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People, give SWTOR a chance!


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Honestly, for how long has this game been out? Not that long.

And haven't all mmos(and games for that part)been having bugs and stuff like that at launch?

Guess what, Bioware is working their *** off trying to sort things out, really it's to early to say this game sucks or anything or that the game will fail, Bioware need a bit time to sort out the bugs and stuff that might cause issues ingame e.t.c


Allright, the game isn't ''perfect'', no game have been at launch, and it is not WoW, and was it intended to be a wow copy as many of you claim? No, it wasen't. This is SWTOR, not WoW, and many of you complain to much, i've played on a Sith Marauder and currently allmost reaching lvl 35 but it is by no way easy(i'am not a crap player getting used to the mechanic of playing and that stuff at the moment and i enjoy the game alot), i'am sure Bioware will fix the bugs people are having and that they will expand the content but.. It's enjoyable and good imo as it as even now. Great game!


Give Bioware a chance, this is a fresh game, you can't demand the game to be absolutely perfect in all it's meanings and expect it to be as polished and filled with a game that's been out for over 6 years of updates and expansions, really you can't.


And again, this is NOT a WoW clone, it was never mean't to be that, enjoy it, have patience they will solve the ingame issues and relax, enjoy the game :)


There is no ''perfect'' game :)


Give Bioware a chance and this game will shine :D

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Just wait, all the QQ's will be gone soon.


Along with the financial incentive to keep the game servers running or? Ye I guess your right, they aren't gonna give you the major overhaul you are all hoping for I admit it's the only reason I'm sticking around but somewhere I know it's not gonna happen. :rolleyes:

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Along with the financial incentive to keep the game servers running or? Ye I guess your right, they aren't gonna give you the major overhaul you are all hoping for I admit it's the only reason I'm sticking around but somewhere I know it's not gonna happen. :rolleyes:


Clearly the entire playerbase has unsubscribed.


Bioware just keeps these forums up because they like salt in their wounds.


See you January 20th.

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Clearly the entire playerbase has unsubscribed.


Bioware just keeps these forums up because they like salt in their wounds.


See you January 20th.


You know the QQ's like to believe they represent every single player and aren't the minority of forum posters who actually only make up a very small percent of actual players.

Edited by ElementalCrisis
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I think in terms of launch, Rift was far more successful. They just didn't have enough servers but they had superior graphics, a customisable UI, a macro system and it was quite flexible to change your class roles with their customisable talent system thingy.


SWTOR seems very rigid, very few options, little in the way of customisation, classes are very static, it is expensive as hell to frequently change spec between say healing and dps and a lot of things don't work properly, there is an unforgivable amount of stuff that doesn't work remotely as it should from the obnoxiously lacking auction house system where it is hard to narrow searches down for what you are after to following not working properly, to the gazillion of little bugs which are not game breaking individually but as a whole can hurt the experience.


I want the game to work out and be a success too, i think most do. Nobody forked over money hoping it would suck. Not that I think it sucks, but they will likely lose a material number of people over the next few weeks, like some of my friends who really wanted the game to rock but think it is 6 months premature and don't want to permanently ruin their experience by playing the game in the current state.

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This game is doing great, there will always be a vocal minority on forums who like to throw their toys out the pram over every little thing but they do not represent the majority who by the looks of server populations are enjoying this game.


Bioware have made a fantastic game, yes there are bugs but i have confidence that they will be able to fix them in time, i love this game and it is by far the best new mmo imo

Edited by Lekos
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This game is doing great, there will always be a vocal minority on forums who like to throw their toys out the pram over every little thing but they do not represent the majority who by the looks of server populations are enjoying this game.


Bioware have made a fantastic game, yes there are bugs but i have confidence that the will be able to fix them in time, i love this game and is by far the best new mmo that has come out in a long time.




The servers are still packed in peak time, people in game are having fun, none of this whining and hating you see on the forums (actually it would be more correct THE forum as the other boards - like New Player or the class boards - are just fine)


Some wowkiddies are very bored,I imagine

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This game is doing great, there will always be a vocal minority on forums who like to throw their toys out the pram over every little thing but they do not represent the majority who by the looks of server populations are enjoying this game.


