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Looking for a nice rp server...like Landroval in Lotro


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I'm on an rp-pvp server and the wow thing is already happening with the community. (I still don't understand why people who are obnoxiously nonrp roll on rp servers.) Wondering if there is a good rp server like LOTRO-Landroval for me to check out. Thanks.


Devs at some point you really need to offer adults/people seeking a better community some sort of option...there are getting to be a lot of older gamers that still want to game but don't want to deal with a bunch of teenagers while doing it. (no offense to the good teens out there...I'm talking about the spoiled wow brats) This population of gamers will only grow with time as more and more gamers age. I would gladly pay extra $ per month or take an xp hit on a server that is lore/eula enforced.

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I'm on an rp-pvp server and the wow thing is already happening with the community. (I still don't understand why people who are obnoxiously nonrp roll on rp servers.) Wondering if there is a good rp server like LOTRO-Landroval for me to check out. Thanks.


Devs at some point you really need to offer adults/people seeking a better community some sort of option...there are getting to be a lot of older gamers that still want to game but don't want to deal with a bunch of teenagers while doing it. (no offense to the good teens out there...I'm talking about the spoiled wow brats) This population of gamers will only grow with time as more and more gamers age. I would gladly pay extra $ per month or take an xp hit on a server that is lore/eula enforced.


I think there was only 1 EN EU RP server on LOTRO, but I cannot remember the name, that was so rich with RPers you could LFG in the prancing pony IC. The fact that there was only 1 RP server made it possible for all RPers to be concentrated instead of being sparse between servers. You got the really good Rpers or the really bad.... (Still shuddering at the few well known elf lesbians stalking the inn and pretty much making it weird and akward for the rest of the people).


So what the devs should rally do is to make only 1 RP server if they really wanted to help the community, but unfortunately that is not going to happen at this point, too late.


Lots of people roll on RP servers because they read "RP" and not knowing what it means, they think "cool, must be something extra" lots of people do not even speak English well enough to read the RP guidelines found when you choose a server. Also RPers have friends who are strongly against RP and won't play anywhere else, so they need to drag them along (I am guilty of bringing 2 non-RP friends over my server).


I am currently playing on the RP PVE Progenitor (EU), and I haven't seen yet a casual world occurrence of RP if not for the republic fleet canteen. I Am personally very put off by the lack of speech bubbles which makes multiple conversation almost impossible to catch up, so unless they improve that aspect I will keep away from RP.

Edited by Black_Rabbit
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I am also on RP PVE Progenitor (EU) and i've seen plenty of roleplaying.

I can't say i'm a roleplayer per say, but i definitely play along if someone starts. (in short bursts)


On this server i have seen people walk (as in not run) through whole cities.

An example, I went back to Korriban on my main quest, saw a low player in trouble and helped him out. Afterwards the player bowed and and said "Thank you my Lord" (i had that title).


You know, it's little things like that which really makes me enjoy this server.. and they happend every now and again.

Edited by Jepplen
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Bioware have decided that they will not be enforcing a special ruleset for RP.

This is because they simply don't want to waste time/money entertaining all the nonsense and petty reporting that these type of servers typically attract.


at least BW is being honest about this, most MMOs promise a ruleset and then don't bother to enforce it.

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Bioware have decided that they will not be enforcing a special ruleset for RP.

This is because they simply don't want to waste time/money entertaining all the nonsense and petty reporting that these type of servers typically attract.


Ironic that you say that since RP servers communities are generally more pleasant, this is reason why lots of non RPers rolls there too.


Beside no mmo enforces RP rules simply because they expect the community to be sensible about it, it is not a RP server, it is a "Suggested" RP server, there is a slight difference.

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Bioware have decided that they will not be enforcing a special ruleset for RP.

This is because they simply don't want to waste time/money entertaining all the nonsense and petty reporting that these type of servers typically attract.


Yes, I understand your point completely. Also, I know the problems you would run into. I am not by any means a hardcore rper at all. I do like immersion however and non lore names bother me, as does general being turned into teen chat.


I would like a place where I can roll up toons and not see XskaterX spamming chat about rolling doobies and what bands he likes. You would think servers with an RP designation would be the place.


Like I say, as more and more gamers age and as younger and younger people get into mmos, smart devs are going to have to find a way to channel people into servers with like minded people.


I keep going back to LOTRO just because I love the community on Landroval server so much.


Something that might work would be having people complete a short survey at toon creation regarding gaming atmosphere they are looking for and then funnel them to suggested servers. Doesn't seem like it would be that hard to accomplish and better than people just clicking on one without reading.

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I played on Landroval for four years. Sadly, I don't think any server will ever be as welcoming and pleasant as that. I'm playing on Kath Hound and Begeren Colony and they don't even feel like RP servers.


I don't RP, but the RP crowd is generally more mature. Maybe after a few months some of these people will go back to whatever game they came from.

