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Because I bought a game advertised as MMO, not a bad single player grind fest.


If you buy this game with the intent of playing it for one month of bad pve grind in a completely hollow and lifeless world, sure, you probably got your money's worth.


Anyone who bought the game expecting it to be an MMO = duped.



Read his previous post, he is exposed by his own words for what he is TROLL

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I wouldn't really have a problem with little to no end-game content, as long as the content that existed was meaningfull and somewhat hard.


It took a long time to go through MC and Onyxia that WoW started with. Getting attunements alone for some places was an epic task. Rep grinding was a little of a grind... but it felt worthwhile. Here there is nothing that gives me the feeling it is worth doing.

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Yep, it's not that. It's just your inability to grasp the issue at hand.


I honestly feel like playing Aion again, even though it was ravaged by incompetent staff, it's still vastly superior to swtor as an MMO.



/points at troll AION????? LOOOOOOL

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You know, if you don't like the game, no one is forcing you to play it.


You rolled the dice and you didn't like it, **** happens.


Of course not. Thing is, like I said, I didn't shell 60$ for a crappy single player game with a player lifespan of one month.


I'm just giving an unbiased player viewpoint of the game. If these forums were filled with only positive ooze about how a completely meaningless low level flashpoint ROCKS, then people who buy the game expecting it to be an actual MMO, will feel severely disappointed after one month.


/points at troll AION????? LOOOOOOL




I wouldn't really have a problem with little to no end-game content, as long as the content that existed was meaningfull and somewhat hard.


It took a long time to go through MC and Onyxia that WoW started with. Getting attunements alone for some places was an epic task. Rep grinding was a little of a grind... but it felt worthwhile. Here there is nothing that gives me the feeling it is worth doing.




The fact that I have zero incentive to finish the last two planets, and my story quest line, speaks for itself.


I have absolutely zero reason to do hard mode flashpoints after I already got my Biometric Crystal Alloy (which took me a majestic two runs...).


I have absolutely zero reason to do operations.


I have absolutely zero reason to do any pve whatsoever (not to mention minesweeper is about as exciting, while being more challenging).


I have absolutely zero reason to kill any world bosses.


I have absolutely zero reason to do anything but my ilum dailies and 3 won warzones.


I have absolutely no need for credits, the in-game currency, which speaks for itself.


PvP in this game is not worth playing for by itself.


World PvP = BW killed it intentionally to keep casuals from getting ganked (more $).

Edited by wixxkruppel
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Or maybe, I've been in enough MMO launches to know that they never have comprehensive end-game content till several months after launch, and therefore, didn't build up a false expectation in my mind of what the game would be like.....Nope. That couldn't possibly be it.


Which game didn't have comprehensive end-game content again? Are you going to say wow?

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How much of that is your own motivation and how much is the game's fault?


The Flashpoints are there. The Operations are there. The content is there.


If you have no motivation because you've gotten yourself into a bad rut and don't feel like playing it, how is that Bioware's fault?

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The Flashpoints are there. The Operations are there. The content is there.


Have you been to 50 yet mighty gangster?

Half the flashpoints are bugged and cannot be completed. Raid bosses need more tactics around how to avoid bugs than actually killing them. There are plenty of topics regarding these issues on the pve section of the forum, feel free to check it out.


So again, which end game content are you referring to, that is there? The endless and pointless pvp grind which has no purpose other than getting pvp gear which again aids no purpose but helps you grind better by a slight amount of stat increase?


Aah but don't worry, incentives like rated warzones are coming in 3 months. Yes, I paid for a beta that starts getting closer to the release in 3 months, whilst I pay for it because the content is there and I shouldn't blame bioware for it.

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How much of that is your own motivation and how much is the game's fault?


The Flashpoints are there. The Operations are there. The content is there.


If you have no motivation because you've gotten yourself into a bad rut and don't feel like playing it, how is that Bioware's fault?


PvE questing = credits. I have absolutely no need for credits (game design flaw). I don't have to repeat the "kill x amounts of generic zero IQ trash mobs in location x, where travel times take up 80% of the time spent on said quest" part.


