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The logic behind star wars needs an explenation


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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well, some of these really irk me.


No. Repeat after me:


Star Wars is not and was never meant to be Science Fiction. Fiction, yes; Science, no.


* Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?


Because its not just explosives like normal flashbangs. Star Wars flashbangs are actually created by taking a dozen worlds inhabited by sentient beings, compressing them down into a handheld size, then obliterating them with some detonite. Thus, normal people are blinded by the flash, Miraluka are disabled by the sound of millions of (tiny) beings crying out, then being silenced suddenly.


* Why is there sound and fire in space?


There is no sound, the sound is artificial and created by the cockpit software to make piloting fighters in space a bit more fun. Sensors detect how much power is being used by the turrets to provide more volume/base for the pew-pew effects and uses radar to determine what sort of sound effects to add to remote explosions.


The fire is actual fire, as the onboard oxygen ignites the gasoline supplies used for hyperspace grilling.


* How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?


Because they have feelings/personality? AI is still I, even if its A, so why wouldn't you expect feelings/personality?


* With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?


With hypersonic bullets, how come there are people who still haven't been shot?


* In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?


Normal peons just walk around with the worthless portable holoprojectors. Everyone else has underground, surround-3D projectors that they refuse to share with you, ever.


* Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?


The Midichlorians are affected by your evil deeds and they begin to gather and break down your tissue. Or just make you pale. Also: They don't break down your eyes, but they turn them red. Because angry Midichlorians think that red eyes are cool.


Additional questions for the curious:


  • Just what part of the robot is my Consular crushing with 'Mind Crush'?
  • As an Assasin, I clearly put a burning hole right through Republic soldiers. Are republic soldiers genetically engineers to have their organs in their legs?
  • How do you kick a probe droid in the crotch?
  • When plunging a 60cm knife into someone's chest, why does electrifying it make such a difference?
  • Why do some people refuse to speak Basic when they obviously understand it quite well? Yeah, I know the exception about Wookiees (and probaly Trandosans). What about Twi'leks and Togruta and Nautolans?

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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well, some of these really irk me.


  • Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?
  • Why is there sound and fire in space?
  • How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?
  • With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?
  • In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?
  • Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?


1) Bang. Can't hear anything, already can't see anything, effectively disabled.


2) There isn't any sound. Nothing is stopping your ship from emulating it though, so you can use your senses for your better spatial awareness. And while there is no fire in space, the air and whatever else is leaking out of a ship can burn.


3) AI evolves just like a brain evolves. Some might even show emotion I guess. Also: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Restraining_bolt


4) Read up on the limitations of hyperdrive. It really is too complicated to explain here, but it's very limited by gravity wells, and not every system is habitable or profitable to live in either.


5) No idea about this, I imagine holo-recorder only records in one direction, and the person rotating was basically so he'd turn the camera?


6) Dunno, I don't have any evil character.

Edited by Truga
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How come knights/warriors can only force leap to a target? Why not to a datacron?


I am playing neither of these, so I don't care much... but you're right, you should be allowed to do that! :rolleyes:


Oh, while we are talking this subject, did I notice my Bounty Hunter wears this rocket backpack? I'd like to give back my speeder and drivers license, I think I got a better deal already on my back! :D

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There are teleportation devices on Belsavis, why they haven't discovered that technology after 3000 years is beyond me.


They have, but it's been outlawed as a form of mass-murder. Just because you re-assemble a perfect copy on the other end doesn't mean that you didn't just totally disintegrate that guy.

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Wizards in space.


Also, there is no proof that physical laws are homogeneous throughout the universe. We assume that the universe is 'smooth' but there is no real proof otherwise (unless we've proven otherwise in the past few years?) A galaxy far-far-away might have an entirely different set of physical laws that it obeys.


We've only managed to launch five probes that have enough speed to escape the solar system. One of them, New Horizons, hasn't yet reached the Kuiper Belt (Pluto is in the Kuiper Belt).


The two Voyager Probes are the farthest out, being inside (Voyager 1) or just past (Voyager 2) the heliosheath, and are still sending back useful data, though their capabilities are greatly degraded due to age and the resulting low power levels.


We lost contact with Pioneers 10 and 11 some time ago, but the Voyager probes were moving faster and are well past them.


