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RNG for pvp gear is a terrible, horrible idea


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The point of the bags is to get commendations with a small chance to get gear. Not to get fully geared in a few days.... Don't worry though your whining won out. Next patch there is no longer chances to get gear, only commendations. Thanks for playing.
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The point of the bags is to get commendations with a small chance to get gear. Not to get fully geared in a few days.... Don't worry though your whining won out. Next patch there is no longer chances to get gear, only commendations. Thanks for playing.


I thought the "only commendations" thing applied to the Battle Master bags only. I didn't realize the Champion bags were effected as well.

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I thought the "only commendations" thing applied to the Battle Master bags only. I didn't realize the Champion bags were effected as well.


They aren't. The new system will make the game a grind. We'll see about as much QQ if not more as before.

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I am asking each of you to take a step back from this game. Take a moment to accurately and critically examine this game. From either a PVE standpoint or PVP standpoint.


Ask yourself why are you still playing? Is the reason you have nothing better to do? Is the reason there are no other games out? These are not good reasons to pay to play this game.


In my humble opinion, which carries no true significance, as a whole this game is completely underwhelming for a MMO. It is clear to me, and many others, that this game is a single player game with a small sprinkling of multiplayer content.


As a player I have played for 1 month, since its release. Overall the game is pathetic. Even the single player experience is pretty bad given most of the quest are absurd grind fest. I really tried to enjoy it...


PVE Raiding is boring and dull. The raids (Normal/Hardmode) are easy and can be done in level 1 PVP gear thus removing the need to do hardmode flashpoints whatsoever. The content is pathetic only offering different difficulties rather than options.


PVP is a train wreck. The list could go on and on, literally the worst pvp content in any MMO to date. Troll all you want, the lack of responsiveness, the lack of content, the lackluster attitude about fixing problems is indisputable. Random pvp gear rewards where you can literally get the same token 6 times in a row...enough said. The new changes simply make it a easy yet unbearable grind.


Yet for many of you, your subscription is still up. The only way to get the changes/game we deserve is to stand together as one voice. Not criticizing each other as "fan boys" or "trolls" but to hit them where it makes a difference, in their wallet. Everyone should end their subscriptions to show Bioware/EA that we as a community of players are not going to settle for this half-*** game.


Bioware's deliberate choice not implement the suggestions from the player community from WoW should have been the first things implemented into this game. For example: dual spec, rated Bg's, fast transit, easy grouping etc.


This is my call to action. End your subscriptions, do not reward Bioware for this travesty.

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I thought the "only commendations" thing applied to the Battle Master bags only. I didn't realize the Champion bags were effected as well.


My apologies only battlemaster bags are being affected. But still kinda makes that grind to 60 valor seem null and void compared to the grind to get enough commendations to buy gear.

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I am asking each of you to take a step back from this game. Take a moment to accurately and critically examine this game. From either a PVE standpoint or PVP standpoint.


Ask yourself why are you still playing? Is the reason you have nothing better to do? Is the reason there are no other games out? These are not good reasons to pay to play this game.


In my humble opinion, which carries no true significance, as a whole this game is completely underwhelming for a MMO. It is clear to me, and many others, that this game is a single player game with a small sprinkling of multiplayer content.


As a player I have played for 1 month, since its release. Overall the game is pathetic. Even the single player experience is pretty bad given most of the quest are absurd grind fest. I really tried to enjoy it...


PVE Raiding is boring and dull. The raids (Normal/Hardmode) are easy and can be done in level 1 PVP gear thus removing the need to do hardmode flashpoints whatsoever. The content is pathetic only offering different difficulties rather than options.


PVP is a train wreck. The list could go on and on, literally the worst pvp content in any MMO to date. Troll all you want, the lack of responsiveness, the lack of content, the lackluster attitude about fixing problems is indisputable. Random pvp gear rewards where you can literally get the same token 6 times in a row...enough said. The new changes simply make it a easy yet unbearable grind.


Yet for many of you, your subscription is still up. The only way to get the changes/game we deserve is to stand together as one voice. Not criticizing each other as "fan boys" or "trolls" but to hit them where it makes a difference, in their wallet. Everyone should end their subscriptions to show Bioware/EA that we as a community of players are not going to settle for this half-*** game.


Bioware's deliberate choice not implement the suggestions from the player community from WoW should have been the first things implemented into this game. For example: dual spec, rated Bg's, fast transit, easy grouping etc.


This is my call to action. End your subscriptions, do not reward Bioware for this travesty.


They have proved that they are listening and are slowly making progress. How does depriving them of money help the game?

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I'm gonna contribute my own experience here, to show just how unfair this system can be.

I am a massive coward. My sith sorcerer was 50 and had done just about all the PvE she could, discounting heroic flashpoints and operations, since I am on a server with precious few players and even fewer 50s.


I finally decided to give warzones a try on Saturday, as a level 50, 0 PvP experience.

It went reasonably well. I've been playing MMORPGs since '02, so I wasn't that bad at it.


By the end of Sunday, I had acquired a total of 12 bags - 2x daily WZ, 2x daily Ilum, weekly wz, weekly Ilum, 2x bags purchased with warzone commendations.

They came out with: T2 (Champ) implants x2, earpiece, bracers, leg armor, off-hand. T1 relic x1, +10 centurion commendations.


