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The logic behind star wars needs an explenation


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Here's my question for the logic crowd.


This game takes place 3,000 years before the movies, or something like that right?


If that's the case then why do they use the same technology? Their space ships are the same, their ground vehicles are the same, same weapons, etc.


You'd think in 3,000 years they'd be able to improve their technology, but I guess not. That doesn't say a lot for the civilizations in the star wars galaxy.

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Here's my question for the logic crowd.


This game takes place 3,000 years before the movies, or something like that right?


If that's the case then why do they use the same technology? Their space ships are the same, their ground vehicles are the same, same weapons, etc.


You'd think in 3,000 years they'd be able to improve their technology, but I guess not. That doesn't say a lot for the civilizations in the star wars galaxy.


There are teleportation devices on Belsavis, why they haven't discovered that technology after 3000 years is beyond me.

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[*]With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?


There are about 100 billion stars in the Milky Way. Assuming the galaxy in Star Wars is about the same size, that's going to take a long, long time to fully explore. If you charted 100,000 star systems every year, it would take 1 million years to chart every single one.

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Here's my question for the logic crowd.


This game takes place 3,000 years before the movies, or something like that right?


If that's the case then why do they use the same technology? Their space ships are the same, their ground vehicles are the same, same weapons, etc.


You'd think in 3,000 years they'd be able to improve their technology, but I guess not. That doesn't say a lot for the civilizations in the star wars galaxy.


The technology actually does improve, it's just not all that physically noticeable in ship and weapon design.


A New Hope Star Destroyer would wipe the floor with several TOR Star Destroyers.


Similarly, the shape of a Destroyer (naval unit) hasn't changed a whole lot from WW2, but a modern Destroyer could destroy half a navy of WW2 Destroyers.


As an example of increase in technology, in the future Star Wars, they no longer use Kolto as a healing agent, as they discovered a better one, though the name of it escapes me at the moment.

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Here's my question for the logic crowd.


This game takes place 3,000 years before the movies, or something like that right?


If that's the case then why do they use the same technology? Their space ships are the same, their ground vehicles are the same, same weapons, etc.


You'd think in 3,000 years they'd be able to improve their technology, but I guess not. That doesn't say a lot for the civilizations in the star wars galaxy.


In theory they have... In practice, it's really, really hard to see it. In theory the newer stuff is faster, more maneuverable, more powerful...but it's essentially the same tech.


The ONE thing that's popped up in the meantime is... Planetary Shields. The lack of them is actually a major story point, though apparently nobody's thought of the idea at all yet so they don't bring them up specifically.


In contrast, Personal shield generators basically go away.


In the storyline it's really difficult to explain, especially with all the fighting that's going on. Warfare is a HUGE driver of technological innovation.


From the outside, it's pretty easy: they want it to seem like Star Wars, and it wouldn't if the tech was completely different.


As an example of increase in technology, in the future Star Wars, they no longer use Kolto as a healing agent, as they discovered a better one, though the name of it escapes me at the moment.


Bacta. it's actually already been discovered, it just isn't as popular for whatever reason. There's some stuff that kinda hints that at the moment, Kolto is more powerful, but something happens to the Kotlo production at some point that both vastly reduces the supply and weakens it, making Bacta better.

Edited by Tiron_Raptor
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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well, some of these really irk me.


  • Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?
  • Why is there sound and fire in space?
  • How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?
  • With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?
  • In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?
  • Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?


Star Wars was never meant to be Sci Fi, IMO. People mistakenly think it is because it is set in space, but that's just scenery. It has always been a fairy tale in space. Lucas made almost zero effort to justify anything in the movies scientifically. The movies don't even take place "in the future."

Edited by Mannic
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It's called a Money Sink.


Most MMOs use an 'open economy'. Unlike the real world, there isn't a limited supply of money that everyone has to share. The whole NPC side of the economy isn't even simulated: every time you get credits from NPCs, the server just whips them up out of thin air. Similarly, every time you pay NPCs, it destroys them.


If it just went on and on creating credits without destroying any, you'd get massive inflation as the money supply grew larger and larger. Games consequently include 'money sinks' to eat up cash to try to control the inflation.


In short, game mechanics. Nothing to do with the story.