How could we have 'discovered' anything about what goes on outside our solar system when our furthest probe is still right on the edge of it?


As an interesting note, the two pioneer craft, before contact was lost with them, showed evidence of an acceleration we haven't yet conclusively explained: they were accelerating toward the sun at a greater rate than our understanding of physics would predict. It's known as the 'Pioneer Anomaly', and has yet to be fully explained. There's a lot of theories, but no conclusive answer.


The Voyager probes aren't any help in answering the Pioneer Anomaly, because unlike the spin-stabilized Pioneer probes, they're thruster stabilized, and the anomaly is so small that the 'noise' introduced by the thrusters drowns it out.


New Horizons uses both: Thruster stabilization for science missions, and spin stabilization for cruise, and should be able to provide some more useful data.


So we're not even sure that we've got physics right WITHIN out solar system...

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1) Bang. Can't hear anything, already can't see anything, effectively disabled.

Miraluka don't have eyes, they use the force to see. That's why he was asking.


2) There isn't any sound. Nothing is stopping your ship from emulating it though, so you can use your senses for your better spatial awareness. And while there is no fire in space, the air and whatever else is leaking out of a ship can burn.

Between this and your sig...you play(ed) Eve I'm guessing? It works better as an explanation on there since you're wired in to the ship!

Edited by Tiron_Raptor
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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well, some of these really irk me.


  • Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?
  • Why is there sound and fire in space?
  • How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?
  • With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?
  • In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?
  • Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?

It's Fantasy. It's Space Opera. Not science fiction.

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We've only managed to launch five probes that have enough speed to escape the solar system. One of them, New Horizons, hasn't yet reached the Kuiper Belt (Pluto is in the Kuiper Belt).


The two Voyager Probes are the farthest out, being inside (Voyager 1) or just past (Voyager 2) the heliosheath, and are still sending back useful data, though their capabilities are greatly degraded due to age and the resulting low power levels.


We lost contact with Pioneers 10 and 11 some time ago, but the Voyager probes were moving faster and are well past them.


How could we have 'discovered' anything about what goes on outside our solar system when our furthest probe is still right on the edge of it?


As an interesting note, the two pioneer craft, before contact was lost with them, showed evidence of an acceleration we haven't yet conclusively explained: they were accelerating toward the sun at a greater rate than our understanding of physics would predict. It's known as the 'Pioneer Anomaly', and has yet to be fully explained. There's a lot of theories, but no conclusive answer.


The Voyager probes aren't any help in answering the Pioneer Anomaly, because unlike the spin-stabilized Pioneer probes, they're thruster stabilized, and the anomaly is so small that the 'noise' introduced by the thrusters drowns it out.


New Horizons uses both: Thruster stabilization for science missions, and spin stabilization for cruise, and should be able to provide some more useful data.


So we're not even sure that we've got physics right WITHIN out solar system...


I see your point (and I think you agree with me?), but its relatively easy to make observations about the neighboring universe. They usually do that sort of thing with telescopes to track different galaxies, measure influent radiation etc... That can tell us a lot about the physics of what's around us but that doesn't mean the physics won't change from point to point.


Edit: It seems you know more astronomy than I do so I'll bow to your knowledge.

Edited by talligan
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I cant buy that there was a 2000 year lull in technology due to war. War is one of the primary drivers of technological advancement. Look at all the crap they built during world war 1 and 2, the stuff coming out of DARPA, medical work coming out of the US Army.


World War 2 gave us the V2 which lead us straight the Apollo program, and on to the moon. Operation Paperclip is still paying off 60 years down the track. World War 1 gave us tanks. World War 2 gave us Jet Aircraft. War gave us sonar and radar.


Hell going back thousands of years in the past, the bronze, copper and iron ages all happened over a period of about 1800 years.


Still its a game...

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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well, some of these really irk me.


  • 1. Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?
    2. Why is there sound and fire in space?
    3. How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?
    4. With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?
    5. In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?
    6. Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?


1. Or droids for that matter.


2. Because nobody can seem to do a realistic silent space battle (only hearing sounds of things impacting your own hull) except 2001 A Space Odyssey.


3. This can easily unfold into a huge philosophical argument, but let's just say that I believe a person's entire personality is manifested from the brain. Meaning, I don't believe in a spirit and if you copied a human brain neuron for neuron with a computer then you would have a human being (emotions and all) in artificial form. Thus I don't think droids with personalities is unrealistic at all.