2 days of amateur PvP, 6 pieces of T2.

That can not possibly be fair to the full time PvPers, who have visited warzones throughout their entire time in the game.

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I am asking each of you to take a step back from this game. Take a moment to accurately and critically examine this game. From either a PVE standpoint or PVP standpoint.


Ask yourself why are you still playing? Is the reason you have nothing better to do? Is the reason there are no other games out? These are not good reasons to pay to play this game.


In my humble opinion, which carries no true significance, as a whole this game is completely underwhelming for a MMO. It is clear to me, and many others, that this game is a single player game with a small sprinkling of multiplayer content.


As a player I have played for 1 month, since its release. Overall the game is pathetic. Even the single player experience is pretty bad given most of the quest are absurd grind fest. I really tried to enjoy it...


PVE Raiding is boring and dull. The raids (Normal/Hardmode) are easy and can be done in level 1 PVP gear thus removing the need to do hardmode flashpoints whatsoever. The content is pathetic only offering different difficulties rather than options.


PVP is a train wreck. The list could go on and on, literally the worst pvp content in any MMO to date. Troll all you want, the lack of responsiveness, the lack of content, the lackluster attitude about fixing problems is indisputable. Random pvp gear rewards where you can literally get the same token 6 times in a row...enough said. The new changes simply make it a easy yet unbearable grind.


Yet for many of you, your subscription is still up. The only way to get the changes/game we deserve is to stand together as one voice. Not criticizing each other as "fan boys" or "trolls" but to hit them where it makes a difference, in their wallet. Everyone should end their subscriptions to show Bioware/EA that we as a community of players are not going to settle for this half-*** game.


Bioware's deliberate choice not implement the suggestions from the player community from WoW should have been the first things implemented into this game. For example: dual spec, rated Bg's, fast transit, easy grouping etc.


This is my call to action. End your subscriptions, do not reward Bioware for this travesty.


tl;dr.....but saw you were leaving with the river of tears

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this guy quit an MMO, boowoo. aside from that the pvp gearing system they have in this game is really bad.


i got to wonder how this game will turn out if at any point they said hmm.. lets give this a go?


it almost sounds like it was an office joke that some how made its way into the game i mean ***?:confused:

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Its a shame companions can't use relics I got my 4th Champion relic today. 5 Champion pieces so far and 4 of them is a relic. I was upset at the second, the third had me furious and today getting the 4th I'm completely disgusted and can't log back in.
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The only way to get the changes/game we deserve is to stand together as one voice.


You're being delusional if you think there's some kind of overwhelming agreement on what this game needs. Every suggestion is met with many people for it as many people against it. There is no consensus among the community on just about anything.


I say let BioWare make the game they want to make and let the cards fall where they may. I think MMO games a whole would do far better if they stopped trying to be everything for everyone. Not every game needs to be a swiss army knife of entertainment.

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You guys are really awful. Instead of maybe coercing him to stay or even really hearing him out you troll him, then call him a troll because he's having a hell of a time grinding. Or, you could've just ignored him completely and went on to do something else on the forums.


You people really define logic.


It's a forum, people can say what's on their minds. It's your attitudes that make people want to stay. Remember, more money for EA/Bioware = more future content.

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I am asking each of you to take a step back from this game. Take a moment to accurately and critically examine this game. From either a PVE standpoint or PVP standpoint.


Ask yourself why are you still playing? Is the reason you have nothing better to do? Is the reason there are no other games out? These are not good reasons to pay to play this game.


In my humble opinion, which carries no true significance, as a whole this game is completely underwhelming for a MMO. It is clear to me, and many others, that this game is a single player game with a small sprinkling of multiplayer content.


As a player I have played for 1 month, since its release. Overall the game is pathetic. Even the single player experience is pretty bad given most of the quest are absurd grind fest. I really tried to enjoy it...


PVE Raiding is boring and dull. The raids (Normal/Hardmode) are easy and can be done in level 1 PVP gear thus removing the need to do hardmode flashpoints whatsoever. The content is pathetic only offering different difficulties rather than options.


PVP is a train wreck. The list could go on and on, literally the worst pvp content in any MMO to date. Troll all you want, the lack of responsiveness, the lack of content, the lackluster attitude about fixing problems is indisputable. Random pvp gear rewards where you can literally get the same token 6 times in a row...enough said. The new changes simply make it a easy yet unbearable grind.


Yet for many of you, your subscription is still up. The only way to get the changes/game we deserve is to stand together as one voice. Not criticizing each other as "fan boys" or "trolls" but to hit them where it makes a difference, in their wallet. Everyone should end their subscriptions to show Bioware/EA that we as a community of players are not going to settle for this half-*** game.


Bioware's deliberate choice not implement the suggestions from the player community from WoW should have been the first things implemented into this game. For example: dual spec, rated Bg's, fast transit, easy grouping etc.


This is my call to action. End your subscriptions, do not reward Bioware for this travesty.


Most of this is your opinion of the game, did it ever occur to you that others opinions may be different to yours and infact there are many people who enjoy Swtor. I agree that PvP needs some work but from patch 1.1 you can see that BW are listening and working at making the PvP much better.


Heres my call to action end YOUR sub and leave everyone that enjoys the game to do so without your QQ, we have enough of that already.

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