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Just FYI for those saying Sentinels are broken or the lvling is difficult


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Anybody saying Sentinels are broken or that the leveling experience was rough or that the Emperor fight (final fight) is hard, cmon please guys.... I just finished the Emperor after 2 attempts and leveling was a breeze. L2P. In PvP I usually do top dmg and I rarely died while leveling by myself, I really don't see what the issues you are all having are coming from, except from yourself. Learn to interrupt everything you can, you have more than a few of them. Go Watchmen when leveling, the heals are a huge help. Always keep your dots burning as much as possible, gear up your chosen companion and keep your droid's gear strong for that last Emperor fight. GG. Sentinel is fixed, we don't need a force push or a stun, just L2P this class or go reroll a keyboard mashing BH.
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You must be blind to not see Sentinels problems. Please take a bit of your time the next time you want to rant "L2P" and actually try out one of the other classes.


This post explains it well: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=177586


I've never lost a 1v1, regardless of gear or class, while leveling up and it has continued at level 50. I don't see that as broken.

Edited by audiblysilence
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I've never lost a 1v1, regardless of gear or class, while leveling up and it has continued at level 50. I don't see that as broken.


That's because Sentinel is still the best class at 1v1. But that's pretty much it, rest the other classes do better/same with a lot less effort.


And even for 1v1, what do I know. I don't think I faced a decent player yet.

Edited by Vibeth
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"I don't have any problems with sentinel thus I'm 1337 and better then everybody else who objectively detect class problems that need to be adjusted. I shall post about it on the forums so everybody can witness my greatness even though I offer no constructive criticism of how sentinel is up to par with other classes. I shall stroke my e-peen and geek ego by jumping to conclusions from personal experience."


Instead of putting so much effort in trying to bolster your ego, maybe you should try to look at the class objectively as there are OBVIOUS problems which need to be addressed. Instead you look at the class as an opportunity to categorize this as a "L2P" issue and give yourself as an example for superior playing style... Even though you don't give any detailed info... All you say is that Sentinel is defined by 2 factors - "killingz tha emper0r and being t0p dMg" which is not the case and if you observe a class through such narrow lens, then no wonder you can not detect anything else wrong with the class.


I am tired of ignorant idiots coming here and saying "L2P" when in return they pull out some insignificant feats out of their arse as arguments. Such mind numbing threads are popping every now and then and they are all the same.

Edited by Metallistic
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I am tired of ignorant idiots coming here and saying "L2P" when in return they pull out some insignificant feats out of their arse as arguments. Such mind numbing threads are popping every now and then and they are all the same.


OPs probably tired of ignorant idiots coming here and saying "sentinel is broken" and talking about how they suck...

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OPs probably tired of ignorant idiots coming here and saying "sentinel is broken" and talking about how they suck...


Or perhaps OP is the ignorant fool? Stating Sentinels are "fine" and using arguments like "I beat the emperor" and "I top damage" and accompanied by a nice "L2P" is the worst thing he can do.


Point is, we have lower survivability and a much more complex rotation/priority with no CC and we pull the same damage as hybrid classes. We are a dps class for gods sake.


A bounty hunter can end the Warzone with same damage done except he has heavy armor, CC AND heals.


Think that's balanced? Then sorry pal, you don't seem to realize what balance means.


Hell, I can top damage charts and defeat people in 1v1, but does that mean the class is fine? Far from it.

Edited by Vibeth
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OPs probably tired of ignorant idiots coming here and saying "sentinel is broken" and talking about how they suck...
There is a difference between saying that they suck and that they are not up to par with other classes, grandmasternub.


@ Vibeth +1

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Or perhaps OP is the ignorant fool? Stating Sentinels are "fine" and using arguments like "I beat the emperor" and "I top damage" and accompanied by a nice "L2P" is the worst thing he can do.


Point is, we have lower survivability and a much more complex rotation/priority with no CC and we pull the same damage as hybrid classes. We are a dps class for gods sake.


A bounty hunter can end the Warzone with same damage done except he has heavy armor, CC AND heals.


Think that's balanced? Then sorry pal, you don't seem to realize what balance means.


Hell, I can top damage charts and defeat people in 1v1, but does that mean the class is fine? Far from it.


An equally geared and skilled bh should own you in dmg while yes still having all the perks you mention and more. Even if you are lol stomping around every 20 secs feeling elite looking at big numbers from time to time.


There is the same conversations going on over in the Mara forum. The level headed people seeing the strengths weakness of the dual light saber classes.


And the same vocal l2p noob minority you have here.

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There are always these people who use every opportunity to stroke their ego and e-jerk each other off. I bet, most of them don't even play this class competitively.