I know the reason. I was just adding something that doesn't make sense from a lore perspective. Though I could make a long list about that.

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Here's my question for the logic crowd.


This game takes place 3,000 years before the movies, or something like that right?


If that's the case then why do they use the same technology? Their space ships are the same, their ground vehicles are the same, same weapons, etc.


You'd think in 3,000 years they'd be able to improve their technology, but I guess not. That doesn't say a lot for the civilizations in the star wars galaxy.




To add to the other person's input on this, I was also under the impression that constant war stagnated any real advances. By the time the Jedi Purge was done and Episode IV starts, there was a huge decline in the economies of the galaxy and just utter stagnation.




Look on the History channel or the extra discs from the Star Wars BluRay and find the Star Wars Tech episode. It'll give you more questions than answers but is interesting to know what is based on real technology and what is impossible at this time. (Lightsabers. They'd just keep going and going... lol.)

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Star Wars was never meant to be Sci Fi, IMO. People mistakenly think it is because it is set in space, but that's just scenery. It has always been a fairy tale in space. Lucas made almost zero effort to justify anything in the movies scientifically. The movies don't even take place "in the future."


It's called a 'Space Opera', and not justifying anything scientifically isn't all that unusual. It's a hallmark of soft sci-fi, of which Star Wars is one of the best exmplars.


Star Trek is also fairly soft, but at least pretends to try to make an effort at the scientific end of things. In practice it's hugely inconsistent and either violates the known laws of physics or relies on things that don't exist to work (what TV Tropes refers to as 'Phlebotinum' as a generic term). This is perhaps best demonstrated by the fact that it's known that Star Trek had tech specialists, and writers were known to put a <tech> tag where they wanted some technobabble to go(which tells you a lot about how important the details of the tech actually were to the plot).


Babylon 5 also did this, but with the human tech at least made an effort to conform to the known laws of physics, mostly. But when asked how fast Starfuries were, the creators reply was 'They move at the Speed of Plot'.

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To add to the other person's input on this, I was also under the impression that constant war stagnated any real advances. By the time the Jedi Purge was done and Episode IV starts, there was a huge decline in the economies of the galaxy and just utter stagnation.




Look on the History channel or the extra discs from the Star Wars BluRay and find the Star Wars Tech episode. It'll give you more questions than answers but is interesting to know what is based on real technology and what is impossible at this time. (Lightsabers. They'd just keep going and going... lol.)


There are two main problems with blaster and lightsaber tech (they're very, very similar, lightsabers are basically a 'frozen' blaster bolt):


the first is how the plasma is contained. The lightsabers fare slightly better on that front, because it's pretty easy to explain how the bottom of the blade is contained...what stops it at the top is the question.


The second is energy. How the heck do they store enough energy in a hand-held package to actually make that work? The storyline gets into that...a bit. It's reputed that the early lightsabers were siege devices used to cut through walls...because it required a powerpack so large it could only be carried as a backpack. This is why early jedi and sith used normal swords instead: they didn't start using lightsabers until the power packs shrunk enough to fit on their belts. Why they'd use them then I don't know, because it seems like it'd be too easy to just cut the other guy's power cord...

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[*]Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?


FlashBANG, they're REALLY loud.


[*]Why is there sound and fire in space?


Because, otherwise it would be boring.




[*]How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?

AI's actually do have feelings and personality (It's actually the goal of developing an AI). Droids are actually suppose to get frequent memory wipes in order to prevent them from developing "unstable" personalities. (like R2D2).



[*]With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?


"Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space." -- Douglas Adams,


[*]In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?





[*]Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?


Sure, why not:




Edited by Taelin
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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well, some of these really irk me.


  • Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?
  • Why is there sound and fire in space?
  • How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?
  • With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?
  • In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?
  • Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?


1. Not sure on this one, but we do know that Miraluka can "see" through the Force.

2. Because (and I've experienced this in beta) space without sound is boring.

3. Some of them have programming that mimics emotions.

4. Hyperdrives and navigation computers rely on previously-used routes. It takes time to calculate the jump to lightspeed so that a ship doesn't pass through celestial bodies, etc. In order to explore space, a ship has to make a blind jump--which is extremely dangerous. There's a whole story in the lore about ships getting lost on expeditions, and the Chiss themselves are thought to be the descendants of human colonizers who got cut off.