Bioware have made a fantastic game, yes there are bugs but i have confidence that they will be able to fix them in time, i love this game and it is by far the best new mmo imo


Ye except those aren't the people complaining.


It's funny when someone says their honest opinion, negative as it may be, there's a bunch of people posting afterwards how much they love the game and how the negative criticism is just a minority. What makes you so sure that you and the people who are actually satisfied with it, is a majority?


TBH if this game keeps running without going F2P and if they keep it as it is, graphics wise etc. It's only cuz star wars has such a massive fan base to begin with that they can keep it going at all, it has nothing to do with creating a great mmo. Cuz they didn't succeed on that part, live in denial as much as you want. It's your own money.

Edited by Blackweb
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I have to wonder how WoW even survived it's release after seeing a lot of the comments in the forums of any new mmorpg over the past few years. The early year or two of WoW were not smooth. Heck, I used to dread even patch day during the "class patch" era because it inevitably would both cause queue waits and multiple server crashes during the first few days after the patch.


My hope is that for SW there is a whole lot more population than I realize so the number of complaints and such are a very very tiny portion of the whole. WoW really needs to have some solid competition to help get mmorpgs out of the slump they've been in for the past few years. So many potential good ones have come and pretty much gone because they couldn't match up to the size of WoW. Several I personally liked a lot more than WoW but does me no good if there are no servers or people to play with.


Personally I've not run into any game breaking issues in SW yet.. keeping my fingers crossed.

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I have to wonder how WoW even survived it's release after seeing a lot of the comments in the forums of any new mmorpg over the past few years. The early year or two of WoW were not smooth. Heck, I used to dread even patch day during the "class patch" era because it inevitably would both cause queue waits and multiple server crashes during the first few days after the patch.


My hope is that for SW there is a whole lot more population than I realize so the number of complaints and such are a very very tiny portion of the whole. WoW really needs to have some solid competition to help get mmorpgs out of the slump they've been in for the past few years. So many potential good ones have come and pretty much gone because they couldn't match up to the size of WoW. Several I personally liked a lot more than WoW but does me no good if there are no servers or people to play with.


Personally I've not run into any game breaking issues in SW yet.. keeping my fingers crossed.


WoW came out a long time ago when technology was far more limited and MMO experience was not as broad as it is today. How many A grade MMOs where there before WoW?


The situation today is very different, there are tons of mmos out now and a lot of developers who have a lot of experience in this field.


If a new car manufacturer was to get into the market would you compare it to what is currently available or what Henry Ford produced in ye olden years and say give it a go because god knows the original auto mobiles had issues.


If a developer chooses to ignore the learning pains of MMOs that have come before them then they do not deserve your money blindly for their own folly. The market is a lot more competitive now than it was back then and the bar is a lot higher.


Most people will have patience to a degree but they have made some unforgivable errors, however, these errors can be fixed. The question is are they switched on enough to realise what they have got wrong to this point or not?

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Ye except those aren't the people complaining.


It's funny when someone says their honest opinion, negative as it may be, there's a bunch of people posting afterwards how much they love the game and how the negative criticism is just a minority. What makes you so sure that you and the people who are actually satisfied with it, is a majority?


TBH if this game keeps running without going F2P and if they keep it as it is, graphics wise etc. It's only cuz star wars has such a massive fan base to begin with that they can keep it going at all, it has nothing to do with creating a great mmo. Cuz they didn't succeed on that part, live in denial as much as you want. It's your own money.


I love how people will come out and defend their right to criticize the game, then explode in a shower of hate, doomsaying and miscellanous crap LOL


How self-defeating, Blackweb. How self-defeating

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I'm more than willing to give the game a chance, I'm not, however, willing to pay for it in the meantime if I'm not enjoying it.


I'm undecided atm as to whether I'll sub another month. Didn't enjoy the endgame, but getting some enjoyment leveling alts on the other faction.


What worries me in terms of how the game will develop is how restrictive the class quests make it in that they can't add anything new that allows the player to deviate from that path. As an RPG the game is great, as a MMORPG it's good, as a sub-based MMORPG it lacks the open world, the freedom, and the incentive to be able plow time into a singular character. There's nothing to go back to when you're bored of pvp and raids, and no incentive even if there were.

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