Wait for ranked PVP brackets. That should be a good indication of who needs to L2P.


Edited by Rakimou
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An equally geared and skilled bh should own you in dmg while yes still having all the perks you mention and more. Even if you are lol stomping around every 20 secs feeling elite looking at big numbers from time to time.


There is the same conversations going on over in the Mara forum. The level headed people seeing the strengths weakness of the dual light saber classes.


And the same vocal l2p noob minority you have here.


Good to see there are reasonable people on the dark side too :)

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Anybody saying Sentinels are broken or that the leveling experience was rough or that the Emperor fight (final fight) is hard, cmon please guys.... I just finished the Emperor after 2 attempts and leveling was a breeze. L2P. In PvP I usually do top dmg and I rarely died while leveling by myself, I really don't see what the issues you are all having are coming from, except from yourself. Learn to interrupt everything you can, you have more than a few of them. Go Watchmen when leveling, the heals are a huge help. Always keep your dots burning as much as possible, gear up your chosen companion and keep your droid's gear strong for that last Emperor fight. GG. Sentinel is fixed, we don't need a force push or a stun, just L2P this class or go reroll a keyboard mashing BH.


Laurelaun for you to make that claim just shows your ego is bigger than your brain the devs themselves have acknowledged the issues with the class,so you killed the emperor well so have i doesn,t mean the fight isn't bugged which it is.

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I'm doing fine as well only problem i have seen is the ability delay such as i press my saber ward it is not activating so im standing there for about 10sec until it decides to activate by then im dead




...and that awkward moment when you realize that you have forgotten to adjust Doc's skills after unmounting from your speeder and that ****er is carbonizing someone for 8 seconds while the rest of the enemy group beats the **** out of you....

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...and that awkward moment when you realize that you have forgotten to adjust Doc's skills after unmounting from your speeder and that ****er is carbonizing someone for 8 seconds while the rest of the enemy group beats the **** out of you....



Or he just stands there and doesnt dps, or heal, or anything.

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Anybody saying Sentinels are broken or that the leveling experience was rough or that the Emperor fight (final fight) is hard, cmon please guys.... I just finished the Emperor after 2 attempts and leveling was a breeze. L2P. In PvP I usually do top dmg and I rarely died while leveling by myself, I really don't see what the issues you are all having are coming from, except from yourself. Learn to interrupt everything you can, you have more than a few of them. Go Watchmen when leveling, the heals are a huge help. Always keep your dots burning as much as possible, gear up your chosen companion and keep your droid's gear strong for that last Emperor fight. GG. Sentinel is fixed, we don't need a force push or a stun, just L2P this class or go reroll a keyboard mashing BH.


Grats on killing Emp in 2 attemps....even thoe i think you maybe stretching it.....


For normal people the emp is probably the hardest fight, once i brought a healer with me i killed him in 1 attempt.

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In my dreams I have seen a vision...:

- Bioware buffs the Sent/Mara classes due to the QQ

- The ones who played the class properly and really well DOMINATE in WZ's, the ones who didn't seem to know what they were doing, the "bads" do really well, topping or at least coming in second on the WZ damage charts

- A FLOOD of QQ from all the other classes washes over the forums from General, Classes, and even the Sents/Mara sub forums

- Bioware is forced to swing the nerf-bat at the Sents/Mara after a couple months ( a slight nerf mind you, they're still better than now), during that time the butthurt people who played the other classes unsub

- They also un-needlessly buff the other classes

- Sents/Mara so upset about not being godly unsub

- Subs start to decline as ppl flee SWTOR

- SWTOR "fails"


Heroes! Help save SWTOR from the same fate countless mmo's before it has shared! YOU have the power to change the future! To save Star Wars! The fate of the universe rests on you....

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Point is, we have lower survivability and a much more complex rotation/priority with no CC and we pull the same damage as hybrid classes. We are a dps class for gods sake.


A bounty hunter can end the Warzone with same damage done except he has heavy armor, CC AND heals.


sooo what youre saying is because you can't 1button win the class is UP? Sents are fine as is. Yes the stutter/delay meeds to be fixed but outside that theyre fine dude.


Swtor has done an amazing job balancing. There is no end all dps. Sure the balance isn't prefect but have you played any other mmos? This is probably the most balanced I've ever seen.


Cry more dude. If you want to be tanky healy dps go play a commando. If you want to play a jedi with two glowsticks then shut up and play.

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This OP looks like an idiot. "Hey guys I beat emp 5 secs flat no joke 0 attempts lawl L2P scrubs"


Sentinel is a good class, and it is hard as hell to play. However, there are some issues with our survivibility and flexibility that need to be ironed out. And no, it is not just an "L2P scrubs" issue.

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