4. Can you elaborate? FTL travel doesn't mean you can teleport instantaneously. Granted in game it appears to be instant, but in Star Wars movies it's not instant. Even the closest start to Earth is still 4.37 lightyears away. This means it takes a beam of light 4.37 years to get from that star to us. So I guess it all depends on how much faster than light they are traveling. Regardless, it still takes time, which means that it is plausible nobody has explored certain areas of a galaxy because they simply haven't gotten to it.


5. Don't try to identify the science behind holorecordings. They are like the communicator badges of star trek. They work differently every time you see them :p\


6. Not sure what you're asking here.

Edited by Chevex
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Why is there noise in space?


Easy. We're hearing it from the perspective of someone in the ship, where it would make noise when a laser is fired.


Why is the fire in space?


.... uhm. It's .... force fire. Yep. Like Crossfire (the game) but ... in space, and with the force for some reason.


Most important question of all though: Why is there no all Black or White lightsaber? I think that'd be pretty awesome. Yep.


This is only true for things that impact or interact with the hull of the ship they are in. If your ship fired at an enemy ship you would only hear the sound of the shot being fired from your ship. You would not hear the shot hit the other ship or the resulting explosion because there is no medium for the sound to travel through to get to your ship.


Also, fire in space is fine. The materials being burned are fueling the fire. For instance, our own rockets in space have fire out the back because they are fueled by the rocket fuel.

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[*]Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?


Flashbangs in reality, at most they just cause a momentary blur in vision. Its the concussion that disorients you, impairing your hearing and balance.


[*]Why is there sound and fire in space?


Its primarly for immersion. Considering this not uncommon in scifi, even more so in 70's.


Though techniquely there is no "sound" in space, as sound is a pressure wave.

However from a physics point of view there are other waves in space that can interact with a ships haul converting to "sound" inside the ship if there strong enough. though such levels of radiation would be consider lethal, and the concept of a "shield" would also prevent such interaction, and it would also not sound anything like you hear in starwars.


[*]How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?


This is explained in lore, its just AI. Some droids express no emotion. also note some droids in the starwars universe are more cyborgish in nature" (such as A BT-16 spider droid).



[*]With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?


Hyperdrives dont travel through normal space, this is why you hear the term hyper lanes in starwars. Generally blind jumping is considered suicide. Thoughout the lore force guided jumps are not uncommon (but there limited to destinations with a large force pressence)




[*]Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?


Lore wise force corruption should only effect those that are force sensitive. This is just a bioware screw up/uncanon retcon.

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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well, some of these really irk me.


  • Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?
  • Why is there sound and fire in space?
  • How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?
  • With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?
  • In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?
  • Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?



The logic behind your spelling needs explanation.

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I cant buy that there was a 2000 year lull in technology due to war. War is one of the primary drivers of technological advancement. Look at all the crap they built during world war 1 and 2, the stuff coming out of DARPA, medical work coming out of the US Army.


World War 2 gave us the V2 which lead us straight the Apollo program, and on to the moon. Operation Paperclip is still paying off 60 years down the track. World War 1 gave us tanks. World War 2 gave us Jet Aircraft. War gave us sonar and radar.


Hell going back thousands of years in the past, the bronze, copper and iron ages all happened over a period of about 1800 years.


Still its a game...


There was a 1,000 year lull in technology due to the fall of the Roman Empire.

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I cant buy that there was a 2000 year lull in technology due to war. War is one of the primary drivers of technological advancement. Look at all the crap they built during world war 1 and 2, the stuff coming out of DARPA, medical work coming out of the US Army.


World War 2 gave us the V2 which lead us straight the Apollo program, and on to the moon. Operation Paperclip is still paying off 60 years down the track. World War 1 gave us tanks. World War 2 gave us Jet Aircraft. War gave us sonar and radar.


Hell going back thousands of years in the past, the bronze, copper and iron ages all happened over a period of about 1800 years.


Still its a game...


What kinds of specific advances in tech do you think SW should have? Or are you thinking that KOTOR shouldn't be as technically advanced as it is?