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My advice, as always (I really should make a macro), is -

  • Roll some alts on each server for the faction you're interested in, during the time slot you will be playing most. Some servers are more active Republic side, some more so Empire side. You probably won't see much action in the starter zones, since most people are trying to get OFF those planets...
  • Check out the "unofficial" websites for each server. Not all of 'em are very fancy yet. Read some of the posts, see what personalities you like best!
    See: Unofficial Server Forums
    Some communities are more chatty than others, some are full of SW lorehounds, some are silly, some are heavy on discussing game mechanics - et cetera.
  • Join the "OOC" channel there (it's kind of the defacto standard). Say something! Timing can be important here - the same channel that is DEAD when you log on can be completely spammy 15 minutes later. So try to start off with something salacious, such as describing how well you're polishing your lightsaber.
  • If you hear or read about a scheduled RP event, try hitting it up (this will usually require you to get to level 10, though, so you can travel).
  • Remember that when you DO visit a server, it's like sticking your hand blindly into a tiger's cage. You never know what you will grab onto. Most servers are VERY dynamic!

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Try out Sanctum of the Exalted.


We're RP. We're generally older (a lot of folks seem to be 30+).


Our FB page:




Our community forums:





The best thing you can do is probably be Republic. It's not foolproof, but there seem to be (in my completely anecdotal experience) more dunderheads on the Empire side with horrible immersion-breaking names.


Also, find a guild that makes you happy, that has RP that interests you, and turn general chat off. Or at least quarantine it in a seperate tab.



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The best thing you can do is probably be Republic. It's not foolproof, but there seem to be (in my completely anecdotal experience) more dunderheads on the Empire side with horrible immersion-breaking names.



Pfft. That is, if you can STOMACH being a "good guy" all the time.


My favorite quest Republic side is the one where you get to bet on who makes it through the mine fields. ;)

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It's not foolproof, but there seem to be (in my completely anecdotal experience) more dunderheads on the Empire side with horrible immersion-breaking names.





Dunno, I've run into a lot of 'Jedi' going out of their way to kill anything that moves, with some pretty non-canon names. And that's on an RP server. At least Darkside, if they're acting like twits, it's more IC. :D


The rest of this advice, however, is quite good.

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I saw a thread awhile back that someone created which had a lot of LoTro/Landoval users posting in it and mentioning their server...


Just searched for it (yay the search function is back!), here it is



I know some of the people who registered on our unofficial community site for Vrook Lamar have mentioned that they have also RP'd in LoTro - but I do not believe they mentioned their server name. We also have a thread up called "MMO Resume" where people are discussing past MMOs they've played and quite a few have listed LoTro on there (though some mention playing it off and on or for a short time) Maybe check it out and you will see some familiar names?


I wish you the best of luck! Feel free to check out our server community above or hop on our server and join "RP" (cjoinRP ) Not constantly active - it comes in bursts but if you ask ((oocly)) how the community/RP is you are likely to get a lot of honest responses.

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I'm also on vacation from LotRO, Landroval server. I've tried several of the RP servers (Lord Adraas, Sanctum, Kath Hound, Bergeren Colony), both sides, and have yet to really find a home... Right now I'm on Vrook Lamar, trying to decide whether to subscribe to the game, or just go back to LotRO.
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I'm also on vacation from LotRO, Landroval server. I've tried several of the RP servers (Lord Adraas, Sanctum, Kath Hound, Bergeren Colony), both sides, and have yet to really find a home... Right now I'm on Vrook Lamar, trying to decide whether to subscribe to the game, or just go back to LotRO.


We should all get together on one server and start up a group. I'm looking to start a Trooper or Agent somewhere. I just need to decide on a server.

Edited by Artharin
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I saw a thread awhile back that someone created which had a lot of LoTro/Landoval users posting in it and mentioning their server...


Just searched for it (yay the search function is back!), here it is



I know some of the people who registered on our unofficial community site for Vrook Lamar have mentioned that they have also RP'd in LoTro - but I do not believe they mentioned their server name. We also have a thread up called "MMO Resume" where people are discussing past MMOs they've played and quite a few have listed LoTro on there (though some mention playing it off and on or for a short time) Maybe check it out and you will see some familiar names?


I wish you the best of luck! Feel free to check out our server community above or hop on our server and join "RP" (cjoinRP ) Not constantly active - it comes in bursts but if you ask ((oocly)) how the community/RP is you are likely to get a lot of honest responses.



I actually played on Landroval when I played LOTRO

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I actually played on Landroval when I played LOTRO


Same, but I wasn't there for very long. I loved some of the classes, but missed my old friends back on a former MMO. It can be hard to break into a very entrenched community.


I never blame anyone, and I hate-hate-hate when people use the term "cliquey" - I don't really believe in such things. It's just folks that have become friends and developed strong familiarities/bonds with each other.


Everyone was very sweet, but if you aren't well known, it's hard to get much priority in group settings, and there was SO MUCH drama/plotting going on already, that I had very few niches to slip into!


I still kinda miss those rascals who use to hang out in Bree though. >_>

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