha


A little bit of goodwill goes a long way.


The community of an MMORPG is a microcosm of a larger community. If we can make changes in the way we interact with each other on a small scale, maybe the goodwill will spread to other parts of our lives.


I'm not asking anyone to change the way they play MMORPGs. I'm just pleading with you guys to try to be excellent to each other and not so rude. "Wyld Stallyns" rule!



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There are usually 4 'communities' in mmo's.


You have

Hardcore - Anti-socials (Take time off work / school get max level asap then talk trash)

Hardcore - Nice guys (Same as above but actually help people / don't think they are god)


Then casuals like above that take the time to get to max level and then are either nice or just angry.


Just the luck of the draw who you fall in with..

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In the world of mass market gaming, players other than one's own real-life family and friends (and, to a lesser extent, guild mates with longer established relationships) really are like NPCs. The games are competitive, and now mass market. Both elements, when combined, lead to a hostile and alienated atmosphere, outside the pockets I just mentioned. It isn't going to change much.
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The internet's anonymity brings out the worst in people. When you don't have to worry about getting punched in the face many people forget their manners.


Also this ^ I think i have joined 4 guilds so far advertised as 'friendly pve guild' only to have people typing like they are UFC 12 times champions because they are behind a screen.

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I'm just pleading with you guys to try to be excellent to each other and not so rude. "Wyld Stallyns" rule!







I blame it on video arcades where all the games were competative and not co-op. You see there has been a blur between co-op and competation games. You have people who don't understand that MMORPG's are meant to be a micro community not a acrade game where winning is everything and then the game ends.

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I agree this game is showing some real "l33t" ***** people for no reason. Yes, we all know it's frustrating to be on a huttball team where you have those losers under 50 (like myself) not passing the ball or not doing exactly what you want. What the OP wants is what I want. Try to remember people work, have wives, go to the gym, and after all that crap, we try to cram in 30 min of gaming before work sometimes. Yes, I didn't pass the huttball fast enough -- I'm still trying to drink my coffee before having to go to work. Do we really need the extra spamming how bad my reflexes suck in general chat?


Now I gotta spend the next 8 hours reading angry boards at work while people get to take off for MLK and play. I'm the one who should be angry - grrrr :)

Edited by Baracca
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I agree this game is showing some real "l33t" ***** people for no reason. Yes, we all know it's frustrating to be on a huttball team where you have those losers under 50 (like myself) not passing the ball or not doing exactly what you want. What the OP wants is what I want. Try to remember people work, have wives, go to the gym, and after all that crap, we try to cram in 30 min of gaming before work sometimes. Yes, I didn't pass the huttball fast enough -- I'm still trying to drink my coffee before having to go to work. Do we really need the extra spamming how bad my reflexes suck in general chat?


Now I gotta spend the next 8 hours reading angry boards at work while people get to take off for MLK and play. I'm the one who should be angry - grrrr :)


Me too! ;)


I don't play enough to get every nuance of the game down. Those that do, well they either need to stick with others of their kind of get over it.


People have lives and this game is not a major part of it.

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Also this ^ I think i have joined 4 guilds so far advertised as 'friendly pve guild' only to have people typing like they are UFC 12 times champions because they are behind a screen.


I'm in a social guild that values being friendly. Have to admit, after hearing 'opps, wrong button' as the tank accidently breaks cc causing a wipe, for the 3rd time in a row, does make me slightly less friendly and think some very anti-social thoughts.

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I'm just pleading with you guys to try to be excellent to each other and not so rude. "Wyld Stallyns" rule!







I blame it on video arcades where all the games were competative and not co-op. You see there has been a blur between co-op and competation games. You have people who don't understand that MMORPG's are meant to be a micro community not a acrade game where winning is everything and then the game ends.


I used to go to Street Fighter 2 tournaments and those guys practiced the very definition of good sportsmanship.


I met a Korean guy, racial stereotypes not withstanding, who just completely destroyed me. We shook hands, said good game, then went to another machine where he proceeded to pump quarters in so that he could teach me how and why he consistently destroyed me.


After a lengthy session with that guy, I was almost unbeatable and ended up having some really good back and forth trades with him.


I lived in Arcades back then and I never once met a player who acted as poorly as MMORPG players do.


Xbox Live gets slammed for it's community, but MMORPGs consistently have poor communities and it's just gotten worse over time.


I know it's hard for some of you to get out of these bad habits that have been cultivated over the years, but MMORPG communities were not always like this.


The genre was very different in it's infancy and much more enjoyable.


The Buddha has some really great quotes. One of my favorites is:


"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world".

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Call the OP what you want but to some degree I agree with him.


I mainly play with my wife, just us 2 and companions. However I stopped and helped out a group that need a hand. Finished helping them and then was asked if I had a level 50. I said no, I have a level 28, 24, 18, 14. I am enjoying the story and just causal playing. I was then told to quit because I am too slow and must &^*% since I do not have 3 level 50s yet. I quit group but for some reason they kept sending tells, I did not respond.


It really does seem over the years that mmrpg's have become a race and not a game to play and enjoy.


Ill just go back to playing with the wife ;):)

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OP ,


Your trying to use common sense and logic in an illogic situation , game forums are like Middle school lunch rooms where Yo mam jokes are king , theres no common sense here theres agitators who predict ridicules events and theres those who react and keep those ridicules threads on the front page.


Has happened in every MMO in history and it will repeat again with the next MMO launch , Haters have been fanbois and fanbois have been haters in different forums thats why there so good at it .

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People troll on the internet because it's the only place they feel they have any control over. Likely they have a job they don't like (or can't find one), feel like their interpersonal relationships are failing or are non-existent, and they have a lot of self-hatred.


The main population of MMOs are people who, for whatever reason, prefer a virtual world to a real one. We're all a bit off in some way. Some of us more pathologically than others.


This isn't an excuse. I hate trolls. And when I run guilds, I don't tolerate it for a second. I don't invite people with a bad rep, and people who act up get kicked.

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