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Final Fight Advice **SPOILERS**


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So, I'm getting the living **** whomped out of me by Baras. The repair bills are getting a bit much, so I figured I'd ask for advice.



As a Marauder, what spec do I need to use to beat him? I'm currently spec'd Carnage. Is this the wrong PvE survivability spec? Which is the right one?


Also, do I bring my healer or my apprentice?


What interrupts can I use other than choke to deal with Emperor's Voice?


I'm doing everything I can think of, and it's just not working. I'm getting quite frustrated.


Thanks in advance!

Edited by ProdSlash
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I would recommend editing your title (Final Fight Advice) and put spoiler tags on your post as to not spoil the story for those that haven't finished it.


Being Annihilation with Quinn is definitely easier and you can always have a friend help you. He's a tough fat-***, that's for sure.


Edit: Thank you.

Edited by Kibaken
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Did the quest with lvl 47, Carnage, Quinn... some stupid aoe=> run away, low hp=> run until your hp is "healthy" enough (you are running, he is trying to cast something -> charge -> fight or when quinn didn't heal you up to 70%-100% -> slow -> run again). Edited by tehuselssbrain
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I finished this at 48 using the Rage spec. The first phase I used Jaesa and every cooldown I had. Next phase he stomped me repeatedly even with Quinn. What I did was leave the area, head back to the fleet, bought Quinn some shiny new gear/mods, and a few powerful health packs. Went back and destroyed him.
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I did it as annihilation with Vette.


Interupt his voice , its a 4 sec cast so theres plenty of time.


Kite him when the aoe is up, it does a lot of damage if you stand in it.


My biggest problem was keeping aggro, he'll aoe/voice your companion and kill them in 5 seconds if he goes after them.


I started vette on passive, and only had her start attacking once I had the first rotation of bleeds on him, as I kited him when the aoe went up, I walked him across to the other side of the room so he was well away from vette (companions wont avoid the aoe if they end up in it).

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Killed him @ lvl 48 with Quinn.

Didn't even use a medpack. But used Call of the Force on the 3rd fight.


Annihilation spec, mostly orange gear from commendations.

Just gotta interrupt Voice of the Emperor and run from bad stuff, his damage is pretty bad once you interrupt him and don't stand in ****. Also use your cooldowns when needed.

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I actually had to get a BH friend to come and help. I simply couldn't burn him down without blowing my medpacs or CDs early. That AOE he drops and force push/pulls you to and from wrecked me.


I suppose Carnage wasn't the best setup to go with. I could definitely see where kiting + DoT method would prevail easily.


Kudos to who smoked him as Carnage.

Edited by SodaOfYoda
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Ya, doable as carnage. Stay outta the red stuff UNLESS he is standing in it and channeling voice.


Interrupt voice with disrupt, choke, and force charge.


If you use quinn or other ranged class, try to set them up on one of the council thrones, to keep him off the floor, and mind your position so you dont get thrown across the room (making your companion jump down and into the middle of the room.)


I'd avoid melee classes like broonmark or jaesa (personally) cause they will stand in the red stuff and die.


GL :)

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