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The logic behind star wars needs an explenation


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Here's my question for the logic crowd.


This game takes place 3,000 years before the movies, or something like that right?


If that's the case then why do they use the same technology? Their space ships are the same, their ground vehicles are the same, same weapons, etc.


You'd think in 3,000 years they'd be able to improve their technology, but I guess not. That doesn't say a lot for the civilizations in the star wars galaxy.


Technology resets. War sometimes is good for tech discoveries but sometimes destroys just as much technology or more, than is discovered.


Star Wars is another IP where current tech is caveman'ish compared to what the Infinite Empire had eons ago.

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In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?



I laughed

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As for the question about why there are planets that are unknown, I would suggest you take a gander at the great expanses of space. I did this on AutoCAD once, I was bored and I took the units (whatever they call them) and make a scale model of our solar system. The space was massive, nothing like you would imagine.


Now, look at how many planets are astronomers calculated in our galaxy, which I believe they said 100 billion. Even if you had FTL travel, how would you be able to keep tabs on that many planets? Not possible.

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As for the sounds in space, you are correct to assume there shouldn't be any. But it's a game, why would we want to play a game without the sounds of explosions in space?


For the people saying it's gas and explosions making the noise, you need to learn a bit more physics, sound waves need something to propagate through. Therefore, it would make no sound to the person flying the ship unless they were actually in the stuff blowing up.

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As for the sounds in space, you are correct to assume there shouldn't be any. But it's a game, why would we want to play a game without the sounds of explosions in space?


For the people saying it's gas and explosions making the noise, you need to learn a bit more physics, sound waves need something to propagate through. Therefore, it would make no sound to the person flying the ship unless they were actually in the stuff blowing up.


you know this alwas bug me, sound can't expand in hard vacuum, yet they can pickup sound waves from the big bang...... so unlogical.

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How do lightsabres stop?




That's why it's a sci-fi fantasy, the laws of physics may be altered.


In my spare time I've been thinking about different ways people could actually make lightsabers (I am giant nerd). One possible way might be to get lasers of slightly different wavelengths pointing from the hilt in an isoceles triangle. There would then be a point at the end of the saber where the lightwaves start destructively interfering with one another but you wouldn't be able to see that from the side. It would just be like a laser pointer that could only go so far.


Another option might be to have super-magnetic nanoparticles quickly repulsed and attracted to a hilt with a quickly alternating magnetic field and then a strong laser emanating from the hilt that could heat the particles.


Obviously there are major issues with both designs but as a scientist I dream of the day when I can make my own lightsaber



Edited by talligan
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In my spare time I've been thinking about different ways people could actually make lightsabers (I am giant nerd). One possible way might be to get lasers of slightly different wavelengths pointing from the hilt in an isoceles triangle. There would then be a point at the end of the saber where the lightwaves start destructively interfering with one another but you wouldn't be able to see that from the side. It would just be like a laser pointer that could only go so far.


Another option might be to have super-magnetic nanoparticles quickly repulsed and attracted to a hilt with a quickly alternating magnetic field and then a strong laser emanating from the hilt that could heat the particles.


Obviously there are major issues with both designs but as a scientist I dream of the day when I can make my own lightsaber




makeing a lightsaber from Laser's i do really not recommend it, usless you wanna become a Miraluka

3 MA can already very serious

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[*]Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?


Flashbang grenades work off of a loud disorienting noise as well as a flash of light. It's quite possible, I suppose, that someone included a hypersonic element that would actually disrupt your balance of your inner ear and make it hard to coordinate your movements, looking like you were blind.


[*]Why is there sound and fire in space?


Fire is from leaking, burning atmospheres into space. Sounds are , I suspect, because George Lucas liked zoom noises. I've heard lore fluff that they are actually generated by the computers in the ships to "normalize" space combat , which would otherwise be so silent that it would be nervewracking.


[*]How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?


I'm not aware of how advanced AI is in the SWV, but its' possible to have AI with emotions without rampancy.


[*]With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?


FTL travel appears to be point-to-point, with specific mathematic locations required for translation, not merely flying around going "durh hurr, new planet"


[*]In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?


Maybe it zoomed the view out when the holo record detected your prescense?


[*]Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?


My personal theory is the high level of force energy due to the war is corrupting everyone in the Empire with the power of the darkside, much like what happened to the Rakata, and that will be their eventual downfall.

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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well, some of these really irk me.


[*]Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?

I imagine because of the 'bang' part? Or just, you know ... game mechanics.


[*]Why is there sound and fire in space?

Because people like flashy-flashy-bang-bang.


[*]How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?

The game actually explains this; droids can be programmed to have those things because some people actually like things with personality. That and in somewhere in the EU, if I recall, droids easily develop personalities as it is because of their very high intelligence.


[*]Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?

I'm under the theory that all of our characters are force-sensitive. It makes sense, if you factor in the whole 'Anakin was an awesome pilot because of the Force' thing - it would explain why we're the elite-of-the-elite and why we can hold our own against Jedi as well.


That doesn't quite match up with 'Force-sensitives become Sith. ALL OF THEM.', but eh, I guess I'll figure that out later?

Edited by Flyceratops
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Some good explanations on the undiscovered planets question.


I think it's also worth pointing out that everything in the galaxy is constantly in motion, so in addition to mapping out hyperspace routes once, they need to be updated regularly or people would end up not where they were thinking.