5. Not sure on this one either, but I imagine there's a kind of eye-tracking program built in.

6. This is something unique to video games and doesn't really show up in the lore. I agree it's stupid.

Edited by Dezzi
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Why is there noise in space?


Easy. We're hearing it from the perspective of someone in the ship, where it would make noise when a laser is fired.


Why is the fire in space?


.... uhm. It's .... force fire. Yep. Like Crossfire (the game) but ... in space, and with the force for some reason.


Most important question of all though: Why is there no all Black or White lightsaber? I think that'd be pretty awesome. Yep.

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Why is there noise in space?


Easy. We're hearing it from the perspective of someone in the ship, where it would make noise when a laser is fired.


Why is the fire in space?


.... uhm. It's .... force fire. Yep. Like Crossfire (the game) but ... in space, and with the force for some reason.


Most important question of all though: Why is there no all Black or White lightsaber? I think that'd be pretty awesome. Yep.


Fire in space is pretty nominal to be honest. Considering the things that are on fire (which means damage and hull breaches are to be expected) are full of pressurised oxygen....

Edited by aimbotcfg
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Some of what the OP posted is explained away in the lore. The tech doesn't change much in the next 2000 years because of the constant war and great expanse in the universe. Entire planets and technology are lost when some different races go crazy and star bombarding planets.


Its like a tech peak. I just accept it and move on.


There is sound in space for immersion purposes. This isn't "real life".


Star Wars is a story telling type sci fi. Similar to Doctor Who, they just use the tech and background to create a story. No one is going to spend time explaining how a lightsaber works down to the technical level.

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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well, some of these really irk me.


  • Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?
  • Why is there sound and fire in space?
  • How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?
  • With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?
  • In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?
  • Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?


Really? Out of the bajillion things that are instantly pointed out as "whaaaat?", you pick the sciency ones?


Forget Hyperdrive/FTL, forget 3D holo communicators, forget droid AI...


There's the Force. Period. Before all that other science nonsense can be broken down... there's the freakin Force. There are X-men in a galaxy far, far away.




though to be THAT guy... since it IS a galaxy far, far away... maybe physics are totally different there?



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[*]With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?


"Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space." -- Douglas Adams,


For a good example of this, examine some of the background about the space travel in Avatar, which is oddly much more realistic than average for sci-fi.


You'll find that the system they're traveling to is Alpha Centauri, the closest star system to earth at a mere 4.37 light years or so.


Despite using a lot of very fancy technology to get them there, including antimatter propulsion and the room temperature superconductor that's the entire point of the exercise, you'll also find that they spend about 6 and a half years(from the perspective of people on either planet, it's a bit under 6 onboard due to time dilation) going one way, and a full year of that accelerating and decelerating... and attain a cruising speed of 70% of the speed of light.


It takes about a year to reload and refuel the ship for the return trip, so one ship takes 14 years to go from Earth to Pandora and back.


That's the closest star system to ours, using theoretical tech we don't have to attain a speed we'd have a very, very hard time getting anywhere near right now.

Edited by Tiron_Raptor
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There's the Force. Period. Before all that other science nonsense can be broken down... there's the freakin Force. There are X-men in a galaxy far, far away.


Nerd Fail!


The Force is a permeating energy in every living thing.


X-Men are the result of uncontrolled evolution resulting in genetic mutations.



Two entirely different things. :rolleyes:

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In another MMO I play where i swing my trusty sword made of metal, I wonder some things:


How can a glowy ball of light parry or block my attack?

How do you parry a soundwave?

How does a nonliving being, IE no internal organs or fluid, bleed?



The answer to all these questions and many more is very simple: Gameplay + laziness of Devs. And in the grand scheme of things, its really not that big a deal. In the end you, as a player, just push it to the back of your mind and move on having fun playing the game you enjoy and don't worry about how some things aren't really real in a lot of circumstances.

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Wizards in space.


Also, there is no proof that physical laws are homogeneous throughout the universe. We assume that the universe is 'smooth' but there is no real proof otherwise (unless we've proven otherwise in the past few years?) A galaxy far-far-away might have an entirely different set of physical laws that it obeys.

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