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60 valor , game objective now?


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so , when you get 60 valor , whats the point of the game?


you CANT farm WZ to get more battlemaster bags cos you cant even buy battlemaster bags

you CANT farm Ranked WZ cos those doesnt even exist

you CANT open pvp cos ilum suxs and you get 4 fps when there is more than 10 inquisitors on the screen



whats the point of this game if you like pvp?

reroll an alt? amazing alternative


any ideas?


Be the first to screenshot/fraps 100,000 player kills?

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with 4 fps how you even going to get 60 valor?


I'm doing it... um very slowly! On civil war i'm lucky to see 4fps. On huttball and voidstar i'm usually at 10-15. Ilum 6 or 7.


my motherboard died and i've been using an older system for the past week or so till replacement parts come in.

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After you gear yourself you can gear your companions? That seems to be the best route for champ/cent gear. Wait for them to change the acquisition of battlemaster bags or wait for patch 1.2... or 1.3, etc. Expansions will bring more gear and hopefully more pvp content. Ranked WZs are a step in the right direction. Except ranked Huttball... that will just be who can most effectively stack powertechs/sorcs/sins.


I had a lot of fun leveling my first char. I plan on staying subscribed for the time being. Just wish there was something to collect or achievements or something else that was interesting to do, but not FPs, WZs, or Ops. There is an acceptable amount of endgame content for an MMO launch already in the game, but when people say there isn't a lot to do I think they might be referring to activities that do not directly contribute to character stat progression.


I think Bioware has seen the popularity of their PvP. This will hopefully mean more PvP content in the future. As much as I would like them to add rankings and more maps.... I would kind of prefer something a little more out-of-the-box. Something new and interesting that wouldn't replace or compete directly with WZs and Ilum, but would complement them with fun items or cool gear/mounts/status symbols. For 1 month after launch, the game has a serviceable amount of PvP-related content. It just lacks other non-FP/WZ/Op activities that round out the MMO experience.

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so , when you get 60 valor , whats the point of the game?


you CANT farm WZ to get more battlemaster bags cos you cant even buy battlemaster bags

you CANT farm Ranked WZ cos those doesnt even exist

you CANT open pvp cos ilum suxs and you get 4 fps when there is more than 10 inquisitors on the screen



whats the point of this game if you like pvp?

reroll an alt? amazing alternative


any ideas?


You could practice working on accepting that if you play a game hard core then you are going to run out of things to do. Its much harder to create new content than it is to burn through it (barring plater generated content, but you wont get that in a themepark)

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4fps? time to buy a new system, i never go below 110 fps (apart from bugged area like inquz ship)


Inquisitor Ship aint bugged =/


Not everyone has a stellar PC. Majority are experiencing FPS drops with more then 20 players in area.


You can't get Battlemaster gear? Sorry what? Grind Battlemaster gear and wait for Ranked ladders or better wPvP. Till then you can reroll alt, making credits, enjoy other parts of game such as PvE, max professions, achievement hunt, PvP to rank 100 etc... etc...

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so , when you get 60 valor , whats the point of the game?


you CANT farm WZ to get more battlemaster bags cos you cant even buy battlemaster bags

you CANT farm Ranked WZ cos those doesnt even exist

you CANT open pvp cos ilum suxs and you get 4 fps when there is more than 10 inquisitors on the screen



whats the point of this game if you like pvp?

reroll an alt? amazing alternative


any ideas?


We Battlmasters are select and few! What we enjoy is, doing dailies then logging off and grinding our alts! Once you hit battlemaster you get a message from Bioware saying "You beat the game, congrats!"

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I remember when people PVP'd just for the sake of PVPing. Feels like people need to have a pat on the back for everything they do. Instant gratification and everyone wins culture.


Got to love it...


I agree, even the losers get medals for coming in dead last! Be the best of the best or go home!

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I remember when people PVP'd just for the sake of PVPing. Feels like people need to have a pat on the back for everything they do. Instant gratification and everyone wins culture.


Got to love it...


ya its called: Liberal Indoctrination.

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Beat both raids on Nightmare, game objective now?


you CANT farm HMs to get more purps cos you have better gear

you CANT farm new Ops cos those doesnt even exist

you CANT revisit old worlds because you've done all the quests


Whats the point of the game if you like pve?


reroll an alt? amazing alternative


any ideas?

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so , when you get 60 valor , whats the point of the game?


you CANT farm WZ to get more battlemaster bags cos you cant even buy battlemaster bags

you CANT farm Ranked WZ cos those doesnt even exist

you CANT open pvp cos ilum suxs and you get 4 fps when there is more than 10 inquisitors on the screen



whats the point of this game if you like pvp?

reroll an alt? amazing alternative


any ideas?


after me and 3 of my friends hit rank 60


we felt the same


now we are grinding alts


pretty fun doing warzones as low level premade


i suggest that

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Wow. I can't believe this. To all you people saying "You should pvp for fun, if you pvp for gear there is something wrong with you", let me explain a little something to you.


This is a totally insane, ridiculous statement. I PVP for one reason and one reason only: To better my character so I can completely dominate yours. I want the best pvp gear in the game. I want the casual player to log in, see my insane, insane amazing gear that he never has a chance to get because he has a life, and cry and moan out of jealousy. I want him to have no chance at all at defeating me, because I sacrificed having a social life to get the best gear in the game.


Nobody pvps for "fun", that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my entire life. The whole point of MMOs is you grind to get to the next step. They need to have rewards for the top 10%, top 1%, top 0.1%, and top 0.01%.


"PVP to have fun" with no rewards lol. Why not tell the Steelers to play football but there is no superbowl.


or tell Dentists to enjoy their career, but now make minimum wage.


Or tell Bioware employees to make a fun game for the joy of the people, and not their paycheck.


Everyone does things for incentive, and I sacrificed *A LOT* to be at the top of the players, and I want to feel like I'm at the top. Get it? I want to be REWARDED for having gear that is so good, I can dominate a battlefield and get 13 medals. I want more than a pat on the back, I want access to additional rewards that only I can get because I am JUST THAT OBSESSIVE.



Hardcore gamer here. To all the casual players who call me sick and say I don't have a life, etc etc etc: I own you in warzones.

Edited by Omniwing
don't want to use Wow vocabulary or I'll get flamed
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so , when you get 60 valor , whats the point of the game?


you CANT farm WZ to get more battlemaster bags cos you cant even buy battlemaster bags

you CANT farm Ranked WZ cos those doesnt even exist

you CANT open pvp cos ilum suxs and you get 4 fps when there is more than 10 inquisitors on the screen



whats the point of this game if you like pvp?

reroll an alt? amazing alternative


any ideas?


Just do the dailys and weeklys while u wait for march patch and do something else than swtor.

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I have a really hard time believing people when they say that they have:


1) Full time Job

2) School

3) Girlfriend

4) Social life


and then they are valor rank 60 with full battlemasters. At the very least, you neglected those 4 things to get where you are. Granted there was a holiday when the game came out but you didn't really have those 4 responsibilities during that holiday so I don't see how that's valid.


I PVP a lot in my free time right now and I'm valor rank 25. There is some merit to what you're saying about content, and they need to add rated WZs but really until they do you just need to admit that you're ahead of most people because you have more time on your hands.

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