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SW was never intended to be "quasi-credible science fiction" like Star Trek. It's basically fantasy crossdressing as science fiction -- that is, a fantasy story and idea cloaked in sci fi garb. Therefore, you don't get too technical when looking at SW science fiction elements -- at the end of the day, the thing is mostly about folks in cloaks swinging light swords and using magic (which they even use to pilot their ships). The premium was always on excitement and visuals rather than plausibility, at all levels, really.


Star Trek was intended to be quasi-credible? Geez the stuff in Star Trek is ten times as outlandish as anything in Star Wars lol, especially the post-original series stuff.

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Question about sound in space. If you're in a ship that has an atmosphere in it (which is ideal) wouldn't you at least hear muffled sounds? Isn't sound basically just a vibration that travels through air? Even in a vacuum the vibration would still be generated, it just wouldn't have anything to interact with until it hit, for instance, the window on a cockpit.


The vibration would then transfer through the glass and continue through the air until it reached your ears.


Now that I think about it would it even be that muffled? You can generally hear through glass well enough, assuming it isn't really think, so once the sound wave reached the air in the cockpit it would be audible.


If you were in space, without a space suit, then you wouldn't hear anything since there is nothing for the sound wave to interact with.


All of this is based on zero education on the subject and just me trying to follow a logical train of thought. Anyone able to offer actual insight on this subject might be good.

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If you are going to ask that why not ask:

Why for god's sake has technology in the star wars universe pretty much ceases to advance?


I'm sorry, but doesn't this take place 10,000 years before the movies? If that's so, why is the technological level virtually the same? Surely the galaxy's needs and wants aren't met nearly at 100% level, so there is a demand for innovation and technological improvement...yet it just doesn't happen.

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If you are going to ask that why not ask:

Why for god's sake has technology in the star wars universe pretty much ceases to advance?


I'm sorry, but doesn't this take place 10,000 years before the movies? If that's so, why is the technological level virtually the same? Surely the galaxy's needs and wants aren't met nearly at 100% level, so there is a demand for innovation and technological improvement...yet it just doesn't happen.


Just over 3,000 years, actually. And because there are diminishing returns with technology.

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  • Why cant I receive messages (mail) on my ship, if not my holo communicator?
  • Why can't I bio-analyse humanoid mobs?
  • Why can my skilled Armour tech not repair the chest piece he made, but any random bar tender can?
  • Why can I seath for 15 seconds and put myself in perfect health from an epic arse-kicking?
  • Why do NPC's want every person who walks by him get the same darn security key?
  • Yea, it's best not to get caught up in science with this ;)


That's the game, as for the movies...

  • Why does every planet have the same gravity or at least there is never any notable difference?
  • Why to most (all?) planets only have 1 ecosystem?

Edited by Pinguaq
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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well,


Really? I've always thought of Star Wars as a martial arts movie.


Why is there sound and fire in space?

See almost any SF movie or TV series. Now see Firefly where there is no sound in space.


With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?


http://www.swtor.com/info/holonet/planets says there are billions of planets. Given how many ships and probe droids there seem to be and the thousands of years of spaceflight history, I struggle as well to understand how any of these can be unexplored. I guess the real answer is "becuase it makes the story cooler" (a good answer, in my opinion).


Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?

Yeah that bugs me as well.

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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well, some of these really irk me.


  • Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka? As someone else said, even if you're blind, the "bang" part still stuns them. But that doesn't matter because Miraluka still "see" the light.
  • Why is there sound and fire in space? Because the average person is dumb. They expect sound and flashiness from explosions, even if it doesn't make sense. I believe it was Firefly and a couple of other Sci-fi shows that did it correctly, and people complained that it was "strange". Blame it on the dumb people.

  • How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI? You answered the question yourself... they are AI. If they were simply walking computers, they wouldn't have a personality. But AI stands for "Artificial intelligence" which are programmed with personalities.

  • With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown? No matter if you can travel quickly, the Galaxy is still gigantic. Not to mention space hazards that make travel difficult, if not prevent it entirely.
  • In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine? His holotransceiver was stationary, and holo devices still have a "camera". They aren't always 360 degree recorders (though some in the universe are).
  • Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds? It doesn't make sense, you're right. But some people wanted it, so they added the option. You can just turn it off.


There ya go.

Edited by Sai-to
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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well, some of these really irk me.


  • Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?
  • Why is there sound and fire in space?
  • How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?
  • With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?
  • In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?
  • Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?


Easy answer -- Star Wars isn't sci-fi, it is fantasy in space. There is a big difference.

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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well, some of these really irk me.


  • Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?
  • Why is there sound and fire in space?
  • How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?
  • With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?
  • In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?
  • Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?



Sure, it's probably been repeated but:


  • BANG! Miraluka have ears.
  • Space still has sound, because although empty, sound can fill it as sound expands outwards in waves. And the fire is associated with sparks, oxygen, and others that come off of sources on a ship. Besides that, a star/sun is in space and it's full of fire, explain that logic.
  • Droids are programmed with an advanced AI? AI=artificial intelligence. And, they're given artificial feelings?
  • Because as you said earlier in space being a big, vast empty space. With everyone fighting, there's no time for exploring.
  • Sure, it's 3D...I suppose. Why not. Our 3D tech is somewhat rudimentary at the moment, but we're ever expanding it.
  • Yes, remember with what George Lucas said: Midiclorians are in everyone, they're what controls the Force. So, the more evil you get, the more the midiclorians reflect it. Even if you don't have enough midiclorian count to wield/control the Force, there's enough in everyone to reflect against them. And if you don't buy that excuse, we can always say it was a Gungan disease spread around by JarJar Binks.

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