Flashpoints = kill generic zero IQ trash mobs in a pipe run flashpoint, to get loot that I have no need of. More please?


Operations = read above


World PvP = dead, due to very low server population caps, zero incentive or benefit for doing it, and massive, empty areas of pure void. It probably takes me 30 minutes of sleeping on my speeder for one kill.


Twinking = since world pvp is dead, there is no way to stop xp gains, making twinking impossible.


PvP = poor framerates, three warzones, outcome decided 90% by gear, massive ability delay, lack of server forums... list goes on and on.


Crafting = there is no crafted gear better than pvp gear, credits are useless, leaving biochem 400 as the only craft of choice, and after you've got your reusable consumables, you're done. This takes like two days to achieve.


So tell me... what is there? Pointless, boring, filler content that serves no purpose whatsoever.


The best part, I have to pay a monthly fee if I want to play the game.



Edited by wixxkruppel
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Have you been to 50 yet mighty gangster?

Half the flashpoints are bugged and cannot be completed. Raid bosses need more tactics around how to avoid bugs than actually killing them. There are plenty of topics regarding these issues on the pve section of the forum, feel free to check it out.


So again, which end game content are you referring to, that is there? The endless and pointless pvp grind which has no purpose other than getting pvp gear which again aids no purpose but helps you grind better by a slight amount of stat increase?


Aah but don't worry, incentives like rated warzones are coming in 3 months. Yes, I paid for a beta that starts getting closer to the release in 3 months, whilst I pay for it because the content is there and I shouldn't blame bioware for it.


Half sounds like such a ******** statement. Like a 14 year old trying to overinflate an issue.

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Half sounds like such a ******** statement. Like a 14 year old trying to overinflate an issue.


Ah you want elaboration, do you? Sure, here you go:









I'm sure you can look around for yourself a bit more. If you still don't understand what I'm saying, I'll be as kind and personally elaborate for you which of the bosses don't work and what the bugs are. I've killed everything endgame has to offer on nightmare, except the last boss because he cannot be killed. Yes, I'm better than you but nobody cares about details. So again, from a 14year old who is over inflating an issue, what endgame content?

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And just for the record, I was a very motivated player at release.


Midway through the game, you realize the pve in this game is just garbage with VO. Every new planet feels like a chore, quests are like burdens, every flashpoint is the same. PvP is just grind with very little skill involved.


End-game, you will come to the very same conclusion that I outlined in this thread, if you have any logic at all. Game is just a money grab operation, with zero innovation or longevity. Core game mechanics are so flawed it makes you wonder if they were put together overnight in a mad rush to get the game out by december (more money for EAsy).


I honestly feel like all the money spent on this game went to the pockets of few individuals raising a mad salary, and the VO (so they could hype it for marketing purposes), thinking the glaringly obvious problems of this game wouldn't shine through until they've got their money's worth.

Edited by wixxkruppel
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Because I bought a game advertised as MMO, not a bad single player grind fest.


If you buy this game with the intent of playing it for one month of bad pve grind in a completely hollow and lifeless world, sure, you probably got your money's worth.


Anyone who bought the game expecting it to be an MMO = duped.


And you could say the same about wow, advertised as a mmorpg, but has ZERO rpg in it.

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And you could say the same about wow, advertised as a mmorpg, but has ZERO rpg in it.


If you want an RPG, play a single player RPG.


If you want an MMO, play an MMO.


This game caters to neither category. If you insist that it does, then it does so with a score of 5/10. At best, average.

Edited by wixxkruppel
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PvE questing = credits. I have absolutely no need for credits (game design flaw). I don't have to repeat the "kill x amounts of generic zero IQ trash mobs in location x, where travel times take up 80% of the time spent on said quest" part.


Flashpoints = kill generic zero IQ trash mobs in a pipe run flashpoint, to get loot that I have no need of. More please?


Operations = read above


World PvP = dead, due to very low server population caps, zero incentive or benefit for doing it, and massive, empty areas of pure void. It probably takes me 30 minutes of sleeping on my speeder for one kill.


