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SWTOR. Fall in love, then heartbroken.


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Ok. So now I haven't played the game for almost a week.


After hitting level 50 and getting full T2 there is not much to do. Next content patch will just add the same old thing.


There is nothing unique or intresting at end-game that other games haven't done better.


SWTOR was fun, but to me it was just a one month game. $50 for 10+ days of actual in-game play time was well worth the money.


I hope they one day expand the class missions, the storyline and things like that, things that makes a BioWare game since the current 1:1 WoW end-game is not for me, experienced it under several years already.


Well it seems like they are going to focus on this direction, the so called 'WoW end-game', which is a shame in my opinion.


The end-game offers features and mechanics that are 4 years old now, which most of us have experienced over and over, some people likes it since they know nothing else. Maybe I'm delusional for expecting some kind of BioWare miracle at the end-game stage that felt meaningful other than just a weekly task in hope of the RNG favoring your loot.




So let the personal attacks and flame commence. I'm just a customer saying I'm done being a customer come thursday, or actually since tuesday last week, haven't logged in since.


SWTOR, the journey was great, but the destination is outdated, bugridden and lacking originality.



Might be that EA's influence have killed BioWares soul, seeing as their other products keep losing that magical touch. You all know what I'm talking about, dumbing down and rushing their games to broaden their audience. Greed, aiming for maximum profit over maximum quality.


Edited by DarthBroom
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Well... thanks for sharing I guess?


It is what it is, I've been 50 for about 2 weeks now and I'm still having a lot of fun. Then again, I'm also not rushing through end game content.


I personally am excited to see the next Flashpoint, I greatly enjoyed the story told through Battle of Ilum, and False Emperor.


I'm also very excited for when they add additional class story chapters, which they will.


So I guess...have fun with whatever you do next?

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Ok. So now I haven't played the game for almost a week.


After hitting level 50 and getting full T2 there is not much to do. Next content patch will just add the same old thing.


There is nothing unique or intresting at end-game that other games haven't done better.


SWTOR was fun, but to me it was just a one month game. $50 for 10+ days of actual in-game play time was well worth the money.


I hope they one day expand the class missions, the storyline and things like that, things that makes a BioWare game since the current 1:1 WoW end-game is not for me, experienced it under several years already.


Well it seems like they are going to focus on this direction, the so called 'WoW end-game', which is a shame in my opinion.


The end-game offers features and mechanics that are 4 years old now, which most of us have experienced over and over, some people likes it since they know nothing else. Maybe I'm delusional for expecting some kind of BioWare miracle at the end-game stage that felt meaningful other than just a weekly task in hope of the RNG favoring your loot.




So let the personal attacks and flame commence. I'm just a customer saying I'm done being a customer come thursday, or actually since tuesday last week, haven't logged in since.


SWTOR, the journey was great, but the destination is outdated, bugridden and lacking originality.



Might be that EA's influence have killed BioWares soul, seeing as their other products keep losing that magical touch. You all know what I'm talking about, dumbing down and rushing their games to broaden their audience. Greed, aiming for maximum profit over maximum quality.


You get to the end of the game, then complain about not liking end-game in general. Why bother getting to end-game level then? Dont want to start another class story, or lemme guess you dont want to do the same side quests all over again, answered exactly the same as you did the last playthrough :rolleyes:


But seriously what is this miraclous end-game cure? Seriously everyone wants something different for end-game why dont you come up with an idea that radically changes end-game and we'll see how it changes from WOW end-game, which is really just killing harder boss for slightly better gear, oh WOW must of invented that.

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when people stop posting this crap on forums...i cant see it anymore..


why not..just leave?


So you would rather be shielded from the truth than actually hear it?


If people are making posts about leaving, it's probably because they REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to love this game, but it turned out having some horrible horrible mistakes, obviously cuz money needed to be saved!


They are genuinely dissapointed people, who probably love star wars and wanted to replace their other mmo with this game.


But the GFX engine is crap cuz they had to save money! The game is buggy as hell, there's one good flashpoint! ONE with actual multiplayer dialogue at lvl 10 and then it's just rooms filled with mobs up to level 50?! Which I find incredible and extremely weird, since every damn npc in this game has voice, but all flashpoints got screwed for story and MP dialogue choices?!?!


Boss mechanics... I'm lvl 41 and barely know a single one, cuz they are so poorly programmed you can hardly see what's going on as you play. You just dps like crazy and hope it goes down.


Sorry but I get him completely, they should have just made an awesome looking singleplayer game with some lan options instead of this.

Edited by Blackweb
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But seriously what is this miraclous end-game cure? Seriously everyone wants something different for end-game why dont you come up with an idea that radically changes end-game and we'll see how it changes from WOW end-game, which is really just killing harder boss for slightly better gear, oh WOW must of invented that.


That is why we are paying and they are getting payed.

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So you would rather be shielded from the truth than actually hear it?


If people are making posts about leaving, it's probably because they REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to love this game, but it turned out having some horrible horrible mistakes, obviously cuz money needed to be saved!


They are genuinely dissapointed people, who probably love star wars and wanted to replace their other mmo with this game.


But the GFX engine is crap cuz they had to save money! The game is buggy as hell, there's one good flashpoint! ONE with actual multiplayer dialogue at lvl 10 and then it's just rooms filled with mobs up to level 50?! Which I find incredible and extremely weird, since every damn npc in this game has voice, but all flashpoints got screwed for story and MP dialogue choices?!?!


Boss mechanics... I'm lvl 41 and barely know a single one, cuz they are so poorly programmed you can hardly see what's going on as you play. You just dps like crazy and hope it goes down.


Sorry but I get him completely, they should have just made an awesome looking singleplayer game with some lan options instead of this.


Some biodrones really can't listen to the truth.


More and more people are reaching endgame, to only be meet with content that they would expect in the year 2005.

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So what would you have as end-game content?


How about some massive pvp battles from the star wars movies!?


For example.

* Battle of Geonosis


Sure we can't do 20,000 vs 20,000 players.


Maybe 200 vs 200 or 500 vs 500 player battles.


This to me sounds like star wars.

*Not some warzone 8 vs 8.


Would like a server forum to organize a battle such as that, but hey bioware does not want to make it.

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