I do think technology reaches a point of diminishing returns where, without some major new insight or discovery, improvement in that tech are incremental. It's already predicted that without some major new process discovery, computer IC advancement will begin to violate Moore's Law within the next 5 years, for example. What if that discovery never comes? Maybe 100 years from now we'll be sitting on computers using largely the same technologies used in 2020, only really well tuned and optimized. Rather than being tens of thousands of times more powerful, as Moore's Law would suggest, maybe computers in 2120 will only be 100 times more powerful. Then maybe the computers in 2220 will be 20 times more powerful than the 2120 computers, and the 2320 computers 10 times more powerful than the 2220 computers, and so on...

Edited by Mannic
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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well, some of these really irk me.


  • Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?
  • Why is there sound and fire in space?
  • How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?
  • With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?
  • In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?
  • Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?


A lot of people have already done so, but since I'm bored I'll take a whack at them too.


First, Star Wars isn't Science Fiction, so we may as well get that out of the way. It's science fantasy.


That being said:


  • The "bang" part of flashbang. It disorients them.
  • Movie magic. If there's nothing but silence, it gets boring. People need sounds with their flashy lights.
  • They are programmed to have a personality. Cortana, Data, Terminator, R2, C3P0, most droids that have a significant role have a personality of some sort.
  • With nuclear subs and unmanned submersibles, how are there still parts of the ocean floor that aren't charted and explored? The galaxy is huge. And for an apt analogy, pretend the galaxy is earth, and FTL/hyperdrive ships are wind-powered ships.
  • Basically, yes.
  • That's how the Force works.


The biggest point to make here, is that you're confusing science fiction with science fantasy. Star Wars is D&D in space. Knights, wizards, magic, the whole bit.

Edited by Jxspyder
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  • Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?
    Balance reasons obviously.
  • Why is there sound and fire in space?
    Fire is plasma and things that have matter can burn especially when you are dealing with possible oxygen leaks and volatile materials spaceships have in them or they are made out of.
  • How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?
    Uhhh... it is an advanced form of intelligent. I wouldn't be surprised despite it being programing to possibly build some sort of personality.
  • With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?
    Galaxies are big and while you could instantly travel to every location in theory that still would take you a freaking long *** time.
  • In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?
    The holocoms look to be kind of weird and i cannot explain why it works like they do. Its starwars!
  • Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?
    Yeah I dont like this one either. Tech users shouldn't be affected by it since they aren't force sensitive.

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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well, some of these really irk me.


  • Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?
Flashbangs also disorient due to the sound concussion they emit.
Also, since all Miraluka are force sensitive - the sudden displacement of force near a flashbang may be painful to the Miraluka moreso than other force sensitives. Don't forget all the little lifeforms floating around in the air all the time. (Yes, this is a stretch)

Why is there sound and fire in space?
Venting atmosphere (hull breaches) from the interior of the ship would provide the oxygen needed to product flame and smoke.
How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?
Research into Star Wars lore please. Star Wars droids require frequent memory wipes to prevent learned emotional routines. Apparently their "AI" is capable of emotional cognitive thought.

With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?
The universe is big. One thing that TOR glosses over is the time spent traveling from one system to another. Going from a coreworld to the outer rim is not a 10 second journey - though it seems as such with how the game portrays it.
Outside the outer rim worlds is a darkness. It is referenced in minor in KOTOR1. It's not a void - they know something lives out there, it's just unknown what it is.
Tharan, the consular companion, even specializes in Exotech research. That is tech that has been found to have originated outside the known universe. It's just too far away to safely explore with current tech.

In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?
Obviously, the holo emitter has "cameras" all the way around it. You really are questioning this aspect? How about with all the technology in the Star Wars universe - why do holoconversations still look like grainy 1960s TV broadcasts? Shouldn't they be crisp, clear and in color - like Holiday is?

Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?


Well, I would have though force corruption would only apply to force sensitives but meh, minor issue.

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How do lightsabres stop?




That's why it's a sci-fi fantasy, the laws of physics may be altered.


Well, theoretically the saber creates a geometric magnetic field that gives the plasma of the lightsaber its shape and contains its heat. And this does have some backing in physics, as scientists researching nuclear fusion have been containing plasma in magentic fields for some time. However, lightsabers shouldn't "clash" the way they do as if they were solid objects.

Edited by Mannic
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