Twinking = since world pvp is dead, there is no way to stop xp gains, making twinking impossible.


PvP = poor framerates, three warzones, outcome decided 90% by gear, massive ability delay, lack of server forums... list goes on and on.


Crafting = there is no crafted gear better than pvp gear, credits are useless, leaving biochem 400 as the only craft of choice, and after you've got your reusable consumables, you're done. This takes like two days to achieve.


So tell me... what is there? Pointless, boring, filler content that serves no purpose whatsoever.


The best part, I have to pay a monthly fee if I want to play the game.




How is that different from ANY other mmorpg out there? What do you think people do in wow? They grind new 5mans, then they grind new raids, then they do that for 6 months and repeat with the next tier released.

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How is that different from ANY other mmorpg out there? What do you think people do in wow? They grind new 5mans, then they grind new raids, then they do that for 6 months and repeat with the next tier released.


even worse, people in wow, login only at certain times, to raid, so spend 4 hours doing a mega ultra boring raid. where you can lliterally spend half the time polishing your nails, by the time boss is dead. rinse and repeat. great fun! that sure feels like a mmo?:rolleyes:

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Quick someone is having fun! Try to make him hate the game because I'm unhappy with it!


yes they want you to be miserable and bitter like them. if they would spend all the time they use to troll and to spread their poison here on forum, to actually play the game with friends.


they would be playing instead.



i've been playing swtor since beta, and im still having fun.

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yes they want you to be miserable and bitter like them. if they would spend all the time they use to troll and to spread their poison here on forum, to actually play the game with friends.


they would be playing instead.



i've been playing swtor since beta, and im still having fun.


I think most that complain just want the game to feel meaningful. For experienced MMO players they know what they want a game to be. Those that haven't played much MMO's or are just swtor fanbois don't really care about the same things.


I think it is wise to listen to oldies though. Sooner or later newer players will start to question stuff as well.

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If they would spend all the time they use to troll and to spread their poison here on forum, to actually play the game with friends.


they would be playing instead.


Actually, I played through the game WITH my friend, and I spent 80% of my time being in a group.


Doesn't fix the problem (that being bad game design), no matter how hard you try to imagine it.


How is that different from ANY other mmorpg out there? What do you think people do in wow? They grind new 5mans, then they grind new raids, then they do that for 6 months and repeat with the next tier released.


"I wouldn't really have a problem with little to no end-game content, as long as the content that existed was meaningfull and somewhat hard."


... I actually answered your question perfectly in the portion that you quoted.

Edited by wixxkruppel
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Come back when you're 50, after 100000x lines of dialogue you don't even want to hear anymore for kill x amounts of mobs in place x like the other 900 quests before it.




No, blind fanboys are pathetic.


You have to be in series self-denial (or just low level) not to realize the game is just another EA blatant money grab operation, where hype and bribing game reviewers is just business as usual.


Swtor has extremely short lifespan per player. There is zero end-game, and the game is just choke full of design choices that contribute to it. The game needs like 50% overhaul in several critical areas to make end game have a lifespan... and that's just not gonna happen.


Zero end game?




Crew skills

Space combat

Gearing up You/Companion/Ship

Daily's (Pve Quests)


Daily's PvP quests

Flashpoints (Normal/Hardmode-Nightmare(?))




I'm sure there's more, can you explain how this is no end game?

I think it even offers more than other mmorpg's out there, that's been out for years.


And 1 month after release a huge patch will give us more.


Maybe just people should consider talking to someone and find out why they sit 24/7 infront of a computer game nobody really gives a flying fu... about. Afterall, it's only a game. Do as i, play now and then.

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If you want an RPG, play a single player RPG.


If you want an MMO, play an MMO.


This game caters to neither category. If you insist that it does, then it does so with a score of 5/10. At best, average.


Seriously, be truthful. Are you saying Mass Effect isn't an RPG ?

If Mass effect is RPG swtor is RPG.


Mmo, i see plenty of people. I play with plenty of people.

More group quests during 1-50 than WoW 1-85 on all their races. combined...

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